>great graphics
>nightmarish/twisted color scheme or you can use the color mod
>haunting OST
>challenging gameplay, each level is harder than the last, extreme is a pain in the ass and prepare your anus for insane
>civilians will pick up guns and shoot back at you, actually try to defend themselves
>if you arent careful they will kill you
>cops scream in rage at you and tell you to die and burn in hell
>satisfaction of gunning them down and executing them as they insult you one last time or alternatively beg for mercy or beg to be killed because it hurts too much
>eventually SWAT teams will come after you with body armor and better weapons
>finally the national guard/army comes after you
>arcade-y survival mode
>top down isometric view if you want, plus 1st and 3rd person mods
>game is cheap as shit now
Why aren't you playing Hatred?
you've said jack dick about the gameplay so I'm going to assume it an extremely basic twin stick shooter with no environmental destruction or neat gimmicks or shootdiving or anything.
>what is the OP pic
>you can drive cars
>you can run people over in the cars
>you can be run over yourself by civies and cops trying to kill you
>you can drive swat and army cars that have a 50 cal on top which you can use
also there are grenades, flashbangs, molotov cocktails, a flamethrower, you can set entire buildings with everyone in them on fire
Bump out of interest
how good is this game
I don't give a shit about graphics. I still play Metal Gear Solid 1 more than 4 and 4 was heralded as immaculate graphics-wise but the gameplay was not as good. If you really play games for the graphics, you might as well just jerk off to tech demos and be honest with yourself.
You might get some newfags who weren't around for it's arrival but the rest of us are already well aware of why it was immediately forgotten after release.
It's an awesome little indie game that is like a modern postal (1st one) but with none of the irony or humor, while on steroids, its dope
Because they don't offer a DRM-free release in GamersGate.
It's boring as shit.
It was shilled by /pol/ for a while but even they got bored of it pretty quick and went back to Grand Strategy game where they can jack off to alt history what ifs using one hand.
can I drive the car through walls like red faction armageddon? if not I'm notbuying
It's been out for 4 years now and its been patched and optimized to perfection
I hate that this post is parody. undertale really is trash.
cool, then look at all the other stuff its got going for it
Its not if you actually like old school top down retro type shit, I like fps and strategy games, rpgs too, I also like this
yeah you can
posts not parody
its literally postal 1 but incredibly stupid instead of actually disturbing, you're not fooling anyone but someone who's literally never heard of it before
postal 1 is more like the guy has schizophrenia and thinks he's actually doing the right thing, in hatred the guy just wants to kill everyone and eventually die in the process, absolutely no fucks given, just pure misanthropy
Only one thing
No replay value at all, expect 3 to 4 hours of fun maximum
so incredibly stupid instead of actually disturbing, like I said
the game's an utter joke and the only reason anyone cared about it was because it triggered journos
>i need something other than psychopathic sadism and anger to justify playing a game about being a mass murderer to myself
>no one ever does this irl just due to being pissed
Just kinda slow and not fun to play. I didn't like Postal 1 either.
Haven't played many recent twinsticks, though. Synthetik, Redeemer, Ruiner, Helldivers, a billion cutesy indie ones nobody cares about, there's quite a lot of them.
I did play Jydge. Jydge was pretty good.
Hmm I might have forgotten about survival mode.
Sorry I was just talking about story mode
You can. The game isn't all that like OP is saying, but it is entertaining enough, and the levels have a pretty decent level of destruction to them. There is one side mission in the first level where you have to wreck a house party. You can drive a car right through the front of the house, knock down the walls, and cause tons of mayhem. If that's what you're after, you'll be pleased.
I grabbed it while it was on a pretty decent sale at one point a while back. I got my money's worth. I quite liked the original Postal, so I figured I would enjoy this, and I did. I honestly have the most fun either just replaying the first level though, because after a point it's just you vs an army of cops and greater.
The survival mode was kind of fun for a while as well.
Becuase i eventually grew up.
You can drive a car through most walls. Grenades fucking wreck everything around them.
Overall this game is a basic bitch twin-stick style shooter but there are some neat things going on with the engine.
>pretty decent
>most walls
not good enough. I want to take out support beams and topple buildings. or at the very least I want the game to be 100% about killing cops instead of shooting becky just for getting a latte.
literally everything I said in the OP is true, yeah if you actually non ironically like the game and are up for a challenge you //MAY// only get a few 10s of hours out of it, I //really// like it and some others do to hence why I have 227 hours since it was released like 4 years ago
If you get it and dont like it your hours will probably be single digit, which some people have happen
The truth is it was made by a small little indie team, they didnt have the funding or team size that a lot of games have, and they could only put but so much content into it, but the quality is fantastic
>pic somewhat related
Because you can play Angry Goy II instead.
no it doesnt have battlefield bad company 2 (may it rest in heaven forever) levels of destruction, but almost
you are supposed to run around and kill people, cops swat and army try to stop you, you also have specific objectives like wipe out this party, slaughter the grocery store, kill the guy giving a speech, set the money inside a bank vault on fire, etc
also at one point you attack an army base and one of the goals is to destroy all the flag poles with the american flag on em
bad company 2 is shit all the buildings fall the same way when you blow 'em up
why don't these mass shooter spergs make games about killing bankers and the army? what good is there in shooting up a fucking walmart? retards
>bad company 2 is shit
secondly, again you go shoot up a bank and set the money in the vault on fire, you also go after a politician giving a speech and set his whole crowd of listeners on fire
eventually you go to an army base and kill everyone
When I said pretty decent, I meant the sale. It was a pretty decent sale. The game cost me like a buck or two.
It's like six bucks, and often goes on sale. It isn't anything special, but it isn't bad either. If you have a few bucks to spend, it might be worth grabbing when it's on sale.
Yeah, I'm not trying to refute anything you said or anything. In fact after the way this game was initially received, it's nice to see a thread with people actually talking about the gameplay, and not the "controversy" behind it. Like I said, I think I got my money's worth. I don't like it nearly as much as you do, but I do have about 20 hours clocked in, and still play it a bit from time to time. I got a survival overhaul mod, and have fun with that now and again. Also, while I didn't really care for most of the main game, I still enjoy replaying the first level again and again.
Hold up
Imagine shilling a boring ass mass shooter game by comparing it to a game that is not similar to it in any way. The game existed solely to cause controversy, get over it.
if you want some moar gameplay out of it, go to the workshop and download the rockshield neighborhood mod, its a non cannon new map which is the biggest one in the game, lots of new objectives, and in the end you go to an elementary school in minecraft and kill everyone there in minecraft before being killed yourself (which is what the character wants anyways)
imagine defending undertale over a game that to this day still has people playing it, uploading screenshots of it, working on mods, and uploading artwork (steam)
Hatred was lame, killing innocent people while saying edgy catch phrases is boring. If the game was all about fighting the cops/ task forces with a better story, I would have loved it
>Current Players: 35
fuck off, shill
Thanks. I'll check that out.
Honestly, part of what bored me about the game is that after the first few levels it pretty much is just you vs. the cops/army. I liked that in Postal, but not so much in this one for some reason.
35 is pretty good for 1230 am on a monday night / tuesday morning for an indie game released 4 years go that is so hardcore in its premise that it scares off all normies at heart
That OP image is so stupid that it has to be bait
why are you even comparing it to Undertale, Hatred is one of the most throwaway forgettable games ever
Orlando nightclub shooting, colorized, 2016
(from the rockshield neighborhood mod)
from the rockshield mod
Not gonna waste my time playing some forgettable twin stick shooter when I can play Enter the Gungeon or Assault Android Cactus instead
Half of the replies in this thread are OP. He's shilling his dead edgelord game.
hatred is fucking stupid. play postal redux instead
>I pay zero attention to the world around me but here's my opinion anyway
So the protag ISN'T Jackie Estacado?
Everything is grey.
the gameplay is basic top down shooter
nothing new or interesting about it that hasn't been done before, except muh edgy school shooter story, it's like it was made by a bullied incel....oh wait, that's why you like it.
Hatred? more like Dropped
its grey with lights fire explosions and the flash of gunshots being colored, also blood is red obviously
the normie cries out incel when the game triggers them
Hatred fucking wishes it was The Darkness 3
If we're going full edge, is there a mod that arms all the citizens?
Jackie Estacado and Nathan Explosion had a gay autistic love child, basically.
I prefer Postal (both Classic, Redux, and Postal 2 and it's expansion packs, fuck Postal III) and Hotline Miami but Hatred is also pretty good.
A better comparison would be with another AO-rated game, like Indigo Prophecy or eden*
-Cute lolis
-Sex with cute lolis
Alright, that Rockshield map was alright. I got maybe an hour out of it. I'll probably play it a bit every now and again when I'm bored, but I don't really see it giving me tons of more hours.
I did like that I could play as the Postal guy though.
So which discord is trying to astroturf this shitty edgelord game? Trannies? Shills? /pol/?
what difficulty were you on?
It's actually pretty terrible.
Hard. I played four runs. Tried each of the camera perspectives, and tried a few different characters.
I think I got 130 something on my final run. I never respawn if I unlock them. 1 death and it's over every time.
see your mcfucking up senpai, you gotta play on extreme minimum, insane if you really wanna be crazy
you should be in the 600s or 700s if you complete every objective including the grand finale
>never respawn
go back and play it again on extreme and dont stop until you have shit to do or you win
also remember to play on the max settings your pc will let you
also did you ever beat the original game?
>inb4 i dont like fighting cops
really thats not until about halfway through level 5, at which point the cops swat and army start swarming you, and level 6 and 7 are pure army with a few civies mixed in
think about it though, from within minutes of the shooting beginning (lv1) cops would show up to try to stop you, if you managed to slaughter 100s of civies cops and swats alike over hours (massacre starts at night, level 5 is like a noon rally or something in a city), then it makes sense that theyd start throwing everything at you, civies would be evacuated, and shit would get real
fulfill your destiny and show the army that even they arent safe
really moar like 1000s
Postal 1 wasn't funny or ironic either.
I don't know the challenge mod is really good and the music amping up the better you do is neat.
I don't actually remember how far I ever got in the main game. Based on my achievements, the last level I beat with all side quests is Downtown, which I think was level 5. I don't think I ever beat any levels without doing all the sidequests, so that's probably it.