Why are there no realistic WW2 games?
Why are there no realistic WW2 games?
because holy shit this looks dumb as hell
Define realistic
Here's as close as you'll get per genre (only games I know of)
Shooter: Post Scriptum
Tactical level Strategy: Graviteam Tactics or Steel Division
Operational level Strategy: Gary Grigsby's War in the East/West/Pacific
this looks like a lot of fun.
At first I thought it was towing emaciated bodies
I only wish for a WW2 game not from the standpoint of Murrica. Italians, Germans, Nipnongs, Belgians, Yugoslavs...anything would be fine
>No realistic German reserve army simulator with bunk and leave gameplay.
>Gmod 1943 Berlin "Serious" roleplay
>Only thing military does is training and guarding the garrison wall for some reason.
>Every event is either out of character deathmatch or the Allieds are invading.
>People can't speak a single sentence without inserting a meme into it.
>Military can't be given leaves because they would somehow end up getting angry at some tax paying German citizen and shoot them.
Atleast the military afk spot was moved indoors and made to look like a mess hall so they are kinda like roleplaying even when they are away.
I really like Hell Let Loose
Yeah that one looks good but I don't buy early access titles. Gonna get it when it's done though.
probably bump as hell
Modded Silent Hunter with 100% realism. Of course it's still nothing like reality but it's one of the most hardcore sims out there.
>>Gmod 1943 Berlin "Serious" roleplay
One of my friends does nothing but play that for 14 hours a day. I don't get it.
Tiger coming soon, GI
>Combat mission
>Theatre of war
>Modded MOW AS2
>HOI before 4
>SD2 (to some extent)
>Gates of hell (upcoming)
>Red orcestra 2
>arma + mods
>hell let lose
>all of those shit games that arent realistic at all
When you play as a citizen it's like DarkRp in but it's okay to scream 'nigger'.
When you play as military you often get to see mysterious cases, such as a senior enlisted man being told to do an aboutface and the enlisted man having like a 2 minute delay, thenturning around and then pulling out his rifle and shooting his officer in his face.
When you play Resistance or Mafia you get to stroke your ego by getting epic roleplay pew pew bang bang kills because Thompsons are OP and you don't have an officer forcing you to keep the marching formation while being shot at.
Also I forgot to mention that on the server I play on, nurses are the only females in Berlin even though you would think there would be alot of women on the homefront. Some say It's because they don't want to have erotic roleplay on the server, some say because there are like only 2 real life women on the server.
I'm gonna debunk this crap.
1.Random deathmatch is not allowed on the server either but they haven't removed guns.
2. Staff should deal with erotic roleplay just as with any other reported rule breaking.
3. Underage players keep offering me blowjobs in-character and moaning into their mics while playing as male citizens which proves that female playermodels aren't the problem.
4. Germans are a minority of the playerbase but about 98% of the characters are German.
5. There has been less Swiss players on the server than we have had females on the server but they still have a Swiss embassy.
Only good reason to not have women in Berlin is that there aren't period correct playermodels on the workshop.
Name one yourself COH 2 faggot.Or shut up.Thats the closest you will get.
industrial grade autism
you THIS mad i insulted your shit games?
Codename: Panzers phase one and two features German, Italian and Yugoslav campaign as well. It's one of my favorite childhood games and it's absolutely unbiased.
How realistic?
War thunder and War of Tanks have ww2 tanks if you're into that.
Thats close to realistic games,dosen't mean theay are great.Meanwhile you haven't named one yet u trash talk.Contribute lazy fuck.
Fuck imagine getting shipped away thousands of miles in shitty conditions off to the fucking wilderness just to get your arm blown off so you die a painful death bleeding out in the middle of nowhere and end up nothing more than some statistic
I mean fuck what were all these guys thinking when they eagerly signed up for this
most were drafted,user
I'd say a large portion of those lads had no other choice.
In times of war armies aren't exactly a volunteer service.
Steel Division's territory domination mechanics are garbage and rarely make sense.
You know what's dumb? Sucker-punching everyone and the complain about getting ganged for it.
Why are there no games where you save private ryan?
>folding and ironing uniforms
Tiger is going to be ridiculous. The Panther is already a menace if it isn't being driven by one guy or 3 retards, that shit is going to be the ultimate defensive weapon.
Codename Panzers Phase One and Two are amazing, but the AI is terrible, especially when you try to navigate with vehicles in city maps.
Media always makes them eager to go for it whether drafted ot not, always seems like vietnam was the first time people actually said "fuck I actually don't want to go get gunned down by foreigners across the world."
I wasn't there of course so I don't really know how much of "gee I can't wait to go fight in the army so bad I'm gonna lie about my age to get in" stuff is true.
any game that has the consumption of an MRE as setpiece?
>WW2 game
>USA and UK are lumped together as one faction
>German protagonist is not a nazi and damn ze Führer and in some way involved in the July 20 plot
>USSR is a reinterpretation of "Bad Dudes at Entrance" and "Asiatic Hordes"
Fuck WW2, give me Korea.
>still no WW2 game where you play as the good guys
It's not dumb if it works.
>Red Orchestra
>Darkest Hour
>Resistance & Liberation
because the bad guts won the war
>find out about Spring:1944
>get excited
>manage to set everything up
>find out it's nearly dead
Nazis were worse than commies.
>WW2 thread
>still no "Jews control the world through mass media" conspiracy horseshit posts
Please let's keep it this way. I am actually interested in WW2 vidya.
>tfw no Korean war era flight sim game
>tfw no 4 engine bombers in new IL-2 and a Dresden map
>looks dumb as hell
this looks ingenious. from a gameplay standpoint it's no different then being in any other transport vehicles.
imagine being an infantry and you have to walk/run everywhere you go for fucking miles everyday and then your superior said. "what if we high in these "logs" for concealment?"
are you gonna say no?
>WW2 multiplayer game
>everyone stacks the Axis team with names like SS Obersturmanngruppenfuhrer Hans Schmidt and spams German marching songs at the end of every match
fucking wehraboos
I bounced off this game a few times within the first 10 or 20 minutes of play, but after I broke through that wall I found it surprisingly intuitive. Unfortunately Operation Star keeps crashing on me in every battle, and Mius Front's campaigns don't seem as good.
What side are you more interested in? I'm a big fan of the simulator type titles, I just wish we had a good tank sim
Hitler doomed Europe and the world in general by giving up jews their ultimate victim trump card.
What else would they do?
Fuck the Midwest is a boring shithole NOW at the height of the information and consumerist age, imagine how unbelievably dull it was in the late thirties at the height of the Great Depression and during the dust bowl. Getting shot in the hedgerows sounds downright attractive compared to dying of amphetamine overdose at age 30.
>muh nazis and muh commies
>muh right and left
international banks are the real enemy and problem not the arbitrary right vs left they created to trap you in.
Because war is boring and dreadful and videogame is fun and energetic for most people. The consequences you face in a game merely change your mood for no more than a few minutes at best while those who suffered from war have to deal with the consequences for their entire life, whether dead or alive.
t. useful idiot
>I just wish we had a good tank sim
Panzer Elite as long as you can get over the dated graphics.
it isnt a conspiracy, the guy who owns most media corporations is a kike
>tfw no post credits cutscene of a WW2 american vetran getting murdered by niggers
DCS has Mig-19s and Sabres, but you probably knew that. That game desperately needs a dynamic campaign of some sort. It feels so directionless despite the top tier modeling of most of the planes.
I've heard there's a really good Korean War era mod for IL-2 1946, but I haven't tried it.
you are dumb as hell
Mius front campaigns are alot better and bigger, and some GTOS campaigns are also being ported to it. The only great thing about Operation star was the cold war campaigns and they already ported the angola one to mius front.
Red Orchestra is pretty gud despite the harsh learning curve same thing for the vietnam one
I really can't, Spotting being a huge part of these games and having dated graphics really impacts on it for me
Also here's some krauts getting smoked
What's the tactical advantage here? Why don't the men just side inside the car instead?
Total death toll vastly disagree.
Torture and atrocities in their respective camps disagree.
(Since some people got the "honor" of being freed from German's ones only to end up in the commie's ones, so we got actual comparison testimony).
Literally, the only way you consider Nazis to be worse is if you only care about jewish lives.
The DCS MiG 15 and Sabre are amazing but the game has nothing else of that era. Plus the 2 planes aren't even their Korean War versions, they're much later ones.
Lmao stay seething
It's only realistic if you don't shower for 8 weeks
what car, faggot?
forgot to mention that as well.
Trying to argue that one was worse to support the other is a moot point. Personally I prefer the Soviet aesthetic but both the USSR And NSDAP Germany were turbo niggers bent on conquering europe and both are rightly gone
t. game journos
Germans killed as many Poles as Polish jews.
If you want full real type stuff, Steel Fury Kharkhov 1942 is pretty good. If you're not married to WW2, Steel Armor: BoW is even better.
Personally I find multiplayer integral to a good tank experience, so I like Post Scriptum and HLL tanking more than anything.
I'll have to give it a second look. The WWII scenarios I tried didn't seem as engaging at first glance, and I didn't like the UI as much for some reason. Haven't checked out any of the cold war campaigns yet.
>Total death toll
Are you seriously trying to form an argument by comparing six years of a war started by nazis and 80 years of Soviet rule? You're a fucking retard.
I wonder how Enlisted will turn out.
The premise is similar to Red Orchestra, but players also have AI squadmates with them.
>dude just build more motorized vehicles
Tell that to the Germans lmao
the difference is that people died in the USSR due to indirect causes and starvation and the policies of Joseph Stalin, the Soviets didn't have some written code to kill people unlike the Nazis who's main message was to exterminate "lesser races" to make way for the "superior race". This is like saying cars are more dangerous than drugs because they kill more people on average. Cars kill people in accidents or misuse, drugs are addictives with very dangerous side effects.
Honestly, the AI thing seems like a big turnoff. Mandatory bots in a pvp multiplayer game always feels janky as fuck. Also has there been any news about it since the announcement?
I've already tried SABOW and loved it. I've bought the IL-2 tanks expansion and I'm hoping that it turns out good. I've worked with the devs and they've got a good track record with the current gen of IL-2 so I'm hopeful it's a good product
You know, as a side note, I've always wanted a WW2 game which is basically an RPG. Maybe you play a single squad-leader or a single Panzer commander, trying to survive the war. Sort of like Garth Ennis's Battlefields comics.
Amazing, here have a Sir Arthur "Bringing the Sun to the Hun" Harris meme.
>Gaijin Entertainment
It's gonna be shit
>inb4 some neo-Nazi asshole who can't distinguish between reality and fantasy derails the thread with extremely anti-Semitic comments
Interesting concept, wonder if it will actually release.
Mostly engine-related stuff.
It's at gamescom this year, so maybe we're getting new info.
>muh Holodomor
You are aware that the Holodomor happened in the 80 years of Soviet rule that I mentioned?
Also, more Ukrainians died under 3 years of German occupation than under the Soviets throughout the entire lifespan of the Soviet Union. Educate yourself you brainlet.
Yeah, just like I said. Indirect causes. Kulaks killed farmers and strike breakers to protest Soviet collectivization and tried to enforce small-scale capitalism and slaughtered all their livestock in a panic and ended up starving. The Soviets didn't show up with death squads and herd everyone and gas them in camps. You're gonna have to be more creative than this.
>6 years of war
... you do know that Hitler got into power in 1933, right ?
Or are you one of those good goy who think he popped out of nowhere and started camps and war as soon as Nazi got into powers ?
And feel free to make the total death tool on only this period for the USSR, commie still come out largely ahead in people tortured & killed.
Because players generally want to play as "the good guys" in shooters, which for WW2 means the Axis Powers. I really do wish we had a realistic WW2 game about working at Auschwitz though, helping the POW's survive typhus with regular delousing
Check out Armored Commander. It's a WWII tank roguelike based loosely on ASL solitaire. Or if you're a real big dicked daddy, you can play actual ASL solitaire on vassal.
Gulag system
Low budget but looks promising
>throws buzzwords he heard on documentaries
kill yourself.
You're right, Europeans started doing death camps 6 years before Hitler's autism crusade on their own.
Holodomor killed literally as much people as holocaust alone, if not even more. Kinda makes your argument mute, you retard.
Starvation of Ukraine wasn't and "indirect cause" of death. It was a very deliberate action.
If you're playing the Atlantic campaign. US Navy subs had showers in them
I caved in and downloaded war thunder and paid for 1month of premium..
How could wwii vehicle games evolve, apart from physics of running through buildings and shit.
>again something that existed in the 80 year lifespan
You're a brainwashed neonazi who keeps proving my point. Kill yourself.
Wherever I fly, I must destroy Germans
Genrikh Yagoda by himself genocided more people than Hitler.
And he was only a second rate USSR executive.
War Thunder is fucking trash and you've made a huge mistake
real communism has never been tried
>Holodomor killed literally as much people as holocaust alone, if not even more.
More like the other way around. The holocaust took more lives than the holodomor.
Oh nice, a WW2 threa--
>Ctrl + F
Fuck this thread.
Because our record of the real wwii isn't realistic.
>WW2 video games thread
>cringe wehraboo arrives to defend hitler
yeah, im out. enjoy your shitty thread before it 404's
>takes like half an hour to shoot down a fucking 109 at low speed
lol get good faggot
Another man of taste
Multiple people per vehicle, imo. I don't think its feasible for a game that thrives on pubs, though.
>6 million AT MOST
Kill yourself, or at least go back to lefty/pol/, fucking revisionist.
>muh strawman
Good Banderigger, shill more for your nazi overlords and you may get some extra potato skin and less beatings for being such a good untermensch.
How about you shut the fuck up before i destroy your fucking face you hopeless imbecile
it was all going fine until someone called attention to the lack of shitposting.
The holocaust took at least 11 million lives. I can't tell anymore if you are uneducated or a blatant liar.
You seem to be suffering of some sort of psychosis my friend
I only uttered words, it is you who went completely ballistic
Maybe it's telling of something?
Combat mission is not realistic? Are you retarded? It uses real stats for vehicles, units, timing delays for support like artillery or air support. Even line of sight is calculated from the eyes/port holes of the units, and that's in a huge scale with hundreds of units.
>People actually arguing the fine points of who was worse
>People aren't just being glad that games let you crush G*rman skulls
>check wiki
>early life
>feel brain growing another inch
>if I shill more for my nazi overlords I may not get gassed today
Generalplan Ost is a Jewish conspiracy to make the nazis look bad!
Yet another "the Holocaust never happened despite volumes of decades of documented evidence" thread
Holocaust was 6m jews, 5m others. The jew number is almost certainly inflated but the more telling figures is how they ignore all the other deaths.
Most people on both sides of the debate simply focus on the Jews, everyone else caught up in it is simply an afterthought.
Yea Forums is the new /pol/
WW2 Online is still going
Is it the oldest running MMO yet?
>Total death toll vastly disagree.
12 years vs 80 years
not video games
Yeah, sorry da joos messed with my mind a bit. People keep repeating the 6 gorillion as a meme so much, it get's etched into your brain.
But there is.
You need to stop hating so much my friend, it's not good for the heart
I'm flying an IL-2 laden with rockets, bombs and 23mm cannons so yeah I'm gonna be a fat fuck who has issues pointing the nose
That's a Blitzkrieg mod?
Fuck Untermenschen amirite
How would a game where you play as nobody work?
Let's stop talking about Jews for a moment.
Can we talk about how a tiny nation made of snow and lakes wrecked the everliving fuck out of the most powerful army in the world at the time?
The nazis would have depopulated the subhuman genepool that you are part of if they won.
No but same engine.
>most powerful army in the world at the time?
More like the most inflated baloon in the world.
Oh yeah that's true.
It'd fit in a small mp game, 12v12 with mixed infantry and vehicles.
How is it trash?
So tell me, what drives you to keep on going?
Is it perhaps because your popularity with your already established peers in real life depends on it?
Or perhaps for a loved one?
doesnt count, you can play as the axis in every RTS and every WW2 game that has multiplayer, but a singleplayer/coop axis game doesnt exist
You mean that nation that lost and eventually got cucked for decades with a forced on foreign policy and forced neutrality?
Is that Black Sea?
Imagine being this passive aggressive after running out of arguments.
>World of tanks
Holy fucking shit. Its like saying Mario is an accurate biography of Benito Mussolini.
Which Close Combat became free again?
>How is it trash?
The game modes have been the exact same shit since 2013. The tanks are balanced poorly and arbitrarily, the maps suck, the grind is crippling and the playerbase is retarded.
It's basically just World of Tanks but they hide the HP bars. The entire game is a skinnerbox designed to crush you into quitting ot paying vast sums of money to alleviate the grind
>but a singleplayer/coop axis game doesnt exist
it was literally mentioned in this thread
name it
Id rather crush some S*viet ones.
Are you retarded? It's pretty much only braindead tier FPS games in which you can't play as Axis forces, and naturally that's because those are marketed towards idiots.
Silent Hunter, IL-2 Sturmovik Steel Fury,
3 games with singleplayer campaigns where you can play as Axis forces, and to boot they even cover all 3 branches of the German military so you can LARP as a loser to your hearts content
Aggressiveness? When have I ever been aggressive in our reply chain?
I'm just a humble user trying to see what makes your people tick, so now please answer the previous question
probably none of the 3D ones
I gladly crush both. Just WW2 games never have scope where I can do both, so I crush Germans in my WW2 planes and then I smack slavs in my post war jets
I'll name you 5, rest you can find on your own retard
Blitzkrieg 1 and 2
CoH 1
Axis n Allies
Graviteam Tactics
>>volumes of decades of documented evidence
Said evidences being :
>Testimonies talking about an holocoaster in the middle of Auschwitz, execution of little boys by excessive masturbation and rooms with giant knives coming out of the wall to chop people alive
>The Nuremberg trial, that got called "an insult to fair trial" by the US supreme court of that time, that knowingly attributed well known commie crimes to Germany (Katyn and many other), whose charter literally said that the accusation can make up whatever they want, and whose US soldiers in charge of security admitted that most confessions were obtained under torture.
Such evidences, much wow.
"Holocaust is the most documented crime in history" is nothing but a slogan, and a laughable one.
those dont count
We saved Europe's ass in WW2
And now Europe laughs at us for "being fat"
Europe deserves to burn to the ground eternally
World War II Online
The graphics are even from 1943
You don't get to decide that
Well that goes for any mmo, the grind.
I don't see myself getting to the "end game" of this. That's inhumane.
>We saved Europe's ass in WW2
You saved nothing. Commies did all the actual grinding-away-the-german-army work.
You literally only showed up to try and steal the last kill.
Any country with a fragile ego deserves to be destroyed
And you don't get to decide anything in life
Learn how to use the word "literally" you ugly Europoor in-bred fuck
I'm not the retard asking for games, then telling people that nothing counts when he's recommended games
You mean ro2 and hell let loose
Also foxhole where you can be a crane operator
Stay mad German cuck