Compiled a few clips from the alpha to show you guys how it currently looks.
Ready Or Not Alpha Footage
I got 13 more of these left
wasn't there an NDA?
Yeah, this person is gonna get removed from the alpha and possibly sued.
Who the fuck cares, post em if you got em OP, the footage is appreciated.
yes and...?
Never heard of this game.
Not like they shouldn't have seen it coming, so i wonder why bother.
Just confirming it was new footage
nothing else, OP?
I'm not supposed to look at these
tfw op was fucking murdered
sorry for poor quality, and delay i was trying to clip reduce the file size
Come back, OP.
I hope this is like alpha because this looks pretty garbage.
this is more like free advertising as the only people coming to this thread are the only people remotely interested in the game
not all companies are evil, I hope
I do like how you can kick doors open.
Looks janky and shit. Wew lad.
>dat m1a
Please let it be good, let it be good.
You cant get sued for breaking a video game NDA. There isnt any broken law, the only remedy is removing your license.
Also they are an indie team in NZ, they cant afford lawyers anyway.
Stupid fucking developers if you ask me, they never should have put up a game with an NDA in the first place, it makes you look like a cunt.
>what is: alpha stage
yeah, it's almost as if it's a work in progress you bunghole
don't be such a wuss
I totally forgot about this game, thanks for the hype OP
okay this isn't just the next SWAT game it's literally a fucking remake
>game not coming out for another year
>looks like it needs a decades work
Oh boy so its vapor ware
What is this?
Compression kills the video
based OP said he has god damn 13 webms chill the fuck out
Yea Forums, welcome aboard.
But I could get into internet trouble.
Looks like a cheap indie steam game from 2008
you say that like it's a bad thing
excuse me, but 4channel has no affiliation with the pedo ring known as Yea Forums.
Please do not make this connection in your future posts, thank you.
You are fucking terrible at videogames
i mean, it's certainly going to be easy to learn but it's so close it looks like they could get in trouble for it.
then go play Battle Royale 2k19 I hear that game has really good graphics
Your mom
Been looking forward to this since the first trailers hit. Not gonna lie, looking a little rough but it looks like it could be good with some polish.
Its not him personally retard, its some jap player who uploaded his gameplay
Based jap
This looks awful. What a shame.
Sierra isn't around anymore.
>paying 120 dollars for this
what did SWAT trademark the flashbang grenade? don't be ridiculous
Just like all those other modern military FPS games activision regularly sues, right?
whoever owns it
Orders menu and colors, health icon, arrest animation, even the door lockpicking animation look almost as if taken out of SWAT 4
I don't care how edgy it sounds
ITT: anons don't understand what an actual alpha build looks like
Away with you, damage control shill
pretty much this, it looks really rough especially the AI but the movement and gunplay look solid at least. lots of potential here as long as they don't fuck it up
to be fair, most of them have been trained to think alpha/beta means early access.
apperntly there is a cool down for non pass holders on posting videos
and SWAT 4s arresting animation looks like it was ripped from Raven Shield, kinda moot point
This looks great here.
That fucking run slide and stop.
This game is gonna be dead on arrival isn't it?
>eats all those bullets
ooohhhh noooo.....
we appreciate your diligence OP
That should have been death.
this is how you clear a room, take notes
>a fucking Calico
soooo they basically tried to recreate SWAT 4 in Unreal Engine, but forgot to program AI??
last one iv got, ill post more if i find new footage
>teleports behind you
What is their contrived reason for only having 5 guys to clear an entire building and surroundings? Sometimes you don't even have enough people to cover all the doorways at once and they expect you to also deal with civilians at the same time. It should be more like 20 people.
>those muzzle flashes
Mm looks good so far.
ching ching bing bong rook at me i am da chinese people ching chong
Probably gameplay reasons. SWAT 3 has a mod that expands the roster but it becomes an annoying clusterfuck.
But I thought the entire point of the game was to be realistic.
It's not a simulator.
If the intention of this thread was advertising; you fucked up.
Some of the clips gave me a good laugh.
Thanks for sharing OP.
About what I was expecting. Hopefully it will be more polished by next year.
Devs, don't get discouraged. It's okay, just fix everything for the release and people will like it.
It better be better than the teaser they released recently. It looked fucking awful.
These webms don't give me much hope.
Swat 4 literally has that exact same "objective" for every one of its missions
Reminder this shit comes out in Q4 2020, it's nowhere near close to being finished
Now that that's said, they need to put AI on the top of their priority list because wew lad
Honestly it looks about like what i expected, i knew the previous trailers were bullshots and with the delays it was clear the hard work hadn't started until very recently. The good news is that there's an actual game to speak of, that the mechanics everyone cares for are there, and that it seems to be staying true to the formula, the bad is that this doesn't look like a 2020 release at the rate they're going, and seeing just how inconsistent the assets, graphics, animations and jank are, and that means the money they got risks running out before they can have a launch that isn't a shitfest.
Do people even know what an Alpha is?
>doesn't look like a 2020 release
you'd be surprised at how much polish can be done to a product once all the functionality and features are in over a short period of time
t. game dev
Looks like fucking garbage for tacticool milsperg autists. I'll probably get it to just dick on REALISMfags who always suck at fps anyways. Cant wait to make milsperg manbabbies cry when I run around doing whatever I want and top fragging despite not being an autistic tacticool larper. Its so hilarious to me playing ARMA and squad just running arouns on my own braining autists who try to play all tactically like their real soldiers. Fuck I hate milsperg autist tryhards
Can you say that again but this time not entirely in reddit buzzwords
>those jank animations
>the animations that arent jank are broken
>shit AI
>everything looks broken and jank
How much you being paid to defend this buggy piece of crap?
>9mm hipoint
>3 shots to the chest, 1 to the arm
Nah that's definitely survivable with a plate carrier
I can't believe just how much of that gameplay trailer was bullshot after bullshot.
This. But milsperg autists will defend this trash anyways because they care about larping as a badass more than getting a good game. Sad!
You could say this game is NOT READY
If this thread is any indication they don't.
Theres thousands of random bugs. I think 2000 have been reported. The shitty 3 man dev team will never get to fix them all, even researching that many bugs takes months. The game will be broken even after 2020s release time frame. Its obvious the trailers were bullshots and theyve only started working on the game half a year ago at most. This is gonna be takedown red saber all over again. Stay mad shill
>alpha build
this is PRE-alpha, next year when the game releases it will be in alpha
>2000 bugs reported
If the discord is anything to go buy a solid 85% of those are people saying the ground has no texture or that a gun doesn't have a sound. There's a good deal of bugs but 99% of the people playing it are European or third worlders or retarded. They've got a lot of work to do but the game works and runs and most the features are in and actually work, it's not like they have to 95% of the game as well as fix bugs.
nonono you don't get it, if you like the game you're a fanboy and a shill full-stop; sorry bud that's just how it works
It doesn't look good bros...
fuck off shill, the game sucks and we KNOW you lurk here to plug leaks of footage
Of course it doesnt but shills will shill
>Pay extra for Alpha Access
Kickstarter games have been doing this promotion for years now. If you don't want to pay $120 wait a few months for it to go Beta/Early Access.
Jesus christ the whining you guys do is insufferable at times.
You paid 120 for a broken piece of shit with 1 map and barely functioning online lelelel
You bought the $120 edition, didn't you user?
And your mother is a whore, sometimes life just is what it is.
can you be more obvious shill?
no nigger here is paying for a shit games pre-alpha build with NOTHING in it
Butthurt shill detected
Will one of the people that have the game uhhh "share" it on a "sharing" site???
Oh yeah you definitely did, and now you're regretting it, hard. Just admit it and get it off your chest.
faggots couldnt even leak the alpha build of madness project nexus 2, dont expect this to be shared around
I didn't buy it, I'm just following the game.
I don't know how to prove I don't own a game, but as you can see Ready or Not isn't in my Steam Library.
Its already up but you can fuck right off and find it yourself nigger
Can already spot your shitty shop. See
Yes I admit that I paid 120 dollars for the alpha and the game is absolute garbage. Laugh at its failure and celebrate the next tortanic. RON is confirmed garbage and you can take my word for it as I paid 120 dollars to play this buggy garbage shitpile.
yikes you're pathetic
Yes I am pathetic and so is this game. Everyone who paid for this game is pathetic and be sure to shit on them and the game in every RON thread you see
In the future. """People""" like us deserve a bullet through the skull
Yes user, I'm clearly lying to gain your trust on 4channel. Please buy the game even though I'm not encouraging you to do so.
The guy playing in these clips is so fucking bad. It's painful.
its already up where?
I better be able to play a female operator
i was following this game since the first trailer, I was ready hyped, but when they show their ""gameplay"" video for casual.
Thanks for the video user it's definitely an alpha.
The discord and I thought it was releasing this year and thought they were at the end of the project
It's a pre-alpha. They say it everywhere in the game.
Stop being a fucking cock rider.
Never even heard of the game, but now I'm interested.
Sell it to me in 10 words or less.
>this was the game that was supposed to kill Siege 2 years ago
SWAT 4, but better(?)
it looks like shit. what is it?
>but better
but Worse*
why are they trying so hard with that NDA shit by showing the steam id everywhere
if you dont want your game to be seen dont let people play it you fucking retard
Looks a whole lot less finished than what I imagined based on the gameplay trailers.
Still, it does look very promising. Provided they polish the visuals, the animations, and fix the hilariously terrible clown show AI.
>Ton of assets not finished
So they released an alpha ready or not
If squad and swat 4 had a baby and that baby was /k/
Siege killed itself
It didn't actually
Oh yes it did
>only getting more popular over time
>Yea Forums says it's actually dead though because of screenshots so it must be
As an Australian i have never been more disappointed in my life. A fucking disgrace
>only getting more popular over time
getting more popular with retards yes
Letting Australia in at all was a charity anyway.
>33 BMI
>literally clinically obese
can't make this shit up
If it's in a playable state, it's not an alpha, it's a beta.
Alpha = untextured meshes, player models are just boxes or spheres, there's no physics engine, any time you right click it crashes that's wrong
The definitions change but based on what I just played it's absolutely an alpha. Assets missing, placeholder textures, nothing playable implemented beyond a single skirmish style mission, straight-up broken UI elements, all kinds of stuff. In most modern usage, 'beta' means largely feature complete but in need of serious polish and balance work. This is distinctly an alpha. Might even be too early, I can appreciate seeing it in such a rough state but a lot of people probably don't get that they're being let in unusually early in development.
t. zoomer who grew up with marketers marketing "alphas" as playable early access betas.
Alpha means you don't even have a functional game. There is also no such thing as 'pre alpha', it's a marketing term.
Generally it's
Alpha = suitable for internal testing
Beta = suitable for public testing
With nothing more specific than that.
you're obnoxious
Forget about the game, the soundtrack is absolutely kino
SASR and Aus commandos are on par with thr seals. Why couldnt get a black with a bogan accent not that fucking difficult
>generic orchestral music is now kino
yikes my dude
oh, nice
>gershwin style noir
Be born earlier
>american musician
like i said, generic