Working on a follow up to Banjo tooie, any ideas
Rare Dev
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Make them fuck
Kazooie is trans
smaller worlds with more personality packed into them like in the first game. tooie and nuts n bolts felt a little unfocused with their massive worlds.
Make Nuts&Bolts not canon, but make around the same amount of time pass between Tooie to Threeie.
Grunty finds a spell to give her her skin back to make her green and mean again.
Let her go back to rhyming.
Something happened with Grunty's Lair where the center tree in Click Clock Wood was allowed to grow for years, aided by all the magic inside.
It grows through the entirety of her Lair and pushes it all the way to the top.
Banjo&Kazooie have to scale the tree and go through several different sized levels that are an in-between of Kazooie/Tooie levels in terms of size, but completely unique and different.
The final level before Gruntilda's boss fight is near the top of the tree, where the golden honey that's been flowing all the way down the tree that you can see in small goopy puddles and rivers, as there gradually becomes more of the stuff the further you scale up.
More dinosaurs.
sex pls
To add onto this:
>Grunty kidnaps either Honey B. or her newly introduced royal sister
>Uses this to her advantage to enslave the worker bees, forcing them to work for her
>Obligatory factory level, and some of the levels are based on fairy tales instead of seasons and holidays
That movie was so nice, and the animation was goddamn amazing. Too bad Disney was purposely trying to make it fail so they wouldn't have to continue with 2D animation, so they put it out on the same day as THE FINAL HARRY POTTER MOVIE, FUCKING RETARDS.
Disney tries to make a lot of movies that aren't their specific pet projects fail for whatever reason. Treasure Planet, Winnie the Pooh, and Zootopia come to mind.
Keep building on Tooie's moveset and level design. Whatever you do, don't follow Nuts and Bolts's character designs.
Why must you post these things. Yea Forums stop turning people into furries.
Please encourage mystery in each stage.
Stop clinging on to this dead IP and make something new
> Zootopia
How did Disney try to make this one fail?
Just post the bird pussy already
Zootopia didn't fail in anything other than its ending being le epic plot twist for no fucking reason how did Disney make it fail?
They tried to send it out to die and the higher ups were blown away by how well it did, because they expected it to be a flop.
there better be a Yea Forums easter egg reference in the game if it ever comes out or you're a fag OP
also is the game gonna be for the stupid microsoft motion attachment thing LMAO
Make another Grunty Industries except 10x harder
Dont be afraid to modernize. Take some lessons from Mario Oddessy. Give Banjo Kazooie a range of moment options that can be chained together to make traversal and platforming smooth and engaging. Pack a lot of secrets into each world. Have a lot of Jiggys to collect so even short play sessions allow you to feel accomplished.
Mecha Banjo Kazooie
It's all subtle comemntary on urbanization, and CEOs that don't care about the environment.
In general, look to Mario Odyssey for inspiration. Otherwise...
>allow the player to teleport to the different pads in the level from anywhere in the level
>if the worlds are bigger than tooie’s include a map collectible for each world that once collected can be viewed on the pause screen
>get rid of glowbos and bring back mumbo tokens, glowbos were usually in pretty obvious or easy to reach areas anyway and had seemed a little redundant
>Go back to spreading 100 notes across the levels individually and not in groups of five; I think that this was done originally due to hardware constraints anyway
>more enemy variety
>make kazooie call mumbo a nigger
>if backtracking is necessary for a jiggy, then maybe have the world expand in a similar manner to yooka-laylee once you’ve obtained the move you need to acquire said jiggy
>include variations in level sizes, have some levels that are noticeably larger or smaller than others
>get the game ported to switch if it’s not going to be otherwise. The game will flop on Xbox and underperform on pc.
Not that I'd be against it, but that sounds an awful lot like Yooka-Laylee...
To be fair that's much more important than gender-politics.
make it a cool car-building racing game where you can drive around and collect upgrades and stuff that would be really cool
Make a vehicle builder game in a completely new IP because fixing that has more of a chance of being a good game than making an adventure game without puzzles masquerading as a 3D platformer.
-Make it a direct sequel to Tooie.
-Captain Blackeye is the villain.
-Story takes place in a larger neighboring island next to Isle O Hags you have to metroidvania your way through by collecting treasure maps to uncover the Jiggy podiums
-you fight Blackeye’s crew as overworld bosses
-worlds are Mario Odyssey sized, and there are at least 13 of them
-new moves that expand on split up
-Banjo and Kazooie are the only playable characters
-Grunty helps Banjo since her and Blackeye go way back, her and her sisters are who teach B-K their new moves
-all in exchange of 13 optional collectibles on Blackeye’s isle that will bring her and her sisters back to life
-she’s actually the secret final boss and betrays Banjo if you do this quest, fulfilling the promise she made in Tooie
-to fight her you gotta do a secret level as well, a remodeled version of Grunty's lair with 10 or so Jiggies and etc...
-the end game game show is here
-you fight Grunty’s sisters before her, this battle makes heavy use of split up
-revamped controls with a heavier focus on fluid movement and precision.
-Talon Trot is now a dash button
-Breegull Blaster is now available any time you go into First Person, replacing the old egg shoot. Both modes get new moves that make them more fun/give them more options. Like a long jump available only in Talon Trot, or the ability to roll evasively in Breegul Blaster
>one of the worlds is based of a Battlefield
>another off of a fairy book
>another is McJiggieswhich is very Willy Wonka - like
>Blackeye isle is based off the Isle from Project Dream, Edison and other scrapped characters make cameos.
>Blackeye is the villain to get back at Banjo for “stealing his glory” like he drunkenly said in B-T
But B-T had tons of puzzles you tard.
Make it not suck. Then make Viva Pinata 3.
Kill yourself
Cute shipping moments
Not necessarily fuck but just more cute stuff.
Spend a week with the original game. Make notes of what you enjoyed, and then consider WHY those elements worked.
Now rough-draft a design bible.
Do all this without any human contact, or movies/TV shows/videos, music, etc. Just actually focus on the game, instead of letting other popular shit distract.
If you consider taking a character to a pad with his face on it, pressing a switch in front of you or using the hatch move on an egg a puzzle, I guess there's "tons". Admittedly "no puzzles" is an exaggeration since there are three actual puzzles, realizing one of the closed off rooms in grunty industries must be accessed by breaking an outside window (moderately clever), taking the train into grunty industries for the first time (mildly clever) and healing the sick dinosaur (fucking miserable shit).
Aside from this, keep the environmental themes from the first three games, I thought it was pretty consistent and great that Gruntilda's shitty corporations were responsible for half the game's polluted worlds. It also fits because almost everyone is animals
Polish the gameplay, add more weird transformations, bring Tooty back so she's not a floating mystery anymore
Screw the rules and make a turn based RPG with random encounters, a job system, and party members that are popular characters from previous games.
That and, you know, the actual jigsaw puzzles that unlock worlds...
-Please do not go for the modern sharp edge look like with N&B, go back to the original soulful cartoon style
-No split screen battle MP. If the Switch is in mind, have a partner mode with BK. Would work great with kids/siblings, etc.
-Bring back rhyming Grunty
-Secrets and more secrets, that was the best part of the series
-varied enemy types
-Yooka Laylee's biggest downfall was the sheer size of the levels, easy to get lost. Large is fine, but can quickly get unmanageable especially when you are missing a collectable
-Keep collectables simple, no need for so many types. Don't go the DK64 route for the love of God
-BT was too "dark", even Banjo's attack voice was just off putting. Whimsy is what made the original so great
-Simple & classic movesets
-Bring back the gameshow, but don't have bullshit questions such as: "how many notes were in a level of this room"
-Take a jab at Nuts and Bolts at least once
This, too. And tone it up on the hidden lore. Clanker's Cavern is great to play as an adult because of all the lore behind it
What the fuck is this thread, are you all playing make-believe?
Quite common for devs to visit here friendo
The jinjos of Threeie are the ghosts of the grey jinjo family
If it's really a dev, we get some input possibly. If it isn't, then nothing was lost.
and we also get to talk about a great series, why we love it, and hopefully what could be.
Also at least we are talking about videogames
>The mission is to collect their spirits and resurrect them
Prequel about the time when Kazooie finds and adopts Banjo
Banjo visual novel, let me date and fuck the bear
That would actually be a great section/storyline
Part of the origin story is already from Grunty's Revenge so please acknowledge that
>Non shitpost thread almost dead
Wow, why I'm not surprised. Anyways:
>Make Banjo move faster by default
>World interconnectivity is fine as long as the worlds are not too big
>Mix world sizes, Odyssey showed that you can have both
>Reduce the focus on platforming like they did in Tooie and focus more on combat and puzzle solving
>Take an approach to the moveset like in Tooie to give you reason to revisit old worlds
>Keep the tone of Tooie of self-deprecation and absurdity in regards on the state of the franchise
and give kirkhope whatever he wants so he does it again, the madman
Here are some world ideas
>Medieval world based around king Arthur
>Gothic cathedral with snow
>WitchyWorld 2 featuring more carnivalesque rides and include a creepy mirrorhouse.. put emphasis on the rides being unsafe.
>Candy Cane Lane- you might have legal issues with this one but it just sounds like a nice world name.
>Something samhain related.
>Tropical rainforest
>Grunty Movie theater, mall or orphanage
We already have a prequel.