What are some good games for that Punisher feel?

What are some good games for that Punisher feel?

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Context? What's going on there?

Frank's kicking a nugget into a house fire. What's it look like?

(Frank takes down a mafia family, kills the mob boss's sons, and then burns her house down and punts her limbless body into the fire.)

Brutal Doom

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>Punisher MAX

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what expression is this?

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Killing every human in Prey2017 was pretty fun with Stuff like the trapped escape pod.

How do I get into western comic books? I really despise how the panelling works in them from everything I've seen posted online. In the manga I've read they use a lot of varying panel types based on the situation that flows in different ways, also utilizing a lot of size difference and "side-view" panels showing the same moment while looking at another character and stuff like that. But when I see western stuff like Watchmen it's the same rectangle copy pasted 40 times and makes me very sad. Not to mention with DC/Marvel which is most of what I see posted, where to actually start is a swamp of confusion.

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Frank Dillon Drew Me And I Cannot Escape This Nightmare

Top right

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Cerebus paneling and lettering is amazing
Just beware of Sim's drop in quality due to his schizophrenia

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unironically don't start with capeshit

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She lived, bitch

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I recommend you watching Earl Grey, Strange Brain Parts, and Strip Panel Naked for solid recommendations
Earl Grey is especially good for finding out specific genres and he covers a great deal of western comics
Strip Panel Naked may be to your liking considering he goes in depth to how the paneling works

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So... did he do the limb thing, or was that something else?

Honestly the reason I don't like comics is because they never end and a hundred different writers will take over one character.

Atl least manga even if it ends up getting really long at 50 volumes it's still the same guy and it's cohesive.

Stick to creator owned stuff

She was introduced with no limbs.

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Punisher the arcade game by Capcom.

If you're gonna start with capeshit start with Spider-man start with either "Spider-Man: Kraven's last hunt"

Is there anything more problematic than a white dude beating and killing a single, independent disabled mother

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But then on the flipside there's this thing about manga/anime that I dislike whenever they put in Japanese humor. It's almost like they can never be serious. It feels like capeshit movies where they quip even though something serious happens. I've never seen manga or anime where they were serious the entire time.

the bus is easily one of the funniest comics i've ever read

How old are you, out of curiosity?

Literally every single interesting comic that isn't capeshit I've read has been filled with unabashed promotion of homosexuality, pedophilia, and communism.
If /pol/ ever gave a shit about comics it'd be the biggest shitshow of rage on the planet. Comics are unironically America's first source of Jew pozzing and it really shows, they didn't even give a shit enough to hide it slightly.

While I do understand and agree, watchmen has really good panneling, but it's subtle. The shapes are the plebeian way of looking at "good panneling".

>homosexuality, pedophilia, and communism
No they fucking don't, what comics are you reading

originally Frank tossed her in with the polar bears at the zoo.

Pretty old why?

Just these past two weeks I've read
Miracle Man
The Invisibles
The Boys
The Filth
The Wake

I've been reading comics regularly like this since 2005, and reading comics in general since 1991.
Every single one listed from that past week without exception promoted either some or all of those things. I can't actually think of any comic which I've read that wasn't just normal capeshit fed to the cattle which didn't at least promote homosexuality and communism heavily, and many of them surprisingly promote pedophilia outwardly and openly as much as loli shit in Japan.

What's problematic is the fact that he didn't just fucking shoot her
Frank should know better by now, they're not dead unless you see a body

There's a lot more comics than that, it feels like you're cherry picking.

100% agree. That's why I basically quit buying comic books to the 2000's. I was fine with that stuff being the main draw of a bunch of indie books, but that shit pushed its way into mainstream titles.

You try reading eight full comic series in two weeks. I was just giving an example, I've been reading at least 3-5 series every week since the early 2000s. I know my shit about this, I still enjoy them because I know how to ignore it and not let it get to me, but I'm not going to be in denial and say it isn't what it is.

What are some depressing comic books? I just want to die

Emily Carrol does some really interesting work with negative space and panel arrangement. She writes more horror anthology stuff though rather than long running narratives.
Western comics don't seem to use the medium as well as eastern artists like Junji Ito or Inio Asano but those two are special even compared to the rest of eastern artists.
I think this is because western comcis are made by a team rather than a single person.

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>emily carrol's comics

mmmm that's the stuff

He did piss off the polar bears

he did frank face for the people

>The Wake
Good shit.
Goodnight PunPun if you don't mind reading manga. Depressing comics don't really get published in the west, you'll have to go to webcomics for that and most will be tumblr-tier based on mental illnesses and discrimination. I like Drop Out.

I've read a bunch of the '87 run (and War Journal alongside it) and some of Punisher Frank Castle MAX . What other runs are worth checking out?

>when she franks your frank

Hard to judge without knowing you. Generally Maus, Watchmen, Low, Big Man Plans, The Filth, The Crow, The Maxx. All have a lot of depressing shit here and there.

Too bad the ending for The Wake sucked ass and it was way too condensed.
Goodnight PunPun is also pretty depressing and really relatable in a lot of ways.

>Japanese comics
>lol loli
>American comics
>lol capeshit
>French comics
>haven't read any so I can't say anything

Are there any other comics?

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There was some Korean dude who made some good strips. I think it was for Yahoo or something.

To actually answer the question, the original Max Payne is probably the closest thing to a Punisher game without it actually being one of the Punisher games

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Avoid capeshit, it's a nonstop assembly of different writers and artists who all have their own idea of what the character should be so it's mostly inconsistent garbage.

Oh now I remember
>Korean comics
>web mobile strip where they tease you for 400 pages and never pay off
How the fuck did one guy get so far, it's ridiculous

allow me to shill my HQ re-scans of v01 + v02.

If you want a solid story that's relatively short and sweet, try "The Maxx" by sam kieth. It had a limited series on mtv that was incredibly well animated and faithful to the first like half of the comic, without some of the more obviously not sfw plotlines like the main baddie being a serial rapist (ACTUAL SPOILER:)that ends up getting a wife, reuniting with his rape baby daughter, and living happily ever after while the mc ends up a fucking janitor in the bad guy's fantasy realm..

It's a pretty good comic, 35 (or maybe 36 I can't remember for certain) chapters.

What's that comic where the kid lives in dystopian city divided into sectors and deals drugs and he ends up befriending girl who's dad is powerful general and she has to wear a full body suit due to the artificial weather.

Is there a more under rated comic?

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If the Punisher somehow ended up in Megacity One, and killed a guy because reasons, and Dredd got wind of his vigilante activities, how would that play out?
I don't really know much about Frank, but as I understand it, much like Dredd, despite his ridiculous ability to kill, he's still just a dude. Does he have any qualms about killing a cop who's just doing his job, or anything like that? Could he take Dredd? Would he take Dredd? Would he try to just get out of Dodge? Would he just be another creep crushed under the foot of the law?

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I imagine they would butt heads but then be forced to work together to defeat a villain

Almost as soon as I posted the question, that exact scenario crossed my mind. You're probably right.
It just strikes me as a good matchup from what little I know of Punisher.