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It's ok, Yea Forums.
You can like it now.
I have at least liked every Zelda game, but Windwaker and MM are the most overrated/grating to replay
>basic puzzles
>no difficulty
>story falls flat halfway through
I don't want to.
Is it weird that I don't even like Midna despite being a massive lolicon faggot?
It's my favorite Zelda :)
always have
I hate the stupid wolf sections and Midna, get rid of those two and it's fine.
It’s in my top 3 of Zelda along with LttP and OoT.
Every character in the story is a piece of shit and I can prove it. And yes, that also includes Yeto.
>>basic puzzles
This game is trash and not memorable at all besides to pedophiles/furries/trannies/degenerates (same shit honestly)
Where/how did this iteration of Ganon get the Triforce?
>Overworld is boring and feels broken
>items are underutilized.
>Overall controls feel like a downgrade from WindWaker: No wind Physics, gliding, stealth, partner characters cut from dungeons.
>Wolf form starts out useful when the story pretends it's a curse, and when the story says it's useful now it becomes a hassle to use.
>Twilight realm built up as 3rd act of the game when it ends up being a single dungeon where people just stand there and look at you and you can't even talk to them.
>Takes the Silent hero trope way too far by having NPCs that desperately want to know what's going on, and having Link deliberately withhold the information for no reason.
If Okami hadn't come out in the same year, it would be my most hated game of 2006
Arbiter's Grounds + Snowpeak temple are two of the best zelda dungeons in any zelda game and Midna is definitely the best companion in any zelda game but the overall experience is slow and ultimately soulless.
prove it
>Wanting stealth
Nice way to out your post as garbage
i started playing a little bit of it but so far its not grabbing me. first bosses were disappointingly easy
I always liked it. I mean, not as much as OoT and WW, but I liked it
Blanket statment. Crawling, Sidling were removed.
I also forgot the Rope physics that were taken out as well. No swinging from ropes, or cutting bridges or grappling rope.
Thanks for reminding me.
i do like it. i just wish we could skip the forest and 2nd wolf tears collecting bullshit.
Just finished TP two weeks ago and I don't even remember a dungeon called Arbiter's ground. Snowpeak was ok, it felt better because the game has such shitty dungeons.
So yeah, no. The only good dungeon was the Skyloft but even that didn't get to top 5 for me. TP is the only bad Zelda I've played.
Nope. Still hate it. Now WW on the other hand. I have come to appreciate it a little more. Mainly because they fixed the triforce quest and added that new sail in the HD version
TP is the exact moment the Zelda magic ran out. It, as well as everything after it is the definition of soulless.
probably because she's a shortstack user.
I don't know how any living breathing human being can set foot in the fishing hole and call TP soulless
Twilight Princess confirmed for the Sakurafish of video games. I always liked it. I liked it when I first played it in 2007 and I like it today.
What, you don't like okami?
TP has a lot more personality than it's given credit for. The characters tend to be fairly animated and it puts attention to detail in the weirdest fucking places like an arrow bouncing off the Hylian Shield even if it's on your back, or being able to play catch with a dog in Hyrule Castle because fuck you, you know you're gonna waste like 5 minutes on that dog at some point. It's like saying you didn't fuck with the snot nosed kid on Outset Island, you're just lying to yourself.
Zelda games have so many layers of hipness regarding which ones are considered the best. Now if you really want to be a hipster say Skyward Sword is the best, that game has yet to have its hipster resurgence in popularity.
He still had it from obtaining it in OoT.
>controls feel like a downgrade
Don't forget the Wii version has no camera controls other than z targeting.
That doesn't make any sense though
Hena is such a lovable NPC. All the little details she has like bowing when you walk through the door, lots of dialogue when you look around the shop, smiling at you when you go into first person in the boat and look at her.
This was my first Zelda game.
Gameplay wise,It's a baby game for babies, but the music,characters,world & story (even if rushed) make it a confy game.
You can tell in this one almost mroe than in SS that they were simply running out of ideas
A pretty unbiased and true description for your first Zelda.
I've always liked the serene melancholic atmosphere of TP. Sure it's true that the game tries too hard to be dark and "epic" in some places like the awful interlopers cutscene but it's still a great game imo.
Fans waste too much time trying to make sense of the timeline.
How fans see it
>ganondorf is the same in all the games
>the timelines diverge at several points
>link actually died in this game
>he's the descendant of the link from this game
>no its a completely different link
>tp takes place after mm's bad end
>link was an hero
how miyamoto sees it
>In this game I wanted Link to fly on a leaf.
Low difficulty is my only issue with TP. Haven't played the Wii U version, does the added difficulty make it more of a challenge?
Even getting ganged up on by 3 Darknuts isn't really that hard, I wonder how many of them it would take to completely overwhelm you, or all the diabolical combinations of enemies you could come up.
>Fans waste too much time trying to make sense of the timeline.
But the timeline makes total sense if you don't eat crayons for breakfast. And contrary to what some people say, it wasn't tacked together after the fact to appease fans, the split timeline has demonstrably existed since OOT, you can observe it in the ending sequence. Not to mention the three games before that were all connected.
I hard disagree. TP and SS had some of the most inspired dungeon gimmicks in the entire series. Dungeons like Snowpeak Ruins, City In The Sky, Sky Keep and Lanayru Mining Facility don't scream a lack of inspiration to me. If any 3D Zelda struck me that way, it's Wind Waker. I do think its overworld could've been more interesting with more time and stronger hardware, but even then that's still no excuse for the dungeons to be as consistently bland as they were. The only one that had any hint of actual intrigue to its design was Wind Temple, maybe Forbidden Woods by technicality as the Deku Leaf was just being that cool of an item to play with.
Yes and no. Hero Mode/Ganondorf amiibo does do a lot to fix the game balance and makes it possible to see a game over but two lingering problems remain. One, there's pretty much no punishment for a game over. Two, the enemy AI is still a bit too easygoing. But yes, take a single hit from King Bulbin and you're out 12 hearts so don't think for a second that you can't get one shot because you absolutely fucking can.
but I always liked it
the wolf sections suck ass and the dragon fight was kind of a letdown, but I had a lot of fun playing it
it fucking sucks though.
MM is the best one
SS has a very boring forest area which is bizarre for a Zelda game. Lanayru was great and the only area that felt complete. The outside of Eldin was just a generic lava level but the inside of the temples with all of the Hindu architecture was great. After the 3rd time returning to the same area of Faron but under different conditions I just didn't want to be there anymore. The second temple you go to in Faron was good though and has an awesome boss. Oh right that's the other great thing about SS, the boss battles are really fun.
I always did. TP was a great return to form after the horrific disappointment that was Wind Waker.
I always liked Twilight Princess. I just wish it had taken itself a bit more seriously. It’s a laughably easy game from beginning to end with very little depth and almost every item you get is a one-dungeon wonder. But it’s incredibly atmospheric and cozy and has an amazing soundtrack. The hyrule field theme is the best in the series.
If Fi was my girlfriend how would we hold hands?
>I don't even remember a dungeon called Arbiter's ground
It was that quick sand dungeon where you fight the dragon skull and get the spinner.
TP is a good game but is not the best in the franchise. Dungeons are good, but everything else is average at best. WW was better even if it was incomplete. It had better story and overworld. I'll take the triforce charts over the wolf sections.
>does the added difficulty make it more of a challenge?
Nope, you're still sent to the beginning of the room you die in so taking more damage doesn't matter and the easy as shit puzzles are unchanged. The only way you're getting any difficulty out of it outside the cave of ordeals or the wolf form equivalent they added is by doing a no death 3 heart run on 4x damage.
There isn't a single bad Zelda game, it's just hyperbole, they all are at least good.
WW was a great game but it's too bad they went with such bad character designs.
Not that user but WW is the one Zelda I'd rather read as a book or watch as a movie than play as a game. The rushed development left far too many cracks in the armor for me to overlook.
Uhh no... Arin said the timeline came with SS.
this, but we can agree some Zelda games are better than other in some aspects.
OoT has the best world building
MM has the best atmosphere and NPC dialogues
WW has the best villain
TP is a jack of all trades, master of none
SS is ok
Botw has the best overworld and freedom.
i refuse
Every Zelda doles out this bittersweet bullshit. Even if he manages to get his dick wet off-camera to continue the hero bloodline, he always loses someone he holds dear in the process. For that reason, I can't deal with Zelda franchise anymore. Also, the dungeons stopped being fun back around the time WW was released. TP had okay dungeons but they were mostly forgettable save the ice mansion.
Midna is fine, but she's only good looking in true form, so you have good taste because you recognize she's not a loli.
>they are all at least playable
ftfy, the GC Zeldas really don't hold up gameplay wise.
>he didn't play Four Sword Adventures with friends
I forgot about FSA, but it was fucking terrible to play alone.
I hope I'm the idiot here and this is just bait.
it had pretty good gameplay "mechanics", the puzzles were great.
I don't remember Link losing anyone in SS and WW or BotW.
I believe it's canon that the TP Link goes for the farm chick, whatever was her name.
Fucking retard, should've romanced the bug waifu at least.
the king gets flooded with hyrule in WW, in SS you lose Fi
>going back to little miss zero-note character
Everyone in Ordona deserves death
Oh you want to fucking open that can of worms again becuase I'm all for opening that can of worms again. The same fucking problem I have with Twilight princess times a thousands.
You already know you're hero of the game when you fucking start, before you fucking start. You know you're ametarasu before you even decided to by the game. And yet every character you run into doesn't get the fucking pictures. Even the characters that recognize your abilities don't. Ha ha. so funny how oblivious these characters are to your true identity. What a grew joke that continues to be great at the cost of making everything you do in the game feel completely void of substance!
Let's increase that feeling of futility by making all the monsters encounters in the game pointless. All you get from them is cash and special items that are so easy to find that 9 times out of 10 you're better off running away. Let's increase the incentive to run from battles buy making the battles feel slow as fuck and require even slower finishing moves. Then let's make the monsters invisible to normal people and only appearing on the game map as floating scrolls completely erasing any sense of presence in the game and making the encounters still feel like a waste of time.
At least the game uses an innovative control system for it's powers, like holding down a button and using the analogue stick to move the paintbrush around and draw a bomb... every fucking time you want to use a bomb. It's ok though, because the paintbrush is also used for things that are more intuitive and less horribly clumsy like Slicing things, and connecting ropes and... drawing more circles. It's all the fun of point adventure games, but somehow even slower paced... and in a hideki kamiya game.
Suddenly those floating scrolls that are easily avoidable and offer no reward to fight are worth encountering now because I really feel like killing something after going on that rant.
I unironicaly only like the wolf link parts because every thing else is bland and stale.
In BotW I think you lose all your guardian friends during the calamity. That or they die of old age while Link is locked in the recovery chamber. Either way when Link returns to life, his bros and additional lady friends are gone.
At least you can argue he had an actual romantic thing going between himself and Zelda in BotW given the documents and memories you can encounter. Thing is, Zelda is so tsundere about shit in her diary it's enough to make you think you're viewing some season waifu shit.
Gerudo womyn are the superior waifu choice anyway.
>not the fishing girl
I'll just leave this here.
Try as I might I just can't seem to get into ALTTP. I just got the master sword and I've died about 50 times. I just can't get the combat right.
You just face the direction of shit and swing your sword. What more to the combat is there?
>being this angry that a game doesn't slobber over the player character's knob for existing and uses a protagonist that doesn't care for recognition
>being this angry that combat is easy
>being this angry that instead of point and click abilities use a different gesture
>being insensitive to the visual and auditive design
Do you work in quantitative finance?
theyee too shite to dodge boss projectiles, better fine some pieces of heart then
some enemies block your shit on the one side and i suck at maneuvering
Never played meme souls so this means nothing to me.
>are you angry?.jpg
>being this angry
Always liked it, but I only played the Gamecube version and never the Wii port.
The only persistent flaw is the low difficulty from enemy damage being bizarrely low.
TP also has premier #1 best girl, and its not Midna
I can tell the way she speaks is something that doesn't quite translate to English. I need to play it in Japanese to see what her speech pattern was. Probably just really informal speech.
I liked it more than Wind Waker
Your mainstays are your poke, swipe, and spin. Outside of that are certain items that can supplement your combat but I'll mostly cover your mainstays since you'll use them 95% of the time anyway.
Spin is mostly used for groups of bats, rats, snakes, and annoying pest enemies if they're swarming you. it's useful for some boss fights where you want to quickly attack the area around you but it's very situational. You may need to experiment with it to find the most optimal uses.
Poke isn't that useful and should only be used for enemies that will block your swipe/spin. Very few enemies will need the poke but for the handful that does you just poke them. Once you know which enemies are vulnerable to pokes then you just need to remember to use it against hem. Just remember to swipe as soon as your poke hits because your guard goes down as soon as your poke hits.
Swipes are your bread and butter. Occasionally you'll need to supplement your combat with boomerangs, arrows, hook shots or whatever. Sometimes you can knock an enemy off balance with a poke and get them with a quick follow up swipe. Very situational but useful in a pinch.
Agitha is my daughter
you can do thrust attacks in ALTTP?
There's a god damn limit. There's a line you don't cross, and that game reached it, and it pissed on it, and then it went as far past it possible.
When a game offers no challenge, and no accomplishment, or barely any aknowledgment that you exist in the world it feels less like your playing it than you would if you were never playing it at all.
>Why are you angry about taking 3 seconds to perform an process of careful actions that in any other game could be accomplished by the click of a button in 1/100th of the time?
Gee, I wonder why. Gee gee gee I wonder why.
"I wonder if this wall is bombable? In other games I could just use a bomb and fight out, but doing it in this game will require a lot more distracting time investment compounded with if the controls will even register it correctly, and compounded to that if it will even put the bomb in the place I wanted it to land."
Visual and auditive design are great. A good relaxing slow paced game is great. Too fucking bad this isn't something like Zelda or a slow paced RPG adventure. This is devil may cry in a wolf suit desperately trying to emulate zelda, and not blending well at all.
When has platinum ever tried to recreate Okami in any fashion? The closest thing was Wonderfull 101, and guess what, It's a fast paced action game that doesn't try to have zelda dungeons and hunting fetch quests over deceptively linear overworlds.
You can do "dashes" once you get the running boots but it's mostly used for fast traveling. I mean, you CAN kill shit with it, but I wouldn't rely on in it.
When I say poke I'm talking about holding your sword out after a swipe. If you let go you'll do your spin. Think of it as a one-button combo.
Press- swipe
holde- poke
release- spin
The poke sacrifices your speed for holding the spin-charge and it doesn't do as much damage as the spin-charge but it lets you pinpoint weak spots of certain enemies. You lose your poke as soon as it connects so be ready to retreat or swing immediately afterward to restore the poke or continue swiping if necessary.
So simple, it could be done on an NES controller.
oh i see, thanks for the tip ill give the game another go
Her character if I recall is a no-nonsense professional soldier type with no time for social graces. She refuses to even speak to Link until you clear a few dungeons. She is one of the few NPC's in the game whose attitude and dialogue towards Link changes significantly as the game progresses.
IIRC Ashei basically just says her father raised her as the son he never had. She's the quintessential tomboy soldier and actually comes across as one of the more competent people in the TP Resistance group.
>Takes the Silent hero trope way too far by having NPCs that desperately want to know what's going on, and having Link deliberately withhold the information for no reason.
TP Link isn't silent. He just isn't shown speaking. There are numerous scenes where the game cuts away to npcs reacting to something Link tells them.
>linear as fuck and tons of hand-holding
>cringeworthy cutscenes
>little to no innovation, doesn't even improve the formula from the N64 games
>Link isn't even as mobile as in previous games (Wind Waker Link could crouch and hide)
>filler tear segments
>shitty tryhard atmosphere
>too much expository dialogue
>artstyle that aged like milk
>swimming feels awful
>non-existent difficulty even by 3D Zelda standards
>final boss was predictable and boring
>dungeon design is basically on rails
>worst looking bokoblins in the series
>most enemies are beaten in pretty much the same way: look for an opening, rapidly hit the B button until it recovers from the assault and guards again, rinse, repeat
>crappy story, failed to explain anything in a compelling manner
>NPCs are soulless and not engaging, you can't even interact with most people in Castle Town
>worst battle music in the series, which also ruined the midna's lament segment
>barely any sidequests
>basically no interconnected areas except for Lake Hylia
>Death Mountain Area is a fucking line with no branches or secret areas
>item usage was limited
>potions, fairies, upgrades, and the like are useless and offer no variety
>babby tier puzzles (open the door by shooting an obviously placed eye switch, woooow)
>dull soundtrack
>both the overworld and villages are shallow and not dynamic
>no free-roaming, gotta wait for the plot to explore other areas
If it weren't for Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess would have been the weakest 3D Zelda of all-time.
I’ve never played it for me than 30 minutes because it’s slow and boring.
No, I still don't. Wind Waker was Ocarina of Time 2 in actual gameplay, Twilight Princess was Ocarina of Time 2 in tone and atmosphere. Ultimately I preferred Wind Waker for actually having a magic meter and more interesting dungeon items on the whole; I can masturbate to Midna on my own time.
>no accomplishment
You get both in-game "XP" rewards for each good action you take and in-universe recognition by literally making the land better through your accomplishments.
>brush is slow
You sound hilariously incompetent at using the brush, it's unironically faster than zelda for bombs too since they blow destructibles instantaneously if you place them close enough.
>no challenge
>implying zelda games are offer a challenge to a hardcore gamer such as yourself
Cave of ordeals exists I guess, but I'm sure it was easy for you, just like you went through yoshpet's trial first try and blew up the last blockhead without even trying.
>okami isn't slow paced
??? Only the mandatory fights aren't and they are a handful per dungeons. And the two timed segments, which are what, a drop in a bucket? For everything else you're as free as you want to do them.
>why didn't they tried again
Because the game flunked horribly and clover closed down, you ninny.
I'll ask again, do you work in quantitative finance?
Wii port is the best example of tacked on motion controls. It’s horrible and doesn’t even give you the option to use a classic or GameCube controller.
It's actually very fun.
Something about the combat in TP makes you do forward thrusts most of the time. It took me a long time to force myself to fight like I was used to in OoT. It's like his thrust doesn't advance far enough so I'm always too far from the enemy trying to thrust closer. As opposed to OoT where his thrust always gets you right inside the enemy for more combos.
>Wind Waker was Ocarina of Time 2 in actual gameplay
>not the game that ripped its engine and built on it
The question appears to be rhetorical,as you are clearly very angry.
She's also got a nice rack. Would have been fun if she gave you a look for staring at them.
That's just good taste. WW doesn't actually execute many of its ambitions very well. TP is pretty by the books but at least it gets the whole "being a Zelda game" thing down.
Caps lock does not represent anger.
I always loved it. Midna is my waifu
TP had some nice boss themes
There's the literal OoT 2 of Majora's Mask and then the spiritual OoT 2s of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess.
well in TP you can run and slash at the same time, unlike literally any other zelda game, so often times i'd just un-target, run in with a slash, and re-target
Stay mad, nerd
>reading my reply in an angry voice
it's the other way around TP is boring because it doesnt bring anything new to the table and imitates badly.
Meanwhile WW while incomplete, it still brings new stuff in the franchise, and it isn't as restrictive as TP, not to mention it doesn't fail spectacularly in its story.
That statement makes no fucking sense if you're arguing gameplay. MM plays the exact same and WW/TP are carbon copies.
Going back to WW's combat after the combat from TP is a little tough because all that time waiting around for enemies to get up. The A prompts, whatever it was called, were cool though and an obvious step towards TP's combat. WW also has one of the coolest spin attacks, though the silliness of him getting dizzy wouldn't work without the toon style.
If I'm arguing gameplay MM is OoT 1.5 because it's the exact same engine and near-identical gameplay as far as child Link is concerned.
I was super disappointed in the motion controls when TP came out but I fooled myself into liking them by mimicking his movements.
still a boring piece of shit. Your goblin waifu doesn't make the game good.
I've tried to replay it like a dozen times just to drop it the moment I remember I have to do all the pointless shit before the game starts.
>TP comes out
>internet is filled with porn of human midna
>fastforward to now
>internet is filled with porn of imp midna
What the fuck happened to us?
And normally, this technique is so that the game isn't telling the player how to think or what to say when they're in the role of link.
In twilight princess, The game is written in a way that you want to tell people about the things you've seen, what needs to be done, and what they can do to help.
Instead the game goes to leaps and bounds to have NPCs state that you're refusing to give them any information and they just have to accept that they won't know anything.
"Oh, you're a wolf sometimes? Ok, as long as your not a crazy insane tentacle monster" would have been so much easier to work into the story the the mental gymnastics they weave into every NPC to avoid demanding some fucking answers out of link. not to mention forcing players to find random places to hide every time they teleport somewhere populated.
Sorry old lady who lives alone and isolated and has guarded this rare hylian treasure for generations, I can't let you know what the significance of the treasure you're guarding is for, even though you asked about it out loud because fuck you
>If it weren't for Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess would have been the weakest 3D Zelda of all-time.
SS has some of the best dungeons and bosses in the series why would you consider it worse than TP?
Not many things in games come close to the level of relaxation as sailing around and exploring island in WW. No music, just the sound of a thunderstorm and rain droplets, or the waves splashing on a nice sunny day.
Let's compare fights in zelda to fights in Okami
Music changes based on how close you are.
Hit the enemy with the sword.
Enemy dies and leaves a item. You can ignore this entire and move on with what you're doing
Screen blacks out, and a fire arena comes up.
Widdle the enemies HP down and use a finishing move.
Enemies finish their death animation.
A results screen comes up and lingers while the area you were in reloads.
You have to wait through all of this and the option to run away takes even longer.
>both scenarios happen in about the same amount of time from start to finish but calls one slow-paced because there's some waiting
Wind Wakers ocean didn't feel like water
not him but Combat is ass, too lineal, the return of wolf tears but without wolf, unexistent overworld , and also motion controls.
The results screen alone triples the amount of time battles take, and the fact that they virtually change locations every time you encounter an enemy no matter how weak it is, forces you to focus on the enemy instead of beating it idly while exploring.
And all of this when you earn nothing of value from fights and instead level up from doing harvest moon chores around villages- except why even bother leveling up when enemies are easily avoidable and the game goes out of its way to punish you for encountering enemies with this headache.
Every facet of this game is asinine, and a fucking insult.
just power-slash them on the overworld
Always liked it, on par with OoT and MM for me.
WW will always be my favorite tho.
is a cell shaded game, of course it doesnt feel like water, it just looks like it.
How can you believe is on par with OoT or MM?
The reusing of areas and even one dungeon at one point were inexcusable for the level of quality that I expect from Zelda. The sky world was boring as fuck too. Absolutely nothing to find on 90% of the islands except a treasure chest. I do love the combat and boss fights though. I've put way more time into that boss rush than I'd like to admit, and managing potions in hero mode is really fun.
Just give the sauce already user.
It's good but impossible to play through more than once because of that fucking starting area.
Zelda: run around the enemy
Okami: run around the enemy
I was going to pick this apart but honestly I can agree with most of this. I can't force myself to get past the second Sacred Grove trip on replays
It was literally made to be fanservice for American fans of OoT and MM, and to me it was much appreciated. A little too derivative in some spots like maybe they were salty and said, whatever just do the same thing again, but not enough to detract from the experience.
>There is no defense for this.
>The mortal draw deals death.
Mortal draw was fucking cool.
Out of all the 3D Zeldas this has the most “that parts”
How the fuck are any of these remotely comparable
>and it isn't as restrictive as TP
Prior to the Triforce quest, this is patently false. Both games "open up" after the third dungeon and WW doesn't really do anything more interesting with its sea than TP does with its overworld on a structural or pacing level. The Triforce quest is the only time it actually manages to meaningfully separate itself from Zelda convention, and even then it comes with its own unique set of problems that turned it into the infamous brickwall that it is instead of the next logical leap for 3D Zelda that it could've been.
why was the chargeup jump attack so fucking worthless?
I could see it being a neat tool in the horde battles in Hyrule Castle but not really anywhere else. The shockwave is fine in theory but multi-enemy fights typically aren't so involved as to need that ability.
Mortal draw and the finisher when they're grounded were the best.