why do people hate skyrim again?
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Dunno, even I was skeptical before release but when I pirated it I really enjoyed it. Was worth the buy. Lewd mods are nice but nowhere near needed to enjoy the game.
The gameplay isn't compelling enough. It's too simple and streamlined.
Now how does it look while being played
Too lazy to mod it
or they fall for the spend 100 hours modding and 2 hours playing meme
because it's a shit game, gamer.
Fuck off back to your circlejerk
To be fair no good RPGs have good gameplay, but also, Skyrim is neither.
>Gamer: A person obsessed with sex to the point where it becomes a detriment to their abilities to socialize and think through problems.
I'm talking specifically about Skyrim. I'm not comparing it to other games.
sony. please help me..
It's dumbed down shit for retards
my dick
>giga brain
just edit it out, not even contrarians played arena
I don't hate it, I just prefer honey select as far 3d porn games go. In skyrim, you're limited to what hairstyles modders release. So at some point, everyone is just a different skin texture with the same hairs.
I don't mind
Is there a problem with people being entertained by their entertainment? Explain to me why you care about how other people spend their time.
interactive content is less cucked than non-interactive content
tbf retards don't deserve entertainment, and most people living today are retards.
>waaah waahhh waahhh stop likeing what I don't like
gonna bump just to rustle the buzzword spamming trannies desu
You're one of them. Don't expect people to take you seriously when you can't be bothered to type English correctly.
>why do people hate skyrim again?
too many people here making pedo mods instead of big tiddy thicc mommy ones.
>Getting triggered by abbreviations
Kill yourself retard.
It's the brain required to play through the game, zoomers today can't even launch Arena through MS-DOS let alone make a character and finish the game.
This isn't triggered. It's someone criticizing you for being either stupid or lazy. You also just forgot a comma. Looks to me like you're projecting your insecurities by insisting other people are retarded. You think because you said it first it can't be used against you? You're a fucking retard.
>This isn't triggered.
>Still replying.
>And replying with more than one buzzword
Again, kys
Still not a single word to defend your laziness because it was completely accurate. Everyone is justified when they ignore your posts. Take the time to type correctly and shit like this won't happen, retard. Your opinions are always going to be meaningless when you accompany them with ESL street urchin language and grammar.
get a room
how big is a Skyrim folder with tons of porn mods?
with the good ones that everyone recommends?
I've broken 200GB easily with 4k textures
How do I make my skyrim like this?
Zoomer here, can confirm, I can't get DOS working. I wish I could, Arena and Daggerfall look cool as fuck and all those varied mechanics look amazing.
i do not believe on 4k meme, i just want non-retarded ones.
you probably want 4k textures at least for your characters and npcs anyway, looks a lot better
Lets see:
>Shit graphics
>Animations are trash
>Gameplay is literally the most braindead aspect of any open world game i have ever seen. Its literally without depth and consists of only clicking the left mouse and eventually clicking Tab to open the menu and chug 5 potions
>Trash story with "You are the chosen one" bullshit you have seen 10000 times
dude porn mods lmao
>Shit graphics
The game was released in 2011, zoom zoom. Same year as Dark Souls which looked like trash in comparison.
I've played this game for over 300 hours
I still don't know how it ends
This kid doesnt remember when people started saying how shit the game looked after seeing the trailer.
>That 2002 water
>These textures
Maybe ask some people that are 20+ how the reveal went
Because you're posting ugly thots instead of lewd argonians
>why do people hate Skyrim
Mostly extremely shitty uncomfortable-as-fuck menu UI and GUI design in general. And that's while being crapped out version of Oblivion's UI/GUI designs, which in on itself was garbaged up UI of the ABSOLUTELY COMFY PERFECTION that was Morrowind's windowing system.
Basically goes like this:
Morrowind > TESO > Daggerfall > Oblivion > Arena > donkey diarrhea shit > Skyrim.
kill paarthurnax
Daggerfall aimed for the stars
oblivion/skyrim bethesda aimed for the foothills
>tfw I'm too of a brainlet to make my game looks exactly like that
why there isn't a pre-modded version or something so its just extract and play like koikatsu?
its like 3 mods. sliderfu is a lie and lot of the great models you see are usually modeled in blender outside the game and imported
er i should heads
What mods? Last time I tried to doll my character up it still looked like in-game shit.
bodyslide + either fair skin or pure skin + hairstyle mods. import a custom head. usually people will list what mods they used to make a character
I want to fail all quests
>Not using mods to make Skyrim a true RPG
Y tho
where can I get a custom head?
easy way is to lift the .nif out of a custom follower. i haven't searched very hard to see if there's a database or thread somewhere
and how do I then place that face on my character?
mods can make a lot of things but they can't make miracles.
Hey, I still want this elf to be my gf!
racemenu sculpt screen
The most interesting quests lines were too short and had shit endings. especially dealing with daedric lords. It shouldn't be that easy to get molag bals mace and it certainly wouldn't be so garbage of a weapon.
Because it's boring and watered down shit for actual casuals.
Also because of perma virgins like yourself.
Texture mods are simple user, so is racemenu and there are easy mode graphics mods out there like ELFX that are drag+drop just like textures/meshes.
Just experiment with the racemenu sliders for a while until you get what you want.
You're in luck. Daggerfall has a unity port
>decide not to use fast travel
>get attacked by two vamp groups, one bandit, a dragon whilst fighting off a rogue giant, trigger a thalmor group when fighting another dragon and killed by mud crabs
Riften-Windhelm road is a fucking joke
>grown up men playing dress up with their little virtual barbie dolls
You're beyond pathetic
I use fast travel between holds via carriage or sometimes when I need to make back to the main city after exploring the hold enough and if I don't feel like sight seeing.
>tfw I yoinked the Woe face from the follower mod and duplicated her, just so I could selfcest for funsies.
Are you that user who posts notWoe? Your snow elfu is hot. I wish there was Lokasenna follower mod.
You're on a board dedicated to a coping mechanism for losers who couldn't cut it in the real world. Everyone here is beyond pathetic.
Yeah, still haven't taken any more pictures though, I'm too set on getting that hecking Elven chainmail with UUNP HDT that was outdated, and actually sorting out the pose mods, because I have like 6 of them that don't even work but I have no idea what to do.
Like yourself?
nigga dont pretend wagies wouldnt be playing more video games if they had the spare time to do so
>default feet
I'm not pretending I'm not
You don't need to fight every time. Just run and jump to save stamina while maintaining speed in the air.
nobody cares about feet
Because the game is shit.
I've lewd modded my skyrim to the point where doing anything is extremely hindered by people/animals/traps taking advantage of my character and having their way with her.
It's not bad wank fodder but it's hard to get any actual playing done.
When I want to do Skyrim run for more than just faps I just use some light quest and dialogue based sex mods (amorous adventures, sexlab solutions and some others), I would say it's immersive even, for example, to get Saadia be your personal bitch for protection.
t. O B S E S S E D niggerbrain who needs to kill himself
Because sex mods don't make it a good game, it's a pile of shit no matter how many terabytes of mods you install
It's ok game, I enjoyed the lore and exploration.
Honey Select is less prone to crashing and Skyrim has shitty gameplay.
yeah what he said
wow it's just like the first 10 minutes of gameplay
hitting rats and healing wounds
except rats cant kill you.
which mod lets me butt chug potions
feet are the star of that picture
everything else is foil around them
wagies are even more pathetic, they have choke on their managers dick for barely enough pay to scrape by
>guns without magazines
For what purpose?
And what's wrong with that?
My biggest gripe with Skyrim is that they made SE, which wasn't a bad move per se, but its ultimate flaw was it was incompatible with LE mods.
Don't suppose anybody here have a good tutorial on how to outfit studio an armor?
It's popular. There are quite a few hipsters around Yea Forums that don't know they're hipsters.
Why do they need magazines to pose with?
the only ones who truly hate skyrim are the retards who can't mod it.
I actually never completed Skyrim. Both due being simply overfed with open world RPGs, and due being sidetracked. But i still consider it a solid game everyone should at least play a bit.
t. started with Morrowind on release date.
They don't. It's loved by the overwhelming majority of players.
Fuck OP's attempt at lewd thread. How's Enderal? I completed Nehrim. Don't remember much, just that i was pretty impressed by it.
Shit gameplay, very shallow combat, every weapon and spell is the same, mods can't fix it because it's in the game's core.
I might have liked it if I hadn't finished Dark Souls first.
Skyrim is a great game with fucking stupid flaws
Game is legit unplayable without heavy modding, and even after that you can get a just fine game
>but its ultimate flaw was it was incompatible with SexLab mods
Fixed for you
Most essential and gameplay overhaul mods bave been ported to SE
Blame the mod creators at large for aggressively shutting down every attempt made at packaging mods into neat, already QA'd single downloads because of "M-MUH NEXUS ENDORSEMENTS"
>arm clips into boobs
get some more SMP in there my dude
>want to play Skyrim again
>install the typical visual and gameplay improvement mods
>install a mod that gives you an argonian follower
>play for a bit
>want to make her more attractive
>install custom armors
>install custom body textures
>figure out how to use bodyslide
>install FNIS
>install freecam
>install poses
>install new player houses
>build three new argonian girls, one for each of my favorite bodytypes
>take screenshots of all of them
>realize I've fallen down the autism tube
>all I want now is to play my game again
>with a handful of the best lewd mods still installed
Modded Skyrim is one hell of a drug.
Not him but what's that?
>want to play skyrim again
>install 1600 different mods
>spend 18 hours getting them to play nice with each other so the game doesn't crash
>boot up game
>play for 30 minutes
>close and uninstall after realizing it's still fucking skyrim
>*installs 800 lorebreaking sex mods*
>le shit game is good, see?
Dumb non-cummybrain
its a shit game with braindead gameplay and shit item fetching game design that also aged horribly but it can potentially be the perfect porn game if you have enough time, resources and experience to mod it the right way
because it's an awful game and no ammount of mods can fix that
>b-but muh porn mods
kys gamer
why don't you irrumatio me faggot
>hiding seams with bracelets
nu-HDT for SE
You kill the dragon
The skinning is a bit funky
What are the best mods for actually playing the game?
Install carriage and boat overhaul. I feel this mod is essential for no fast-travel playthrough
Can some get me that picture of the hot high elf,
And the one that's looks at the camera in disgust
whenever someone makes a torrent file that sets up the basic mods and necessary patches and graphic improvements I'll bother with making a porn game out of it again
It's unironically a terrible game and one of the most overrated in history, and if wasn't for the mod craze back in the day being lumped in with Minecraft, no one would remember it.
Anybody else having TONS of fun converting armors?
Skyrim SE doesn't have the crash problem and you still have some gameplay unlike Honey Select
>in Elder Scrolls
lmao nobody tell him about Amaranth
Link for that armor?
Is this for notWoe?
Same here but with Sims 4.
Overated , half finished buggy mess with the worst story . The worst rpg to date that sacrificed a good story for combat because normies in the US wanted to believe they had ties to Norse culture .
Every quest is the same , every guild is the same , ''every'' voice is from the same voice actor .
No immersion , no animation and the list goes on .
The only people who still play this game mod the fuck out of it and use the game as a sex simulator for their futa waifus .
I hate that Bethesda split the modding community between LE and SE
>Porn community threw its hands up not knowing what to do
>Mods on SE that can't be backported to LE
Yes, since everything else I was trying didn't work, and the original author don't know how to use bodyslide at all, I've had to take it upon myself to convert it into a bodyslide compatible UUNP HDT armor myself, which is gonna take forever at this rate because of this DAMN BELT THAT WON'T LET ME GRAB IT AND PUSH IT BACK UNDER THE HIP PAULDRON, I'M GOING INSANE.
Well, I'm sorry. What's the name of your elf anyway?
You are pathetic.
Looks like a cool armor
And yet not a single competent developer has made an RPG that does what Bethesda does but better.
>Custom character with multiple races
>Every building can be entered
>Nearly every item can be interacted with
>If you see someone wearing or using X item, you can quite often take it
You have to realize that not everyone is a thirsty permavirgin.
>he didn't install the /ss/ mods, patches and animations before ATF went down
Explain yourself
Are there any mods that address the lack of juice in Skyrim's combat? This is its biggest flaw. Tweaking stamina costs doesn't fix anything.
>Jubal cuts the Numidium’s head off with an empty speech balloon.
ks hair and apache combined has like 1000 hairstyles nigga
Yo what fucking game?
but ATF is back again?
Because to make the game as good, you have to spend about 10 hours fixing up, patching and bash shitting around.
>pussywhipped whiteknight virgins crying about being spiritual eunuchs ITT
Thanks for making the thread OP
You are based and redpilled
Then who is?
Bad Rats 2
>spend hours crafting perfect lizardfu
>realize she still has voice of 60 year old chain smoker
end me
No seriously dude, that melee swinging looks real meaty. Please share.
>He doesn't like the female argonian voices
They're kind of cute in just how rough they are.
>he does know how to change voice files
lol found one
pest horde
it's pestflood the second
post source
Look man I just wanna suck dick that's all
God I want to fucking suck on those tits and lap up the Hist sap stored inside so bad.
have sex.
I think it's Vermintide 2.
Do you have a blog or something like that?
har har
I just want to know what fucking game it is.
I do, you still can't mod skyrim though
Yeah the I'm not going to share my lizard with you blog lmao
It's not set it stone, It's been jumping between Neith and Nerith before, but they're not really proper snow elf names and trying to come up with something in the same line as Gelebor and Vyrthur is hard
It's a bit more fantasy than what Skyrim is but I really liked the look it had.
Not me, that other user is a gay. Thanks for the source.
anyone have that darth maul pic of "im not a furry but." because it's really appropriate right about now
Amazing, isn't it? Devs look at Skyrim and go "Yeah, no way we can top that".
how do you make chainmail? It's just a texture, right?
Nah. I'd not have anymore pics of muh lizards. I gotta work on em some more before I take pics. Then I'll put em all on imgur and post it to a thread here.
gimmie time m8
haha what if you were a big busty argonian girl and mara cursed you so men couldn't resist you, and were so infatuated with you that they'd try to fuck you every single moment. so your days were spent being groped and molested by needy hands, forced into deep tongue kisses as fingers slipped between your legs by a dozen men and it's not even past noon. like haha wouldn't that be crazy? who would even think this stuff up, that's gay as hell.
socially retarded or uggo?
how the fuck has this not been posted yet
just no time for women's bull shit
many thanks man
I nodded it and it works but now it constantly crashes, also the penis placement is off for my futa girl during osex animations or sexlab animations and I dont even really know how to fix it.
On that note, osex or sexlab?
Skyrim's writing seemed to have a first draft and then they just went "fuck it use that"
I wish she made my dreams come true. Dreams like being loved....
Fuck off oblivion babbies.
because first person rpgs are always hot shit
>in b4 dark messiah
not an rpg
>drops bones and scales
he drops jack shit
pay for a GF experience if you've got no game a lot of men actually just hire escorts for talking and gf stuff, if a long term relationship is your goal you gotta work on it.
dark messiah
Yeah, while I shouldn't say that's the lazy way. it's definitely the easiest way to make chain-mail, everybody does it this way, I hope, because doing it ring by ring would be crazy.
>if a long term relationship is your goal you gotta work on it.
>you gotta practice with a prostitute
grr now you've done it, I'm getting into the car, see you soon
My only problem with Skyrim is going into a fucking dungeon and slaughtering everyone easily to a point then suddenly running into The Guy with five billion health and can one shot you or nearly so. Bullshit game design.
>what is reading comprehension
I said if he wanted an actual long term relationship he has to work on it
I sure wish I could make armors for skyrim, but I feel like too much of a brainlet as I can't into skin-modifiers and weight-painting.
Mods fix most of Skyrim problems and make it a really fun game to play.
I love seeing these castrated guys who think it's not normal to feel sexual desire all the time just because they married a woman who got fat and rejects sex, lol!
>point then suddenly running into The Guy with five billion health and can one shot you or nearly so.
Fucking Malkoran...
Is a merged mod pack literally impossible or do people just not want to go through the hassle to spoonfeed retards?
Are there mods that make Skyrim's writing/questlines not shit?
Note: mods that add completely new questlines are not fixing Skyrim's shit ones
>buying a Bethesda game when Pete Hines hasn't been fired
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
Important question Yea Forums, do you play as the girl, or do you play as the guy when you play Cumrim?
You can lessen the impact by tinkering with the difficulty variety in skytweak.
Dude, literally the only reason I play these trash Bethesda games is because despite being some of the most normie popular video games to exist - nobody has copied what makes them appealing. Everybody goes the boring Ubisoft route where the world is a lifeless piece of shit, where nothing can be interacted with and NPCs do nothing but stand in place and serve as quest vendors.
My only hope any more is Dragon's Dogma 2.
a girl and I make sure to get the most depraved mods for maximum corruption.
but I'd play a guy if most mods weren't for girl chars.
Fat tiddy argonian woman, obviously. It's what everybody with taste does.
>just hire escorts for talking and gf stuff, if a long term relationship is your goal you gotta work on it.
next time end your sentence with a period not a comma.
Why are /pol/ppets hell bent on forcing this meme still?
You can report them for bypassing a spam filter.
>have no actual retort
>lets go after the typo
that's what happens when your main argument is "have sex" and "incel". now fuck off
I play as a guy with a cute, but not overly lewd follower.
If I want to cap I load up a specially made lizard girl to cap to
I played as a dude and installed rape and bondage mods.
i enjoy it but for fuck sake my game has installed 250 mods that should tell you all the base game is kinda boring
>Neith and Nerith before, but they're not really proper snow elf names and trying to come up with something in the same line as Gelebor and Vyrthur is hard
There are like two female names for snow elves on UESP so you probably will have to use something similar to all elf names.
>Is a merged mod pack literally impossible or do people just not want to go through the hassle to spoonfeed retards?
a little but of both. there are so many hardware/software configs out there you can never realistically make a once size fits all mod pack especially with since a lot of the more advanced mods have a lot of dependencies and steps to get working
If you guys want to masturbate to some pretty decent animated argonian lady smut, I'd recommend Lucky Troll and Neera's Adventure. Yes, it's gonna have some of that Skyrim jank, but the guys who made these put an autistic amount of time into getting the animations and everything lined up.
Hey I also have a girlfriend
just use nexus jesus christ there like toons of that or go to loverslab for the porn mods
most of the combat mods add some sort of stagger to normal attacks but honestly they don't do much
Really? What are those two names? I must've missed that somehow.
One is from ESO.
get something like bijin's if you want something prepackaged.
Play Skyrim
are you using a modmanager? it really helps when you fuck something up
Love mommy Valerica... Always get mods to make her my follower.
how's the mod support? it's pretty useless just playing vanilla skyrim
Thanks user, first vid was hot and I'm gonna watch the second.
Faire and Lilyarel? Eeh... From the male names I get like, Tolkien's Lord of the Rings elf name vibes but nothing of the sort from the female ones.
It's a whole lot better than when it was first released. Lots of mods have been ported to SE by now which also works for VR, as well as some really cool VR only mods. Pretty good experience overall imo
this guy gets it
so if it works for SE it works for VR?
only SE mods that dont work are skse mods
huh..but isn't that sexlab running in vr? doesnt that shit need skse?
>have no actual retort
You don't know how to use a comma and yet you expect people to understand your retarded gibberish.
that webm is genuinely funny
How can du*Mer women even compete?
finally an excuse to post this
Oh jeez
There is a vr version of skse so yes you can use skse mods!
>tfw no dom mommy argonian who sits on your face and makes you eat her ass out
Make up something else, I guess. Maybe something dunmer or dwemer but modified.
neat. though I'm still not 100% sold on vr goggle prices though. rift s is a no go since ipd adjustment is a must for me and the other ones are too rich for my taste. kind of looking at the samsung oddysey+ but people say the controllers suck so guess I'm waiting for 3rd gen vr
only mods with vr specific skse versions
Which voice did you give her?
I'll figure something out I guess, but right now I have to finish this damn armor
Imagine the porn mods for TES VI.
I understood it fine because I'm better at reading than you
> Not using infinite Sprinting
stop making me download this heaping pile of shit that is only good for turning into bootleg honey select
>Bootleg Honey Select
Nigger, porned Skyrim is vastly superior in every regard. Honey Select is some boring vanilla shit.
As if pete hines has any says in the games, he's in charge of PR and marketing
a gyaru slut
Ok, op, maybe the problem is not hate the game itself.
I don't hate it, i enjoy it, but it's been out like, 8 fucking years.
I hate the fact they keep fucking milking it. That's the thing I hate.
>hes in skyrim now
hilarity ensues
Bad Rats 5 : Electric Boogaloo
>mod manager tools
>bug correction mods
>200+ various graphic mods (houses, walls, roads, mountains...)
>lighting mods
>sound mods
>combat overhaul mods
>NPC mods
>cities & towns mods
>quest mods
>skill tree & magic overhaul mods
>fauna mods
>flora mods
>weather mods
>UI mods
>weapons & armors mods
>character mods
>animation mods
>body/face/hair mods
Modding Skyrim to be somewhat good takes more time than finishing the fucking game.
Good news, the Nexus is looking into creating its own mod pack system.
are Sexusfastis's videos any different on patreon other than quality?
Okay so I've fixed all clippings I could find... Now what the hell do I do with this, How do I overwrite the old files from the original mod with these that have been made to fit a UUNP body?
Is it true Oblivion still has a better modding scene?
Really? That sounds nice because resolving conflicts between mods is so bloody time consuming, even with TES5Edit.
Pretty sure it's just video quality.
Can't you make your own mod that will only overwrite that stuff?
Looking at it, I think his older videos are actually longer
I think I'd have to use creation kit to make an .esp for that? and my CK is broken beyond what I can repair, so that's kinda out of the question at the moment.
It's just a boring shallow game. There is no depth to it at all.
I enjoyed it the first time for what it is, but can't ever replay it again. It's just dull. Look at all the rpgs that came after it. just cookie cutter boring shit
If it's for meshes and textures only then you don't need an esp IIRC. And if you ever need one doesn't Wrye Bash can also create a dummy esp? It has been some time since I last modded though.
Export that outfit to nif with reference.
Then overwrite the original nif of that mod with the one you just exported.
That's how I did it before.
skyrim looks great!
I'll try that out!
God I want to be a hot argonian girl so bad.
Any other good artistS beside sexusfastis?If you know more?
post videos of her getting fucked
Nope, he's in another league of his own for making in-game smut.
So can I use my Enhance camera port to see my body in vr or do I absolutely need to use the "replace the first person models with full body" mod the enhance camera dude made specifically for consolets.
Todd would never let Hines talk for him, let alone talk about TES.
I want to see who actually has more pull in the company, Howard or Hines. Would be fun to see if Hines wants to pick a fight.
Hines has been mysteriously absent for most of the PR this last year and a bit. I think the company is aware he's a complete shit for brains but because of the nepotism they won't boot him.
VR comedy is best comedy
something abotu the jittery hand movement feels jus right
>145 jewros per hour
What's that in real money???
I just want my Skyrim to look good and have no problems with the sex mods.
How do I achieve that?
You learn the basics of computer programming.
It looks stupid, otherwise
What do you do when body physics go awry? Breasts get jittery and half of my characters butt get's squashed. I really don't want to start another clean save.
Does the PSVR work on PC?
Imagine being a reptile fetishist.
Step is a good place to start for modlets but you'll outgrow it sooner rather than later.
Or at least one with good argonian maid animation?
you just download skse enb some graphic textures then mods from loverslab and you are ready it is simple
Haha I know
Post more, faggot.
Spicy Sewer Bois 2:
The Mousening
Warhammer end times: vermintide 2 :winds of magic, collectors edition
Not really sure which mods you're talking about but there is a mod called VRIK which allows you to see your own body. There is even a rudimentary 3rd person view where you can see everything including your head
Nothing is impossible user, I tried for couple dozens times until I got my game look like pic related. I stopped playing it for year and came back to modding it again and it took me around 4- 5 times to get shit works like I used to get it worked couple years back, and I used nexus mod manager if anyone wandering.
Is that an HDT tail? When did custom animations stop looking so clunky? What house mod is that? How the fuck has modding still improved so much since the last time I got into it a couple years ago?
Because it's the worst game in one of the most overrated RPG series
What's it like when she's raped?
like a greek tragedy
Not him, but hey if you want to mod skyrim with lewd stuff and have fun with it, that's great because you're having fun with it. But at the end of the day, not everybody really likes lewds in the games themselves or covering up the other flaws in the game. I mean, I know people who do like lewd fanart and renders of characters outside the game but feel it has no place in the tone or in the universe of the game, which I feel is the point most people have here. That is, they feel sexual desire, and hell, this is a vidya board, it's probably towards vidya characters, but the act of playing self contained vidya and having vidya related jack off material are two different things.
Most of the cumbrayn meme is just saying that games are not automatically better or even good with lewds, and that a good amount (if not the majority people in general) would rather see a game take itself seriously enough to be good and not overtly lewd AND have lewds drawn by third party sources rather than have lewd stuff injected into all their franchises from the get go.
>Leave Ulfric to me.
Around 160 Dollars currently
>literally only two female argonian texture mods
I fucking hate this. I want the sweaty, muscled look for my lizard amazonians but there's nothing I can do
Nosetip too narrow, mouth too high and meme eyecolor. Otherwise cute.
feminine argonians not good enough for you? and sweat is specular map, you can change that independent of muscle or color map
You can apply a muscular specular map to Feminine Argonian Textures. If you want an example, watch that Lucky Troll video I mentioned earlier.
Well shit something else I gotta learn.
I don't even know how to look for specular maps, only one result on nexusmods
for all skyrim modding, you have to dig around the files/xedit sometimes to find exactly what your looking for
for sweaty skin its the specular map, which is basically a semi transparent texture that lays on top of the color map (what most people think of as the "skin texture") and the muscle/normal map (which defines shading and thus "muscles"), and defines glossy or flatness, i think skyrim has color map as just "filename.png" and specular is "filename_s.png" and normal as "filename_n.png"
also most skin textures you dl will have all 3, and for body, feet/hands, and head, but you can mix and match, though it might not be perfect matches, and especially if you mix body/hands+feet/head you can get seams
henlo is this the skyrim porn thread
>buy Skyrim(tm) months after launch
>get saved from execution by a dragon
>run into the tower
>run all the way up the stairs
>run back down
>this time the dragon doesn't show up at all, so the executioner just stands there with his axe raised
>get into the tower, something blows up the wall halfway up the stairs
>look out
>there's furniture just floating in the air
>jump from floating table to floating table until on solid ground
>strange brown rectangles on the ground, as if buildings were meant to be there
>no buildings
>invisible walls everywhere
>exit game
I had to download a beta patch just to get out of the tutorial
Understood. I just wish there was more support for argonian females.
This is pretty much exactly what I want. In the description it says that it isn't for argonians or Khajiits. If I went into the game files and manually installed this for female argonians, would it even work?
It's .dds you filthy person, you also forgot the sk.dds that gets used for SSS, just use the one from fairskin if nothing else
no because muscles are defined by the normal map, just like scales and fur if present. Using these normal maps will result in your beast races having smooth ass skin
I can probably answer this best as I've never been part of the Yea Forums hivemind that goes from hypetrain to hypetrain all whilst it pretends to be edgy and only like obscure games.
Skyrim isn't necessarily a bad game, but like all Bethesda games it's an empty game that needs a vibrant imagination and a plethora of mods. I can guarantee that if you looked at the Steam accounts of most of Yea Forums you'd find Skyrim someone in the top 10 most played games. People here like to bitch and moan about it, but they'll still play it. Not because the story is interesting or because it the gameplay is amazing but because there are thousands of mods out there that let you play the game however you want.
It's popular because it's the latest Elder Scrolls game so it has the most mod dedication to it. You could spend hours pretending to be a simple Nord hunter trying to eke out an existence for his family as he builds their dream home. You could be a ruthless Khajit assassin who stalkers her prey for hours before murdering them silently. Or you could be a fat autist who loads the games up with tonnes of anime tiddies and jack it to his character all day long.
the game is bad because it's boring, the mods however let you do what you want.
Yea Forums hates it because Yea Forums is edgy and won't admit it.
>lizard amazonians
Based taste to be quite honest.
>alternative start
>skyrim unleveled
>self imposed permadeath
only way to have fun in the game
apart from porn
Gotcha. Thanks for the help. I think this is just beyond me. I only just figured out FNIS and Bodyslide this week.
Damn right.
>Or you could be a fat autist who loads the games up with tonnes of anime tiddies and jack it to his character all day long
This but unironically
I'm fairly certain that Feminine Argonian Textures has an abs add-on anyway built into the FOMOD.
Speaking of amazon argonians, I wish you could make them look like this
Loli vampire is on the menu tonight lads.
recipe for heartbreak desu
skyrim isnt designed like dark souls where theres clear signposts as to what areas/enemies are maybe okay and which are probably off limits, you take one wrong step with that setup and youll be a dark stain on the ground
is LE still the definitive version for degenerate porn mods
>I think this is just beyond me
It's beyond anybody that doesn't know how to create textures from scratch / use blender or 3DS Max for baking normal maps. Beast races have always gotten the least amount of support when it came to mods, especially when it comes to mods that aim to accentuate their beast like appearance instead of turning them into catgirls or lizardgirls.
ye, but unless you have very fetishistic tastes, most have been ported
>spending tens of hours modding a shit game for porn when you could just play a porn game
so this is the power of Yea Forumscels
Molag Baals mace is actually the strongest one-handed weapon in the game, I think. It's just you don't notice because you get stronger weapons by grinding smithing thanks to being able to access top tier materials AND tempering them.
Add enchanting to the mix and Molag Baal's mace struggles to keep up just because the extra magic damage is way more powerful than soul trap.
LE has 3000+ mods on LoversLab. SE has 300+, Fallout 4 has more at 500+.
Personally, Fallout 4 has ruined me because (despite its lack of content) Advanced Animation Framework is so fucking efficient and vastly superior to SexLab in every regard. It doesn't require a FNIS equivalent, it's faster, it supports animations for all races and creatures by default, and it can even have organised folders for animations which you can navigate via a script menu in-game.
There is absolutely NO porn game out there that competes with heavily modded Skyrim. Not one.
What mods for that?
Is a shame. Hate to see mods with a ton of work put into them turn out to be regular females with scales painted on. Wish that same amount of effort was put towards making the actual beast races in the game look good.
okay, but what about oblivion's porn mod scene?
That's just how things go, Sexlab is a massive upgrade from xLovers (Oblivion) and Sexout (FO3/NV). It's pretty much expected that FO4 being the next big game has better mods.
Speaking of which, how are the animations for FO4? Is it worth installing it for real gamer mods?
I like to play the game in short bursts so it doesn't really matter for me. I do usually abuse console commands to set some starting levels and basic equipment though. It feels a bit like those stalker call of chernobyl + misery merge mods that rape your anus constantly.
The game is incredibly boring so I've only managed to finish a normal playthrough once.
ye weulcum fren
its a pain in the ass to mod to make decent.
always found it odd there arent modpacks that install a bunch of shit all at once in the right order that saves a lot of the hassle, especially for like a graphics package of several improved textures, an enb etc just all in one.
unless you're nip don't even bother
Skyrim has had a massive problem with cannibalized and regurgitated content when it comes to textures. There's like 2 or 3 base textures and everything else is just a slightly edited variant of those, and that's for humans and elves. Oblivion/Fallout3/NV were much easier to handle when it came to textures, didn't help that CBBE and UNP split the user base.
The animation quality is good, real good in fact. The issue is lack of content.
>50 Shades of Fallout
>Atomic Lust
>Bad Ends
>Mutated Lust
The only bad animation pack is Farelle's. Straight up garbage robotic animations.
The Bad End animations are my favourite, they have support via AAF Violate and can even kill your character. Some great ones like being hung while your characters pisses themselves. Getting all the way through'd with a spike via the pussy. An electric rod jammed up the cunt etc.
Because it isn't /pol/fags but underage twerps and Resetera discord niggers forcing this shit.
fugg :DDD
>using Bijin's Serana
I think that nofap and other assorted brosciences is the realm of /pol/ and /fit/. You know it simply because it's their usual spiel, coat a lie with a bit of truth, citing a study concerning porn ADDICTION which only affects a small percentage of consumers to prove that masturbation kills your brain.
>shilling the pedophile shitter who wanks Codex and got booted by them for scam
Continue Skeletonfag
molag baal's mace scales as you level up doesn't it?
>Using PS2UUNP instead of Glorious CBBESE and TBDSE with DOA levels of polygons
Why are LEfags so guillible
>marriage and relationship
Yes, it scales instead of being level locked.
Hope to fucking Christ this feature is gutted in the next TES game.
>he doesn't use the muscular women mod
Low test, the lot of you.
The Amulet of Articulation is a bugged item with an RNG chance of getting the best/worst version. The Unofficial Patch fixed it and it requires Lv43 for the best one.
user, you just know they're going to double down on the level scaling bullshit, right?
the bar is set so low I'd be surprised if we get more than 3 skill trees in the next game
Im reinstalling now actually, spent the last 3 days modding. almost done and about to actually play the game / troubleshoot
You say that, but most unique items aren't level locked in TES. You'll notice the majority of items are from Riften, an area that went into development hell because of console limitations and the meme 11/11/11 release date.
We'll know based on Starfield anyway. That will probably carry over a fuckton of design elements to TES VI.
Because you're a nigger
That is literally /pol/ though...
>muscle mods
t. /pol/kek
Jiub's Amulet is better, also it helps a LOT if using Light Armor since its extra and it comes with neat bonuses it counts as Custom Fit bonus by the looks of USSEP/USLEP
I do though, weight based women's workout is my favorite normal maps.
I have the will in me to mod skyrim again, but it keeps crashing uring the bethesda logo. Any fixes?
Two completely different items. AoA makes it impossible to fail speech checks and gives a 35% boost to prices at its highest level. It's an absurdly good item.
>tfw I discovered the joys of wards
>get restoration leveled up a bit
>do the beacon quest
>Malkoran’s Ice wave bullshit is strong enough to knock out the ward, but not strong enough to deal much damage afterwards
>just keep putting the ward up before he can do the Ice wave again
What about muscular lizards?
But it isn’t you fucking retarded braindead nigger
we aren't worthy of TBDSE and CBBESE
I wish that someone could make Higher poly and polished versions of Skyrim's Vanilla Hair, the existing one has Hairline clipping problems with Helmets
so how hard is it to setup mods in Skyrim VR?
I want to buy it but not if it modding is near impossible.
I want go around as a big penis adventurer Women
You apparently getting on your high horse like some paragon of society
When I go against him I usually only have lesser ward so it does jack shit. I just camp corridor and shoot him with my bow. I also installed a mod "daedric shrines" which lets you get daedric blessings but also gives a quest to restore Meridia's temple, later parts of that quest are some bullshit on part with Malkoran, I tell you.
>UV mappings
jesus flying fuck this is bad
Not nearly enough fat titty argonians in this thread.
Only because I'm not at my pc
A girl because I'm a deranged pervert
It's literally the same as normal Skyrim. Just get mod organizer 2
Can you imagine what Skyrim would be like if everybody here got isekei'd into the world as their main character?
>Dozens upon dozens of big bosom Amazonian girls of every race
>That one normie who plays as a warrior Nord
Be honest, would you sexpile him?
Here is why the game is like that, and WHY ALL GAMES since then has been with the pruning even after the end of its production due to its company being literally the Cosa Nostra of gaming.
>I'm the normie
Skyrim belongs to the male/nord/2-handed/heavy armor users.
>parallax occlusion mapping died because the Fucking PS3 hardware couldn't calculate without bricking itself
>It still goes on with the fucking PS4 because Sony is full of brainlet monkeys who cant do hardware for shit.
I usually play as a dude.
Well user, if it happened I'd absolutely atom bomb your dick with my thick scaly ass.
You disgusting degenerate. I will slay you, with my dick.
>taps that one npc's shoulder
Lewd priestess of Meridia?
those hands do NOT fit that face
It is. /pol/'s been pushing no fap for a couple years at least. I browse /pol/ every day and anyone who says otherwise is lying. They all do it for about a week and give up when they realize they still can't get a gf.
Yes please.
More of this brown beauty?
god i want modpacks so bad
What mods are you guys using currently? Also, skyrim classic or skyrim SE? i wanna get into modding this game but half the stuff either doesnt work or doesnt let the game start.
They're coming, not sure if you have mods on the Nexus but anybody over a 1000 downloads on their shit got a survey asking how the Nexus should do it. A big emphasis was on not calling them mod packs because of the connotation.
LE for porn.
SE for gameplay.
So how they will work?
Just like use Blender?
No idea, the survey was asking about ideas. My suggestion was that a mod pack should be its own page where all feedback should be centralized to avoid the dreaded outcome of mod authors getting shit because their mod clashes with something outside of their control. ALSO that the mod pack should have its own automated system for load orders, so when you download it, it handles that all by itself without user input.
SE is becoming porn at this rate, is just general laziness from the community and because of bethesda still not finding a way to update the fucking CC store without updating the Executable at every 3 months
big fat vr tats
please share the mod
I had already fixed it, shlomo.
It would literally take 2 seconds to fix in Blender
God, I want to rib notWoe out of that armor and mating press her.
So how badly will they fuck up the modding community in TES6?
How are they being squished together? There's no support so they ought to fall to either side of the rib cage.
Unless they fix how the CC updates, that shit is going to absolutely screw with the script extender development.
It's regular skyrim with enhanced camera mod
Creation Club only good goy
Its a terrible game. Just because it can be turned into a fapfest waifubait doesnt make it a good game nor does it bring anything worthwhile to the game.
Now, adding stuff that changes/improves gameplay elements is worthwhile - you can actualy play the game and should your selected combination of mods synergise, you can enjoy it.
You see that new Elder Scrolls game set in Hammerfell? It's got paid mods. Paid. Mods.
That doesn't answer my question, motherfucker. I'm asking what magic spell is forcing that woman's tits together to make cleavage when they should be following the shape of her ribs.
No it wouldn't "literally" take 2 seconds because I don't know how to use blender and I don't even have it, but if you're such an expert already why don't you do it then, since it would "literally" just take 2 seconds for you.
Are there any good rape and sex mods for skyrim? I want to roleplay an old dirty argonian necromancer kidnapping big tittied village girls, raping them and thej murdering them and then resurrecting them to be my cock slave forever
oi script extenders are bad cuz they don't work on consoles mmkay
hey man that's uncalled for I have feelings too you know
Not even Bethesda is that retarded. It would kill any good will they have left.
>Are there any good rape and sex mods for skyrim?
Nigger, 80% of the porn is rape mods.
>Paid. Mods.
>argonian fags
Thanks, what's a good place for mods? I'm assuming everything on Skyrim Nexus? I've never actually modded sex mods and just basic quests and items into the game.
Can't be assed going through hours and hours of installing mods and troubleshooting only for the game to crash on some unforeseen circumstance and then spend more hours figuring out what caused it to crash. If ever something like a mod compilation was released like what TK4R did I'll consider it again.
Okay, here you go :^)
This is so accurate it hurts
Top one looks like Nise's work but some of the bits I don't recognize.
Bottom one I dunno. Do you have any links or names/authors for those armors?
People don't hate Skyrim at all its one of the best games released. People didn't even play morrowind as long. So you are just seeing joyless miserable retards that don''t realize the problems they have with the world are from making terrible life decisions, like posting on this message board.
literally finished modding it yesterday for the first time, i still have a lot to install
>spent the last 3 days modding. almost done and about to actually play
How do you manage that? I always lose all my motivation after modding and can't get myself to play.
Spoonfeed me directions on how to make my game look like a Korean porn MMO. Something like: and and
>Install Mod Organizer 2
>Download what mods you want
>Read instructions on mod pages
>Organize load order
Yeah but can you please post the good ones? I don't want to sift through hundreds of low quality porn mods. I want big tittied villagers with shiny and smooth skin, fat thighs and good rape animations.
Oh look, another niggerbrain OP image.
What if someone tries to assassinate her
Okay, which mods do I need for Korean MMO face and thick slut bodies?
While I get sex mods and better texture mods I try to keep my lewds immersive.
she'd die, duh
>want to share my Skyrim lewd screens and webms
>rangebanned from uploading shit just on Yea Forums
A-at least I still have /tesg/ and /aco/.
You'll never get me to buy the pass gookmoot.
>You're on a board dedicated to a coping mechanism for losers who couldn't cut it in the real world. Everyone here is beyond pathetic.
it takes like 15 mins for it to load
and then another 10 to make a new character
also the defeat mod dosent even work half the fucking time
What skin texture?
should I link that doujin?
Did someone say muscle?
>search brap mod on nexus
>no results
You mean THAT?because that NPC mod doujin is great
>grown up men
user plz, you should use other argument here or in any weeb board
how did Todd create this masterpiece. He's a fucking genius. Just make a shitty engine, and let the community make porn mods. It's the greatest game ever. Why can't he just do this forever?
Why does skyrim have such a huge adult mod scene?
These things have nothing to do with the original game at this point. Is it because of the modding tools that come with the game or something?
Maybe on loverslab.
Would you download a cute lizard waifu?
because its a very popular and very moddable game
i wish someone could remake sovngarde steel to work with TBD perfectly
>These things have nothing to do with the original game at this point.
>he doesn't use amorous adventures and sexlab solutions for default gameplay focused skyrim run
>using nexus for fetish mods
nice waifu
>Would you download a cute lizard waifu?
I did, she's my follower.
name of "armor", now pls.
Nice. Who's that? Good looking head
Boring. Even with mods, it's gameplay cycle is just shit. Dungeons have no good design sense. Puzzles are built for idiots, no hidden paths in the majority of them, when compared to even Oblivion you could find at least 2 hidden rooms in 80% of them. Quests are usually fetch quest shit, with only a couple that are unique and enjoyable, either because of their humor, or just because it does something that happens no where else in the game.
Retarded characters, who actively screw themselves over for no reason and plot contrivance has to happen for you to not die to them. Dumbed down skill list, with less about interesting abilities and more adding numbers onto your attacks. Speech still fucking worthless, in the game about SHOUTING. Majority of shouts in the game absolutely worthless, so they couldn't even get their own gimmick right. Removal of spell making and a good portion of the spell list for little reason.
very qt
The only mods I use are all from Nexus. If its sex mods you want you can check out LoversLab as well.
How is it very moddable compared to like any other game? Have you tried modding it/creating mods yourself? That's basically what I'm curious about.
Is there anyway to cap the level? I can't find a mod to cap the level at 30. I don't want to be a overpowered character. which seems like a problem with most bethesda games/
Not him but yeah I've made a few mods myself like followers of characters I've made the game is easily moddable and anybody could do it if they took the time to
Yes, Uncapper lets you lower max level, just as it lets you uncap things. Just go into the .ini and change what you want.
Bee-V on the frontpage!
You can find her And regular, non-female Draggo here; tesgeneral.com
oh shit thanks user.
Because it's boring and dry and if you have to mod a game to make it fun it's not a game worth playing.
Ahhh that makes sense. Seems like 70% of the mods ive found are skyrim specific and dont work in SE.
Im really rather curious about what mods the Yea Forumsirgins like to use though. What's your favorites?
modding it is to specifically fit your tastes is half the fun though