Fuck everyone who wants a Superman game, controlling a flying character always makes for shit gameplay. When are we getting a Flash game?
Fuck everyone who wants a Superman game, controlling a flying character always makes for shit gameplay...
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infamous second son?
Isn't Flash even more overpowered than superman?
only when writers take 5 seconds to think about how someone with near infinite super-speed would handle things, which maybe happens 5% of the time he shows up
otherwise you just have him jobbing to deathstroke by running into his sword
there's already a lot of games using flash op
Remember that time Ronald McDonald FUCKED the Flash infront of 5,000 people livestream?
In saints row 4 you can run really fast, that's pretty much being the flash
this is how a flash game goes:
>wow look at me i can run super fast
yeah that's real exciting
something something attosecond
Hey fuck YOU dude. I was actually around before Superman 64 reached legendary shit game meme status and I think I deserve a good Superman game 20 something years after renting that garbage from a video store.
no, I don't, but you have my attention
we almost had one
>literal bing bing wahoo noises.
>Fuck flying games
>wants a sonic game
Both are bad
You want flash games? Go to newgrounds
the best one so far is lego dc super villains, you can run in the speed force in that game. Next is dcuo
>Unlimited dodge
>Unblockable attacks
Seems legit
>Fast food is faster than The Flash
>saved from playing that hell by a shitty cart that froze 30 seconds in
Flash was a much more interesting character before the power creep really set in.
In the Modern Age? maybe. In the Golden Age, hell fucking no.
It gets to a point where his entire city just has red lines going through it because he's stopping crime nonstop
That's Jay Garrick and he only wishes that measured up to the bullshit Barry Allen and Wally West got up to
Like running fast enough to reach the end of time and space to outrun Death itself. Not just any Death, either, the Death that comes specifically for Speedsters and should theoretically be faster than anything else.
>Death as a person being used as a speed standard
What does that even mean.
Can't outrun death, user. Except the one time they did lol.
It means Speedforce is some serious bullshit
what a dick