>Going through the motions, really helps with the soreness though.
say it with me now
>Going through the motions, really helps with the soreness though.
say it with me now
This game is gonna be cringekino.
bruh, are we trying to force memes this hard now barry?
Does her in-game model even have her cute autistic tick? Is that's what she's doing when she looks up?
What do virtual titties feel like?
Ticks are a sign of tourettes not autism.
1s and 0s
Is she on coke or what?
>cute autistic tick
it's fucked up neurons firing at the wrong time and causing a lot more shit than just that tick, this bitch isn't gonna live past 50
God what a desperate for attention loser she is
This shit is gonna be so bad.
W-why don't people with ticks live past 50? Asking for a friend.
You stalkers are worse than the waifufags.
Going through motions, muddy emotions
The autism dance
I was that autistic kid with no friends and didn't know how to dance at prom.
she was already in kino, i dont think kojimbo will be able to pull this one off.
Her contacts are dry and constantly bothering her eyes.
why is female autism so fucking hot bros?
As always it's a Simpsons poster spouting retarded shit.
How would you feel the moment after spraying seed into her womb? The simple joy of the orgasm? The shame of what you may have just created?
>Bonus points: describe the sound she made when you hosed down her innards.
the happiness of being the father of her child
user...it's tourettes????
claire/jordan or qualley bros...
>tfw no qt autist gf
Why not edit out the part of the video when you turn on the fucking camera?
I really hate it when videos start like this. Shes a fucking professional actress can't she just cut out 3 fucking seconds of footage?
I can't help but admire Kojima's absolute brazen way of spending Sony's millions and being a massive pervert.
shut the fuck up, it's cute you retard
You wanna know how I can tell you watch a lot of porn?
For some reason I'm reminded of Hannah Hays and I feel kinda sad because this girl was possibly sparred the worst of it (probably not since Hollywood) while other girls with good looks yet messed up heads like Hannah got so much worse.
No it isn't
Tell me because I'm almost certain you're going to be way off base
gay incel
Please tell me you aren't valuing medical input from fucking Yea Forums
its just usually indicative of various potential muscle or neuron related diseases
its really not. shits a genetic defect any way you cut it.you two are fucking fooling yourselves, girls fucked and will proly die early
Your need for immediate gratification, editing and removal of the more awkward, slower paced moments of genuine human action. Qualley setting up the video gives it a personal touch and makes it cuter, only a porn-victim would want to rush to the climax and want her to conform to you not wanting to use your precious time.
Hold on: where did I say I was valuing his input? I just was curious about his reasoning.
>editing out a wasted 2 seconds of footage is a rush to climax and from your desire for a better editing I can ascribe a need for immediate gratification tied directly to pornography even though nearly every porno has at least a few minutes of plot of setup that.
Damn fine psychoanalysis buddy. That entry level psych course you took is really proving to be invaluable.
The only thing that helps with the soreness is release the milk you silly cow.
>death stranding porn is just going to be filled with piss fetish on mama instead of Lindsey Wagner porn
Is Kojima a Yea Forumsirgin?
user we're gonna do that in GAME baybee
this proves again that anything out of norm as woman will be fetishised by males
hole = winner at life no matter what
while if she would be male she would be virgin forever posting there because femoids care more about genetic perfection and purity than hitler ever was
she fucks that dog
>avatarfagging with that gay ass inferior evolution
>straight men find cute girl doing weird thing cute
in other news water is wet
stop acting like an MRA because you're ugly lol
Men, if ugly and autistic, just need to get buff so when they're autistic nobody fucks with them.
"why yes, my trainer did use the water stone, how could you tell?"
Thats funny, what movie?
So Kojima scanned everyone naked and jerks off to them every night, right?
>tfw loved Qualley before it was cool
Get fucked band wagon fags.
kojimbo is one sly bastard
ill give him that
sleazy jap
This, nobody wants to fuck with even a slightly fit autist.
Mostly because they feel bad for you, but still
You wouldn't think it was hot if she herself weren't hot. You always say stupid things when you're horny, so fap before posting. Our board's bad enough as it is.
>our board
What an absolute faggot.
Yeah, you and me and the people using it. What did you think I meant?
>just go to the gym bro
I like how kojima keeps putting real white girls in his games but then he jacks up their tiddy size every time absolute triplechad
>some cherrypicked images mean every ugly dude who lifts will turn out bad
>he jacks up their tiddy size every time
I guess you didn't look at OP's webm.
>TFW 5/10 dadbod but 8/10 face and winning smile
/fit/ is a meme, work on your personality
You never fucked a single woman in your life because of your personality, it was your face. You could be a rotten piece of shit and they would still fuck you.
Actually you fuck women with your dick, fingers and tongue.
>you mean girls can be uncoordinated retards just like me?
Yes! They can!
bags of sand
>yt pipo cant danc-
What is wrong with Hannah exactly?
What are some other games where you can imagine the taste?
the fuck is going on in this webm
>magnesium deficiency
Yea Forums
kek, reminds me exactly of Ellen Page's awkward lesbian dance in Umbrella Academy
what's with all the mommy milking in media recently? I like it but it's weird. what are the jews planning?
why are you so fucking mad for no reason?
porn rots their brain user
Fuck I can just smell that gif
if it's got you hard, want me to lick and suck your cock til you cum?
TV show, The Leftovers.
its a blepharospasm you fucking idiot
its caused by stress, fatigue, too much caffeine
so stop watching porn and maybe you will stop acting like a complete retard
wow nice rebuttal it's almost like i DONT watch it you spastic
There's a lot to unpack there.
You should probably watch it. It helps to de-stress, which you obviously need.
What do 1s and 0s feel like?
THat looks like shit
there was a photo of one with the ugly chest tat with cute gf
bytes of sand
Rather not, thanks.
Is Frank Grillo gonna be in it?
Guy has x-ray vision and is watching his boss milk herself.
>no refraction
Immersion ruined.
does her pussy also randomly grip you when you're inside?
they could be non-prescription glasses to make her look sophisticated
she's either a druggy or have autism
>oh my God she's autistic like me, what a cute girl.
She will never have sex with you, greasy cringelords
and yet every single one of them pictured looks better than they would without lifting
yeah lifting wont change your face but it still makes you more attractive than you previously were
The girl in real life is almost flat chested
she has tits in game with milk inside
It's Abe-san putting SoftBank money to outjew the jews
>only one in the thread that knows what he is talking about
>gets completely ignored
Based chad.
Waste of time putting it on your computer and opening up an editing suite just to cut 3 seconds of something you just wanna share on instabooker or whatever which you could just do immediately from your phone and autists will think you are cute for leaving it in.
>I have a great personality and it's never gotten me laid! It's my looks holding me back.
Rich evans has gotten laid. Have sex.
>Rich evans has gotten laid.
With a fat dwarf who doesn't plan on having any children. No thanks.
I do that thing with my eyes too but I don't have tourette's or autism (at least not full blown). It usually happens when I'm self conscious of my face or feel like people are looking at me. It's like suddenly becoming aware that your face exists so you get like a *tick*. I think it's probably just nerves.
(top left and bottom right aren't that bad, really)
Dude looks like a lady bruh
I wonder if Kojima is stupid enough to think that women who haven't given birth produce milk. After not understanding a C-section, deterrence, or Che Guevara I honestly can't wait for the next incredibly stupid thing.
You can get a woman to produce milk by sucking her tits enough, pregnancy isnt needed at all
this is the exact moment i knew this show was kino
holy shit those nips
>I would rather lift for women than for my own health
i hope you die faggot
Mama has given birth though that's the point.
Bottom 3 could all have hot gf's, you're 100% a virgin if you think otherwise.
what show?
They´re bottom of the barrel. But at least going to gym they can have a chance with some obese girl. Without it not even that. All of ´em have the incel world tatooed in their genetics.
I'd give her all kinds of soreness.
>you need to look like to be healthy
>If i cant get pussy from it why should I improve myself
Which one's?
>Lifting for health
Just do fucking drugs my man, you were duped.
>only thing in live that matters is having sex
I want a wife with Tourette's like Sweet Anita
Lactation needs 2 hormones, one for producing milk and the other for releasing it, sucking tits produces the releasing one.
Pregnancy (or a hormone producing tumor/some pills) produce the other one.
Half of these niggas need to get a proper haircut
top left needs to work his delts, to the right of him needs to drop the glasses and get a haircut, to the right of him already looks good, nothing wrong with this guy
bottom left need sto go full bald, to the right of him needs to take off the glasses and get a haircut, bottom right is just looking downads at an awkward angle, he looks normal
stop using these guys as an excuse not to work out, incels
He doesn't though. Autism can cause ticks.
Hysterical pregnancy can also cause lactation right?
the boys on amazon.
Not in humans. If titty sucking/stimulation produced milk, then wouldn't most porn actress lactate? but they don't because it requires prolactine. sadly
God that movie was good.
Being a piece of shit would probably get you laid easier.
Just lol at how women work
She will when I make a tulpa of her :^) and there's nothing you can do about it
Not the user you're replying to but, she has brain damage from a car accident. It's why she speaks the way she does.
Is this guy's face supposed to look good or above average?
When we have mods on PC.
Yea until they hit the wall at which point they become a waste of space. If they haven’t found a mate by then they become crazy pussy hat cat lady feminists.
The reason why women seek out strong genetic specimens should be totally obvious.
lol yeah, he's so painfully average.
Maxim who portrayed vergil in DMC5 unironically looks better, this dude looks like a reptillian Robert Pattinson at best.
This whole time I thought she was dancing but it turns out she's just flailing around wildly because of a tick and some asshole is filming her to be funny.
more like the cocaine withdrawal is kicking in
I think it's cocaine withdrawal
Fucking vorefag dog
>tfw this is the trailer that made me go from being an anti-Kojima jaded MGSV launch buyer who swore this game would be boring walking sim shit to FUCK ME I NEED IT
I've had this on loop since last night, I'm so hype for November 8th bros.
Wow, are you a Yea Forumsirgin if some sl00t makes you spend money.
Get a grip, boyyo
>why is female autism so fucking hot bros?
Easy victims.
The previous picture he looks pretty average
this picture this guy looks above average but nothing special
I know people IRL that are on the same level or look better, and I'm not the type of guy that goes to chad meet ups or anything
Spergs found their place, what about it?
I highly, STRONGLY recommend watching the movie "once upon a time in hollywood" to anyone who wants to see more of this girl (margaret qualley) being a cute slut.
Where did this come from? That GIF was pretty filthy, too.
I thought that was Manuel Ferrara at first.
The gamer or the actor ?
The "actor".
and bipolarity,
and schyzophreny,
and obsessions,
and anxiety...
Hell, thousands of illnesses and disorders can cause ticks.
Ok, name 100.
Cows are shit, need to start drinking human milk.
You can literally see her strange tick in 0:01 of OP's webm
>Maxim who portrayed vergil in DMC5 unironically looks better, this dude looks like a reptillian Robert Pattinson at best.
Yeah no he doesn't
nah, thats just her acting as if her nipples are sensitive
keep crying ugçy roastie bitch
>Is this guy's face supposed to look good or above average?
I would never trust kojima to scan me.
Damn nigga, get out of the basement, or rather get out of America
With all your goblinos no fucking wonder you have skewered beauty standards
It's tourettes, retards.
>Being this obsessed
Pretty cringe tbqhwy
The ones with glasses need either contacts or surgery.
Most of them would be fine with another hairstyle.
Only a place as ugly as America could that face be considered as a model standard
Seething incel who can't for the life of him understand why no one can stand his abhorrent personality so he blames it on how ugly he must be.
>A haircut will change your facial structure
But he is Brazilian, and has worked for companies in at least four continents, including Europe. Perhaps instead of worrying about some overrated Brazilian model you should stop being so obsessed, my foreigner friend? It really can't be good for your health, subliminally seething all of the time like this.
No, but a bad haircut will make you look like a creepy weirdo.
Uuh source?
No but it can hide a lot of flaws of your skull and facial features. Also depend on the style it can make your face look longer or shorter than it is.
it's so incredibly human. you think he's having a deep and meaningful inner conversation provoked by the picture of himself but you get to look behind the curtain and he's just perving on his boss. kino show indeed
What is the context of this scene? This is Death Stranding right? Why does she randomly squeeze her tits?
name of chick?
Mama... let me suckie...
why is there baby in artificial wombs? what the fuck is this game>
>girls fucked and will proly die early
Don't be overdramatic. She has ticks but she's not going to die earlier because of it.
I want to play poker with her
>be continually condescending to someone
>woah, why are you angry, wtf?
A Certain Village Custom
You need to go back.
Thanks I love you.
it's like your joystick drifting. Early sign.
Just stay on a strict schedule and the milk will come.
Link to this exact video good sir? Looks comfy.
What's that, an autistic way to call autism? Is this autisception?
what does it taste like bros?
bottom middle chad in disguise
or just depression meds, a common side effect is tardive dyskinesia
how can you find retards cute? are you perhaps a retard yourself?
nigga she cute, you gay
Don't call me "nigga", you down syndrome addled sack of shit.
>This is my fetish
Japan needs to get on this shit NOW...
For scientific purposes.
Kojima is a cringe sperg
>haha poop funny
>haha peepee funny
>haha milky booby funny
what is next
my brother did this shit when he was a little kid but he grew out of it is he gonna be ok?
>For scientific purposes.
stop projecting ma nigga
Imagine the disgusting things that are going to be done with that model.
based and loogeypilled
>max landis got to fuck this slut
Its not fair bros
I like how Geoff was jerking off about how "loyal" Kojima is, then showed a trailer for the character Joost was supposed to play.
Cant even make this shit up.
She looks like she got stung by a bee.
sode please...
>Actress you worked with once doesn't call back
Holy fuck you're delusional
It makes attractive people seem more approachable/obtainable to lower ranking mates and appeals to mate-guarding behavior, a less desirable mate is less likely to leave/stray/cheat. I think there was some theory floating around that beta males selected less attractive mates so they wouldn't face repercussions from the tribe.
In any case, it's really interesting behavior because it probably means people subconsciously adjust their mate preference to something closer to their level based on environment.
>Implying Kojima owes anybody jack shit.
Don't be a faggot. If a painter decides he wants to use blue when he first thought of using purple doesn't mean he's disloyal to purple.
after years of getting cucked by chad, incels suddenly love him because he hates women too.webm
What? He called her though and never followed through.
Why so defensive?
If she is pretty or hot. If the girl has ugly and fat, nobody would give a shit
I agree with you, user. Worst part is glorifying weak ass bitches like this one encourages other attention whores to present themselves as "le cute girl doing weird shit"
It's so hard to find a girl that doesn't fall apart every two weeks and isn't insecure as fuck
>model has bigger tits than she does in real life
it's joosten all over again
I wonder if geoff has a bigger dick
>Why so defensive?
You can drop the reddiquite and trying to pretend you got me pegged as a blind Kojima fanboy, Joosten is an actress in a sea of actresses buddy, replaceable, a cog.
Reason Godji-, I-I mean Kojima got Norman again was because his game was canceled
>thinking a gen 1 shitmon is better than toed time
so, being a woman right ?
Why having only one bitch for orbiters to worship, when you can have TWO bitches, one for each game, user? Why are you so short sighted?
See why Kojima has so many by the balls? He has the most ridiculous game plot, zero interesting gameplay, yet that game is selling millions
Imagine being old enough to post here and still playing Pokemon.
I just find Geoff's insane love for kojima funny.
lmao, those incels.
try to not shoot up your local school while you're sperging out, thanks.
Literally has the body of a 16 year old dude
Is this so much to ask for?
Why do you post a pic that contradicts what you're saying?
Autism trait? That other guy looks like a 12 year old homo tard boy.
t. gamer
and that's a good thing
Your right. I think she’s good looking but i’ve never been so obsessed with a female that i safe pics and videos of them. A lot of men seem to have forgotten just because someone looks good doesn’t mean you have to kiss the very ground they walk on. Have some self respect.
>my brother did this shit when he was a little kid but he grew out of it is he gonna be ok?
he will become a tranny and confess he has sexual feelings for you soon
>Just go to gym bro
>Shows ugly guys that went to gym and got fit but still look like ass
Y...you cherrypicked
Maybe admit natural good looks.
Stop vaccinating your kids, ladies and gentlemen.
those glasses don't suit her
>dude have superman powers
>for some episodes you see him staring at his own picture for minutes, and end up thinking he is meditating on his legacy
>weird relationship between him and his manager starts to unveil
>you discover that he was raised in a lab with no family
>turns out he was a patrician mommy milf appreciator, and was creeping his manager with X-ray vision
>they have mommy/son roleplay sex
>cute girl thread
>turns into incel thread
every time
pls stop
I just noticed, she winces like that in OP webm too. Kojima is truly a genius.
you mean weird right?
>implying those are mutually exclusive
no and yes
Every one of them improved themselves and now have a better chance at cuter girls then before they worked out and you all fucking know it.
Stop trying to use this meme as something you can hide behind to justify your fear of trying and failing.
A 3 becoming a 6 is still better than staying a 3.
>is very close with here sister
how close exactly? ;)
T. Projecting homo
It only matters what females find attractive
I would penetrate bonbibonkers pussy and anus with my penis, if you know what I mean.
Shoo e-thot
Joosten is just a pretty face but this bitch has those soulless dead eyes and borderline lockjaw chin. Wtf.
who cares
This thread is pure vomit.
so close they live together
because their brains are fucked up and even in a healthy brain synapses get burnt out over time or wither from disuse, now imagine if those synapses were being used either way too much or not at all and who can really know what else those misfirings are causing inside the brain and general biological chemistry of the whole body
brains don't last long and malfunctioning ones even less
Is that what the motion controls will be used for? Helping her massage dem tiddays?
>Sam's tech is powered by delayed abortions
This is going to be Kojima's edgiest game to date
So she lost her baby due to miscarriage but now the baby's ghost hangs out with her and powers her home in return for being held and breastfed?
Looks like kino is back on the menu bois!
it's all a metaphor how he was aborted from konami
The guest on the gaming channel said she never plays games, only goes to the gym and fucks chads.
Nice armpit.