Happy Gamer Thread

There's so much cynicism these days. What games are you EXCITED about, user?

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Other urls found in this thread:


God I love that movie

doome which I hope will be good

Blasphemous. Been following it a while and stoked to play it next month.

the new guilty gear and the new characters for under night in-birth, everything else is uninteresting

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Iceborne and Code Vein.

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Borderlands 3. I'm really looking forward to the gameplay itself, I don't care about the story.

hyped for the dorf fort update coming in 2027

BfBB:R and Atomic Heart

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Cyberpunk. I love the whole genre to begin and very few main stream games will touch the cyberpunk genre.


Death stranding looks really good. So far Kojima hasn’t made a boring game so I trust that it’ll be good

Death Stranding unironically.

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where do i get tickets?

Starbase. Voxel space shooter where you can make your own ships and raid others, with both on-foot and ship PVP. The voxel stuff is mostly just physics, kinda like in Paint The Town Red where you can blow chunks off of guys bit by bit except it applies to the geometry of the ships and other places as well.


That new MS Fight Simulator, for some reason

Picrelated will be fun, played the betas so I know I'll enjoy it

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Just four more months at the least

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Death Stranding looks cool

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Baldurs Gate 3
Cyberpunk 2077
Bannerlord (lol)
The Destroy All Humans! remake
Galaxy in Turmoil
Halo MCC on PC
Feral Blue
Steam version of Dwarf Fortress
Death Stranding, but I'm probably gonna stay hesitant until launch
Ancestors: Humankind Odyssey
Everspace 2
Kenshi 2

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resident evil 3

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A whole bunch: fuckin Ninja Warriors, Astral Chain and Daemon x Machina are gonna rule cause I love me some /m/, Gunvolt iX cause Inti make good shit, Panzer Dragoon remake, new Project Diva, and fucking No More Heroes 3 is going to be the best game ever fucking made. HENSHIN A GO GO BABY

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I like the look of this but how can I, a brainlet, play this game if I suck at building friend?

Nice taste friend, didn't even know they were making an Everspace 2.
Mind if I save these friend?

you can just join a faction and strictly do jobs or pvp. there's still a lot of premade shit so you don't have to build literally everything

Don't let me down Yea Forumsermins "buy this game fuck you buy this game"

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Alright buddy I'll give it a whirl when it releases.

Ion fury. But then they shit in the punch in less than 24 hours after I purchased it. Gaming is becoming fucked.

For me it's because I want to see how big and detailed they can make the world and how much freedom they'll give the player to explore it. Besides that I'm looking forward to Wow classic, Iron Harvest, Death Stranding, Medievil remake, Battle for Bikini Bottom remake, Kill All Humans remake and the Ancestors monkey game

This game looks awesome, thanks


knowing no more heroes 3 is a thing makes me happy beyond belief, and im looking forward to P5R, sucks the nips get it 6 months earlier than us filthy gaijins

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I'm hoping is as good as it looks
Excited for the new characters
>Streets of Rage 4
looks like it will be fun
>new Guilty Gear
might be good. Maybe people will actually play i-- I mean... um..
New class coming
>King of Fighters 15
I'll play it primarily if SF6 isn't announced by then

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they didnt change the game or gameplay at all so unless youre some sort of triggered nega-SJW there shouldnt be an issue

Unironically BL3.
River City Girls.
Astral Chain.
Bayonetta 3.


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What the fuck is up with people using images from The Mask recently?

Gameplay seems shit tho

Comfy thread.

I'm cautiously interested in Spelunky 2. Not sure I like the new art style, but if it's like the original Spelunky but more, I'll be all over it.
And the final Terraria update. Though the lack of release date mentions means I'm starting to suspect it'll be Christmas at the earliest.

Silk Song.

how the hell are you still excited about inti shit when they've used the same artstyle and gameplay for over a decade
i know we're supposed to be positive ITT but not braindead

Mask posting

What's your picture of? I like the style.

They just love Halloween

I'm enjoying Age of Wonders: Planetfall and Remnant right now. Both somewhat jank, but fun. Looking forward to learning more about Total War: Troy and Total War: Warhammer 3.

>mask posting
explain the origin other than it being a forced meme from fucking nowhere.


>Kenshi 2
look forward to it in about 20 years


Its a forced meme out of nowhere now post some video games you double nigger.

Yea Forums

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i hope madness: combat nexus 2 will be pretty decent i like what ive seen so far

Death Stranding, AC: New Horizons, Blasphemous, Spelunky 2, Elden Ring, and I’m a little intrigued by Modern Warfare.

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Like Madness from Newgrounds?

Pirate Warriors 4.

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>Cyberpunk2077 & DOOM:Eternal
are my big 2 at the moment. Theres a host of other stuff coming out that im paying attention to like Death stranding, Astral chain, Dying light 2, VTMB2, Baldurds Gate 3 and tonnes more.

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Yea Forums

>Yea Forums
Of course it is.

Good thread OP.

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I'm looking forward to comfy journey sim.

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Yep. The creator has come a long way.

The only game announced at Gamescom that got my interest was Everspace 2. I hope they give up on the rogue like gameplay.


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Looking forward for Doom Eternal

Son of the Mask: The Game when???

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are these games actually good though? as in actually fun and goes above generic dynasty warriors shit

My nigga
Looks to be more dumb fun like the first one.

WoW Classic. It was my dream game in 2004 and nothing has been as epic since. I stopped playing just after WotLK.

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Humanity, it's a 4x game that's been announced yesterday. Amplitude has been working slowly to usurp the 4x genre from the grip of Civilization and it seems to be the finishing move, the master stroke.

>Galaxy in Turmoil
Same. Feels like an eternity waiting for this game.

That's really cool, I'll have to check it out.

>Hype as fuck
Modern Warfare
Astral Chiain
Persona 5: The Royale

>Looking forward to
River City Girls
MediEvil remake
DOOM Eternal

2019 has been a stellar year with releases, still more shit coming even up through 2020.

I think they're inherently better than the rest of the Warriors game due to the One Piece setting. One Piece's insane characters and their strange abilities lend themselves perfectly to thrashing waves of faceless mooks. I've 100% Pirate Warriors 3 three times. I'll admit that I'm a huge One Piece autist, but I feel like I'd probably enjoy the game anyway even if I wasnt. Yes, its still has that mashy Warriors gameplay. But I can't really complain. Fucking shit up as an elastic retard or as a talking skeleton is a lot more engaging than plodding away at fodder with your standard sword or staff.

Cyberpunk and Pantheon

All games are shit now.

Very excited to play DQXIS.
I have been making Dragonquest related videos lately and working through 8 so I have much to look forward to. Smash has been fun too thanks to Hero.

I think in general I'm just happy I've found inspiration lately to keep making my weekly videos.

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Wrong, you're just incapable of broadening your horizon.

cyberpunk 2077
bloodlines 2
stygian: reign of the old ones

I play more games than you. They're shit. It's all shit.

yeah im pretty proud of him
theres a flash game (the original project nexus) if youre into those too

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Modern Warfare. It's going to be my first time playing a CoD on PC since MW2. Not sure what to expect on battle net but at least its something new.

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silksong and psychonauts 2

Literally impossible friend, I play 3 games at once.
My gamer skills will kill you user, you better go pick a fight with a weaker gamer.

Is atomic heart still happening? I hope so.

literally fucking none

im excited for every aaa game that v always bitches about. enjoy your pixel shit and sex sim games you dry dick panzies ill be watching and playing high budget movie games and jerking off to real women porn. im sexless but hey im not confused.

I respect it.

kill yourself

Can’t wait for Iceborne

I need Bannerlord. Then I can rest.

I would but my parents are still alive and I dont want to make them sad.

Same but only for the campaign.

get your life together

To be honest nothing much apart from death stranding which looks interesting. I am just going through my backlog, recently caught up with xcom 2 now that I have a decent PC, also finished Outer Wilds, such an amazing game, almost makes me feel bad for pirating it. I crave a strategy game of some kind, Endless space 2 doesn't really scratch the itch and I can't seem to get into it despite absolutely loving the civ series and similar games. Life is pretty okay right now. Look at how fucking fat this dog is man.

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Not much else

Dont feel bad about Outer Wilds. They got loads of cash from EGS exclusivity.

If it has no always online bullshit I might actually get it.

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Yeah that much I figured. Still I wish they got more visibility, between the EGS stigma and the name similarity to outer worlds, I missed the very few threads Yea Forums had about it and I'm dying to talk about it with people.

MHW: Iceborne, Code Vein (maybe), GreedFall

playing rimworld for another 1200 hours with all sorts of mods

no season passes
no corporate online ladder multiplayer
no nickle and dime dressup
no players wearing sparkly dick hats and angel wings

This for me, Code Vein, AI the Somnium files and an anime sidescroller called Heroine Anthem (but mostly because the CG is nowhere to be found)
We might get a resurgence of threads with the steam release. Happened with Rain World before

There's a new blacksmith simulator coming out called Ironsmith that I'm looking forward too.
Also Bannerlord obviously.
Green Hell releases soon and I pirated an earlier version then deleted it after an hour, confident that I'd love to buy it.
There's an MMO that has been on development for a while too

what mmo lol

This thread is depressing reading when considering the state of Yea Forums
>What games are you looking forward too?
>All AAA hundred million dollar marketing games
Getting a bit normie in here

Im pretty excited about the new Ori game, Darkest Dungeon 2, Elden Ring, more Katana Zero content, and Cyberpunk.

mostly indieshit

Hylics 2
Blue Omen Operation
Knuckle Sandwich
No More Heroes 3 (does this even belong here?)
and I'm probably forgetting something else

When it comes to AAA releases though, I suppose Astral Chain and Death Stranding look pretty interesting.

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you forgot to mention no sales

That Subnautica expansion, Condition Zero or whatever is something I'm very excited about. I played a bit of what they have out there so far but desu I want to wait until it's finished and just run through it front to back. I'm not interested in beta testing.

CoD Modern Warfare, Plants vs Zombies garden warfare, Gears 5 of warfare, Halo warfare and Doom warfare

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>garden warfare

they are making another one?


Oh lol. It's a 16 bit graphic one developed by a one man team over years but it's got a really generic name so I always forget it. It's a sandbox, entering beta this year. I usually just look it up on the mmo database and recognise it when I see it lol

Astral Chain is going to be awesome!
I hope Daemon X Machina does well because I can't buy it alongside AC + controller pro.
Also Fighting games are doing really well and that makes me happy. Specially the evo announcement for Soul Calibur 6 season 2. It was awesome and right now is my favorite FG.
Switch as a console is terrible, I don't like the features, controllers, etc. But it's getting all the games so I always have something to play.

I just have one question: why did they put VR on it but fucking never talked about it? Hell, we even got it for smash but no one actually asked for it or even noticed it was added

Damn straight. There was a super secret alpha that went by a week or two ago. At the time it was called "operation Picnic" so the public wouldn't catch on. God I can't wait.

those fucking animations
i am so fucking pumped they've got SIEGE ENGINES AND SHIT NOW
i was worried it would just be a graphical update to fucking warband on a new map or some shit but this is looking really good
one of the last good dev teams left on earth

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you have no idea how happy this has made me

>Early Access

i got concerns

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All the best dev teams seem to work on medieval themed games. KCD, Bannerlord, Witcher series, Paradox before it went full SJW.

Middle Ages were comfy. Post more games set in the Middle Ages.

Death Stranding, Cyberpunk 2077, and BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL 2.


>no sales
>was steams top selling EA graduate of 2018


kill yourself


I found out Doom 3 of all fucking things has a sourceport. I'm going to replay the SHIT out of it. Then I'll work on beating Serious Sam First and Second Encounters on Serious difficulty since I only ever beat 3 on it.

After that I'm going to relax with some strategy games like 40k Gladius and Total Warhammer while I want for the Terraria update to come.

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My most hyped this year would be pic-related even though I own them both on PS4. I'm also excited for GreedFall. I have every console and a PC and yet I'm unironically hype as hell for Switcher III. Feelsgoodman.

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that's sad, user.

valve VR games

The new Guilty Gear is definitely what I'm most excited for. I'm also pretty excited for SMTV and P5R, but not nearly to the same degree. I would like to play Astral Chain too,but I've no Switch, so I'm not going to be playing it anytime soon, so I'm not that excited.

I'm playing through the original Thief for the first time. It's kind of janky but it's really neat seeing all these mechanics.
That said, Water Arrows seem really really fucking good compared to everything else in my arsenal. Granted I'm just in the first level so maybe that changes, but so far I wish I had bought them out at the shop you go to at the start.

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Lower your expectations for Beyond Good and Evil 2 user. Good chance it will be shit.

Post channel

Same for DS and Cyberpunk, at a lesser extent.

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prepare for mindfuck

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Recently bought Escape from Tarkov and I'm hyper addicted. Excitedly waiting for the new update to drop.

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urine trouble if you're hyped

this looks and sounds like No Man's Sky at first.

Dumb mask poster

Then, BOOM ! Real dogfights !

>River City Girls
I was already sold when I saw "Wayforward doing a new River City"; the cute style and the girls are a plus.
>DOOM Eternal
>Shantae 5
Hopefully this one goes back to being like Pirate's Curse, but better.
>Bayo 3
And all of this except Project Diva, simply because I suck at rhythm games. Excellent taste my brother.

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Ah shit didn't meant to reply to >474780047

oh my fuck