> Normalfags universally consider FF7 shit now
> Creator of Final Fantasy said FF9 is the best
> Instead of praising FF9 they ignore every other FF game & simply just circlejerk FF6 now
Why is this game divisive?
Because Garnet fucks rat men
Nobody gives a shit about RPG's for any reason other than the Story
Couldn't even wait for to hit bump limit, could you?
>9 hours of cutscenes in a 50 hour game
sounds about right for jrpgs, what's wrong with that?
>Normalfags universally consider FF7 shit now
Damn, Square chose the wrong time to remake 7. Incoming flop.
The only reason people are excited for the remake is because of how poorly they think the original aged
It was touted as a return to classic FF when in reality it was just a shitty fantastical adventure since FF was always a weird blend of scifi and mysticism.
> Combat is slow as fuck & makes it a chore to play
> Random encounter rate is utter bullshit
> Pacing is slow as fuck & makes it a chore to play
> Story starts out amazing but takes a nosedive in quality during disk 3 that is easily worse than the bullshit in FF8 & ruins the story
It's slow as shit, and I really don't like the main cast.
I'll stick with 7, thanks.
This, FF7's only flaw is the god awful pacing & terrible characters outside Cloud/Sephiroth/Tifa. Otherwise i would easily take it over FF9 any day
I don't like any of the characters (except Beatrix), I hate furries, I hate Garnet memes, I named Armant the Flaming Asshole.
Beatrix is the worst character in te game, you have shit taste.
>a 50 hour game
Holy crap is it that long?
And I thought ff7 was long wow. I guess I need to get used to this then if I want to get into rpgs.
Is 50 hours a pop normal for rpgs?
FF9 sucks and is boring.
Also I thought Amarant was wearing a giant sombrero as a kid and thought it looked stupid so I never used him.
>Removes furries
>Did nothing wrong
>Unique look with eyepatch
Nah she's good
Damn rope jumping trophy
People pretend to hate FFVII to fit in, but if FFVI were to be remade instead, it would be a complete flop. No one actually gives a shit about FFVI.
Yep. Never play Dragon Quest is 50 hours is long to you. Those games typically last 70-200 hours.
For jrpgs, yes.
Sometimes longer.
Grandia says Hi, bitch.
> FF7 fags still pushing this desperate narrative
FF6 was always considered the best FF game, it's just most normalfags never played it & only played FF7. Which is the only reason why it was praised so much, now that everyone has played everything now people have realized how mediocre it is in comparison to FF6
>Never play Dragon Quest is 50 hours is long to you
It seems long, but I'm sure it goes by quickly assuming they're as fun as everyone says they are.
Also >200 hours
Holy crap which one is the super long one then?
Not a narrative, dumbass. It's a fact. Just look at any the view count of anything FF7 and compare it to anything FF6 related.
Also, FF7 message boards are far more active than FF6 ones.
No one gives a flying fuck about FF6.
FF6 faggots are just like the FF7 faggots they claim to dislike so much, only that they played FF6 first on their SNES. they clearly havent played the other games in the series.
ignoring side stuff its around 30 hours or so
doing everything it can quite easily eclipse 50 though
>Creator of Final Fantasy said FF9 is the best
So? Is that supposed to affect my own opinion and taste?
dragonquest 7 is like 120 hours+ and 8 can last around that long also
I found this while looking at the titles I havent played though and had a laugh
> Best Game Lists
Final Fantasy VII (94) (6th All Time)
Final Fantasy VI (76) (14th All Time)
> Review Scores
Final Fantasy VI (Critic: 96.14) (User: 98.48) (Reviews: 6,067)
Final Fantasy VII (Critic: 96.00) (User: 97.19) (Reviews: 19,548)
> Domestic Revenue
Final Fantasy VII (1.378 Billion)
Final Fantasy VI (859 Million)
If anything the creators have no idea why the games are beloved.
Like Nomura thinking people would like AC Cloud, Genesis, and all that garbage.
Oh boy this'll be quite a patience test then
>m-muh scores!
Talking about engagement, you dumb piece of shit.
No one gives a fuck about FFVI. It has far less discussion, fanart, following, anything than FFVII.
Your shitty reviews mean jackshit. No one is willing to pay for anything FFVI related, which is why SE rightfully put it in the trash where it belongs.
thats a huge outlier to be fair
for most JRPG's you will be looking at a 30-70 hour adventure
FF9 is a great game atmosphere-wise, but damn does it get uninteresting after like disc 2
I've beaten it once years ago but just don't have the willpower to try it again. So many storylines get dropped (like glorious ratfu) and by the end Zidane doesn't even feel like the protagonist whatsoever
> Makes over 800 million dollars
> Bbbbut nobody cares about it, i swear.
Damn just imagine how much it would have made if it was actually a popular game
>dude why is guy with monkey tail that turns into Super Saiyan 4 not from our planet, this sucks
Boomers on gamefaqs and countdown videos like FF6, 9 is not a divisive game (that's 8) and 7 isn't any where near as despised as it used to be
SE would never release a FFVI spinoff like Crisis Core because it would be a flop.
All FFVI is a small group of basement dwellers jacking off to MUH REVIEWS! MUH TOP 10 LISTS! LETS MAKE SURE WE PUT FFVI ON MUH TOP 10 LISTS, but this insignificant group of losers mean nothing in the big picture.
FFVI is the equivalent of box office poison.
for me, it's 8.
>massive dive after the stabbing
>lots and lots of filler shit that really doesn't matter, other than fixing Cloud's autism, outdoor sex and then the crater fight
>love it
>other than the "lol orphanage" twist is very consistent all the way until the end
>it sucks
>eat shit, millions of flies cannot be wrong - the post
Crisis Core is fucking garbage and ruined FFVII.
>I named Armant the Flaming Asshole.
Damn you must be the most popular guy in your school.
Remaster soon!
>Crisis Core is fucking garbage and ruined FFVII.
True, the point is SE can throw anything with the FFVII name and it will sell.
Meanwhile, not a single soul gives a shit about FFVI, except a small group of plaid shirted gaming "journalists".
FF5 is my favorite in the series. Story doesn't take itself too seriously so the jokey bits are actually fun instead of groan inducing, the job system is a blast (but still needs work to make the jobs more interesting instead of mastering some and going Freelancer from then on), and they don't give you a bloated cast of playable characters that are useless or boring.
This is my issue with FFIX. I love Vivi and Zidane and Steiner are okay but the rest of the cast is anywhere from mediocre to shit.
FFVIII has one of my favorite casts in a Final Fantasy though, which is why it's among my favorites, along with FFX. I can't care about a story if I don't care about the characters, while I can enjoy a pretty bad story of the characters are good.
Sep 3! Can't wait.
800 Million, cope more.
It's only a test pf patience if you dislike the game on the first place. I am new to JRPGs and after completing some long ones like TiTS second chapter and xenoblade chronicles 2 100 hours wont be so bad of the game is actually good,
What are you on about? FFVI sold like 4 million copies, FFVII sold like 13 million.
ffix is my favorite vidya. has been since i first played it
>highest ranked FF on metacritic
>tops lists constantly
>uematsu's and sakaguchi's favorite
> Normalfags universally consider FF7 shit now
Since when?
>Like Nomura thinking people would like AC Cloud, Genesis, and all that garbage.
Nomura had nothing to do with those you do realize.
Grandia 1 is better
The golden age of FF (VII, X and XII) were all made/written/designed by people way more fucking talented. Same went with Mistwalker. Lost Odyssey was mostly made and written by others (Daisuke Fukugawa, and good parts of the plot (like the text stories, world concept and characters) were done by Kiyoshi Shigematsu), while the games Sakaguchi did have more input on are the ones nobody fucking remembers. What input Sakaguchi DID have on the good entries with his name slapped on them were so absolutely minuscule, and usually rewritten/designed by other people anyway.
This is the man who was entirely responsible for The Spirit's Within. A movie so bad it damn near ruined the company, and is the main reason why Square has been so shit afterwards.
>Crisis Core is fucking garbage and ruined FFVII.
Don’t play CC then buddy.
Also what you said about VII is BS.
What I said about FFVII isn't an opinion, after she gets stabbed it's trash other than the Cloud situation, and then it's over. Could've been two discs, easily.
>Creator of Final Fantasy said FF9 is the best
Nostalgia goggle wearers always bring this up like it means something. This is the same guy that nearly tanked his entire company with that awful movie and then went on to make blue dragon and the last story. Sure. His opinion is gospel.
Why should it have any bearing on anyone else's?
Most creators are seen as hacks when they drive their series into the ground like sakaguchi did.
Does that mean anything? No. He's also said in the past that V is his favourite. Does that mean that V should be placed at the top of every list entirely because the creator likes it more? Again, no. We should grade a game based on that game's merits, not a nice statement a producer said about an upcoming game.
Never mind the Sakaguchi cultists.
They're a dying breed but somehow still pretend Sakaguchi ever made anything other than putting his name on other people's work and reaping the benefits while pretending to be a gaming auteur.
Nobody with a brain would ever consider that hack's opinion relevant to anything given how he sank two companies and has proven time and again to be nothing more than a figurehead with horrible business sense.
Because it contains BS scenario like Garnet’s.
Garnet ran from Brahne based on her own evidence, her own experience and her knowledge that staying is worse for herself, he mother, its citizens and the entire world. It aligned PERFECTLY (but coincidentally!! lol!) with her uncle's, Regent Cid of the other powerful trade nation Lindblum, plan to use the troupe Tantalus to "kidnap" her away from what HE, TOO, could tell was an increasingly psychopathic queen of Alexandria.
The game proves both of these royals' decision to have Garnet leave and not return was the best choice for absolutely everyone involved. But Garnet has a sudden mood-switch and acts like a child, ordering her personal knight to guide her back to the Queen just to talk to her and have no other goal whatsoever, thinking it'll all be fine despite all the compounding, building and extreme level of evidence proving at every step this was the wrong decision to make causing her mortal risk when she was otherwise entirely safe (and loved).
All this ends with the completely obvious result: Garnet loses everything, MILLIONS if not more are murdered with absolutely no cause or reason why, specifically because of the impossibly powerful magic Cid, himself, knew would be giving directly to this queen, yet doesn’t immediately tell Garnet this incredibly important info the moment she gets brought to Lindblum. Destruction, all by ignorant and dismissive choice, which renders the entire first 2/3rds of the in-game political and social actions utterly pointless to no positive outcome. The last 1/3rd of the game is simply fantasy where nothing mattered to begin with, it was all just Kuja using emotions to kill everyone faster due to orders, the characters of the game all were completely irrelevant. Only the reaper and Garland's thousands upon thousands of years of experience mattered.
>everyone says its nostalgia goggles/filter
>played the game last year on PSonr
>still good
>play the game last week on Steam with the Moguri Mod
>even better
its just a really fun game filled that charms me every time I play it
shut the fuck up retard
VII aged way better writing-wise did compared to IX.
>this shit again
weren't you BTFO in the last thread? like point for point, you were destroyed
>FF7's only flaw is the god awful pacing
The pacing was great, IX was the one with bad pacing.
>weren't you BTFO in the last thread? like point for point, you were destroyed
No I wasn’t, I just didn’t get a chance reply before the thread was archived, you didn’t rebuttal my arguments, you just gave lazy handwaves.
It’s aged pretty bad.
Sakaguchi never said FF9 is the best
No game in the franchise even comes close
literally none of those numbers are accurate or factual
those scores are 20 years old from only 20 dead magazines, none of them count now
the real score is its PC version score
Any game that kills furries is a winner
Are we back in the early 2000s?
Can we prevent 911? Make money off the Dotcom Bubble?
I argued against you many times and gave you very clear and concise answers, none of those were "handwaves" you just chose to ignore them or you didn't like the answer you were given, answers supported by the game itself and even supplementary material, yet you still persist on more paragraphs on why you hate the game (mostly Garnet, because damn do you never shut up about her bro) because its not everything you want it to be, nor do you acknowledge any sort of rebuttal against you, I literally outlined a scenario in game where the Black Mages beat back the Lindblum army and destroy its fleet without the help of the Eidolon, yet you completely ignored this point, several times
there's no point in discussing further, all you do is ignore all my points or come with even more nonsensical garbage that literally doesn't matter
ironically, arguing with you has only given me a greater appreciation for the story and characters, so that's something
Better than ANY modern final fantasy in fact it shits all over your modern final fantasy so bad your slipping on the floor and down some very high stairs.
Anybody who thinks this is wrong is zoomer trash who need to zoom zoom away off my planet.
>9 hours of cutscenes
Is the person who made that video really that ignorant? The game has around 35 minutes of cutscenes.
t. zoomer
ff9 is the worst selling mainline FF post 7
t. meme
>Sales makes a game good
Zoomy zooms
>it's not a game despite literally requiring player input 100% of the time
2/10, you could try harder, kiddo
Except no.
>low sales means a games good
it shows desire, it shows interest, ff9 is the lowest selling mainline FF post FF7 meaning it had less desire and interest than any other FF from 7 onwards
Zoom zoom away!
not really, its a PSone game, plenty of those have aged fine, its not that hard to go back to FFIX of all things
didn't it come out after the PS2 in Japan? that would have an obvious affect on sales
>I literally outlined a scenario in game where the Black Mages beat back the Lindblum army and destroy its fleet without the help of the Eidolon, yet you completely ignored this point, several times
No, we were just shown one scene of a random small group of soldiers encountering some Black Mages and fighting then Brahne summoned the Eidolon, there was no indication that Lindblum was loosing to the Black Mages prior to Atomos being summoned.
Also Lindblum is steampunk so it should very clearly have firearms.
He probably has scenes where they stand around and talk as cutscenes in addition to the CGI stuff
>finally getting a final fantasy TRPG after so long that looks like it takes inspiration from FFT unlike those shitty advance games
>its a mother fucking mobile game
Someone just shoot me and end my mother fucking misery... Thankfully I still need to play Tactics Ogre, but the dialog felt too strong on old english and the story felt too politics heavy while FFT felt like it had a good balance of politics, religion, and Ramza's personal life.
In fact I going to reply to your comments in the previous thread that I couldn’t before
>for the last time, he's an egoist who uses people, he has no qualms about killing you and your comrades if they don't suit his purposes, that's not villainy, that's just being pragmatic
His purposes being his generic take over the world plot. You are seriously sounding like a Kuja/sadist apologist right now.
No thanks i'll play the superior version
he has a flair for the dramatic, if you haven't noticed, he's pretty flamboyent
And how does that make him any less cartoony and stereotypical? IX wants to be serious and dramatic right? Then Kuja doesn’t fit into that.
The olde English isn't that bad compared to FFT PSP's dialogue, TO LUCT is actually pretty light on it
>none of those make him bad, almost all of those are solid in the context of his character, its like you think tropes are automatically bad or something
Tropes are tools, and it tends to restrict a character from being three dimensional and be like a real person and talk like a human being.
>it shows desire, it shows interest
Those 2 things have 0 relevance when it comes to quality. I've bought FF XIII and XV and the sale they got from me does not reflect my dissatisfaction with the games. I can't take back those sales.
>yes i know i'm a fool that just wants his favorite series to be worth a shit again
FF7 first 2 years of sales 6.57m
FF7 current total after 22 years 12m across PS1, PC CDrom, PS3/PSP psone classic, PS4, iOS, Android, Steam, Switch, XB1
FF8 first 4 years of sales 8.1m
FF8 current total after 20 years 8.8m PS1, PC CDrom, PS3/PSP psone classic, iOS, Android, Steam, and is getting a Switch, PS4, XB1 and Steam rerelease next month.
FF9 first 3 years of sales 5.3m
FF9 current total after 19 years 6m PS1, PS3/PSP psone classic, PS4, Switch, XB1, iOS, Android, Steam
FF10 first 3 years of sales 6.6m
FF10 current total after 17 8m across PS2, PS3, PS Vita, Steam, PS4, Switch, XB1
FF12 first 3 years of sales 6m
FF12 current total after 13 years 7.4m across PS2, PS4, Steam, Switch, XB1
FF13 first 3 years of sales 6.6m
FF13 current total after 9 years 7.3m across PS3, 360, Steam
FF15 first 2 years of sales 8.4m
FF15 current total after 2 years 7 months 9m+ across PS4, XB1, Steam
So you were interested enough to buy the game because you desired to play them?
>sales makes a game good
Zoom far far away now!
>what the fuck? is that not what he should be doing?
Only in a story that isn’t supposed to be taken seriously and realistically.
Now post FFVI's numbers so we can laugh
Imagine having lower sales than FF12, the one FF that Yea Forums will universally shit on as the worst.
For FF it does
>fucking no it wasn't
he fails, he lays dying, in his dying breath, he quietly wishes things were different to Zidane, that's all, no redemption, just a sombre end to the villain
Then you have a vastly different interpretation of that scene.
FF6 sales are sub 6m after 25+ years, 1-5 are sub 5m after 25 plus years
It's a AAA RPG released every few years as a marquee game, its sales for FF reflects quality
Except no.
Zoom away.
Except yes
Says the zoomer trying to be perceived as a boomer
Zoom far far far away from my series
I guess I was wrong on the olde English part. Its been quite a few years since the last time I gave it a try. I must have just remembered the story feeling too impersonal and being more politically charged. Some people like that kind of thing but I just liked the balance that FFT struck a lot more. I remember getting as far as the first story split but not much past that. Don't remember too much of the story.
>No, we were just shown one scene of a random small group of soldiers encountering some Black Mages and fighting then Brahne summoned the Eidolon, there was no indication that Lindblum was loosing to the Black Mages prior to Atomos being summoned.
there's no indication that they could hold them back either, the Black Mages just overpower them and take down their airship fleets, which as Cid mentioned, was the main brunt of their military might (we can assume this was what they were ordered to do) there are no signs her army is struggling against there, yet plenty to indicate Lindblum can't withstand the might of the Black Mages, she summons Atomos to strike a decisive blow against them
>they should clearly have firearms
maybe, but who knows how well that would fare against an army of mages who have no other goal but to kill
>His purposes being his generic take over the world plot. You are seriously sounding like a Kuja/sadist apologist right now.
I literally said he didn't get redemption, reading comprehension please, I don't advocate his actions, I'm explaining them to you so you get it through your head
this is just pedantic, not everything about the game is fucking serious and dramatic, not to mention in general his screen presence is imposing to the party, this is a really odd point to whine about
oh come on, as a villain, Kuja is well realised, his personality, egotism and presence shine through, he's leagues ahead of most other FF villains, even Sephiroth, who in the original game had very unclear motives and needed supplementary material to make it clear what his basic goal was
a villain can do villainous things can still be a serious threat, it can be treated seriously, you genuinely seem to struggle with this
>why can't you accept the game for what it is instead of making overly long posts and paragraphs over what its clearly not?
Because IX can’t decide what it is, it can’t decide whether it’s a realistic, serious drama with ambiguous antagonists and complexity and deep emotions, like what games like X and XII did, or a over the top black and white basic good vs evil cartoony style game like Mario and the old FF games that doesn’t take itself seriously.
>Creator of Final Fantasy said FF9 is the best
Nope, he said FF XI was.
steam wasnt a widespread thing.
10-2 is shit
11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit
Dissidia is shit
world of final fantasy is shit
type zero is shit
7 Remake will be shit
16 will be shit
17 will be shit
1-10+tactics for life death to square enix praise Squaresoft.
nope, in the end, he is laying there, dying, with only Zidane there with him, he claims he has no right to live and is useless to the world and how he realised too late what it meant to live
only Zidane heard his last words, he was never really redeemed, he died having failed in his quest to destroy life, only quietly lamenting it, having no chance or desire to atone
It is more political, and less personal until it comes to Denam's father and Catiua. I like the routes making a major difference, gives your decisions real weight and consequence plus a reason to replay.
My interest and desire to play those games were developed from years of playing other FF and Squenix games. Technically I bought FFXIII as part of a decent package deal to get the Xbox 360, and knew that it was supposed to be shit. I still wanted to see for myself that it would be shit. On the other hand, the platinum demo made me feel like XV was going to draw some inspiration from kingdom hearts as far as exploration goes, which made me think there was some sort of hope for the game.
FF9 sold less than any 3D FF and its outdated reviews dont count because they're from dead magazines
It takes itself seriously but has some lighthearted elements. I don't get how you can compare to FF5 and Mario
The entire game is just blatant fanservice for pre-FF7 fans. Terribly slow and uninteresting gameplay that makes Chrono Cross look good. Terrible story. Terrible art style. Terrible minigames. Only thing it has is soundtrack quality that isn't even remotely as memorable as previous games.
Vivi and Freya are the only reasons to play FF9 and I hate furfags. Steiner is perpetually a backstage character and not relevant to the story at all--also the freaky eyeliner and anthropomorphic eyes make no sense and I doubt he was suppose to be a human originally. All of the humanoid characters are terrible.
I'm almost convinced the game was meant to be a scenario where the human race is extinct and there's nothing left but the genetic/magical creations of the last human being playing god. The summons being gatekeepers to keep the furries from learning the truth. Instead they made more human characters and completely abandoned the plot for generic "Chaos" final boss.
>Sales makes a game good
Zoom zoom far far away!
>Why is this game divisive?
FFfags are extremely attached to the first game they played so cognitive dissonance kicks in when most reviewers say 9 is the best FF.
>its pretty good to be honest
I’d hardly call drugging and abandoning the person who loved you and risked his life for you and then placing the blame on him a sign of a healthy love story.
It really ruins things
So you don't have eyes, ears or the ability to understand the premise of something by looking at its gameplay footage or demos right up until release? Are you a fucking automoton that just thinks they show nothing but a FF logo for 3 years prior to release and then its all only revealed on the day of release? You bought them because of interest and desire, how you felt after beating them is irrelevant and has no significance because that's just a meaningless opinion, the only thing that matters is you were interested and had desire to play them
For FF it does
FF9 has less reviews than later FFs though
>15 is MEGA shit
Where is the problem?
Not enough Lightning for you?
Prove it, see
what did he mean by this?
>tfw the best FF is finally getting some love.
>Sales makes a game good
only you can't decide what it is, the tone of the game is overall lighter than usually, but the game doesn't pull its punches when it comes to the serious stuff, its a serious story, the characters treat their situation seriously, the game doesn't sugarcoat its portrayal of war and loss, we see many people die across the story, its all played seriously, but it has many lighter elements along the way, so the tone of the game isn't totally bleak
very little is over the top black and white, Brahne was manipulated and used by Kuja, Kuja was being used by Garland, Kuja was made to be the perfect genome, he believed he was above everyone else, untouchable, so he takes the news of his impending mortality very badly, really, if he was a proper cartoon villain, wouldn't he just want to take over the world for shits and giggles? instead, he is doing it because he was programmed to by Garland, but he rebels against his nature as a doll and fights back against him, he's as ruthless as they come and not cartoonishly evil, he may have moments where he may offer a laugh or an angsty speech, but in the context of those scenes, its played dead seriously, with maybe a hint of black humour
For FF yes
Yeah, 40 hours is what I consider standard for JRPGs.
I'm not the guy who made a list rating every FF since X-2.
>It takes itself seriously but has some lighthearted elements.
Kuja and Brahne are way too evil to be realistic and taken seriously.
>Playing anything past 10
Sales usually correlate with the quality of a game.
>he may have moments where he may offer a laugh or an angsty speech, but in the context of those scenes, its played dead seriously, with maybe a hint of black humour
That’s called bad writing/mood whiplash.
No zoom away!
You are replying to the wrong guy.
Haven't played an FF since X either. (Except for that strategy game for DS.)
For FF yes
Then why does Vivi and Zidane act like he’s sympathetic?
If people didn't perceive them as quality products worth their money they wouldn't have spent money towards them
>So you don't have eyes, ears or the ability to understand the premise of something by looking at its gameplay footage or demos right up until release?
Can you read user? I already said I knew XIII was supposed to be bad and only got it as a package deal. The bigger HDD and a free game made it the best deal possible for me at the time. Wanting to see just how bad the game was for myself wasn't even part of why I bought it. Also, you overlooked the part where I said I played the platinum demo and liked it. FFXV is NOTHING like the platinum demo. By your own logic, I should be able to base the game on the latest demo and that proved to be false.
>how you felt after beating them is irrelevant and has no significance because that's just a meaningless opinion
Nevermind, you ARE just an idiot. How the fuck does my opinion about a game after playing it have nothing to do with the quality of a game? Interest and desire to play them doesn't stem from their quality. It stems from other things such as previous game's quality and marketing.
No zoom far away from ym planet.
For FF yes
cope that ff9 sold worse than ff13
>"Why do people suddenly stop?"
So you bought them because you were interested and had desire for them, nothing else matters
>FFXV is NOTHING like the platinum demo.
Its exactly like that, the kid noctis stuff was tech demo which they said, the older noct stuff is exactly how the final game works
>there's no indication that they could hold them back either, the Black Mages just overpower them and take down their airship fleets, which as Cid mentioned, was the main brunt of their military might (we can assume this was what they were ordered to do) there are no signs her army is struggling against there, yet plenty to indicate Lindblum can't withstand the might of the Black Mages
That feels more like contrived BS, and the Black Mages wouldn’t have been so much of a problem if he had just sent some people to destroy that factory in Dali before hand when he heard about it from Garnet, you know, like an actual strategist.
Maybe I can find a planet where FF9 isn't the lowest selling mainline FF post FF7
>I'm explaining them to you so you get it through your head
And I’m explaining how generic it is.
>this one series is an exception because I say so!
>If people didn't perceive them as quality products
Perception is the key here. Perception and reality aren't the same thing. Perceiving something as being good doesn't make something good.
>this is just pedantic
You keep using that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means.
>a villain can do villainous things can still be a serious threat, it can be treated seriously, you genuinely seem to struggle with this
That’s not what I’m talking about, I’m talking about a complex tragic character, Kuja acting like a real person rather than the typical stuff we get.
>nothing else matters
Except those 2 things have nothing to do with the topic. The topic was the quality of the games. Interest and desire has no direct ties to the quality of a product. People had interest and desire for Ouya and Steambox but the quality of those items were abysmal.
Kuja is created as an angel of death, his only caretaker/parent figure gives him the the means to get whatever he wants materially and raises him to commit murder. He consequentially becomes a narcissist who sees other forms of life as beneath him. He isn't a mature character, but he isn't supposed to be.
I'm more inclined to agree with brahne, but the game implies that her personality went through a sudden shift before the game started. The game leaves her motivations too vague, but she has more nuance than, say, Gestahl from 6 for the Emporer from 2
Daily reminder any game past 10 is utter zoomer trash!
Brahne is treated as a constant threat through the entirety of the first and second discs, she throws assassins, soldiers and black mages at you, her desire was to defeat the other kingdoms and retrieve the jewels necessary to summen Alexander, all of this was orchestrated by Kuja, who sits back and acts as the chessmaster of the whole scheme until the circumstances dictate he move into action
honestly, you seem to have a massive problem with both Brahne and Kuja, they really aren't as bad as you make them out to be, you simplify everything to make them sound worse than they really are
so you say, plenty of people found it fitting and it didn't detract from his presence at all, this is entirely a (you) problem, not a problem with the writing
because its established that had things been different, it could have been Zidane in Kuja's place, only Zidane offers pity to Kuja, since they are essentially brothers, not to mention Zidane has a bleeding heart, as he says, he doesn't need a reason to help someone
they could have easily had enough Black Mages at that point, iirc, the factory is shut down right after your little stunt of stealing the airship
its really not that generic man, there is plenty of nuance in the writing, you just won't stop focusing on all the parts you detest, which may not even be objectively bad at all, I've almost never seen anyone complain about the shit you do
oh please, the majority of things you point out are laughably minor, like, we see guards struggling against the Black Mages, "b-but we didn't see if EVERY soldier was struggling" this is literally stressing over minor details that don't matter
>Its exactly like that
Except it is nothing like the final game except for the mechanics. Both parts showed off engaging exploration. The final game, or at least as far as I've gotten, are void of engaging exploration.
It does for FF
You are supposed to be having fun
>The Cleyrans take the shattering of the strings as a terrible omen, its a prelude to the catastrophe that will take place
That doesn’t explain why the harp ITSELF shattered.
Saying something is good doesn't make it good, nothing is good or bad, everything we do or say is perception
They are why anyone would purchase something so are the only things that matter
>if you actually paid some fucking attention, you would notice that they can't flee down the tree, its swarming with Black Mages who are killing them wholesale, they are making their way up and they will not stop killing, they can't get away, its made perfectly clear they are trapped
Yes but with no Eidolons, they would have just taken the jewel and retreated, no nuking.
Every location in plat demo is in the final game so I dont know what you're sperging about
>I’m talking about a complex tragic character
how does Kuja not fit that bill? he was born as a replacement for Zidane, who was supposed to cause strife in Gaia, but he failed, so Kuja was sent to do the job, Kuja does as he is told, but he has ulterior motives, despite his programming as a Genome, he rebels against his nature and instead seeks to find Eidolons so he can kill Garland instead, so he can be the one in charge of leading both Gaia and Terra in his image, not Garlands
at the cusp of his ambitions being realised, he is told that he has a much shorter life span because Garland made him that way, this renders practically everything Kuja ever worked for, for years, all ruined because of something out of his control, in a fit of anger, he goes into an existential crisis and reasons that if he has to die, so much everyone else, he ultimately fails this too, ultimately dying, realising he was useless to the world and doesn't deserve forgiveness for his crimes
he's not completely sypathetic or anyone deserving of redemption, but this is still quite compelling stuff, its not like other venerated villains like Kefka can say they have as much put into their characters
make of that what you will, but he is not as black and white as you believe him to be
op is just talking nonsense and looking for others that dont like ix to circlejerk. probably likes viii or some shit. if he actually believes that shit he should probably get off the board and out of his bubble.
I hate the art style but the game isn't bad.
Why? She's a soldier following her liege's orders. Do you think every Nazi who took part in the holocaust was a mustache-twirling villain? No but they still took part. It's the banality of evil. However, to Beatrix's credit she realizes that she's no different to the Black Mages in blindly following orders.
Will you two just fuck already? Your autism is /trash/ levels of insufferable.
this enemy, location and gameplay is identical to the final game
the point of plat demo was a TECH DEMO where it just framed you being able to change and play around with lighting, day/night, weather, physics tech etc as a dream kid noctis had, they literally said that and its fucking obvious from playing it, the locations in the demo are small snippets of areas in the final game
>Just fuck already
Just felt like jumping in on your conversation.
I believe Brahne had no knowledge of Alexander.
>they could have easily had enough Black Mages at that point, iirc
Considering the visit to Dali established that Black Mages were ALREADY regularly shipped out from there, yes they should have a huge stock of them before Cid ever caught word of them. Also going to Dali to shut down the factory would most likely be viewed as an act of war so someone in Cid's position wouldn't do this so lightly, especially if he doesn't know the extent of his enemy's power.
come on, this is such a minor detail, it doesn't matter, the harp is magic, does that work?
that's what Beatrix wanted, not what Brahne wanted, honestly, Eidolon or no, she likely would have just made her Black Mages kill them all, even if she didn't, there really weren't that many left to kill by the end, but she had Eidolons, so she used them
this point has been argued to hell and back, yes, she reaps far more destruction with the Eidolons, but they weren't a tipping point in the war, they were overkill in a one sided war, death would have spilled by the hands of the Black Mages, the Eidolons just let Brahne spill even more
and remember, realistically, she would have gotten the Eidolons from Garnet, with or without her willingly coming to her, Kuja wanted them for his ambitions, so Garnet is ultimately faultless in a lot of this, she had no clue about the Eidolon extraction, at worst she probably thought she would be locked up or something
>there may have been complications with the extraction process if she wasn't old enough
By just ONE day?
I didn't know Gatekeeper from FH3H was in FFIX before, truly a wild career
Brahne didn't, but Kuja definitely did, since Alex was the one he wanted to use to defeat Garland
possibly, you also forget she was in no hurry to extract the Eidolons, the war hadn't started yet, nor did she expect Garnet to run away, she probably thought "let her have the birthday, then make ready for the extraction" again, a very minor detail
>No one was really aware of Kujas true intentions or power, he spends most of the game working in the shadows pulling strings. No one else does, no one has a reason to think he's the bad guy, for fucks sake, Garnet has never personally met the guy
Except for Cid’s spies, and I’m pretty sure common sense tells you that if a mysterious white hair man suddenly shows up to your home, talks to your mom and regularly visits and suddenly your mom starts acting crazy that it’s the white haired man who is responsible and you should focus on him.
Ooo, soft
>Saying something is good doesn't make it good
Actually it does, and the second part of what you said actually supports that. Good and bad is a description of how we perceive something. We aren't saying the games are nutritious or programmed properly. When we say they are good or bad, we are talking about how we perceive the game's ability to satisfy us. If I buy a game, and it gives me no satisfaction, it is a bad game to me. A sale doesn't have anything to do with quality since quality can't be judged until after the sale is made.
Why people purchase things was never a debate. Why do you keep bringing this up?
>the "suspicious man" was only said to be prowling around, at that point, its not clear he is the one making the queen this way, she's never met Kuja at this point, she has no idea what he's like, there was nothing at that point that gave her reason to suspect anyone was pulling her strings
Except that clearly gets contradicted by the game, quote:
"Actually, she's been acting rather strange since my birthday last year."
"The same day that tall man visited us..."
"Maybe he had something to do with it."
I never liked the artystyle and that's the only reason I've never actually played it.
>I don't know what you're sperging about
If you can't read and understand what I'm typing then I guess there is no reason to continue responding. It is QUITE clear that you don't...
>enemy, location and gameplay is identical
This has nothing to do with what I was talking about... If you can't understand what I was talking about then there is no hope in me explaining as I already stated it plain as day.
What in tarnation?
Reminder that VII and X are the only ones that matter.
>Except for Cid’s spies
what spies? when was this mentioned?
also, once again, no one had deduced this guy to be a key part of the war, he was almost unknown even to Garnet, you are only saying this stuff because you know he's the villain, that doesn't mean anyone else does
Garnet mentions him, but not even Cid can deduce if he's the problem, they can't discuss it further because Alexandria attacks Burmecia and the regent has to put it aside to act on the current situation
as you can see, Garnet has her suspicions about him, but she has absolutely nothing to support her claims, you also forget they had absolutely no time to act on said claims because war happens, isn't it enough that Garnet suspected him and thought to mention that to the regent? she suspected him, but had no proof, nor the power to do anything about it, what was the regent supposed to do? ignore the war in front of him and find this white haired man who MIGHT be the one manipulating Brahne
this is also a minor point, Garnet left the castle with suspicions of Kuja in mind, she just had no proof or any real ability to act on those suspicions, the key point here is that Garnet knew there was a chance that her mother was being manipulated, hence why she thought she could appeal to her mother
No it doesn't, opinions are subjective, perception of quality comes first
So you dont know what you're talking about and are lying
It's true.
It has everything to do with it because that is what the point of that demo content is
>at this point, we have no fucking clue if Tantalus made it out of the Evil Forest or not, or even if anyone else knows where they are, from what we see in ATE's, they are on the road, at this point, they have no way of being contacted, not to mention they don't know anything about the fucking factory
most of these rewrites sound super fucking convoluted om trying to fix really minor story details (Blanks petrification, really?)
Did you miss the part of my scenario where I said they head back to Lindblum and meet up with Z&G during the Festival of the Hunt and talk about Blank and then during Cid’s meeting, he and Z&G TELL them about the Factory and Cid tells them to destroy it on their way to Treno?
Really didn’t feel like I needed to spell out every single little detail for you.
This but move X up and remove all the other games
If some guy made a mod that makes Beatrix playable, do you guys think that one day the same guy would make a playable Ruby? Bard class or something?
only FFs with a V in them are good
9 is furry trash
It could have been neat to see Steiner and Freya interact more, but Steiner is Garnet's knight and protector, he goes where she goes, the only time he doesn't is when he entrusts her life in Zidane and Vivi's hands to aid their escape, not to mention Vivi hears its the black mages attacking, he wants to go and try find out more about himself and the mysterious black mages
Yeah well, Cid could have made Steiner do something different instead, regarding Vivi, they could just make it that when they meet Quina he mentions seeing some Black Mages from before that headed into Fossil Roo which pipes Vivi’s interest.
honestly, not a fan of the rewrites, not to mention having said scenario would be kind of pointless, the factory closes down after you cause a ruckus there, as you learn in disc 2, there's no real point in shutting it down, its already not in operation because security is fucked, I find the original plot line to be fine as it is
>Really didn’t feel like I needed to spell out every single little detail for you.
funny, I have to spell out every little detail to get my point across because otherwise you would just wouldn't get it at all
but Vivi wanted to go to Burmecia to investigate the Black Mages, it was sort of super important to him you know? its clear he needed to find out the truth behind them
>time to beat up some blacks
Yeah I'm thinking Zidane is based
of course it is, FFXV is a fantastic game!
Barry told me so
>there was literally no reason for them to go anywhere near the Outer Continient this early, there was nothing there for them to find, its not until they learn that Kuja is there that they head that way
Except for Cid spies who only mentioned Kuja later for contrivance, also history of the summoners and Eidolons are on the Outer Continent which they could learn from Tot.
Actually speaking of Dr. Tot what pisses me off is that it’s implied by Garnet later that Doctor Tot KNEW something was up with the Queen and Alexandria and left the castle to get info and speak with Cid and find out about the Eidolons, but instead he screws off in Treno with no attempt find out who the mysterious white haired man (Kuja), who seems to be the cause of the Queen’s behaviour, is, and Tot just plays along with Garnet’s stupid “I just wanna talk to Momma” subplot and willingly let’s her go back to the castle even though he himself didn’t want to stick around in Alexandria for no explained reason. Seriously Sakaguchi couldn’t have written that Tot found out about Kuja and the Queen’s plans involving the Eidolons and warn Cid about it, leading to the kidnapping and then Tot being in Lindblum when the party get there in Disk 1 to warn Garnet, Zidane and everyone about the Queen being after Garnet’s Eidolons, thus stopping that whole stupid “return to Alexandria” plot.
There is a IX fanfic that has this much more interesting scenario: fanfiction.net
FF9 played it safe, everyone has good memories of it.
FF7 was shockingly good.
FF8 is praised by cuckolds and submissive men, and the fat dominant women they marry.
>It has everything to do with it
No, one major aspect of a game is the content and the way it is designed to be explored. For example, in Kingdom Hearts, you can do things like jump on roofs, put out candles with magic, or even changing the landscape to alter exploration. Future skills like gliding and double jumping also have an impact on exploration. Combining the fact that Nomura was the original director, and that this element was strong in the demo, made it seem like it would be an aspect in the final game. Maybe not nearly on the level as KH, but still apparent. Instead, what we got was far from what the demo showed off. Even if parts of the demo were just for showing off tech, there is still a design philosophy prevalent through the whole thing that did not make it into the main game.
You seem to have gotten X and VIII switched around. I've never seen someone make this mistake yet do so well on the rest of the list.
I dont think that's how ages work. The real golden age was 4 to 7 plus tactics. On the subject of 9, I'd call it part of the silver age. People like to dickride it like it's this stellar masterpiece, but it's just as mediocre as 8 and 10. All three started that trend of focusing on style over substance that led to disasters like 13 and the original 14. And all three have this bizarre fixation on romance that final fantasy didnt have before or after.
Like all three games are fine, but they're a step down from their predecessors. And I think a lot of ff9 fans are crazy and give a mediocre anime plot way too much credit. The only truly great ff9 character is vivi.
tsk, tsk. Why do people sleep on the true best Final Fantasy?
>just as mediocre as 8
>style over substance
>for one of the most heavily substance focused games in the series
Literally huh? I can understand saying that about 10, but 8? Did you play the game user? The reason why I consider the PS era the golden era is that ALONG with trying to improve graphics, they also put effort into putting more into the game than just fighting x monster inbetween story bits.
okay but why would Garnet go to the outer continent? she still doesn't really care much for her summons and would rather stop her mother from going to war with everyone, she doesn't want to run away from it, that was the point, they only go to the outer contienent when they have a reason to go (chase Kuja) until then, they had problems on the mist continent to deal with
Cid knew of the Eidolons, he likely would have kept Garnet away from the conflict, but she gets them first with the sleeping weed and runs off with Steiner to try and solve the issue without bloodshed, as naive as that may be (the princess who was locked away in a castle all her life is naive, who'da thunk it?)
as for Tot, he's relatively minor, he knew about Garnet and the Eidolons, but its not really his place to pry, he was just her tutor, nor would he have had much chance to gaze upon this mysterious stranger
really, as far as we know, the only thing we hear from the Alexandrian populace is that "the queen hasn't been herself lately" she wasn't acting crazy early on, just odd, which wouldn't arouse much suspicion aside from those closest to her, Tot likely wouldn't be one of those people, hell very few people other than Garnet herself would have noticed when the mysterious man appeared and when Brahne started acting strangely, at least not enough to deduce he was the cause, especially since he was elusive enough that no one seemed to know his name
ehhhhhh, that's a tough sell dude, might check it out, might now
if anything it;s only less divisive now
>Why do people sleep on the true best Final Fantasy?
Well that seems to be a good question to ask yourself user. I don't see FFT under God tier at the top of your list either.
Read the journal at your desk you fool.
None of this matters playing anything beyond 10 is fucking pure 100% AAA garbage.
Never played it to be honest, or at least not enough to form an opinion around it.
I understand why people would like it, but srpgs aren't really my thing
No. Not literally. Ball park. If you wanna get that anal about it, out of those three games. I think 10 is the best and 8 is the worst. And 11 and 12 sort of fit in the silver age category if you ask me. 11 was a decently successful mmo and 12 was a decently recieved game that a lot of fans found super boring despite having a nice world. But it was still a far cry from the hd era. Which all needed to be fixed post game to become something even halfway decent.
Crisis Core is fucking garbage and ruined FFVII.
>Actually gives Sephiroth a personality
>Fleshes out Zack who becomes one of the most likeable FF characters.
It's just blind ff9 hate.
>I’d hardly call drugging and abandoning the person who loved you and risked his life for you and then placing the blame on him a sign of a healthy love story
firstly, that happens early on, she is sorry for what she did, but Zidane was treating her like a child, they had a fight before this, as well
really it comes back around in the second disc when they realise they actually mean a lot to each other, even strong love stories can have moments where they conflict
also she didn't know Zidane loved her at that point, she still thought he was a shameless flirt
>Actually give Sephiroth a personality
>If you can actually stand going through the same 6 tiny maps a few thousand times by the end of the game with shitty gameplay mechanics
I liked the story but I couldn't stomach that shit long enough to reach the end... I need to watch a cutscene video for the game one of these days...
Imagine if mario had roman numerals like mario xv would be mario tennis and mario xiv would be a mario teaches typing game
mario is my bitch and he likes to suck my wang.
>Normalfags universally consider FF7 shit now
Good joke. Most people still suck that game's dick.
Why is it blind? Part of that hate is braindead ff9 fags who refuse to believe there is a single fair reason to dislike their precious little masterpiece.
The more you hate the more i laugh at your loser ass! Keep on hating I'll be playing the more you get mad like a faggot.
Internet argument won. ;)
XII had the best setting, voice acting and lore. It had numerous flaws especially how the main characters become disconnected from the rest of the political intrigue and antagonists while there being constant fetch quests. It had the best aesthetics as a science fantasy with lots of lore and star wars inspiration.
I just puked.
The "G" in Final Fantasy stands for GOTY.
Just this scene alone was fucking kino.
Because dorks who started with FFX don't appreciate what makes a FF good.
Mainly Vaan and Penelo's voice performance was lackluster.
The rest of the dialogue was god-like.
>around 110 bgm tracks
>40~ cutscene orchestration tracks
>art direction couldn't have been better
>story not outright terrible
Main problem was the characters were mostly forgettable trash.
IX is fucking trash with no personality of its own
also losing to that stupid dyke bitch Beatrix multiple times is fucking dumb and furfags need to fucking burn
FFVIII has more of a final fantasy game's soul than IX which is nothing but callbacks and references, the Family Guy of the final fantasy series
>FF7's story was good or better
haven't seen one actual synopsis that delves deep on any single detail of any of the story, yet this is something that's not uncommon to state
it's about as dogshit as it gets
>This whole post
I pissed myself laughing excuse me.
>stupid dyke bitch Beatrix
you think that's her official title?
>dyke bitch Beatrix
I remember when shitposts used to have effort put into them.
>ff7's story is good, here's why
>It's actually not possible to do a "completionist" run anymore since Nintendo WFC is down, barring access to the updates that made up half the game's content
>Square never released a version with all the extra content included
With regards to Tot, he doesn't just "screw off to Treno". He's actually sent away from the castle by Brahne.
What the fuck are you talking about you massive retard? DQ1-6 are all pretty short games in the 20-40 hour realm. Only DQ7 PS1, DQ8, DQ9 and DQ11 are on the longer side, but that's only if you go for the true ending.
>this was kino
>posts dub trash
just kys
FF12 dub is far better.
ff12 has one of the worst dubs of all time. couple that with the horrible audio mixing and it's a total disaster.
>they are brits and that that's so catchy and exotic xD
>dubs are good
>xx.cloud007.xx: ff7 is best fantasy
holy fuck, the flies really have taken over the asylum
No fuck you.
Nah, they're mostly theater actors instead of shitty VAs which means they have real talent.
It's about not being a voice actor. Just like Legacy of Kain.
>no quina or eiko on the cover
>edgemaster amarant gets on
>it's good because a bunch of method actors doing basically improv without direction from the original development team is good and when i say "theater" i mean no actual gauge as to whether they have any objectively good talent just that they couldn't make it as actual actors
Exactly. Voice actors are all hacks, including seiyuuu-san-sama-kuns
Just like your mom.
To appeal to edgy americans of the time. Only the US box cover looks like this.
She's probably better than the average seiyuu, she does a sick donald duck impression.
no one wants to see dumb little girls or fat whores who can't stop eating, especially around 2000
> she does a sick donald duck impression.
They could have just gone with the same cover the JP/EU version had though.
every american media has the main cast in stupid stances on most promotional work which other countries have now adopted, even more so. it's pretty gross
>my old broken VCR was a game console because you had to hold the play button down the whole time to watch movies
You impressed?
Reminder that Garnet had no knowledge of her Eidolons until they were extracted from her, as per the Ultimania.
Reminder that garnet is a huge slut that fucks everything that moves. She is master of the cocks!
Because besides the chocobo game there wasnt much else to do and the only challenging boss in the game is uninteresting as fuck
no taste detected
>You need to choice class in FFXII PC version
>tfw no more cute girls bashing shit with katana
Which classes I should choice for each characters?
X is too high. Drop it to C or D.
>X is too high
I would switch around VI and V personally, but otherwise based.
Because it went through a similar autistic phase that FFVI fans went through and shilled the hell out of game and everyone got tired of it knowing it was done to "dethrone" FFVII as the most popular entry.
None of this matter just stick to 1-10 and tactics and your not a zoomer trash nigger.
Nevermind, I recognize you. You're an idiot.
But 12 and arguably 13 are better than X. Just end at 9.
You could make a case for XII being decent. There is no defending the trash that was XIII.
The best final fantasy is the one you played first. I've heard people tell me 13 is good because it was their first kooky weeb game.
The only valid criticism of 10 is that it's essentially a straight line until the calm lands. The difference between 10 and 13 though is that it takes 10-15 hours to get to the calm lands and the journey is actually fun. Unlike 5 hour long chapters in 13 of empty wasteland that you just want to get done and over with to get into the actual story.
Yes there is if you think you can defend X. They're basically the same shit but FF13's combat has more depth by endgame. It also has a better OST imo.
10 is good because the railroaded section of the game is short and sweet. You gain shit quickly without having to grind if you aren't a retard and can follow a rock/paper/scissors mob system for overkill extra ap.
IX is ridiculous if you love post game. And XI is crazy long as well. Too bad we he "post game" retroactively lessens the main story in XI.
The simon says shit is a massive negative not a positive. It's one of the biggest flaws of the combat system.
Gran Pulse was more fun than the open world in FFX desu. Though both were pretty shit compared to old games.
>Gran Pulse was more fun than the open world in FFX.
The problem is XIII is such a fucking drag to even get to that point. I got 15 hours into the game when I gave up on it. Corridors, battles, cutscene with no context (at least Tidus' retardation gave some insight into the world and characters). "We are the licie falcie, we have a focus, falcie, lciei focus". Rinse and repeat. Absolute drag of a game. No towns, no NPC to interact with, absolutely nothing. The game felt incredibly hollow and add to that the barely likeable cast. It just didn't work.
Yeah I hate the amnesiac protag schtick so I found Lulu explaining everything the to player in every cutscene lazy and annoying. I'd rather have the characters speak naturally then take 5 minutes in a datalog.
Tidus isn't amnesiac though, he's just thrown into a world he knows shit all about. And having natural conversations is fine, but it doesn't really pull you in when nothing is explained and you're given no context.
>"Don't worry, I'm not a le cie"
>Ok... nice?
It's literally only loved because the creator said it's for "true fans" and most people didn't like or skipped over it when it came out. Days after the creator made that statement all the IX days popped up where before it's existence was barely even acknowledged. As for 7 its still loved, I think a lot of its fans though are 30 year old boomers who have less free time to debate about it online.
That's the schtick though, they just used a different excuse.
I prefer the conversation to flow naturally. I picked up lcie from context then checked the datalog, took 5 seconds
I'm about 8 hours in and I'm really liking it
I'm 30 and it's top 3 for me along with 1 and 5.
This is bullshit and you know it. Here's the reality for you faggots. Every FF game has its decently sized fanbase that legitimately enjoys the game. Some smaller, some bigger, kind of depending on how many people each one. Some have gotten more exposure over time like VII and X, hence more people have gotten into them. The first 10 (argueably 9) games are all made in a similar style and quality (2 and 8 being the lower points). The games are all much more similar than most care to see them for. Compare VI, VII and IX at their core and you'll see very similar concepts and storytelling, making it ever so more retarded that people are fighting this much among themselves to argue "my favorite is best, yours is shit".
Ignoring card game and chocobos nets 22-25 hours
What does ix have to do post game? All I remember is the chocobo thing and the two bosses.
He was talking about Dragon Quest.
Teaching zoomers to hate furries, was important, but it had side effects. It is important to hate people who identify as furries, not every instance of anthropomorphic animals, this is where the zoom failed.
So over zealous indoctrinated zoomers hate ff9 because there are furry characters in it.
Furries hate it because Beatrix dabbed on Burmecia.
FF8 fans hate it, because everyone hates their game and it's an easier target than FF7 which is universally beloved.
Retards hate it because it's referential and believes it needs context to be properly played, it doesn't, you can even start with it, though I think 7 is a better starting point.
It has some big flaws when it comes to combat. The animation are slow, which brings 2 problem. 1, it just takes too damn long to summon so you don't want to use those spells not because they're weak, but because it takes long real life time to use them.
2, because during these long animations other atb bars fill up, making the speed stat less useful than it should be.
Final Fantasy IX is my favorite FF, because, was my first final fantasy, it has the best art style in any FF or JRPG up to this date, one of the best OST, it feels like a fairy tale fantasy, amazing world building, interesting characters, great variation of party characters, and it does not have japanese fashion faggotory or japanese male idols.
IX is most universal FF than any other modern mainline FF, you don't need a specific cultural background to relate to the world or the story, because all cultures have fairy tales with the same themes used in IX.
The combat is average and card is rng bullshit in my opinion, but the art and world building is amazing.
>stage loads
>camera spins randomly
>lone enemy loads
>party loads in
>menu appears
>atb starts slowly increasing
There is really only one truly bad mainline ff. And that's the original ff14. Everything else is mediocre at worst.
This is a minor complaint, but I never liked 9's battle theme. 7 and 8 had these really exciting orchestra sounding tracks and then the one that has way less technology in it has this weird synth/electric guitar theme.