Play Hunt: Showdown

>Beautiful game
>Rewarding and satisfying gunplay
>Solos, Duos, and Trios with a solo only quickplay mode
>Variety of guns that are for the most part well balanced.
>Hunters get one life, on death they are removed from roster
>Progression system that doesn't fuck over new players
>Full release coming this month
>Active player base that is going to get bigger

Why aren't you playing this Yea Forums?

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It's early access

it's ugly as shit and slow

>battle royal reskin

"YAWN" boring as always

It's not battle royal, it's different dumbass.

Except that more than one team can leave and that there is an actual objective to collect. The hunter can survive multiple games and gain more traits to become even better, and that's not even mentioning the PVE aspect of the game

How is that like a battle royale?

For a game that relies so much on melee, animations are pretty awful

If you mean slow game play then, yeah if you play it that way. Personally I always encounter 2-3 teams and I play safer then others. The game had player issues a while but those are completely gone.

As long as the crosshair is not centred on the screen, Into the trash it goes. No idea why the developers would insist on doing that on PC

no I mean the movement is generally just slow, it's a boring game

Literally the fucking same as goddamn fortnite you braindead zoomer

Fortnite doesn't have multiple winners besides being on the same time. You don't gain abilities from winning you always start at square 1 on fortnite. You play as a skin in fortnite whereas you're a named Hunter in Hunt, if he dies you cannot use him again and all his gear and abilities are gone.


What if it is? It is better than fortnite

Nah, its closer to Escape from Tarkov with actual progression/ gameplay.

How does it compare to Escape From Tarkov?

Waiting for the full release

I'll wait for it to come out in a week

are you retarded?


faggot go hang yourself.

Only played like 3 games of Tarkov but I can say that the gunplay is similar from what I remember. Take a look at some gameplay, see if you like it

Bayou is waiting

Still has battle royal smeared all over it...

>drop bunch of dumbasses on either an island, locked land or bumfuck area
>boarder closes in over time forcing dumbasses to get closer to each other either it be poison gas, firestorm, artillery barrage or electrocution barrier
>scavange for weapons, gear and shoot or melee other dumbasses to death
>if you die then game over you have to play as a new guy again because you just lost your shit because surprised it's

Fucking dumbasses i swear you fucks are idiots.

t. seething zoomzooms who found a game other than fagnite

the border never closes you find tracks to the monster and it pin points the area that that monster is in.

you don't scavenge for weapons but you can find useless melee items like axe's

but you lose everything even the character you made

>>drop bunch of dumbasses on either an island, locked land or bumfuck area
>>boarder closes in over time forcing dumbasses to get closer to each other either it be poison gas, firestorm, artillery barrage or electrocution barrier
>>scavange for weapons, gear and shoot or melee other dumbasses to death

none of that is in the game, good job outing yourself as a fucking retard who hasn't even played Hunt.
its 3 teams of two hunting the same bounty with a load out you select pre game. you loose the shit you take into the mission with you if you die.

>Border closes in over time
No there isn't
>Scavenge for weapons, gear
No you don't
>If you die then game over you have to play as a new guy
that's not a mechanic in other battle royale games
Maybe actually do some research or don't shitpost in a thread about a game you didn't give a shit about in the first place

can we ban this faggot he's been in every thread about a game and calling people zoom zoom's and it's the same faggot cause he types like the same faggot

he's proven he never play's he talks about and sometimes puts trips on to be a faggot.

In Bounty Hunt your loadout you start with is what you get. Only in quickplay can you scavenge so already you don't know what you are talking about.
Pushing players to one part of a map is a common strategy in any FPS. Objectives make sure players actually see each other, and in this game you arent forced to go to banishings when you see them, there is no force pushing you there.
When you die you recruit new hunters which come with their own gear and traits.

Literally everything you said was wrong or applies to more than BR

You're just giving him what he wants by responding and acting mad. Ignore him.

I played the free weekend they ran a couple of months ago with a friend and we really enjoyed it, the problem was the small playerbase, price point and overall repetitiveness of it.
Have any of these things been fixed?

quick match is pretty much a battle royale though.
Good for getting bullshit weapons on a low level account

quick matches is the same thing though.

That was literally my first post today
But thanks for proving you’re a zoomer

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School starts soon is all I'm saying

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At least kojima has the balls to call out on battle royals and reskins of it and games making vague versions of (totally not battle royal BUT) game modes as nothing more but cash grab bullshits and unoriginal crap.


>liking monster

Its the exact same game, only with monsters instead of scavs. As usual, nobody ever actually goes for the monster and instead just camps to kill other players.

You just fucking contradict yourself you fucking idiot

>PVE game with PVP elements
So only PVP because that's how these always go.

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old fucks screaming that every pvp game is now a battle royal.

No not really.

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I was hoping the PvE was more fleshed out than Tarkov. Do the bosses not give good rewards?

There’s school tomorrow jsyk
3800 players and dropping, nice

they changed how quickplay works then but i guess that's pretty cool.

>active player base

And the Test server because someone would bring it up:

The game is dead on arrival, mostly because only high end PCs can run it with a decent frame rate. The Cryengine is such a mess, the game has some nice lighting and effects, but it is still a blurry mess with really janky animations.

The game itself is pretty good but gets very repetitive. The PvE aspect is a nice idea, but after playing for 100+ it just becomes a chore to deal with the monsters, especially the bosses. And if you try to ignore them and just go after the players it essentially becomes a 10 or 12 player battle royale, which is a fucking pathetic player count which is made even worse by people constantly trying to run away with the bounties.

I hope it does okay, even though I really dislike Crytek, because the game has an interesting aesthetic tries to be somewhat original. But considering the abysmal player count I don't expect it to last more than a year or two unless they radically improve the performance of the game.

If you're dumb enough to fight a boss then someone will hear the shots and camp outside the boss area to gank you. The boss also takes ungodly amounts of ammo to kill.

Literally fucking battle royal which again proves my point thank you

Didn't say that.
Literally every game that tries to blend pve and pvp just becomes pvp because people engaged in pve are easy targets for pvp so eventually nobody pves
It never blends the way devs think it will.

Tarkov is more PvP with some PvE
Hunt is more PvE with some PvP
Hunting down, killing the boss and escaping with the trophy is the goal in Bounty Hunt.

Bounty hunt is the most played mode though so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Playerbase is fine now. The repetitiveness is a an issue if you are really getting smashed, but if you like the concept give it a second try

>playing games from a dying and desperate company

Be sure to buy plenty of crycash while you are at it

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Hunt doesn't have any microtransactions
But I reckon they might add some later on

Aren't they preparing the blood bonds (?) to be a kind of premium currency that can also be earned?

I feel that's fair enough, God knows that Cryturk needs the money, especially considering the probably poor sales of the game itself.

>I feel that's fair enough
pay $30 to get in and they want to shake you down for more? Fuck off. Microtransactions have zero place in any game that charges an entry fee.

But is killing bosses actually any fun?

It's really hard to improve in this game. I have a little bit over 150h and I feel that I'm still new. Every single game you get simply crushed no matter how you play. Even with that said it's probably the only game in long time that can get my heart pumping real hard. Would install again if they made some kind of horde mode, I just want to kill zombies not not be a pvpfag.

Same was sade when EVOLVED was released and you faggots ran that shit to the ground for months saying that game was the best and now look at it fuck face.

I'd say so yeah, the bosses all have different gimmicks and weaknesses and running around setting traps and throwing shit just to make the fucking thing die is pretty fun in my opinion. It's made better with the added tension that an enemy player could show up at any moment to fuck you in the ass and steal your boss.

The player base is only fine if you're expecting it to grow massively when it leaves EA. If you have an average of a few thousand players a day, it makes for a tiny player base in which everybody will be so seasoned that nobody will bother getting into the game at all. This has already been a problem for a long time.

My friend who has about 1000 hours in the game can recognize on average maybe one for every three bounty carriers by name. And it feels like a tenth of the player base are failed Twitch streamers for some reason.

>shoot boss
>other players now have double incentive to kill you
I dunno user you tell me

I was under the impression that blood bonds was only for legendary weapons.
Which are just new models for already implemented guns


You get about 14 seconds of wallhacks if you've killed the boss

There really isn't any reason to kill bosses as opposed to just camping them and waiting for other players to kill them?

Micro transactions are here to stay. They are purely cosmetic and arguably put the buyer at a disadvantage. This is Battlefront 2. The game has given us 2 free gameplay updates as well as smaller free content along the way. Paid skins aren't a huge deal, I believe there is also a way to get them as an award for prestiging in game.

I agree in principle, I'm just saying that they will need something to keep them afloat. They can't sell maps, as it would split an almost non existent playerbase, they can't sell weapons due to balance, which only leaves cosmetics. And if they are going to sell cosmetics, this is the best way possible, kind of like Rainbow Six Siege has been doing.

Because you need to get the fuck out of there as soon as possible, Camping still works but the more people that show up the more explosives being thrown up there with you. Escape with the bounty as it gives you a reveal on players while you have it for a short duration. Camping it after banishing is a fast way to get blown up or just out gunned

That's a tactic but who knows if another team is actually coming for that boss, they might be all dead and there's no way to know. Or there might be people camping nearby with you and more teams on the way.
that's why it's fun, you don't know how many players are ever left in any game.

And player skins called Legendary Hunters. It's basically guys with a special appearance and a backstory that you can buy as a blank character with normal money after paying the initial blood bonds cost.

It's currently a fair and innocent system, but we'll see what will come of it.

>but who knows if
literally always. It's the objective.

I can say that playing this game infrequently will allow you to rank up without really improving. But playing with stealth weapons and moving carefully can make you a lot less likely to get caught and allow you to PVE your heart out

It's the big objective and worth the most money yes.
But you also earn money and XP just by killing the standard enemies around the place and escaping.
You don't need to kill the boss or another player to have a profitable run.

The first ten times maybe,afterwards it just becomes a chore. It's essentially a large bullet sponge running a building that is in no way threatening. There's no tension or anything, the only bad thing that can happen is that some faggot shoots you in the ass while you're distracted.

I know that it isn't very clear, but the PvE element are mostly just a tacked on side aspect, even though the real objective is to escape with the bounty. Just imagine wasting 15-30 minutes finding and killing a bullet sponge just to do it again right after. You simply wouldn't, you'd instead start looking for players to kill, which is without a question the main point of the game after you leave the noob realm.

This is unfortunate because it just boiles down to a 12 player battle royal with distractions to further waste your time.

I'd love to, but my toaster can't handle it

So it’s like a roguelike battle royale? Hard fucking pass. Both of those genres are overrated shit

Costs money.

It has some very small aspects of a roguelike, but the traits hardly ever matter as they're just modifiers for healing speed, aim steadiness and such. There are clear exceptions like the Fanning trait that pretty much turns any revolver into a submachine gun, which is really fun.

The thing is that you'll stop caring about losing Hunters after a while so it just becomes another gimmick among several other.

Yeah but if you actually play this for the PvE you really need to acquire some taste. The enemies can't even kill a player unless he really fucks up or gets attacked by another player.

They might all be dead, or the only team left might be bailing with the other boss, there's not only one objective per match.

It should've been a Left for Dead game with boss fights

instead of this fucking battle royale adjacent gameplay

people always think that people won't be cowards, but when you tie your characters to perma death why would anyone risk too much?

>create an amazing Americana Bayou Bloodborne setting
>make a half baked PvEvP game around it


i like it. wish they'd go ahead and do the server wipe tho

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It's interesting all right.
But you play 6 games and you've seen and done everything the game has to offer.

losing a hunter only makes you lose what they have
You don't lose money or stats

you're not wrong, really. however I enjoy myself just killing enemies and then extracting when I farm enough xp