Gamers are RISING UP in Ion Fury's Steam reviews.
Gamers are RISING UP in Ion Fury's Steam reviews
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tfw you have no personality beyond hating minorities
you should show all your friends at resetera, they will be super proud.
seething incel
What got censored exactly that they're all huffing about?
Nothing of any importance at all, I bet.
does it matter?
they're clearly mad about censorship that was ADDED (with presumably no setting to uncensor it)
I don't see it as a reason to get butthurt and give it negative reviews, but I do understand refunding out of princible
a texture for a bottle of soap, and some developer text in an area you had to noclip to get to.
yes it does matter, if you don't care about context you're just as braindead as the resetera faggots.
>devs say mean things
>tranny brigade pressures them
>they cuck out and apologize and doante 10k to some tranny charity
>non-trannies seething
tfw you will never be a woman even if you cut your dick off
>child abuse
Nothing, some stupid unfunny 'jokes' are removed and /pol/ get upset because they're anti left jokes.
posters with undeveloped brains think that a charity focused on suicide hotlines for gay teens = a charity for cutting off kids dicks.
>giving them an excuse to declare all negative reviews as review-bombs
Why would you hurt your own cause like that?
So a big bunch of nothing. It must be bad for the heart being constantly triggered like that.
>all these gamers that don't give a fuck about politics and have probably never even registered to vote
>game devs are forced to apologize and attend sensitivity training because they spouted a bunch of anti trans rhetoric with no science to back up their claims on a Ion fury discord server
man children, everyone.
What does that even mean?
honestly no clue, it just says fagbag, which I'm guessing is either a nickname or some kind of inside joke. this is like mothers getting outraged over the hot coffee stuff in GTA:SA literally wasn't in the game without using dev tools to access it.
Nice spacing dumbass, did you know you must be 18 years old to use this site?
>some stupid unfunny 'jokes' are removed
such as?
>incels buy game thinking you're based and catering to le ebin retro shooter crowd
>now that they've bought the game cater to sjws, they buy the game thinking devs are based for pandering
>all this free publicity
incels advertising for free and sjws praising devs for pandering. good marketing stunt, managed to snag sales from both extremes. might give it a try now
when was the last time we were able to talk about video games without crying about identity politics? feels like it's been more than 5 years
This is what liberals got upset over? Are you serious?
Only those two things. Only one of them is really a pun, the other just looks like the designer had a stroke.
lmao first people posted the pictures of the trannies review bombing the game
now they're posting the /pol/yp boogeyman review bombing the game
i really like playing video games, what makes you waste so much time attacking a company
So what is the problem here? Is that company the Iron Maiden of soap and threatened to sue?
Despite accounting for only 28% of men...
>Don't make fun of the left! you guys are the triggered ones though
lol really?
lol look at this newfag who doesn't realize "reddit spacing" was an ironic meme that only became unironic because newfags like you took it seriously. stay seething incel.
>85% of the reviews are positive
How is that rising up? It's still fairly good
sjws gets butthurt over some small thing in some game = dumb pointless worthless bitterness
pol gets butthurt over some small thing in some game = righteous truthful anger totally not bitter guys
you're all bitter, why can't you just accept that this is flippant thing to post about and just get to the meat of it
Steam will delete them anyways. ;)
We won.
it hasnt even begun
Both sides are pretty cancerous and right in someway. It better to just ignore this whole debacle.
Want to have some fun? Look at some of their steam profiles.
Just left my negative review, you need to wait a bit sweaty ;)
It's pretty simple. The two arguments are censorship vs non censorship and the censorship people are wrong. The hypocrisy expressed by people here is amazing. We smugly say it's wrong that politicians say games push people to be violent but will defend removing a lotion called "OGAY" because otherwise it will promote hostility towards gay people.
what set off everything was discussion in the games discord, then resetera went digging for anything that could equate to outrage. These were the only things in the game itself that they could find that were "offensive". I would not be surprised at all if someone just went to their discord and brought up transexuals and screencapped whatever they said.
Jesus you even type like a faggot, just go back and stop being angry kiddo
Legit kek. Just thought it was a normal joke or even a Ghostbusters joke
But oh man, its always about someone elses feelings isnt it?
you guys better be nicer or the TRANS COMMUNITY will RISE UP instead
Most trannies are incels. Have you seen AGDQ recently?
it's totally a GB joke, and they aren't removing it, they've already said that.
time to dilate.
GDQ is a breeding ground for STDS, Trannys are disgusting but don't delude yourself into believing they don't fuck each other on the daily.
People here don't defend it because it will promote hostility, they say who gives a shit because who gives a shit.
if you read this thread many people clearly care more about what was censored rather than something was censored.
>but will defend removing a lotion called "OGAY" because otherwise it will promote hostility towards gay people.
again, this thread is extremely hostile so that uhh claim is completely correct
>1500+ positive comments
>190 negative comments
R-rise up.
And this is before Valve reviews the bombing and nullifies their effect on the game's score.
Most people here are against censorship of any kind. You're one of the few defending it so speak for yourself.
Then it shouldn't be removed.
>this thread is extremely hostile
I just wish video game related news and happenings stopped being all about stupid back and forths between leftists and rightwing.
It's all so tiresome watching from the sidelines.
>small unwashed penises into weeping, reeking wounds
sounds great
Oh no… Not again!!
There are like 4 tranny reviews mentioning the jokes/discord and the rest are culture warriors whinging about censorship and refunds
Imagine being a centrist.
Pol ruining an actually good game’s rating because their obsession with trannies, aren’t they tired of getting BTFO’d every fucking time ??
Child molesters are not a minority retard.
>recent reviews are still very positive
Lmao you cant even wrangle enough autistic incels to dent the reviews. what a bunch of feckless losers
I don't have to imagine.
>this thread is extremely hostile
You don't have to be on a side to agree that censorship is wrong.
that doesn't count. lmao
You literally just make up strawmen to get mad at. You're a fucking loser dude
>this thread is extremely hostile
What does this even mean? Are you scared of words on this site?
when will devs learn?
More like gamers being upset about content being removed post lunch for no reason. Dynasty Warrriors 9 was destroyed in reviews because they removed Chinese dub for foreigners which probably hardly anyone used.
Holy shit. Based as fuck.
>fucking trannies! Ugh god! Reee!
Yeah that'll impact sales for sure. U gottem user
But it’s the liberals that are the incel.
Working hard to get back on that mental illness list.
Reddit spacing is older than reddit.
but it's their product. they're free to edit it however they want. nobody forced them to do anything, they chose to edit the game. saying they shouldn't be allowed to edit their own game at their own discretion is censorship.
Omg trannies. All I think about are trannies. I dilated? Reeeee. Tranny!!!!!
They were 'overwhelmingly positive' before that. Watch it go into 'mixed' soon.
All this says is that right wingers are more likely to be gymcels.
Fuck off faggot. Censorship is wrong. Stay triggered tranny.
lol at this point doing anything but spending a whole day crying about politics on twitter makes you alt-right
>kids should be murdering their parents maybe but you didnt hear it from me :^)
This is why I stay away from all this social media bullshit, just makes me tired and angry.
it was the publisher throwing the devs under the bus
>nobody forced them to do anything
really now
You weird homosexuals have no idea what censorship is. Its just a buzzword you use when people tell you to shut the fuck up for being annoying and loud over trivial shit
>nobody forced them to do anything
This is wrong. "Social pressure" forced them to change. The same social pressure that can one day say guns in games are bad and remove that. It's called a slippery slope user you should never support this.
The game was censored because of Resetera, which is notorious for having mods who support fucking children.
Like clockwork
And the problem with that is?
>i am a centrist
>lol no I lied I am a lefty pretending to be a centrist and agree with the lefties
Every time
i wish fag teens didn't have access to suicide hotlines.
It's because jokes like this are now considered too risque to have in a violent video game that Cum Town is able to get 50 grand a month making jokes like "The Gay Team".
>All the trannies in this thread defending censorship