Is there any chance of this being good?

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Shit man maybe, how the fuck am I supposed to know?

here we go again

>somehow, someway trannies will seeth over this game
>oney will just tell them to fuck off
>some people will buy it for this sole reason
I wish we knew what kind of game it would be tho

wait wtf? soul?

i hope zach voices the witch

Chris is a bit of a spaz but he knows what he likes. Mostly monkeys and games with physics. Yeah it could be good.

hehe bumping

maybe. I don't like the art style tho.

I've always enjoyed Chris's creative endeavors and his retarded sense of humor, but I really have no idea until I actually see some gameplay.
somehow, someway a Yea Forums user will find a way to shoehorn in talking about trannies on every single thread

I hope he does piss them off.

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OneyPlays is YouTube Let's Play channel featuring one of Newgrounds' elites Chris O'Neill. Two assholes named Ding Dong and Julian used to appear on the channel a lot but stopped because one complex that perpetually makes him the victim and the other values his importance so much that they moved from the shittiest state in USA to do Twitch streams averaging like 90 viewers. They're also gay lovers who are developing a game named Trigger Treat and another named Tough Bippy. They've been working on these games for years and have very little to show in the way of progress. Meanwhile, Chris has been developing an awful little game called Bowlbo and the Quest for Bing Bing and some people actually think it may come out before either of Ding Dong or Julian's games. None of these games will be good.

>Oney Plays >>>>> Super Mega = Game Grumps

>Chris > Zach > Ding Dong > Veronica > Mick > Jeff > Tomar = Julian > Lyle > Matt (and Ryan I guess) > Waffle = Niall

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>Lyle and Tomar are gone

Jesus Christ thank god.

Ddogma and Wind Waker series already looking to be a blast.

All I need is Zach :(

He's fucking right every single person with pronouns in their bio is a massive obnoxious activist fuckwit, with a massive grudge. who thinks the world owes them and they can't interact properly with anyone outside their radical bubble.
it's a surefire way to identify a sociopath.

The spooky witch hunting game was kino

youre on Yea Forums bro what does dat say about u

I know it seems like I'm obsessing over trannies, but seeing how Ion Fury has turned out...

Off yourself autistic piece of shit

super mega is objectively better than groops

that i can take banter & don't care about identity and egos?

Hi Ding Dong :D

well unless you're a tripfag it says you're nowhere near as desperate for attention as people who put pronouns and every other fucking label they see fit in their bio

Is there any chance of this coming out at all?

>90 viewers
The dude pulls in an average of 200 bucks a night and I've never seen his viewer count drop below 300, so keep seething

I can't watch the Dragon's Dogma series. I can't stand watching a literal crowd of people play a game.

I used to watch every oney episode as soon as they came out
But now whenever I see a bearded fuck in the thumbnail I just skip it

Jeff > everyone.

If it's anything like his other games it'll at least be interesting enough to sit all the way through if not actually fun to play.

Both Zach and Corey are better than Jeff. He's definitely up there though, he's like an older and funnier Mick without any of Mick's obnoxious shit attached.

i remember one time when i was young some retard and i raced to get a message on newgrounds from the site moderators
jeff was the only one that called us out on our faggotry

>Super Mega = Game Grumps
Thats wrong super mega is obviously better than Game Grumps.

He’s right though. It’s not even a trans thing. anyone that has their pronouns in their bio, nine times outta ten is an insufferable cunt.

>is there a chance of this being made?

Fixed that for you, and the answer is very unlikely. Because he now likes messing around in blender, he thinks he can just toss shit up and crap out a game from out of nowhere. The problem is that programming a 3d game goes beyond making a le epic funneh model and I doubt he has the spare money to hire a few people to help make it. Don't think the dude barely makes rent with the money he gets from the channel let alone fund a small indie game up untill completion.

This shit will go the same way of his other projects and probably wont see the light of day while dodging answers about its progress till its forgotten within the sands of time. Fuck you yes I'm still bitter about hell benders you asshole.

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No, because it's never coming out. Trigger Treat, Tough Bippy, and Nightmare Cops aren't coming out either. Kinda hard to work on a game when you spend all your time letsplaying, going on vacations, and jerking off.

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This isn't about Oneyplays tho.

he already has a team, plus he's getting paid for the work he puts in for nightmare cops which i imagine is a lot because tom fulp is a saint

Yeah but super mega is still shit.
> The amount of seethe from matt and ryan when they're called out for their shitty gameplay
Super mega used to be funny but now they're both fuck boys who quote epic memes, especially when they get guests.
Don't get me started when they start complaining about life and work when they seem to go on vacations and have fun every fucking day and they hire people to do the hard work for them.
Fuck Supermega

but he has a team working on it
he's not doing the programming

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Source: your ass
There is no team. Oney likes to play in Blender. That's it.

Dude buy a calendar it's not 1988 anymore. You just take Unity or Unreal, dump your 3D models and music in, then lego the entire thing together, you have to do almost no programming, art is a thousand times more important these days

Besides, it's a 2D game anyway

That's not how it works.
t. Someone who actually made a working 2D Unity game.

tomar and his crew program it, fag. it's been said on an episode.

Small time voice actors have crews now? What's his name?

The actually difficult part (putting an image on screen 60 times a second) is written for you
You only need to write (if hp

only if Zack has a voice acting gig

Wanna know how I can tell your a nigger?

psycho josh at it again!

also shame supermega took the money and just stopped working. lmao at how fucking gay gamegrumps is and always has been.

>he knows what he likes. Mostly monkeys and games with physics.
He's like a plump Irish Joe Rogan.

based retard.

Oney is fully employed, comes from money overseas, gets stupid youtube money too. Employs a team of like 7 and they were hiring another one recently. Holy shit people love talking about stuff without even putting the most basic level effort to know what they are talking about.

Probably that he's used to everyone disagreeing with him and calling him a faggot

Mick fucking rocks and he is literally the only member of the crew aside from Chris doing anything worthwhile with his time anymore.

The Autism from Cory and Chris mixed with Jeff baby sitting them is fucking amazing.



I hate "artists"

I don't think I've enjoyed a single thing Oney has made. I just don't find him funny. He just copypastes whatever is popular and already worn out and attracts little zoomies.

Fuck off Mick

Okay Stamper.

some people will also buy it because of oney

Mick is a hero.

Attached: Mick spills the beans.png (3855x4581, 736K)

Are you fucking kidding me? Jeff and Cory are working on Nightmare cops which looks fucking awesome. (Cory's animation is sloppy as fuck but as long as jeff cleans it all up it should be fine)
Chris is doing the music and working on his own game.
Meanwhile Mick is working on some jojo fanfiction & selling tshirts.

>cory is back
corychads WW@

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Are these people retarded?

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wow I didn't know shad actually kidnapped kids and took photos of him abusing them. big if true.

Chris and Zach are doing great. Jeff and Cory are working for Newgrounds so they have the protection of a tard wrangler. Niall is dead in a ditch somewhere in Ireland.

I don't even know what the fuck Mick is doing. I look at his channel and this shit is incomprehensible. Someshit parody about Jojo that hardly gets views?

As long as Chris doesn't say anything left-leaning between now and release, it'll be a day one buy from me.

Oney is immune to faggotry.

and if I inform you he is left-leaning, he's just not a puritan then you wont buy it?

>he is left-leaning
Proof? I will drop him if he is, and I expect many others here will too. And of course I won't buy his game.


this is some shit bait.

Not that user but I used to do that kinda shit a lot. It's low effort and gives off dopamine. I still do it every now and then but it gets old as you get older.

user this is what every single twitter screencap thread literally is

So no proof? I thought so. Chris is /ourguy/ and won't betray us, like said.

>literally no proof
chris remains based. too bad tranny.

what a gigantic faggot over here. everything has to agree with you or else its shit

One of Chris’s best friends is a tranny. Waffle started transitioning and goes by she/her pronouns.

>he consumes SJW garbage

i'm right too you fucking idiot but i dont shut off something or someone because he has other views. especially if politics arent even involved

>Comes from money overseas
Yeah he really makes it sound like he was rolling in it living in WEXFORD.


if one of his best friends is a tranny and everyone knows this, why are so many people in the thread hoping that bowlbo will anger trannies or expect it to?