Here's your overhyped breast milk girl, bros.
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot
I'd fuck it
I still would.
Kinda looks like Vados.
That demo they showed off looked like shit.
>Toriyama drawn girl
Without fail, belongs in the fucking trash until someone who can actually draw women draws her
Looks like Vados/Champa fusion
>attractive women in DB
I don't care, show me a pic of the DBFZ page
Link please
>best game gets best girl
>worst game gets worst girl
All is right in the world.
>breast milk girl
That's not Chi Chi.
She's in.
So she is the same race as Jeice, red people with white hair.
This. Android 21 looked like pure shit until ArcSys made her look good by giving her huge tits and hips and and then gave her a vore fetish just in case that wasn't enough.
Caulifla looked like pure shit until Takahashi made her look good in episode 114 by basically redrawing the character model entirely
Cheelai looked like pure shit until Shitani gave her a fat ass and bouncy tits
Toriyama cannot draw hot women anymore.
Based. I should have known that they were doing it for comic relief and not to make more waifus to sell in dokkan
>even close to the best db game
Not when the Tenkaichi and Shin Budokai series exist.
>People were expecting another Android 21
Drawfags get on it
>inb4 her power is that she becomes slim
Fucking kek
Is she this guys mom?
how am I supposed to fap retards
>boring xenoverse combat
>shitty barebones "open world rpg" like one piece world seeker
>the same fucking retold story we've heard a billion times
no thanks
Dragon Ball Z? More like Dragon Ball Z-snap
welp time to get to work.. those lewds not gonna draw themself
Dokkan is based around powercreep, you cannot throw a weak ass character as the main attraction in a banner, if anything she would go in that occasional peppy gals banner alongside much better cards.
All the Ginyu's names are based on dairy. Whats her name?
Godspeed, drawfag.
Oh...well, I'm sure she's got a great personality.
fuck it im gonna draw her thicc with some muscle , fuck that fat face
While I disagree with you completely, I think we can both at least agree that DBZ Kakarot is garbage.
That's what now, #3?
Why did Videl dye her hair white and her skin red?
>call it a rpg
>lacks rpg mechanics
Ginyu Force gangbang when?
more like his sista
Crazy to think he’s the same guy who made the likes of 18, Bulma, Launch and Ayla from Chrono Trigger. His blonde girls don’t really disappoint but man the U6 Saiyans were a turn for the worse.
The poor old fuck can't do it anymore but they're making him do it anyway.
Because Toriyama is raughing.
Didn’t he make that green alien from the Broly movie everyone circlejerks to?
he'll find a way. Double chin and all.
To think I actually doubted Akira.
Of course she’s another fatty. We don’t get enough slim cuties anymore.
Whelp, that means she's still best girl.
>We don’t get enough slim cuties anymore.
>Force Toriyama to draw a non canon girl for retarded american tranny culture
>draw the ugliest and boring design
>Force Toriyama to draw a non canon girl for retarded american tranny culture
That was for FighterZ. Kakarots side stories are canon and Toriyama is working on writing them, like the Android 8 one and the new gohan and android 16 one.
I would fuck her, I would fuck Monna, and I would fuck Ribrianne (both forms)
looks like a fat indian instathot who thinks she's "thick".
Good 21 is best 21.
Kek. Good one.
Android 21 >>>>>>>>>>>>> Majin 21
sauce me senpai
Keep going...
>could have had a cute girl like
>instead it's just another "lol she's fat" character
If you're gonna go off model, at least try to make her thiccer.
Goddamnit how many times are we gonna do the same fucking story, everyone knows DBZ like the back of their fucking hand at this point
Go back and do original DB, it's unironically good and at least then the west would get something fucking new for goddamn once
>btfo's horny fucks
Toriyama's fucking based.
Why do you care? Do waifucucks unironically latch on to Dragonball? Dragonball is for fights, the girls are worthless. 18 is the housewife of someone way weaker than her,that's all you need to know about DB girls.
Normies didn't watch DB
basic design yes, but just like 21 or even the U6 Saiyans, it was up to others to make the design appealing, cause in paper they all looked weird. The U6 Saiyans even needed a few episodes before the team figure out how to fix them.
Vados I think looked fine fron the Start though, abd Mai re design was fine, though not sure if it was his work.
>People acting like this is a BTFO
Don't underestimate the power of fat fags
Vados, Kale and Kaulifa look like they could fainth at any moment for the lack of food!
You guys wanted 'big' women. You got it.
You will never know the feeling of sitting at the theater during the Broly movie and having Green Girl's ass flashing the screen
Cheelai gave her a run her money though. None the less, sex appeal aside, I still have to give the design point ton 21.
>cause in paper they all looked weird.
Eh, It's more or less due to proportions. Since Jaco his characters have gotten more lean and lankier, can even see it with DQ with humans or the UI goku we saw in a scan
Tenkaichi was shit, the Budokai series was decent. FighterZ is the literal DBZ most of us have wanted since we were kids, an actual fighting game (not lock on buttonmasher) that is true to the show.
Hasn't Toriyama being force to make a new OC per game for the las few years or so now? It's a miracle the Heroes team don't have him on a chain and instead make most of their OCs by themselves.
Tenkaichi 1 was shit. Tenkaichi 2 had the best story of a db game and 3 was the closest they've ever gotten to a dragon ball sim.
>lock on buttonmasher
You barely played it.
Yeah, now that I think of it, the DQ XI art does looks kind of thin and wacky in some parts. The designs aren't bad perse, the fact that most of them work once used it's prove of that, but his raw art it's getting weird.
We getting a new slam pig?
Well, she's the joke character that couldn't make it into the Ginyu force because her posing form wasn't good enough.
It only makes she also looks like a joke character.
>most of us wanted
Don't generalize. 2d fighting games are shit, especially for simulating DBZ-style battles that cover huge areas.
Honestly, joking aside, I kind of like the design and context. I don't need every new character to be either a bad ass or a waifu, sometimes I just want a fun character. Blue Berry have like three lines in the whole Broly movie, and it's an old hag, and yet it's probably in my top 15 just for those three lines!
>I'm not allowed to like the girls because they're not the main focus of db
shut up fag
It is the most unbalanced, casual fighter in existence. Just watch some videos online, it is indeed mash to win. There are no combos, no true skill required, just shenanigans and tier lists.
People orgasm over3D dragonball for some reason when 2D is a million times more true to the show.
>2d fighting games are shit
Kill yourself.
>especially for simulating DBZ-style battles that cover huge areas.
Ill give you this, but it could be implemented. Games like injustice do a good job with scene transitions to make the levels feel much bigger than they are and have the fight take place over various areas.
Problem is, we have to generations to get the feeling that doesn't work in videogames, the cool set pieces of the anine? Fuck that, no matter how hard you try, you will end spaming láser until you charge your big attack, in a cast full of clones. Thats 90% of the arena batte DB Z games. It's dumb fun with friends, but little more.
Besides, when you stop watch the fight in the anime, yes there are a couple of moments where they truly use the 3D envirioment for some epic moment, but most of the time they are face to face, trading punches. In all honestly, the fight have always being 65% "2D" even in the anime, so just add the bug moments as the supers, and translated as videogame, it works better as a 2D fighter.
Unless they finally figure how to make the action, 3D flying hack and slash based on Dragon Ball, that would be what truly could represent the franchise, until then, as a fighting game, 2D works better.
>this irrelevant literal who jobber from the frieza force doesn't pander to muh dik reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I see no issue, she's the same race as Jeice right? It is only natural she looks exactly like an Australian woman
I expected a long haired red-skinned Cheelai and this is what we get?
god fucking damn it
in your dreams
Does she lactate strawberry milk?
I love the latim dub, but between australian Jeice and Red neck 13, I can't help but feel I missed something special on my childhood.
Can’t wait for Donaught to draw her
>Just watch some videos online, it is indeed mash to win. There are no combos, no true skill required
You never played it competitively. No shit CPUs can't measure up.
The bull dyke face is just... unnecessary.
Not him, but I dunno, while playing with my frienos back in the day, we just fly around like idiots, spam the beams, aND wait to use or specials as soon as someone let go of his guard. We even had to ban Omega Shenron, SS4 Gogeta and Arale among ourselves. If there are people able to find dep on this game somehow, good for them, but it's clear that was never the intention.
Normally I don't do futashit, but this was surprisingly good
Probably just because Majins can do that anyway
wait a minute... DO I GET TO LEARN HOW TO DRIVE!?
its similar to Nier so shut ul
Damn I thought she was gonna just look like a huge alien slut
>but it's clear that was never the intention.
They showed you how to do all sorts of advanced shit in the tutorial mode. It's not their fault most people decided to ignore it and beam spam instead of gitting gud.
built for impregnating with rape babies
I'm unironically expecting the character to act like a sassy black bitch now
Everyone in Super who isn't Ribrianne looks atropied.
Let look at everyone in this thread and laught
>The Driving test filler is in the game
retards, it's nothing, NOTHING like Xenoverse.
Maybe not, but that doesn't mean the combat is magically good in either.
Actually I'm not suprised, it's almost, almost Ribrianne thicc level which is NOT a good thing.
I'm not saying Kekarot game looks good. Xenoverse has okayish gameplay but it's more about playing OC donut steal in DB universe.
>Tori can't draw good female anymore
neck yourselves
Toriyama only drew the luminary for 11, Enix did the rest
Get mad.
Official trailer
Everyone save this now that Fireden is dead
>You can carry Gohan
Ah fuck, that's cute.
Is this gonna be DBZ kino boys
If that's the part you want to focus on, but you can't deny the similarities with super moves and teleports.
Get mad.
>It is only natural she looks exactly like an Australian woman
Sad but true from an Ausbro
Supreme Kai of Time is pretty hot, but I don't know how much imput Toriyama put into her design. Her loli design, with the high heels was all him though.
So this is a RPG?
Music sounds great, but that's a given for DBZ games
Literally since its reveal
I don't really follow Dragon Ball games that much since they tend to be largely the same, so I didn't even know one was coming out
I wasn't in, but this trailer has got me.
I really hope it's good and not like that godawful One Piece game that came out recently. The last good DBZ adventure game was the Legacy of Goku 3.
No, there are no similarities. The 'teleports' move looks nothing like XV2. Fuck even the small ki blasts are lookomg worse than XV1 and again nothing like it.
Bt3 and raging blast 2 truthfully had more depth, more combo variety and mashing was nowhere near as good as it is in fighterZ. As a dbz game, fighterZ is maybe top 5. As a fighting game, fighterZ is one of the worst in the last few years.
>While I disagree with you completely, I think we can both at least agree that DBZ Kakarot is garbage.
the game is literally not even close to releasing you fuck
>I played against a button mashing friend and won by button mashing, that means the game is a lock on button masher
I could say the exact same thing about FighterZ but I'm not a retard.
Goddam the art style looks horrible, but I think that's mostly because I've gotten used to fighterz.
Could be better but oh well. Put a dick on her and I'll suck it.
seriously, well know wonder her poses were bad its to hard pose when fat lol
wrong Android 21 doesn't have cute tail
Man, when they said she'd have a large bust, I thought comically huge, thats pretty tame actually.
18 is the housewife because loves her daughter not because Krillen told her to you dolt
>ginyu not allowing fat ugly women who can't pose for shit
Absolutely based.
Toriyama just draws the same six human characters over and over again and gives them different skin and hair colors because he's a fucking hack.
The design is fine but I was expecting them to be comically huge
Instead they are just kind of big
She's likely barely gonna have a place in the game why do you care so much?
Where the fuck are you people getting the idea she is fat from
>leaks mention she has big tatas
>doesn't mention she's Count Chunkula
of course
That explanes it where Ginew got his Milky cannon from.
FighterZ is far and away the best DBZ game ever made. Take off your nostalgia goggles, both Budokai and Tenkaichi were shallow disappointing dogshit.
>>Toriyama drawn girl
There is absolutely zero sources that says that she was drawn by Toriyama. Zero.
i swear those fucker giggity themself to dead
Oh god she is better than I expected
Shortstack goodness
Would still fug if she act cute
Is this seriously just going to be Z again?
>be toriyama
>make the best shonen ever
>sell your soul and franchise to toei and shueisha
>years later
>make new content for DB cause you need to pay your taxes after evading them for so long
>write outline for new arc on a napkin you had at the bar
>have toei do their bastardized version of it
>have some retard fanboy working for you do his own fan fiction version for the promotional manga
>dragon ball Z game #436 is in development
>you're asked to help develop the game
>further ruin your own story by adding shit that never happened
>tease your retarded fanbase with a new waifu
>make her a fat landwhale
>make millions cause your fanbase is made up of retarded normies that will eat up anything
Why do people like this hack again?
Porn WHEN?
There was an attempt, but what's the point if you're just going to make her totally off-model?
they failed
android 18 will ALWAYS be the best dbz waifu.
A man of taste.
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
>which is NOT a good thing
Exactly, she should be THICCER.
Somehow, her going into MILF mode made her even more desirable to me.
So it's ok when jap do it hmmmmmmm?
I like Videl, but I respect your opinion.
If you button mash in FighterZ you can kill nooblets that cant d.H, but anyone with a brain can counter that. Try to mash at SSJ Blue rank and see what happens.
For me it's demon mommy towa.
truest post I´ve read all year in this sandal weaving forum
I like that he’s honest. He’s honest about making shit up as he went when he didn’t like an arc, he’s honest about his view on fans(calls them children,yes even the grown men). He’s pretty laid back about it and he knows he can just draw something on a napkin and the crowds will love it.
>Cell Saga
can't wait to spend hours playing Goku's "fight a heart attack" minigame before standing on the watchtower for hours waiting for Vegeta to come out of the time chamber
Then give up the final fight to Gohan after all that grinding
what a satisfying conclusion!
>which is NOT a good thing
im never falling for hyped db girls again
Even Vic Lasana wouldn't rape that bitch.
>Ugly ass art
>Old as fuck story
>Xenoshit combat
I miss my one off fluffy haired waifu -.-
Always been a big fan of bad Launch and she will never get any recognition.
shit joke character
That's most of original Dragon Ball.
Reminds me of Fuko. Ya'll know FUKO right?
Are you trying to say we're going to get an entirely rehauled game with a new combat system instead of xenoverse without the original story?
You get to play as multiple characters. Piccolo and Gohan are already confirmed
Best girl.
This is the real news.
She looks amer*can
Don't worry, DB Heroes will give her a skinny form.
You mean fatter.
Because he was a master comics artist. Goku vs Jr is one of the best action comics ever drawn.
She reminds me of Chocho from Boruto.
am I missing something? she doesn't seem fat to me
Do you have any drawings of those girls before the fixing?
Makes sense, Chocho's apparently really popular in Japan so of course Toriyama would make a similar character for laughs.
She's pretty bulky, man. Just compare her to almost any other female character in the series that isn't Ribrianne.
Yeah she's bulky, not fat
>that third eye detail
You know what she wants
Ok so, when Guldo holds his breath he makes time stop. What if he had tubes in his chest going directly into his lungs that pumped air in and exhaled it circumventing conventional mouth/nose breathing, if he "held his breath" with this life-support breathing machine, would he be able to stop time indefinitely?
Lack vados lewds is disturbing.
The SJW infection has spread to Japan!
Abandon all hope
He was a one trick pony that was never able to draw something of minimal interest. And before you say anything, yes, Dr Slump is retarded
jesyus christo muh dingaling.
Toriyama does it again.
Thanks for reminding me of what they did to Anko, asshole.
Dont you have a Resetera account to keep sperging?
>keep sperging
that's rich
No, really, why all the Era trannies keep flooding this place? Is some sort of sick fetish of you lot?
what if she's reverse zarbon?
she becomes slim when she transforms
or even more thicker
What, you mean improved her?
because he makes you mad
>Not when the Tenkaichi and Shin Budokai series exist.
I think that's your nostalgia talking
god she probably fucks like a black woman too.
18 > Kale > Cheelai = Good 21 > Bulma > The Rest > POWER GAP > Caulifla
That's not true he didn't the main cast based on guidelines SE gave him
Who'd win in a fight, Bonyu, Niyusu or Doola?
She's a stick in DBS though
Everybody in Super is except Controlled Berserk Kale and Cheelai.
MAXIMUM kale gives me a boner.
When they just draw Broly with lipstick, no, but when she's got the mass while still looking feminine, fuck yeah. Base form is good too.
If only someone gave her the D
>n..nooo! my waifu is the best
Kefla is a nice middle ground.
Fuck meant for
18 is high up there
while not z. Mai would be my db girl
>one trick pony
Go ahead and elaborate, I'll wait.
>Based Trunks deciding to pound her
What the fuck happened to fireden?
I’m actually glad she’s ugly so killing her won’t make me sad.
If Fireden Yea Forums was still kicking would not save it now and wait to scour that shitty archive for when you actually wanted to use it? Don't just hamfist irrelevant shit into a conversation, dork.
It doesn't let you look at Yea Forums anymore but that's fine because almost every other near identical archive does.
>Driving test arc is back
Absolute power move
They're adding the DMV episode to the game as a playable section!
we're going mcdonalds boi
what u want
i'll get uhhhhh