what are your thoughts on DMCV? did it live up to your expectations?
What are your thoughts on DMCV? did it live up to your expectations?
It's great.
It mostly lived up to or exceeded my expectations. Story isn't perfect but it's not awful by any means.
Semi-disappointed by the lack of an official turbo mode, Legendary Dark Knight Sparda, or a boss rush (that includes every single boss).
DLC when?
it was pretty awful
Yes. It did actually up to them for the most part. gimmi Trish, Lady, and Vergil and it will be beyond.
needs more levels where you can pick which character to play as, make some levels longer, add more extensive co-op/online play, and more comprehensive ranking results since S is relatively easy to achieve (bringing back SS would be a good move). But otherwise, it exceeded my expectations and is the best game of the year. Probably the best game I've played for a lot longer than that, actually.
No, unfortunately. Too much V, too little thematic coherence, King Cerberus doesn't have the same feeling of impact as Cerberus; feels like you're slapping the enemy than hitting them with a weapon. Most of the weapons feel like this for me, in fact.
V is cool I want him in another games
>entire game about vergil
>no vergil
>make character thats vergil but not actually and plays completely different
>entire game about Vergil
>not Nero
Dante and Nero were fantastic.
V fucking blows, and I resent the devs for putting in missions where I'm forced to play as V, because getting S ranks as V is boring and I hate it.
Pretty much was everything I was waiting for barring the playable Vergil. I’d say I was pretty satisfied. It was the only reason I watched E3 every year, and now that it’s out and E3 isn’t even fun for the cringe I’ve pretty much abandoned new vidya and have finally begun work on my backlog.
i fucking expected 40 or 50 missions, awesome boss fights , memorable ost, and a fucking journey trough hell just like 3 , and some atmosphere like dmc1
It mostly lived up to my expectations, but I didn't really love the OST and I kind of hate replaying it because the V sections are a slog.
I wish we had gotten playable Vergil. I also think the story is probably one of the weakest in the series, 3 is still on top for me overall.
>i fucking expected 40 or 50 missions
new to the series huh? no, new to the entire genre huh? zoom zoom
cant force myself to finish it, worst dmc i have played
Nero is literally forgotten for the entire middle section of the game until he comes back at the last second to dab on his father
It was great up to about the second or third V mission.
Honestly yes. There have been far too many flops and disappointments in the industry for me to have been really optimistic. Especially for a series that had been effectively dead for over a decade.
While Devil Hunter is far too easy and there's some things I'm appalled weren't in (like more co-op) it was a fantastic experience. Way more than I expected.
it has so much going for it, like OST, visuals, Dante and Nero gameplay, but I find it lacks replayability because of the amount of V missions that were ok at first but are a chore on replays, as well as the ultra half-assed online component.
boring franchise juggling braindead ai and performing super kool combos. A true game for casuals who cant get into fighting games.
i'm disappointed that people are defending selling non-reskin weapons as DLC. people were so focused on whether or not selling red orbs from the beginning would affect game balance that they didn't consider that happening.
None of the DLC weapons affect gameplay. They're really just reskins with a minor gimmick effect added.
The only difference Cavaliere R has is an air stinger, and it even gives you less Dark Souls poise. You sacrifice your health for more mobility, and it's just got a coat of red paint. I bought it, and I never even use it. It's more like a TF2 weapon than anything else.
It was worth the wait. IMO the best dmc as of right now. It only needs Vergil DLC
I’d say 3 and 4 still top it in terms of gameplay, especially 4 and all the wild shit you can do in that game.
But as a well rounded, full package 5 is king. definitely makes the fact we’ll never get the real DMC4 hurt a lot less..
>None of the DLC weapons affect gameplay.
they all function differently from what you can unlock in game. none of the previous games had to sell you weapons. the game has a focus on flashy combos, so limiting what you can do unless you pay more money is just really shitty too.
stop defending it. this is worse than what 4 did with microtransactions and you need to see the issue with it getting worse with each release and what that means if there's a next one.
>this is worse than what 4 did with microtransactions
They didn't do this until SE, and they gave the option to buy all those Rorbs specifically for the veterans that didn't want to grind out all their moves again.
The most you get is a different launcher with gerbera, which isn't useful at all. I guess it allows you to look slightly more flashy, but it doesn't affect gameplay.
Honestly as far as action games go Neir Automata is still the top for me, that being said it was very fun
i know, and now they're selling different weapons, so it's gotten worse.
>but it doesn't affect gameplay
it is affecting gameplay though. it's not making it pay to win, but it's still affecting what you can do.
It was ok, the faults became apparent on my DMD run, but it made me understand why Kamiya insists on not doing sequels and would rather make new IPs because DMC5 would've greatly benefited from mechanical changes and an open-level design like DMC1 or DMC3. Instead Capcom played it safer than The Force Awakens, which isn't that suprising after DmC.
>Nero gets gimmick arms, with a good chunk being useless for competent players, but also gets Devil Bringer back at the end making the Breaker system pointless
>Dante still doesn't new styles, and this time there is no excuse for being rushed into the game like DMC4
>V has terrible combo potential and is barely playable in his debut game to begin with
>Linear levels and terrible art design apart from the city and Nero's first tree mission
>all new enemy designs/mechanics are shit while all the reused ones are good
>mediocre selection of bosses
>two lackluster Vergil fights back to back
>Wubbeth intensifies every boss fight
You need to try other action games, and I mean this in the least condescending way possible.
Yes but it still needs more missions.
And playable Vergil
>Instead Capcom played it safer than The Force Awakens
Funny. I felt like Nero losing his arm and Vergil being his father was lifted from Star Wars.
I liked V's role in the story but he sucks ass to play as.he should have been optional with extra missions going to Dante.
Yeah, but the only purpose of what they do is goofing off. The whole point of cosmetic shit is just to look cool, and that's what these weapons do.
>a good chunk being useless
I can't think of any that are useless. Maybe helter skelter but that still has some niche uses.
>new styles
Four styles are plenty. Dark slayer, quicksilver, and doppleganger had no real purpose and the complexity of the weapons more than makes up for it. More styles would just make style switching more annoying like how DS fucked it up in 4.
>V has terrible combo potential
He's got some stylish shit if you're able to line up enemies correctly.
>Linear levels
Way better than backtracking through the same levels.
>Yeah, but the only purpose of what they do is goofing off. The whole point of cosmetic shit is just to look cool
that's a big focus of the game itself dude, dante doesn't fight with guitars and motorcycles for practical reasons
>breaker system pointless after DB
>Bringer Arm does x12 damage than normal DB
>Dante still doesn't new styles,
As if DG, QS and DS were usefull. Some half baked shit that nobody used.
>all new enemy designs/mechanics are shit
Like what? Berserk Antenora state or Juddecca pattern? Nigger don't hit them without thinking then, you have KC that stuns every enemy with no effort.
>two lackluster Vergil fights back to back
JC spam > helmbreaker spam
Making his campaign an unlockable after beating game would be better.
I loved it. 4 was fun, but frustrating in a million small ways, especially since it's clear a lot of enemies in the game weren't designed around dante. Dante feels a million times more satisfying in dmc 5, and the enemies were much better designed. Im so happy that i don't have to fight plant hybrid enemies anymore, or deal with faults, or deal with lucifer not being a full weapon, or deal with gunslinger being garbage, or dealing with blitzes, or dealing with nero's half baked gameplay, or dealing with a half finished campaign, or do the fucking castle level as nero again and push blade things around, or do the dice game.
I loved dmc4, but all the little things really ate at me the more i replayed it. I haven't had that feeling with dmc5 yet. I do have some complaints though:
>complete lack of extra costumes
>no boss rush
>V is fun, but his kit doesn't have enough moves
>devil hunter is way too easy
>for some reason we still have to unlock enemy step
>theres no point in using one kalina ann, shame because i would've loved another weapon to play around with
>selling weapons as dlc is bullshit, and so is selling red orbs
>helter skelter seems like a pretty pointless devil breaker to me, especially when you can just parry sin scissors
>for some reason beating a higher difficulty, doesnt unlock the achievment for beating the game on a lower difficulty. At some point im going to have to replay the game on human and get all S ranks and it's going to be boring as sin
>>helter skelter seems like a pretty pointless devil breaker to me, especially when you can just parry sin scissors
It does wonders with Knuckle Bringer.
How have i never thought of trying that? Thanks user, gonna try it now
No idea why, but it was boring shit.
I dropped the game near the end, never bothered to finish it or replay it.
Nero bulge was hot, thou.
Sounds like this was your first dmc game
>Nero gets gimmick arms, with a good chunk being useless for competent players
I don't get this. The only really useless ones I can think of are Ragtime (and even then, the Break Age is still quite useful), and Mega Buster.
I finished all of them, even DMC2.
V is uninspiring in every way.
Absolutely. Best DMC game and one of the best action games ever made. It's kind of a shame that they toned the technical shit down from 4 but it doesn't really matter that much considering the sheer number of options at your disposal and how the movesets for Dante and Nero are so much better and more varied this time around.
Most of my complaints are minor, like the fact that there's no extra costumes, and that I would've liked another weapon like Artemis/Nightmare-Beta. Also V could've used a more extensive moveset.
i liked it more than 3. people keep treating 3 as the holy grail of action games but keep forgetting that it had the worst enemies of the whole series.
i still wish they hadn't removed functions such as inertia or the ability to guard cancel everything with dante. there are a lot more moves in 5 that are uncancellable than in 4 which kind of takes away from the freedom i like so much in dmc. after playing around with cheat engine and toggling some of these functions i found the experience to be much better than that of the base game.
gerbera and cavaliere-r, particularly the latter, offer more functions to the player that make the combat more satisfying imo. having an air stinger with cavaliere is great, but i refuse to buy it because it's shitty business practice to lock such functions behind a paywall.
Best in the series
Gameplay is a smart evolution of DMC4 and every new addition is generally great.
Story is a nice finale that ties together DMC1, DMC3 and DMC4 in a satisfying way.
Presentation and OST is fantastic, the soundtrack does not get enough credit outside of Devil Trigger.
It is not perfect. The dialogue and script feels super dated for a 2019 japanese game and the pacing is kind of rushed due to 3 playable characters. But the entire franchise is filled with flaws and DMC5 is the closest to flawless.