Enemy can steal items from you

>enemy can steal items from you

Attached: 14087D414E8310521D.jpg (540x419, 58K)

>enemy can wield your weapon after he kills you

>goes straight to Gamestop

haha what does a duck need a buck for? silly goose



>petting flea infested birds

>what does a duck need a buck for?

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He's fallen on hard times after losing his job as spokesduck for Aflac

Attached: monkeydog.webm (720x720, 1.88M)

>you can steal items back
>Stealing does damage
>Accidentally kill enemy
>Don't get item back

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Attached: 1531767545807.jpg (1520x2032, 679K)

For his bills.

>Stealing does damage
Name 3

>enemies can wrap up winter

Attached: pepe glasses.jpg (641x530, 36K)

Why are monkeys like this?

Man, early 2010s were a precious time.

>enemy can backstab you


isn't this a Japanese thing

Is this what braap posters are like?


Attached: 654.png (1184x392, 426K)

That monkeys a pro just look at that quick finger sniff and then turning his back like he know nothing about this

Golden Axe, actually a pain in the ass when you were a potion short of full power cast.

>you can steal the enemies horse cock

Attached: vVkoPPU.gif (250x250, 992K)

You’re alright.



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hitler was very likable

Attached: standard japanese greeting.gif (400x259, 2.42M)

Monkeys are basically evolved niggers.

Attached: Monkey Trouble.webm (540x360, 2.93M)

Any FF where you can upgrade Steal to Mug.

>enemy has 100 charisma

Attached: I WISH THAT WERE ME.png (1621x999, 1.38M)

This shit always reminds me that beneath the air of intelligence and superiority, we're all just a bunch of dumb animals with weird urges we can't control

Lol got me

Did she want him to do it?

damn that precision

that monkey had done that before

that's fucking creepy fuck niggers and FUCK monkeys

You only need to get drunk with other people to know this.

I can control my urges.
I must be more than just an animal.

>the way he aims his hand perfectly before inserting


notice how she is laughing about it and has no angry look on her face? she actually liked it and would want more. dude shouldn't have run away like a coward.

Would that actually hurt the monkey, slamming into the glass like that?

Are you retarded? Could you not actually tell it was a staged video?