So, whats the verdict?
So, whats the verdict?
the game hasn't changed that much but if you're a VRfag it makes it a hell of a lot better
redeemed and fun
Still garbage no matter what they add because the gameplay loop is pretty trash, literally just collect to fill engine and move on
It's fun if you're into just wandering around and acquiring ships. It has a ton of flaws though, namely the UI if you play on PC.
Honestly this would actually be a decent game if they changed the damn slot inventory system, they caught me halfway with increasing stack size but the slots need to be replaced or revamped as it is so damn restricting and claustrophobic when you are farming for mats.
my balls, your face
Hated it at launch but I find it genuinely engrossing now.
I just cheat and make stack sizes 2 billion. Fuck micromanagement inventory bullshit.
It's still shit.
I haven't even tried Beyond, but in Next when a game in this sort of advanced sci-fi setting gives you one tiny fucking crate per planet, it's pretty clear they're screwing you on purpose.
Increasing stack size only helps so much if you are restricted to 30-40 slots (when there is like 200 different items in the game). Just replace it with a weight system (like any other RPG) and it would GOTY worthy game
>Find ship
>Have to gather a retarded amount of materials to repair
Fuck that.
>fixes a couple of more broken promises
>still forgets about the others
it's meh
Give me some portable storage carts that hover and follow me around. Then slap them on the back of my ship like a trailer. Yee haw.
I feel like there's a fun game buried in there somewhere but there are so many fucking stupid design decisions and bugs holding it back.
>Every time you talk to an NPC to learn a word you have to spend 20 seconds clicking through the exact same dialogue
>Every time you hand in a mission you have to wait 10 seconds for nothing to happen because there was probably supposed to be a reward screen but it's broken
>Every time you buy an item from an NPC you get booted out of the menu and have to talk to them and click through their dialogue to buy anything else
>You can transfer items to your freighter whenever you want, but you have to land on your freighter to transfer them back
>Your freighter can't have a teleporter on it so every time you want to teleport somewhere you have to get off the freighter and get on your ship and fly to the space station and then teleport
>Using your freighter to warp anywhere costs warp fuel but calling it to another star system after teleporting there doesn't
>No proper recipe list in the game so you have to just dump shit in the refiner through trial and error to find recipes and remember them
>Inventory management in general is a fucking chore, you have way too little inventory space and constantly need to drop things or transfer things, it's like playing Terraria with 1/5 the inventory slots
>Actually interesting planets are few and far between, most planets are just the exact same shit functionally but with different colours of dirt
>Base building is a fucking mess, a bunch of shit has to be placed in powered buildings but doesn't tell you this at all and gives you no indication of why you're not allowed to place it in a non-powered building so you have to look up why it isn't working
>Combat is terrible and bullets constantly go through sentinels / creatures without dealing damage so the mining beam is way more useful than your actual guns
>Space combat is absolute trash
I don't know why I'm still playing it.
I'm amazed they haven't improved the gameplay loop of 'look for the same colored flowers on every planet to power your life support to find more flowers' over 5 years.
I bought it a few weeks ago. Spent a few days playing it and got bored. Its very repetitive. The games complexity comes exclusivity through quantity rather than quality. The depth of the crafting system comes from the fact that there are 100 different elements, but everything you can craft is just a 5%boost in damage, harvesting speed, etc. Ships aren't that interesting looking, they look like lego sets, and you also just hunt for the one you think is kind of pretty as they are all the same except for more cargo vs a bit more tool capacity.
When you land on a new planet you just don't care about the "discovery" as you know its all fake procedural generated bullshit. All those infinite animals and plants end up being slightly modified versions of those you already saw on the first 2 planets. Its just fake bullshit that is suppose to make you feel "special" for discovering it. The story is boring as you inevitably already know the ending due to the shitfest it originally sparked. You just fly around collecting shit, trying to get to the center while already knowing how it pathetically it ends.
Procedural generation is a fraud. And this game is its trailer. If you saw the trailer, you played the game.
I honestly had more fun playing the simple little Astroneer. Planets there are also procedurally generated, but that's about it. A much smaller and simpler game, that actually gets you excited about landing on a different planet, or discovering a new element. (still has no replay value tho, and retarded devs make any small update destroy your savegame, make sure to disable updates).
weight system would be worse
I really like it, but the game desperately needs something to do besides building bases.
>but everything you can craft is just a 5%boost in damage, harvesting speed, etc.
This was such a disappointment.
>Get a gun upgrade of S tier that says it gives an EXTREME boost to damage
>Install it
>+2% damage
They should stop updating little things and actually update the combat system. At a certain point having any ship upgrades for fighting becomes worthless, and the easiest way to make money is just to raid unprotected frigates
Great concept, still terrible execution. I appreciate they are trying to fix it, but they would have to change the entire premise of its gameplay to become something really good.
>Fly around planet
>Only land at outposts because in an exploration game there's a fucking fee on landing/lifting off in the form of grinding
>Fly around more
>When you are bored of the scenery, leave and go to another planet, repeat
The most boring space has ever been.
The launch thrusters become pointless as soon as you get some uranium, what's more annoying is how shit the draw distance is when flying.
What difficulty should I play this on? Is it like every other survival game where it stops being a factor as soon as I get enough technology?
Well your a newb on anything but permadeath.
I heard that Survival has even less inventory space than normal, so definitely just go with normal.
I can't fucking find any deep oceans
I know they exist but every ocean I find is a fucking puddle lately
I just want a comfy deep sea base
Normal, it's grindy but not as grindy as survival and not as boring as Creative
I found one planet that was like 60% ocean but it still wasn't deep.
It was pretty surprising to find out that the devs were actually neo-nazis.
fun minecraft in space
Nigga you dumb. Don't fix that shit, repair it enough to fly it to a station and flip that shit to a chump Gek for his ship.
>find ship
>start gathering materials
>multible teleports later the ship you claimed teleports to space station with base systems functional
>use it to trade up against a better ship
>the same broken ship spawns at crash site a few days later duplicating it
fucking storage cube suck dick
>4 slots
>1000 stack size
>pirate game
>launch for first time
>loading screen on create world is 20 fucking minutes
>get ingame
>unskippable cinematic camera is nearly a minute long from lag
>change to lowest settings
>didnt save apparently
>make another 20 minute loading screen
Glad I spent my sunday arvo on it.
what kind of shit toaster are you playing on, i could play it just fine on my shit laptop
This really sounds like their game design team is absolute trash.
Pirated Next a year ago and played like 15 hours. I liked it, so I wanted to buy it when it gets a new dlc. I did, and I literally refunded it after 60 minutes.
Game is boring. Planets are mostly a bunch of hills with different colors. No huge valleys, mountains, rivers. You will get random floating snake form rocks and that's it
still just the same boring shallow soulless shit it always was
if you like walking around shooting rocks so you can continue walking around shooting rocks, you'll love it
Just get rid of any sort of limit for ship storage and it'd be fine. It's far too limited for the scope of resources they expect you to get off planet with.
Get rid of any limit except for technology, you mean. That's the only one that makes sense.
Couldn't tell you, I'm not stupid enough to fall for the open-world meme. A shame about everyone else in this thread!
old machine but by no means bad. only recent hardware is gpu.
1060 3gb
fx 8320 3.5hz base
Years of fine tuning have it running well enough. I can play most AAA titles at 60fps average one way or another.
But this game sits in the rest of them pile. Looks worse than modded minecraft and runs like a fucking realtime blender simulation.
A delayed game is eventually good. A bad released game is forever bad.
>Game was crashing on release
>still crashing within 1-2 hours with NEXT
>and still crashing today
Geez. That release hype sure died down quick. Makes it look like Yea Forums got raided by shills.
>have a beautiful red grass planet as home base
>NEXT and Beyond update
>my planet now is a yellow shitty biome
Haha git gut fag
It's "my planet is now a shitty yellow biome", ESL-kun.
Your gpu is terrible
so wait they've been re-generating the whole universe every major content update?