Name a single game that has worse gameplay because of le SJW boogeyman

Name a single game that has worse gameplay because of le SJW boogeyman

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Nah because youll just say
to which I'll say
>Fuck off back to era faggot
to which youll say
>Seethe more
to which I'll follow up
then youll finish with
>Have sex


But the trannies! They're forcibly cutting the dicks off children!

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I don't speak in Yea Forums non-arguments, user

Borderlands 2

Wolfenstein youngblood

Which part?

Wolfenstein 2

In what way?

You best start believing in Yea Forums non-arguments user. Cuz y'er in one

Another shit thread by a redditor.

I love these fucking chad memes, the always get more and more absurd whenever I see them and it's funny to me.

DA: Inquisition

Didn't some moba based off Greek gods and shit rework most their female characters and abilities to the point they played completely differently. Things like aphrodite losing her entire charm mechanic because it was seen as too sexual.

>fez 2
doesn't exist now becuz developer was a literal snowflake


I can't.

Never existed. Phil Fish knew he couldn't bear the burden of doing another game after the success of his first work.


Shadowrun, Battletech. Trannies have no time to make good gameplay between their dilation sessions so this company doens't even try to improve or use something other than unity shit.

>names a literal what game nobody gives a fuck about
oh noo the sjws are ruining gaming

Borderpands 3

In what way did it affect the gameplay?

This but unironically.


the only winning move is not to play

Have sex

Seethe more


this but unironically

i mean they literally are doing that

>Nu-Bioware, in their incessant need to pander to their growing playerbase of sjws, dumbs down the combat even more so than 2 did
>not a single challenging puzzle to solve or quest, plenty of useless fetch quests
>open world full of nothing
>mount that barely goes faster than running speed
>the entirety of the Halamshiral quest

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Maybe they're just shit games and their shittiness is unrelated to sjws
shitty games existed before gamergate, yknow

>Name a single game that has worse gameplay because of le SJW boogeyman

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Mass effect andromeda. The SJW politics bored me to sleep while playing.

Dialogues are part of the whole game experience, SJW dialogues ruins the base atmosphere of these games.
Wolfenstein doesn't mix with teen-age girls friendships
Borderlands 2 doesn't mix with "we don't take anything serious and every line is a one liner"
DA: Inquisition has a dialogue system and dialogues are really bad in this game

Forcibly hang yourself tranny.

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The left really cant meme.

>Borderlands 2 doesn't mix with "we don't take anything serious and every line is a one liner"
This is the only one I take issue with. You're talking about a game whose entire design philosophy is to be CRAZY RANDOM and over-the-top, from the ridiculous possible guns to the goofy quest objectives. One-liners feel like par for the course.

Shut up dirty injun

Programmers are rarely going to be affected by SJWism. Because women can't code. It's narrative and characters that will be affected.

Sjws existed before gamergate

Fire Emblem fates.
They removed the main feature of the game. Rubbing waifus

Origins was great though. Somewhere between 2 and 3 was when Tumblrinas started jumping on the series, after the whole Hamburger Hepler nonsense happened. Also describes Nu-Bioware as a whole, as seen by Mass Effect: Andromeda

So, all games before Awakening are "worse", for you?


Any western game developed by a company that has a racial diversity/affirmative action/less white men hiring policy.

They can. They just show how retarded are /pol/goloids.

>The SJW politics

Most programmers are onions boys SJW or wage slave pajeets. Only programmers left with some tradition are first generation chinks. Its a shame those who program products get themselves so easily socially programmed.

>leftist memes

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This is why you shouldn't talk with these loonies
let them take care of themselves in due time, they're the 40% after all

most programmers I've seen operate far more logically as opposed to emotionally

They really can't

Fuck I want off this ride. I remember seeing a game and it was cool. Now there’s this whole subversive modern US politics or gay agenda thing shoved into the story line and there’s a dev insulting customers on twitter and shit. Every single fucking game.

i thought NPC was a right meme... wait...

>me, a rationalist:

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Looks like a solved game.