He doesn't play Alliance

>He doesn't play Alliance
>He doesn't want all the cuties in his group

Care to explain yourself?

Attached: wowkoreart.jpg (1280x960, 482K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing cuter than femtrolls and femorcs

Femdwarf > all. This is fact.

Attached: image0.jpg (3046x1093, 364K)

>playing with a bunch of fags and trannies

If you dont play either orc or troll youre a fucking faggot

>He plays a subscription based game that released 15 years ago.
Care you explain yourself?

Femorc with blue eyes and black ponytail is peak female

Attached: WoW Waifu Tier List.png (936x560, 265K)

It's the best version of wow


Anyone else stuck Horde cause that's what their friends are doing? I wanted to do a female Human Paladin and suck people off in Goldshire, then give them a buff after.

Attached: hansen.png (621x936, 924K)

QTs are exactly why I'm playing Horde.

Attached: 1565544968873.png (600x600, 137K)

>He plays

You got a problem, bub?

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I've never played WoW, so I could be wrong, but don't you need to pay like $10+ per month on top of actually buying all the stupid fucking expansion packs? Don't they also let you purchase a max level character?

Attached: never pay.jpg (879x670, 185K)


Classic will be playable without buying the stupid newest meme expansion or any extra, just the $10 monthly sub

If you're talking about modern WoW, then you need to buy the latest expansion pack and then a monthly subscription. It also comes with a free month if it is a new account.

And yes, they let you purchase a max level character.

What everyone is talking about currently is Classic WoW, which is only $15 a month with no box price and no level boosts or microtransactions of any kind. The $15/mo is excessive, but trust me - it serves an important purpose: gatekeeping. It keeps out the riff raff.

You buy the latest expac and you get all the old ones with it, but honestly it's not worth it. Playing now is a waste since everyone knows everything, already have their friends and guilds, made for streamers now, and bots...lots of bots

Except that inflation doesn't really count towards video games, as you can find plenty of video games for under 20 bucks less than a year after the game launches, especially if you wait for a sale.

The last game I actually paid more than 30 bucks for was NieR Automata, and that's because I ordered the Black Box Edition.

You are underestimating how many people are going into classic with absolutely no idea what they are doing.
There are going to be plenty of clueless tards running around just like the old days

>$15 a month
A dollar per month for every year it's been out? That's beyond excessive. It's offensive. I will never understand people willing to pay a subscription for games.

It provides so many hours of gameplay that for many people it's worth it.

Well, that'd be because you're the exact type of person it's designed to keep out. If you are too much of a kike to pay $15 to play your favorite game and to help support continued development of it + server upkeep, you are probably too much of a kike to be fun to hang out with.

It's how you keep all the mtx kiddies out.

a group with no undead female is not a cute group.

Attached: forsaken.jpg (1407x1920, 1.67M)

stop being poor

Imagine being such a gud goy paypig for big daddy blizzard.

I'd also like to add that the second MMO's stopped using the $15/mo + boxprice option, they started getting horrible, cancerous microtransactions and pay to win shit right up the ass.

I would happily pay $15/month if the alternative is something like ESO where they shove their shop down your throat every time you log in, or a game like Black Desert where every aspect of the game is pay-to-win. You can say what you want about WoW, but at least nothing you buy helps you perform better, even in modern WoW.

t. manlet

Unironically, have sex

only stinky 3rd worlders complain about the subscription fee
it's the price of a decent lunch at a mediocre restaurant but instead of a burger you get a month of video games
huhuehuehuhuehueues NOT welcome

those faces are off putting and ugly, ill take real monsters than weird ugly girls



Attached: Maiev.jpg (1596x864, 157K)


Go hump a deer, knife ear treehugger.

>He plays WoW
>He plays MMOs

Attached: 1510854546182.png (640x600, 614K)

>If you're too much of a kike to pay $15 to play your favorite game.

I liked NieR so much that I preordered the Black Box Edition of NieR Automata. I believe it cost around $300. The difference between my purchase and yours is that I don't have to pay another penny to keep playing it.


Attached: my-image.png (1064x653, 537K)

>pay $300 for a game you'll put a few dozen hours into
>this is a good deal
>pay $15 a month for a game you'll put thousands of hours into
>this is too expensive

Attached: what-4chan-crys-out-during-sex1.jpg (500x462, 66K)

>pay $300 for a game you'll put a few dozen hours into
I've put about 250 hours into it. I put about double that into NieR, which I got for 25 bucks. I don't mind paying a premium for something I love, but I damned well better own it and be able to play it whenever I want without more investments.

>250 hours
That's nothing compared to how much time people put into mmos. The cost is justified because of how much you can play it.

>female dwarf : D
>female pandaren: G
Pleb-tier shittaste desu.

>A never-ending cost can ever be justified

>15$ a month
>Conservatively, 4 hours a day of playing for even average players
>120 hours a month
>15$ for 120 hours
Math checks out by a longshot, the typical formula is 1$ for 1-2 hours of entertainment in a video game for savvy buyers. That's not even counting retards who'll drop 40$ on a 12 hour game.

>I've put about 250 hours into it.
How much of that time was spent looking up 2B's skirt?

>Conservatively, 4 hours a day of playing for even average players
That might be conservative for new players, but it's not once you get a few months in. They might play 16 hours a week once the novelty wears off.

Not much. Just enough to get the trophy. I don't find 2B overly attractive (I loathe short hair), plus you don't really have to look up the skirt if you self-destruct, as it just blows the skirt off.
