I'm about to start this, what will I think?

I'm about to start this, what will I think?

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you won’t

larian**ger cringe

what do you mean

you will think that the developers have fun making their YouTube videos and see how happy they are to ship their love project and will never play dwarf

I;m gonna play the skellington or the lizard dude.

Okay, I'll bite.

The only real answer is - "Play the game for yourself and form your own opinion."

Don't pick Skellington he'll spoil a lot of the game for you early on. Lizard is alright.

But the skellington looks cool
Is this game fun or is it more something you just play for the story?

If you have 2 brain cells to rub together you will probably think:
>Larian still can't write
>or create a good combat system
>or properly itemize drops
It's shit. Bottom of the barrel entry level rpg for casual retards.
RPGs are dead.

Combat is very good.

I hope you have friends to play it with, or else it will feel a lot more empty and boring

satisfying combat

No I'm pirating it and all my friends only play minecraft and gay anime console games.

you get all the special characters as party members so you can have skellington on your team, which is more interesting than playing as him

A good game but I found the main quest to be lacking. Idk I just stopped giving a fuck about the whole godwoken situation by the third act. I think the better quests happen after fort joy, and the majority of act 2. Oh and have fun at the blackpits you’ll know what I’m talking about when you get there.

Ok I'll be the lizard then.

Alone, It's kind of like playing d&d with just you and a game master - kind of lame.
It's still a decent game but personally I feel like it only shines once you have a group of people who all get to do their own thing

lizard has the same problem. I'd go with the human because his story and his character are boring either way

Why would you play human if he's boring?

I think the setting in general is just boring.

because all the others are better as NPCs

forgot to mention
singleplayer also feels kind of like doing chores alone
you have so much shit in the world that it's kind of tedious to go through all the boxes, crates and barrels by yourself, while in a group shit gets done way faster

That's why you make your OC, free from bullshit drama, and gives him the best trio Efan, Lohse and The Red Prince

if I knew going in that ifan's wolf skill fucking sucks I would have just made my own character and stuck with red, fane and lohse because beast wasn't as interesting as I thought he'd be