Fighting game execution difficulty chart. Discuss
Fighting game execution difficulty chart. Discuss
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>Fighting games
Tekken should be on the far right, honestly
That game is ridiculously hard to even be average at
as someone who actually plays tekken the execution isn't really that hard outside of justframes and specific optimized combos. sfv unironically has tighter execution than tekken
>including kof
It looks simple but I constantly hear people complaining about high barriers to entry. It's apparently really hard to git gud at a competitive level which is why its only popular amongst chinks and spics who have nothing else to play.
should any MVC game be high considering magic series and how dumbed down it got from mvc2 on
Only niggers play fighting games other than smash bros
Nigga, where's Street Fighter 3rd strike?
like any of y'all niggas do more than go 0-2 at your local, IF that
>smash that high
>tekken that high
>street fighter that low
you just know a basedboy made this
Honestly, it's a pretty accurate list.
t. jivecuck
The smash games should be closer together.
Melee and Ultimate exectution is only high if you play very specific characters, doesn't apply to a lot of the rosters.
idk what those words mean my man
With Vitrual Fighter 4 and Melty Blood
Surprised Skullgirls is that high. It's fairly easy to play.
yeah if you play dirty and use two hands
op doesn't play fighting games obviously
>Street Fighter 5 that low
I love how the people who make these sorts of things and put SFV all the way at the bottom are the same people who you see in Gold tilting off the face of the earth and never playing with their brains on.
a classic
where do my favorite fightans rank (note that I'm a massive casual)
>KOF XI (this one is just nostalgia admittedly)
>SF Alpha 3
>Arcana Heart 3