Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

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because if I'm horny I would go watch porn or read doujins
and if I want to game, I'd rather play a game that isnt dogshit

Does Monster Hunter World count?

Currently playing devil survivor overclocked again

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dragon quest XI S isnt out until the end of september, and there arent any right now im interested in.

i fucking bet you didn't even play any game of the atelier series

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I missed the bus and have to wait an hour.
But once I get home, I'll jump on that Wizards Symphony. Been over a week since I last played.

I wanna beat it before Astral Chain eventually drops.

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Not thicc enough

I want to do another playthrough but it's so easy to win once you've got the hang of it. Are you doing anything special to make it more fun?

going through my backlog.

Nearly done with this, might try to plat it, IF I can somehow bypass a bug.

If I can't, then I will just beat it. If I can, then I am going for the Plat and then it's back to DERQ

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Waiting for DQXI on switch to release

Finishing up Ys Origin before Astral Chain.

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because 99% of jrpgs are really uninteresting games with no depth held together by anime cliches
I'll fap to the characters though

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Shinobu's panties are the best.

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Why aren't they bouncing on my cock

ive seen your trip here for like ever, at least since 2009 if not further back. i found ninja nonsense and loved it thanks to you.

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I've been here before that, but I'm glad you watched it. Its a damn good show.

It was one of the first comedy anime praised for its dub too.

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I would if I could find something like Kamidori, but nothing I find can scratch that itch

it felt like i saw a new one on the PSN every other week when i still used my vita. seemed like some shovelware series that gets localized for unknown reasons, so im guessing most people posting her havent played any of them and probably wont play hers

Are Souls games JRPGs? They're RPGs made in Japan, so I say yes.

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ARPGs are still RPGs, just dont tell the kingdom hearts mouthbreathers because nobody wants them around

Yes, just like how Final Fantasy is a WRPG.

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Damn, that looks comfy as all fuck. Is it hard to play for non-nip speakers?

Most JPRGs are menu simulators not worth playing.

Finished with DDS 1. Playing DDS 2 soon but for right now I'm playing SMT4 again

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shut the FUCK up onsokumaru
how are you still here man, this place is driving me crazy lately and i'm wondering if i should quit for good

I dont know whether to play Mana Khemia on PSP or PS2

Can I count FFXIV?
I was playing FFV before Shadowbringers came out, but I'm constantly worried I'm going to miss something. I got to where Galuf fucks off back home and stopped.

I prefer Void bastards

God I've cummed so many times to these bitches.

The last JRPG I finished was FF6 like 12 years ago. I tried playing the new DQ game but it was boring as shit. I guess this genre is more fun when you're a young teen.

>another decent looking indie game that fell for the rouge"""like""" meme
I hate this

Started Persona 3 few days ago. Playing pretty much blind, i just know the basics to get good social links and stuff.

I would go as far as to say that DQXI is unplayable on the default difficulty that doesnt even require you to use buffs
Hard Monsters is like a whole new game where you need to be using every ability to survive just normal mob fights
It has some issues with early bosses being RNG heavy as all hell but I think its worth it to the cakewalk through snoozetown of the default setting

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I do, just good ones.

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Do labyrinth of refrain counts?
I think I am doing this wrong my girls are on level 60+ and I am on the three castles dungeon.
it feels like they are too strong for this dungeon.

it is so funny seeing the shit xenoblade players think is impressive

the boss at the gate of fortress of fear was the only semi difficult thing i found on vanilla. it killed me once, i grinded 2 levels, and then he was manageable

>Do labyrinth of refrain counts?


LoR is a disgaea like game so the game does expect you to reincarnate your people for new skills and better stat growths

Thanks to DDS I have this habbit of naming fem characters 'Argilla' in almost every game (where you can change the name, obviously).
In fact, Argilla is the name I've given to fem MC in
>pic related
Going through for the 2nd time. Might as well start 3rd run soon. It really is that good.

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What do you mean?
Xenoblade X is not that impressive as jRPG, but it does have quality sidequests with choices which actually have an affect on npc and such. Which I can't say about some other games.
Grinding for good one shot kill mecha setup is a pain tho.

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i like it more than fates and awakening, but it desperately needs a harder difficulty. ive done 2 out of the 3 houses and have not lost a unit yet on classic hard every time

Shame it doesn't have passive skill which takes "time played" into account to boost stat.
I have a glitched save with 999 hours on it.

FF4 free enterprise

Because I'm not an anti-social loser.
Imagine playing not only a single player (yikes) game, but a single player turn-based japanese role playing game.
Disgusting. Get some friends.

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Is there any chance that I would like X if I loved Saga, was ok with Gears but hated both Blades?
I dont think I can handle waiting that long for my giant robot

I'm not some pathetic weebcel

>Because I'm not an anti-social loser.
Imagine saying that unironically. On Yea Forums.
I agree.

Because I find them boring. Let me know when Japan makes a good FPS.

Are there any good ones on PC?

Nah but seriously, i just cant do it anymore. I tried playing Vesperia the other day and dropped it 3 times at the very beginning 3 days in a row. I finally gave up and realized that i have matured and now require multiplayer video games with e-social interactions and a competitive element in order to be entertained.

Grandia 2 and Rance 6

I yet to play other Xeno games so can't say much about comparison.
If you hated blades gameplay I doubt you'll like it.
I'd say gameplay is still better than both blades, but still similar enough to be turned off by it if you dislike overall concept.
Story is passable, main attraction is variety of sidequests. Getting mech not that long compared to overall lenght of the game.
But it all comes down to core gameplay mechanics - no amount of other things will overweight if you disliked blades for that. So avoid in that case.

That's not maturation, I played nothing but MP when I was a teenager, now I enjoy both regularly.

I'm playing Epic Seven on my PC with NoxPlayer. It's pretty based that I have the game on both my phone and PC. What a time to be alive where you can play a game on your PC and have the exact same game on your phone, with progress on either carrying over to the other.

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Wow that's sad

Silly question, PC has access to 99% of JRPGs ever made either through emulation or ports.

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Well, I have good news for you then! FIFA 20 is coming out soon!

I prefer actual video games such as DotA Underlords and MTGA.

(Not that user.)
I played it recently on the Switch (and I played X360 version ages ago), and boy, some battles were intense as fuck. Check this shit, Conqueror's HP is red, I have 3 unions with specials ready, and he almost killed me in the following turn.

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Currently playing Bravely Default in JP. Nearing chapter 8 I think, lost count of how many times I've repeated things but bosses started to gang up together this world so I think the next one is the last rep.

Still deciding what I'll play after since I don't intend on starting bravely second right after finishing default. Currently looking for something in which every character can be every job or at least has a number of paths for you to take and their appearance/clothing are determined by the job/path you go for and not by their equipped gear.

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>in JP

dumb weeaboo.

I'm still mad at how you are supposed to get true ending.
It's just dumb, game rewards you to be clueless as fuck instead of realizing fairy lies


>the game does expect you to reincarnate your people for new skills and better stat growths
I didn't know about this.

Is it the transfer soul thing?

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That's how SaGa games roll, always expect the unexpected.

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Why is one of the Shadow Hearts tracks named Sicking Fucking?

But I am, I have Trails from Zero open right now.

or realize that you are being played but are forced to go along with the scheme

Yeah. The Soul Clarity stat is the stat that makes your dolls more effective.

Also, there is one formation you can get in that dungeon, I forgot the name off the top of my head but one of the slots says that it decreases charm by like 50%. THAT IS A TYPO, it actually increases charm by that amount

I'm specifically going for the true ending this time. Last time I played several years ago I got really fucking tired and just broke the crystal. I really dislike this whole repetition thing to be honest.

I might get it soon. I played awaking and fates. Also the waifus look good in three houses.

>or realize that you are being played but are forced to go along with the scheme
I'd be for that if characters acted like they get it.
But no, it takes ages for them to start getting suspicious.
Yeah, it's just shitty design to lenghten the game for no good reason.

Thank you I can sage and leave this thread now.

Speaking of SaGa, when are RS3 and Scarlet coming out?
If those were your only FE games and you like them, you're gonna love 3H.


>sage is le downvote

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>I'd be for that if characters acted like they get it.
To be fair, they do. Ringabell got his memories back at some point and he told Tiz which eventually gets the chance to tell Agnes without Airy being around. So at the point I'm at right now, near ch.8 like I said, they all kind of already know. They are still pushing for it though.

Any good ones on PC that don't look like 90s N64 games or play like Visual Novels?

lol u mad, hi OP.

Because I have a good taste in video games.

I guess I never lasted this many repeats to reach that point.
Still, game punishes the player for right decision with not true ending.
After all when you get suspicious of how story goes and decide to go against the flow - that usually should result in good outcome. But you get bad outcome.
You can say that devs decided to go against usual trope and such, but that leaves the problem of boring repeation over and over again - testing player patience.
So I really still think they fucked up perfectly good game and judging by second game they agreed on that front.

>when are RS3 and Scarlet coming out?
RS3 is getting a TGS announcement, so they'll probably reveal the exact date then, given how it's a worldwide release they'll probably add Scarlet Grace to that when it comes to the western market.

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It's funny because there are several clues about breaking the crystal with characters like the sage specifically telling you "courage to forge your own path, courage to disobey orders" or something among those lines or characters telling you "did you know if you break the crystal they'll eventually regen? lmao" and stuff like that. It really feels like the game is stealthy trying to tell you the correct path is to break it.

Last Remnant

Renaissance of Fate is also pretty good if you are willing to look past a boring plot that wastes your time endlessly for gameplay

Waiting on ONINAKI

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Yep, feels like at the end of development someone thought that game is too short, and they swapped good and bad ending around. And probably added repetition with all that reused content.

Nice. Thanks for the info, user!


I'm not a weeb

Resonance od Fate, bro.

Shit genre, only action RPGs like Souls for example are the only salvagble thing to come out of it

Kewl opinion there

Opinions on dungeon travelers?

X is antithetical to saga

Over-rated trash but still decent compared to its peers on the shita

Taking a break after completing Ys VIII during the free weekend. Probably going to go back to the first one and play through them all over time, Turn based ones feel too slow for me to ever get invested though.

>console wars posting

Because they are shit mostly.

Sorry I worded that wrong. I meant Turn based JRPG's feel too slow for me to ever get invested. It's because Ys isn't turn based that I really enjoyed it.

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why play them when you can look at interesting art of them instead

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I only play good games

They still use the shitty Dragonball Quest formula and the ones that are actiony are pretty lame cause they never fully commit
I recently tried P5 and dropped it cause it has to much dialogue and padding, another problem with the genre

>loved Saga, was ok with Gears
>was ok with Gears
the robots in that are fucking awesome

There is nothing wrong with dragon quest combat

Turn based combat makes me suicidal

agreed, dragon quest 3 is great because it almost all combat with story arcs in each town that slowly tie into defeating baramos

Jesus Christ user
You're not allowed to be this fucking BASED

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Try crisis core see if that is your speed

what is a jrpg

>not being horny 24/7

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I've been playing some SaGa. Might start labrynth of refrain. Also about halfway through SOSC.

>try some retarded shit build/tactic that I randomly came up with out of nowhere
>it actually works
>turns out it's way too effective to the point it feels like cheese
Should I keep using it then?

I somehow put on hold every jrpg I start, and don't want to finish them later. Still haven't finish Alliance Alive, for example.

sauce on that webm? youve made me horn y


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I'm in class. I'll play when I get home.


i bet you only play shit like Apex Legends and League of Legends

then what are you doing on this site made specifically for weebs then?

I played JRPGs enough as a kid that they're all easy and boring nowadays
They all test you on the -exact- same skills without ever asking more of you

anime girls should have facial features, you plebs

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>it's not actually a role playing game

I'm playing FFXV, can it still be considered a JRPG?

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Finished Xenoblade 2, waiting for Astral Chain but otherwise looking for a good JRPG to sink my teeth into.

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I just finished Fire Emblem Three Houses last night, so I'm gonna finally get back to Valkyria Chronicles 4 today.

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Seeing as it still has Blade gameplay, no, you won't like X.

Does dragon quest builders count as a jrpg

Its still a JRPG even if its a shit game.

Because they have boring gameplay.

I'm playing through Grandia on the Saturn, now that the translation patch is out (Google).
Everything about this game just oozes soul.

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They are boring games

I'm playing through Panzer Dragoon Saga and Final Fantasy 6 right now, both for the first time. They are pretty good.

I need a japanese SRPG to play

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Fire Emblem Three Houses.

Have you played Xenoblade 1 and X? If not, look into emulating them.

X is in the backlog because my Wii U broke, unfortunate as that is.
I would emulate but my laptom is a decade old at this point.

Because I'm at work.
But I'm currently playing Three Houses. Near the end of chapter 9. I assume there's two more months of school before the time skip. Is the latter half paced faster or not?

Final Fantasy XV

The S stands for Strategy, user, not Shit

But all SRPGs are shit...

Want to play some PS2 JRPGs, is it cheaper to just buy the proper games or do the whole FMCB hard drive stuff?

Emulate them

Post pyra booty

Hikari > Homura