What was the first MMO you were able to ever play? My computer was a shitbox and couldn't run WoW or Flyff or anything that required 3d graphics so Pic Related was one of my first MMOs.
What was your first MMO experience and what was it like?
What was the first MMO you were able to ever play? My computer was a shitbox and couldn't run WoW or Flyff or anything that required 3d graphics so Pic Related was one of my first MMOs.
What was your first MMO experience and what was it like?
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Ultima Online
It's great. Still playing 22 years later. You can play something sort of like it legendsofultima.online
Tibia was the fucking shit. My first mmo was DAOC or Ultima, but both were a little too advanced for me. I got into them from a neighbor who I played games with who was about 6 years older, but I was probably like 9 and couldn't quite get into them. Tibia was the first game I got super into followed by SWG.
SW Clone Wars online, was 5 and didnt know jack shit
Ive never experienced true fear on the scale that tibia was able to produce, the penalties for dying were so fucked, and the first time I got chased by giant spider to the steps of venore I nearly shit my pants
I think it was called Last Chaos. Just some f2p korean garbage.
Exploring new areas was some terrifying shit. I remember shitting my pants when I was on the ice islands, cant recall the names. There was vega, and two others,. I dropped down a hole into 2 fire elementals and instantly died.
if your first mmo wasn't zMUD you're in diapers
Tibia was truly hell. Getting pkd by br hue hues felt so degrading.
Never forget high level players luring wyvrens onto the fucking main road. Also fuck Brazilians.
Runescape Classic.
It's weird remembering that it is almost 20 years old and sadly forgotten.
I got trapped in the desert once in that one little shrine that goes underground because the only person over level 100 was pulling GS over there. She ended up helping us out but it was terrifying. I was just trying to go kill some wild warriors.
>walking the road to Venore
you see it...
UO on a private server called Zulu Hotel. Full loot gave me the "pvp shakes" where your whole body shakes from adrenaline. Multiple times I .suicide and deleted my character from rage. 10/10 would not want to relive.
They were so fast too. And you get poisoned? You're fucking dead.
fucking this. I started on 7.4 in 2004 on some brazilian pvp server. Took me like a month to get 20 lvl, i was sorcerer. Then i switched to an european non pvp, made it into lvl 40 on a knight, died on elf fortress due to a kick. Lost 2 lvls, crown armor and fire sword.
Never ever in my life i was so furious due to a video game. Literally started smashing my room like an autist.
Man fuck poison in this game, shit is lethal. I'm remember so many people dealing with poison after a fight and we were all standing around them seeing if they'd pull through.
is there a game that punishes you more for dying than this?
>die to some lag spike or DC
>lose hours and hours of grind because reasons
shit was retarded
Probably only the older versions of Tibia where if you died that was it, you dead for good.
fuck you i still have PTSD from this shit
also, waking up in the middle of the night because air raid alarm. Anyone?
for me it was Pirates of the Caribbean Online
>lose hours and hours of grind
I was extremely high level for the period I played at back in high school, I was level 77 on a paladin when the highest on our server was 92, dying at 77 would lose me 3-4 days worth of distance training. Fucking aids
>be super low level like 10 or some shit
>killing trolls downstairs beneath abdendriel depot
>someone placed 20 corpses on the fire pit so it disappeared
>stand in fire
>mfw im sprinting back to the depot to deposit my items because I know im gonna die
>dont make it in time
Shoulda put your shit in a bag hidden under the troll corpses.
I should have but I was like 13 years old and my heart was racing
>that feel when in Tibia spawned a whole generation of useless players, becaus eit was first MMO played in countries with newly created cheap internet structure for civilians
To this day i can encouter a 30+y old guy, acting like a sperging kid despite not playing tibia for years. Fuck brazillians and especially fuck poles
>in PoH as a fairly low level paladin
>farming the cyclops and the demon skelly just to the right of the temple
>remember my friend told me not to go any lower
>eventually forget and wander down
>mfw I see the 8 legged beast
I think it was Mu online.
It's okey user, I understand. I probably would have done the same.
I've transcended this genre.
I've played Ultima
I've played MUOnline in the early days
I've played great Korean MMOs like Lineage II in their prime
I've played WOW in the early days
I've played ESO for a while in 2015 because I like Elder Scrolls
I had fun in all of these games.
The early days feeling of playing an MMO with other people sharing a virtual world that was incredible for the time.
no Ragnarok ITT
>Also fuck Brazilians
This so fucking much
they took too long to get rid of the bots
>playing tibia cause potato pc
i had a mega shitty PC and i could NEVER play such a piece of shit game. i played lineage 2 at 8 FPS, without textures, and would wait 10 minutes just to load the game, but i had real fun
good fucking times
Runescape in the summer of 2005.
It was great, everyday after school I levelled a new skill or killed some random mobs. I had no idea what I was doing and slowly progressed, convincing my mom to upgrade me to members 5 months later was like a dream come true.
I went from;
Tibia > MU online > Ragnarok (our psever went down after over a year of progress) > a few months on Knight Online > WoW. Have quit WoW a thousand times and tried a number of different MMOs between it like Warhammer Online and shit, but always end up back at WoW
Ultima Online. I remember friend on IRC recommending it and I was instantly hooked. Never played the single player games from that series so it was all new to me. After that I tried out the old version of Runescape, the one with 2D sprites. Had some fun with it but I was too young to get a membership back then so you quickly ran out of stuff to do. I also briefly dabbled in Helbreath.
After that I went on a period of Asian MMO games, mostly Lineage 2 and Ragnarok but also some shitty Mu Online and Rose online.
Then past 2004 there was WoW which I enjoyed. Then took a break to play Guild Wars, went back to WoW for TBC and then Lord of the Rings Online. Pretty much the last MMO game I truly enjoyed.
I see a lot of people here used to play Lineage II.
What class did you guys main?
Was that actually a thing? That's pretty cool. I love reading about the old days of tibia. I'm glad I played before it went to total shit.
It was hard shit
Runescape, I think
>couldn't play WoW
It didn't exist yet, the thing was Lineage II, Hellbreath, Silkroad, etc..
I was the one still playing Diablo 2 because fuck you all, but it isn't technically an MMO
Open PvP made this MMO feel like the world was actually alive and players weren't "just there" to mind their own business, like in today's MMO's. I like this genre of games, but none of today's mmo's can even compete with Tibia's game's atmosphere.
>Hide in depo because someone really wants you dead.
>Pay players to escort you to other city, because the road is dangerous and your level is pretty low
>Join a guild to have friends and protection.
>Explore the world on your own, die because of your recklessness and lose exp and items in the process
>You actually had to type spells in chat to use them, fucking kino
>If you die you lose exp and items, meaning you'll running the fuck away at any cost whenever you're close to death
>In order to talk witch NPC's, you must talk to them in chat, another kino
>Fighting other players outside of cities, because why the fuck not? There's no law out there
I both love and hate this game. Old Tibia was the real shit which made me love games. Today's mmo's have no real sense of danger, being vulnerable to even the smallest kind of danger. It just felt nice to actually feel like you're actually part of the world. No idea what this game is today, but back in ~2005 I loved it.
Runescape. It blew my mind that the other characters walking around were actually other players. I didn't know we had the technology. It felt like incomprehensible magic to me. I don't even know how I discovered it but it was probably someone on Neopets telling me about it. I still remember being in Lumbridge my first session and someone told me about the Wilderness (I joined shortly after you were no longer able to attack other players everywhere). Some guy in full iron plate told me he'd give me a sword if I followed him, but I thought he was taking me to the wilderness to kill me so I refused. He later found me while I was fighting goblins and gave me a sword anyway. Accidentally stumbling upon Falador thinking I was miles away from civilization was amazing. Later upgraded to members and being able to pickpocket NPCs all of a sudden was such a rush. Good times.
The game going 3D ruined it for me. It was absolutely soul vs soulless.
perfect world
that game did a lot of things right
>world map split into territories
>instanced 80v80 territory wars every night friday-sunday
>default map identical to the dota map used for all wars
>even has towers, an ancient and catapult that players can pull
>all dungeons are 5 man
>have to farm rare materials and molds to craft high quality gear
>new tier of gear every 10 levels past level 60
>almost endless progression, no real hardcap
>completely ruined by p2w and later patches
never played an mmo that did territory wars better than perfect world, and territory/guild wars is the thing i desire most in mmos
this was mine. pic related
>tfw people will never understand my burning hatred for huehues in MMOs
They were the only people I'd go out of my way to murder in Tera, regardless of level.
They always bunched up into BR guilds too, which made it absurdly easy to know who needed to die.
Private Lineage 2 server. Never I "reached" anything in that game, but sense of community was the key - all the people running around and chatting.
What an embarrassing image
This was a good thread.