Have you joined a WoW guild yet Yea Forums?
Have you joined a WoW guild yet Yea Forums?
>get to level 15 within 6 hours or you get guild kicked
I don't know whether to say based or not. I appreciate the Nazi-like dedication to raiding supremacy and server domination, but this is also some real spergy shit. Give everyone a solid week or so to his max level and enjoy Classic's launch at their own pace, you can start with the raid elitism around then and it'll make it real obvious who's lazy and should be kicked, instead of rewarding just the people who rush to 15+ in the first few hours of this big game launch.
WoW killed MMOs.
It's fake
>for the first time ever I'm getting into mmos
>Everyone tells me to start classic
>Stuff like this happens everywhere even my friends who pressured me into getting into it because they were there during the golden age said it was god tier are telling me to fucking get ready to raid
Bros. I don't think I can handle the pressure.
>that feel when you hobby becomes just another job
I can't wait for people to un-ironically start bragging about "World firsts"
Ignore raiders, they make up 0.1% of the community but 99% of the autism.
Play the game at your pace, meet people, have fun, dont worry about being optimal.
You can always raid when you get to 60 whenever you want and finding a group is never hard, there are literally hundreds of guilds which run raids from casual to mega autistic.
Want to raid anything higher than MC?. Better farm gold 5 hours a day for consumables kiddo.
Someone post the youtube video now.
I cant wait until everyone ignores them and they get upset they spent weeks shitting in diapers and pissing in bottles for epeen no one cares about
>Tfw banned from every vanilla private server I ever played on because they think I'm a gold farmer.
Guess I shouldn't walk up to random players and put 25000g in the trade windows.
>dickord chat for trannies
yep its all coming together
I'm not sure what's more pathetic.Poopsocking for months to down bosses slightly faster or thinking that such an act is impressive.
Man can Classic come out already so we can watch it crash and burn due to how fucking easy it's going to be. There will be no challenge all around.
Sounds like you need to drop those "friends" and level at your own pace. Getting dragged feet first through an mmo by tryhards is possibly the worst way to play.
>WoW releases
>Linkshell members decide to try it
>Return a week later after reaching max level talking about how casual and easy it was
It's the game that caused the degradation of the entire genre. The only people who thought it was challenging was because it was their first MMO. Ignore autists and the mentally ill to play and grind at you're own pace. You'll likely still outpace 90% of the playerbase if you have double digit IQ.
>Wanting to play a solved game
Mmo spergs are the worst.
>pserver speed leveling sperg
>The only people who thought it was challenging was because it was their first MMO
Literally this. Anyone who has any prior mmo experience basically steamrolled.
And this time Blizzard wont listen to any of their complaints about how hard raiding is or ruin WoW with their endless convenience features
We're going home
only 5g a day? What a fucking lightweight. 25g tanking durability, 15g-50g for comps considering how many Chinese teleport farmers will be hoarding all the black lotus instantly on spawn.
So you just admitted that you sucked at the game.
Most of the game is pretty casual but for endgame content you need to be really good.
People who dont know this usually sucked at the game because they never got into the difficult part of the game
read his post again
Less than 30% of players ever even tried molten core by the end of TBC. It had nothing to do with difficulty at all people just know raids are boring.
Blizzard is filled with EQ raider faggots who only wanted more raids, thats why retail did what it did and went to shit. The majority of the WoW community dont play or care about raids.
You're mother is a solved game and i play with her all the time
game is perfectly enjoyable without raiding
here's what you do to make your time enjoyable:
install game
maybe install quest helper addon but probably not cuz data mining kind of blows but on the other hand some quests are poorly worded/downright ineffecient/shitty reward for effort etc.
other than that just play a class/role that you want and most importantly just engage with random people. Most people are going to be bot tier socially awkward faggots but occasionally you'll group with a bro who you just do the next 20 levels with and you'll remember that shit for years to come
>reading comprehension
I read this comment then always remember how little of the overall pop of MMOs raids the hardest difficulty of content. People don't play mmos for difficulty, they play for escapism.
Most people didn't play old MMOs to raid.
post the full picture or get kicked
No-one but hardcore raiders will do that shit.
Which is fine, raiding is really fun and you can have great times with a good raid group, but don't worry about that. For someone like you, you've got a LONG path to even getting lv60, before you're even talking about getting pre-raid gear and raiding yourself.
If you look at the whole population of WoW barely anyone touched raiding, it was a super small minority of players.
Its why when Wrath came out Blizzard finally looked at the statistics on who was doing what, and they found players just didnt find raids fun or entertaining. They liked the whole stories of people stealing loot, getting firsts, ect but actually doing raids was seen as boring and tedious.
Wrath released a whole bunch of mechanics to force everyone into raids and destroyed leveling in the process, its why you can see the player base suddenly vanishes when cata launches, the game people wanted to play (leveling) got replaced with raids, which no one wanted except the developers.
You see its easier to make a raid and ramp its difficulty up to delay players than it is to actually make content like new zones. And most of the blizz team at the time were old EQ raiders. It has all sort of odd effects in the game like them being biased against paladins, which were OP in EQ.
Going into classic just ignore anyone who says "you should do X because raids".
What kind of shitty raid are you in? Mine was the server second C'Thun, and I never farmed gold for anything. You should MAKE money by raiding.
You're getting what 50g a BWL clear? Plus any epics no-one wants that you can vend or BoEs to sell.
it's not youtu.be
>The only people who thought it was challenging was because it was their first MMO.
The idea that WoW was challenging is this stupid revisionism that's come from people who've only played WoW or MMOs that descended from it (basically anything post WoW).
It literally got popular for being approachable and accessible compared to other MMOs. EQ and DAoC/AC were a million times harder, slower and more punishing.
WoW leveling combination of map design, mobs and resource management makes it both easily accessible and challenging.
Shitpost angrily at me all you want but thats why vanilla WoW is fun.
How much of a pain in the ass is it to run a guild in vanilla?
It's autistic but I just watched through the 90s Berserk anime (before you sperg I already read the manga and was showing it to a friend) and I want to make something sort of like the Band of the Hawk on Grobbulus. Also I'm rolling a warrior and I want to main tank.
I did, comps is components, or consumables. If you think potions will be 5g I seriously doubt that. Everyone forgets that black lotus have a 1.5 to 2 hour spawn time on classic because they made it faster on private servers. And in those cases where it does spawn, it can only spawn in one of the 3 or 4 areas on the map which are pretty far from each other. I hear Chinese famer bots simply warp underground below the spots and pluck them so you can't even see them appear.
depends on how serious you want to run it. If you want to raid in vanilla though the dungeons are mostly tank and spank. Anyone can do it provided they all work on gearing up a bit.
If you never played Vanilla, you will NOT enjoy classic - don't let the "going home" faggots trick you.
I never played vanilla but loved it when I tried it on a private server for the first time a couple years ago. The Classic beta only reiterated that.
why would you lose your time with this unplayable outdated mess?
Running a guild isn't really that hard, and you don't have to be the RL if you're not confident in that role, many guilds had different GL and RLs.
If you want to RL you need to know the fights, you need to be able to organise people and give directions, you need to be able to cut/replace people who are fucking up (I still remember kicking this nice but useless kid from my raid... he apologised, took it well, but never logged in again. Fuck man, I broke his heart. And I've had to do that with others since, it sucks, but you need to do it sometimes). And most importantly you need to have a clear, reasonable loot system that everyone understands. Don't use "Loot council" unless you want to disband in 6 months from drama.
Now link your MT Warrior spec and I'll tell you if it's correct.
and they're trying to bring it back. And the prospect actually makes people excited.
The future is scary
get the fuck out of here you literal cuck, you don't even desserve a (You)
My guy are you retarded?
You still managed to get it wrong.
>I broke his heart
if it was during vanilla you probably saved his life
Also, on the topic of loot. DO NOT fall for the meme strategy of giving all Warrior/Tanking gear to the MT, believing it'll let you push progression faster.
It makes a marginal difference to begin with. If you're the MT it looks insanely greedy. And if you're not the MT then you're fucked when he burns out and quits, or moves to a more progressed guild with all the loot. Additionally
* Thunderfury goes to the MT
* Hand of Rag goes to whichever Paladin/Shaman wants it
* Ashkandi goes to hunters, unless they don't need the AP