How do I Perfect
UNIST Thread
pc lobby
land 1-2 throws, and 1-2 ex command grabs.
Pass is vee
idk but there's not a better feeling than playing with Wagner
FINALLY! Ahem: I forgot to tell Park ggs. My apologies. It was really rude to just leave and not tell you GGs yesterday.
that's good, I was just gonna kick you from all of my lobbies for something like that
Then how would get your runback? Are you really going to let a shitter like myself asset dominance onto you?
c h a l l e n g e
bold of you to assume I care whatsoever about netplay
I don't think there's another character who uses 66B as much as Carmine.
Well, maybe Wald
Sound like an excuse for "in denial" bro
That's just another 2B
>That entire match
Ah, it feels like I'm reverting back to a fourth-rate Eltnum.
ya got me
It's properties are different, and you use it twice in a normal midscreen bnb. I'd say it counts.
By that definition Carmine's 66b is just another 3b
Chill bro. I came here to show respects. Everything gonna be daijoubu
I am chill though
But can you do this
>try to C dp
>veil off randomly
what the fuck game
I sure hope you guys got better bars with paradigm than I do
no but I could do this
>play a bunch of matches against a purple phonon player
>drop to light blue
Why would you go on the internet and tell lies like that?
kill all phonon players
for the (You) you just gave him
ive been waiting too long for better netplay french bread
Can someone explain this "netplay" issue to me? I'd say in 9 out of 10 games I play against random I don't have any issues. Constantly getting 3 Frame games. It's only and I mean ONLY when I branch out to the other side of the coast that I experience netplay issues.
people like complaining and possible have worse internet so they can't handle farther connections. that said, I have zero faith that there will be any difference in the netcode in the new update.
Aw man I'm not used to the lag fucking up my 23a36ab and 23ab36 motion. I'm starting to get consistent in offline though.
>any difference in the new update
Smart man
>I have zero faith that there will be any difference in the netcode in the new update.
they can't keep getting away with it...
they can and will
ggs pclobby, gotta get ready for a reaaal looooong day tomorrow
I'm completely new to this game and my buddy's Wagner keeps kicking my ass. How do I deal with her shit when she gets in? Feels like I'm permanently locked down the moment their pressure starts.
only wired fiber chads like myself are allowed to complain about the netcode
Who are you playing
Consider green shielding or guard thrusting when you have vorpal. and if you blue shield her 214x or 236x you get your turn back and can press buttons.
The wording of your post implies there is an alternative to playing wired. Anyone playing wirelessly needs to stop at once.
my brother
I'm just trying out everyone right now but I'm probably going to settle on Eltnum and/or Akatsuki.
>not downbacking against hyde to begin with
It's like you want to lose
Why shouldn't it be? The animation pokes at your feet. Also as per why would you ever be blocking high against Hyde?
That time out was insane
>Characters with projectiles
So the easiest thing here would be to not let her breath from far away to even have a chance to buff. Raw buffs can be punished and you got means to punish her with.
Just be sure not to get too confident with fireballs because a Wagner can swat them away with her FF and special cancel to clip you.
As the other guy said, you shield her specials, and then you can punish. But only if they're not buffed, you have to stop her from getting those. It's inevitable if she lands a combo but you can DP out of her 6C overheads
verizon fios always cucks me after 11 pm with my download speed but greetings brother
Man you guys are making this really hard to practice, I did get a proper 23a36AB motion in the match against calws though. Getting there.
Oni why'd you steal that last bullet from my gun mid combo round 1? not cool man
Who blockstrings last longer, Hyde or Wagner?
Wagner because of 22C
definitely wagner as my answer
Wagner with buffs already outlasts Hyde and she can 22C twice with full bar and refresh her buffs.
Wagner can outchip and out-blockstring Hyde easily
where do you two lucky fucks live that you get access to fiber? I live near a major city and we get shit all besides comcast and AT&T out here
>100 times my speed
in chicago
getting 1/3rd of my speed I pay for is getting cucked but I do understand how privileged it is to have fiber at all
keep CS on speeddial and harass them every single time they pull that shit until they stop
enough calls from your account and eventually they ought to just leave you be to save their callcenter's time
maryland/dc area
How does it feel having more than 10mb/s Upload speed?
Man claws doesn't even let me try and poke with my new tech.
that's somehow worse than I would have expected given our connections
theoretically even that should be far more than needed for fighting games assuming you're not doing anything else with your bandwidth
when am I suppose to press buttons against hype pressure?
shield 22b or win vorpal
You sit there and block and enjoy the free GRD as you wait until you win the vorpal cycle. Make sure to block her overheads.
Against Hyde pressure you mean?
Literally green shield him away and make his 6B whiff, then you get an eternity to do something.
The real challenge comes once you fight a hyde who prefers to run up and stagger his 2As over the other stuff.
after blocked rekka series or fireball. generally if he isn't tic throwing and is committing to longer blockstrings in favor of chipping you, you can usually get away with green shielding him more.
Ill be honest 35 feels alright
hope hyde gets more than a laser
at least make the 236b followup an overhead so he isn't the most predictable character (when I play him)
go for throws more so people want to press buttons into your frametraps
it took me so long to learn that it wasn't so I don't think it would make that big of a difference. It's not like the fireball explosion hit's low anyway, the mixup wouldn't be real.
This isn't a mix up heavy game. And it's kind of pointless when Hyde can't perform a low after a fireball.
*laughs in byasethilda*
I think the laser is significant enough.
Won't help him fight the people who zone him back properly but it's a hell of a tool
cs mixup would exist
Now I know how the other late night working anons feel after starting up my new schedule. Time to get in some fights before midnight local!
Seth is mostly unblockables and some cross up setups. Byakuya's 3[C] is slow as hell and FF is ridiculously minus; if anything he's a grappler with how much damage he gets off of throws in the corner. I've never really felt threatened by Hilda's teleport high/low stuff.
Can you even CS mid-animation for the B followup? Don't feel like he rises high enough to fit in an aerial normal too afterwards
>CS mid-animation for the B followup
that laser looked fast as shit, I wouldn't be surprised if it let you beat shit like phonon ground fireballs or hilda skewers. Plus the wall bounce gives you a combo and lets you get close
I was thinking more
>have cs
>throw orbiter
>do 236b followup overhead or cs and go for a 2c
or something like that
Man this really sucks. I was getting so good at the motions in training but it feels very random in online.
>overhead followup with no low option for a mixup
Join the club. Nanase does have a fuzzy setup with CS to hit anyone defaulting to a high block after swordcar but the window's incredibly tight for the jB to actually hit.
CS pauses the game for both players user. Unless the Hyde player plans on throwing out a wild point blank [FF], there's no mix up
Laser is only going to be as fast as B fireball start-up since it's a follow-up.
Laser is such an outlandish buff that I never imagined so I'm more or less through asking for anything else. Maybe Raging Lion j214x if I'm feeling crazy
That's pretty crazy if you get it.
whats the difference between this and guilty gear?
I'm going to be the strongest yellow square Phonon/Elt player one day!
A lot
Go watch some gameplay and figure it out
Slightly longer combos and less system mechanics but the ones it has are pretty important and could mean a win or a loss depending on how you use them.
Instead of air dash you have air assault which works like an extra jump if you're already in the air.
Well you see, Guilty Gear uses 3D models while Under Night uses 2D sprites. It's hard to tell without a close examination, so I can see how you might get confused and think the two are the same game.
or I could grab after cs, assault after cs, or even cs after I do the 236 overhead and keep the blockstring going
I just want hyde to have a little layer of extra bullshit
I think the biggest difference is honestly what happens when you get a knockdown in GG vs. uni
Gold throw because you threw out a fireball.
Reactable if there's no threat of a grab.
>cs after the B followup
So kind of like what Hyde currently does?
i think my brain has fully melted out my ears at this rate, shouldn't have joined right after playing 2 hours in another lobby
Those Carmine normals come out really fast. Also nice play on 214C in that R1, got me good haha.
that looks very easy to deal with unless you can actually make the side switch ambiguous.
in guilty gear every character's goal is to knock you down, put a meaty projectile on you and then mix you until you die. In this game you have to open people up by conditioning them with safe pressure, you can't just autopilot your mixup options and hope for the best.
yes, except it's an overhead this time
it's just another overhead, it's not like it makes the character that much better but it's nice to have
wagner players still do 6c into ff and I just want a little taste of that
That was way too close
Good fight
Gee user you've stumbled upon the secret of fighting games.
Every action can be countered by another action. If there were 100% reliable ways to always damage your opponent no matter what they did then fighting games would be pretty broken no? You have to learn to do those things in an unpredictable manner.
Oh I actually got a lot more micro 2bs and micro slashes in that match.
You have yet to present a situation where it's "unpredictable".
All I'm trying to say is that making Hyde's B followup to fireball an overhead is not a real mix up by any means.
It's not the crossup that gets them; the rising jB is unreactable so if you can either do that or do a 2B after the CS for a 50/50
>been going at Akatsuki's 4 - 5 mission for a good 3-4 hours over a couple of days and have only connected the dash B once
This is suffering.
CSing after the fireball does let you jump at the opponent and do a high low mixup that they can't OS if done correctly, that said I hope they don't do something really dumb and give him something like 22x followup for the fireball to give him a real high/low.
I hope they remove Phonon from the game
I want to fight the PC hyde asking for buffs now. Maybe in November
Explain further because I've never seen this.
How do I stop Akatsuki's pressure. Why can he micro dash grab and it not be teched? Why isn't chesto punishable? Why does it feel like he always has meter?
I have unist on ps4 but refuse to use the controller
I'm in the same boat kek, I just want to finish seth missions and then visit these loobies to get absolutely obliterated
That said there are a couple characters who bypass the conditioning game and just mix you until you die. Their "excuse" is that they're glass cannons that you can in theory do the same to if you get them knocked down but in practice you still need to condition them to get an opening while all they need is you to make one mistake and it's back into the grinder.
My only prayer is for CL-R to alleviate the single-player levels of characters like Hilda and Byakuya rather than upgrade the rest of the cast's setplay to compensate.
>Why can he micro dash grab and it not be teched?
Because he's incredibly safe and you're probably shielding
>Why isn't chesto punishable
You're probably playing someone without a 5 frame button
>Why does he always have meter
You're probably getting grd broken
Darn, that 22C still comes out by habit, haha.
At least I got to do dash C into ex divekick and got some good timed counters.
That's the 66b > Air throw one, right?
Shit's actually hard. It takes me like 8 tries to do it
>Why can he micro dash grab and it not be teched?
Throw tech better
>Why isn't chesto punishable?
It's -7 if you shield it. And even if you can't reach, his pressure is definitely over once he tosses out B tatsu without resources.
Yoooooo did you see all those fucking 2bs waifu? That shit was sick. Finally getting used to the lag
if you jump at them and choose between late charge j.C and charge j.C whiff 2A, they can't anti air 5A OS because they're blocking the fireball so they have to block correctly. If you do multiple while falling normals that could also throw off their fuzzy block timing making it very difficult to OS if it's even possible. Only thing that would beat that is guard thrust, but that's high commitment especially if you don't necessarily commit to the jump attack.
Don't tell me its ryburi I'm talking to
With all these back to back grabs it looks like Waifu is playing grappler function Gord, good stuff hahaha.
I 100% everyone's mission mode and I'm still a shitter, just drop in these lobbies. You aren't gonna get better by not playing.
>Tech Akatsuki
>Get parried
>Get DP'd
>Get put back into Block strings because too afraid of getting DP'd or Parried
hi hippie I'm still a jobber but not as much
I play Seth on the side and I couldn't do his 4-2 and just went online for a month and finished the rest after.
You just need to get used to it all in your hands.
Byakuya has to win neutral twice with his shitty buttons before he can even start setplay, and it's not even all that strong compared to other characters or games. Hilda I will agree with however, lynchpin being -2 is criminal.
Yeah it's that one. I've got most of the other ones done but this one ruins my flow since I have to skip it when I do my daily run through the mission mode.
The worst part is that I'm not sure at which part I'm fucking up to be able to figure out what to fix.
Dash block grab beats all of these options.
How do I keep my friend motivated in the game? He's on the verge of dropping despite my dicking around with Akatsuki and Mika. Wrestling with Yuzu combo and learning anime neutral is tough for newcomers
That combo is like 2 frame perfect (+ buffer) inputs, then another 2-3 near-frame perfect (without buffer) cancels
shit's actually mad hard
> get put back in blockstrings
it most certainly doesn't beat this option.
Pretty slick.
You're unlocking your true potential as the fastest 2b in the west
Those late blood explosions are pretty excellent for stopping my pressure for going for grd breaking grabs, hahaha. Also nice trade at the end of that R1 hippie.
Is he the one trying to play Yuzu? Maybe he should start with a different character first.
I'm a real Jim West, Though regardless of how slick it is. These people won't let me practice it very much
tell him to not play yuzu first
So I'm supposed to buffer the 66 right before I land then? Or the entire 66B?
He insists on playing Yuzu. I can see the rage everytime he drops the 66 normal after air juggle
>anime neutral
I'm interested in know what this is myself.
Fair enough, but at the same time, if you manage to successfully bait out a reversal, that's a huge chunk of HP gone. Alternatively, if you're a chicken who hates taking risks, just keep sitting there until you win vorpal. The GRD cycle exists for a reason.
What character are you even playing?
Like normal neutral but 3 times the range and 5 times the speed.
I'm looking at his commands and just keeps pressing a+b. Not even trying to tech.
You want to buffer the 66 before you land then hit B on the earliest possible frame
then just link the AT
The hardest part is canceling the j.a j.b perfectly so you can actually combo into the 66b
Once you fight isaac and infinity, you'll feel a bit better knowing Hyde has a couple more tricks he can pull off.
like regular neutral but you don't automatically die just for jumping
The air juggle is annoying but once you get it down Yuzu is pretty easy.
Maybe he should practice easier combos if he wants to have a better time with her.
Dash attack follow ups on landing can be tough for a beginner to get the feel for.
I'm not this guy, I was just pointing that out. But akatsuki being the character he is, it's not surprising he has the advantage in neutral point blank even after a teched throw seeing as he has shit all range and no run to make it back in with once he's out of his normal range.Somthing has to compensate for that.
Alright, this feels like progress. Thanks so much, user. I'm going to get back to the grind and see if I can smash this bad boy out.
No problem
if you can't get it don't worry, you don't REALLY use that route too much
I completely brainfarted my cvo there
I should not be allowed to have a command grab
I'm going to assume this is the entire cast speaking.
The fate of all Yuzufags.
Man why doesn't the 2b beat out the throw? isn't it faster?
I want to touch the top of eltnums head when she takes the hat off
You're +8 after successfully throw teching. Even with a character like Akatsuki, the opponent's turn is definitely over once that happens unless they traumatize the other player so hard to the point where the Akatsuki can get away with anything.
He's not going to OH you outside of vorpal anyway.
You're the coping mechanism, akat. You're a part of this vicious cycle too
+8 doesn't mean shit when I'm mashing something with invincibility :^)
That all for me tonight
GGs all
Anything works in 5+ frames of lag.
just mash bro
Rumor is Akiha will be revealed at Arc Revo this year. How does having another MB character make you feel? And apparently a character from Queen of heart is being added into uniclr too.
Man these stupid slashes still aren't coming out properly
ok and with that my brain is completely dead
ggs pc lobby
that 10f mirror was something
>stupid sexy Yuzu and her stupid sexy calves
>queen of heart
don't you mean bad aquapazza?
>queen of heart
Speaking of which, uni-clr is off the demo list
That's a fucking false rumor and if you believe it you're a retard.
>pick up Akatsuki because he looks spiffy
>find out he's just the reciprocal for everyone who couldn't make it as Yuzu
Feels bad.
Id accept it but doubt it
Arcuies would be nice too but thats also a slim to none chance
My uncle works at French Bread and he says they're adding in Altria from FGO.
I don't know how that happened, either, but it was pretty messed up. GGs.
one of french bread's first doujin games
I'm aware
it's just bad aquapazza
Yeah dude, and Hyde gets Void Install
I should have just done IWEX instead of fucking up the half circle
I know how you feel. Getting air assaults instead can be pretty lame.
Is DP the fastest way to gain meter in that game?
Give akatsuki Assim
GGs lad. Thanks for the fun ones!
I'm done for tonight bros, my quest to become competent at a less braindead character continues tomorrow. ggs.
gonna leave the lobby open until I'm ready to sleep
Why would you retards even give that so many (You)s? Come the fuck on.
So I could post Dragon Install
Man I really don't like that this feels like I only have a 20-30% chance of getting the move out. It's really annoying but I'm getting there.
>only one DI
its a mixup cause retards itt wouldn't be able to block it like that one dude calling jc vs charge jc 2a an unosable mixup when you can just fuzzy like always
wait I'm an idiot that was a very long webm
does cvo change scaling/damage at all? for example akatsuki does b tatsu into cvo into IW
does it do the same amount of damage?
Go test it and tell us
I know want to play Sol Badguy just so I can do stupid shit like this but slightly more competent stupider
GGs PS Bros. Catch ya next time and thanks for fun fights! Also if anyone wants to Koihime anytime let me know. Having a blast learning that game little by little.
Thanks for the games pclobby.
>Carmine speaking in ebonics
Aksys please
I was in a lobby and just wanted a quick answer but you've forced my hand
Oh you said slightly more competent
I actually did shout for the Aksys guy TLing for Kamone to proof read at EVO
I think I'm done for the night. I know what I need to practice now and it's just becoming more consistent. I thought I had the motion down but I very clearly don't. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
No one is ever online when I wanna play Koi
>just got back from the gym
>grabbed my pad and joined the lobby
>got a sandwich and cold water to have in between my turns
>cool night breeze passing through after a hot afternoon
Sorry for sounding like a blogpost, but I’m feeling extra comfy today. Never thought I’d feel like this by hanging ‘round Yea Forums of all places. Thanks, guys, for always having these lobbies up
GGs bro
Sounds pretty relaxing.
my hands cramped up just reading that
It isn't too bad for UNI
Try playing Marvel 3 on pad
GGs. Thanks for hosting, park.
Well hopefully I'll be available on Wednesday to play some Koihime if you're interested in that or tomorrow night potentially if you want. Maybe later tonight too if either of us are still awake.
Gotta head out for now though sadly so we'll see.
Koi just feels like a game you should play in the mornings. Maybe I should try making threads on Yea Forums
GGs everyone
GGs everyone
Razzy, more reverse beats
Why does playing Elt feel stupid after non-stop Orie matches?
GGs, PS Lobby. Maybe tomorrow I'll upgrade from my iHop wifi.