Want to make a game by myself

>want to make a game by myself
>need to learn to draw
>can't think of anything to draw
>when i do it's so shit I don't even learn anything
>give up

Attached: 1419402041615.png (256x256, 9K)


Use store assets.

That would be cheap and low effort.

Assets exist to be used, user. They're often used badly, but that doesn'tmean you'll use them badly.

Alternatively, do what I'm doing and focus entirely on gameplay until you've got something good, then start figuring out how the art works.

>starting with art and not gameplay
enjoy your gone homo level game

make a goofy ass game using obvious asset store content with good gameplay

You're beginning faggot. Do freeware shit, like Sexy Hiking.

>Make game using placeholder models and assets
>Mspaint the shit you have to make yourself
>Take free sound effects and music to use as placeholders
>Greybox level design with simple geometry
Long as your shit works and the basic mechanics are fun people will play it. Then just make a patreon or kikestarter to get enough money to hire people to do the shit you can't. It's how the developers of a lot of porn and fetish games do their business and seems to work well.

Attached: Levelconstruct_1.jpg (1024x532, 324K)

A lot of good games use store assets you know. They just aren't very blatant about it like indie survival horror trash #25947

>then start figuring out how the art works
But how?

I don't want to hire or manage others.

Like all the other anons are telling you, save the visual stuff (unless it's crucial yet minor to sketch stuff like attack effects or HUD) for later and focus on the game. If you have a story, just keep the characters in mind and write a vivid visual description of them so you can either
A). Come back to it later and try to draw them
B). Commission art of them from some loser on the internet.

Then lower your expectations and make something with a simple visual style that doesn't use 3D models. And do individual commissions for things like music tracks when you need to replace the free ones so you don't have to manage anyone.

Attached: ss_d68bad49ba84342922c5301c65857703a895e716.jpg (1920x1080, 457K)

>But how?
My plan is to hire an art guy once I know my game has a future.
>I don't want to hire or manage others.
Any reason why? Because if you truly can't or won't learn art, then your three options are assets, looking like shit, or getting someone else to do it.

>want to make a game
>making an FPS
>now very keenly aware of how saturated the "indie FPS market" is
Man. Should I switch things around to be more of a level-based third-person arpg instead? Sorta follow up to Severance? I don't think people really want yet another fast FPS.

Are there indie FPS?

>how saturated the "indie FPS market" is
yes but good fps games are rare
>I don't think people really want yet another fast FPS.
unless you are trying to autistically turn making games into a job by seeking undersupplied markets you should do what you want to user

Is it true that you just have to have a natural talent for art or is it something you can develop from nothing

Depends. Do your planned FPS mechanics offer anything special? And if not, can you make it so that any other genres offer something special?

I'd lean towards not making an FPS unless the mechanics/story demand it. It'll be a tough sell if it just ends up looking like a generic FPS.

In my opinion, most people can learn and develop most skills from nothing, but some people are naturally disinclined towards certain stuff and will have a tougher time improving for whatever reasons.

Just turn it into a spiritual successor to dark messiah and people will buy it. There hasn't been a single attempt to copy it that I know of. Make sure you still include a cute succubus.

Attached: Dark_Messiah_Canyon.webm (640x360, 2.72M)

you might have a harder or easier time getting started on it based on various predisposition but if you keep at it you can learn as well as anyone
and remember, if you aren't learning first try harder and if you fail again then change your way of leaning

Dusk, Ion Fury, Wrath, Amid Evil, Maximum Action, Superhot, Devil Daggers, about fifty million indie roguelite FPS games for some reason, so on. Just the first ones that come to mind.

I suppose you're right. Thanks, user.
Still, I'll sit down and see if I can't come up with a nice hook so it's not just another FPS.

Right now all it's got going for it is that you can eternally wallrun, go at mach speeds and some gravity shenanigans since it's all weird alien planet stuff. Not quite a hook but at least fun.
Still, it's no gravity gun/ss2 cybermods/deus ex augments/so on. Real hook stuff. Need to come up with something to keep excited.

Big tits, extensive melee and make sure the enemies brutally ragdoll, gotcha.

Just make it look crap on purpose, lots of games do that. It's all about gameplay

Basically. Being able to knock enemies around if stupidly satisfying and it's a shame most game enemies don't react to damage until they die. It's hard to explain how dark messiah did it right so play it if you haven't.

Attached: Dark_Messiah_Kicking.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

you forgot pure demon waifus who deeply love you and want to go on thot patrols with you

Making a game is more than learning to draw you fucking moron.

nuh uh

I wish I could just be good at drawing now.

Nothing has ever worked like that or ever will, put in the time if you wanna git gud.