Death Stranding Gameplay

Reminder that Kojima said that he wanted o wait until the Tokyo Game Show to really show gameplay so he only gave a hint of it last night.

>b-b-but muh walking sim

Sure, finding paths through landscapes will be a part of the gameplay. So what? If Kojima can create a world and story that is on par with his other works then it'll be immersive and fascinating. The attention to detail regarding tending to Sam's condition that is so far presented seems like it'll make the game pretty immersive.

>b-b-but muh pee
All you guys do is complain about unimportant shit. What kind of gameplay would you like to see in Death Stranding? Should it be like literally every other game out there?

Your problem is that you hype things up beyond any realistic measure of actual reality and then you end up disappointing yourselves.

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shit was great, Kojima is a madman

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this trash is so boring. it's every single thing wrong with modern "gameplay" in one game.


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>cradle the baby
Holy shit this looks awful

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The question is why wait until TGS?

>Caramel absolutely BTFO by piss


Holy shit the cope is on the MGSV level.

Framerate looks bad, kojima please let it be 60fps

>Death Stranding is going to be a literal walking simulato-

Attached: Death Stranding Gameplay.webm (640x360, 2.1M)

Hes a Jap and they think of themselves of the global master race and look down upon foreigners. Why wouldn't he wait until TGS?

I don't care if you enjoy movie games, everyone has their own preferences and that's okay. But why sit here and pretend this isn't what it obviously is?

call me a shill, but DS having a piss mechanics mean literally anything can happen in that game. i doubt the trailers we saw are the full gameplay experiences

He is not comfortable showing the game to white people

benny hill theme

I made another thread but it died. The gameplay is linked between everyone, and your actions/deaths/whatever affect everyone else's world. You can raise hills or dig, build bridges across chasms, etc. Certain things will make areas more hostile with the BTs I think. When enough people build a hill high enough, anyone can use it to reach the next piece of the story. The map will be the size of the USA and deliver the story in pieces like MGS5.

Also this terrain modification directly affects the moment to moment gameplay of moving Sam and caring for your load/the baby. The baby needs to be protected so you can see BTs. You have to traverse terrain carefully, maybe with motion controls or shoulder buttons, or at least both sticks, and moving Sam is harder on trickier footing. Think of the world changing shape and dynamically making areas harder or easier based on the collective progress of the community.

In death you go somewhere else and that changes stuff too. I don't know about that part or many other things but that is directly what Death Stranding means, each players deaths stranded together somehow in this world as you try to collectively build and progress in it.

>The map will be the size of the USA

>When enough people build a hill high enough, anyone can use it to reach the next piece of the story.
That's pretty cool and all but what about if I want to replay it in like 3 or 4 years time and the game is littered with fucking ladders and bridges?

am I supposed to feel anything else besides distress regarding the idea he still refuses to show us the meat and potatoes of the game? all we have is plot exposition and some walking simulation.

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games are experiences now not games, you have to be buy it at launch to “get it”!

I think that would be really cool in its own right. It's gonna be interesting to see how drastically the game world changes over time.

we've seen combat and a boss too

That would be a problem, yeah. But any really sketchy shitty areas could be fixed, or maybe there are huge events which reset areas. Also this forces at least an occasional internet connection to update the world.


sounds like a griefing nightmare

We've seen shooting, climbing, stealth, etc. all you naysayers have the memory of a guppy

I am pretty sure people directly asked Kojima that, he deflected by saying there`s a new brain neural action link multiplater bullshit, not before denying it and saying you can communicate with other players but your world won`t change. You might as well ask for a job, it`s a good idea but it ain`t happening

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>>When enough people build a hill high enough, anyone can use it to reach the next piece of the story.
Also, what if a group of players decides to make a huge cock shaped hill for shits and giggles? Or hell, what if pol decides to build huge swastikas or some other shit?

If that's true then clearly Mr Kojima underestimates the power of collective autism

This sounds easily griefable and could ruin the game.

Yes and everyone starts at the same place and works their way across the US collectively over the next few years. It's like noby noby boy, where everyone played single player to contribute to a global total which made the game unlock more content.

i doubt it will be USA size but considering kojima originally wanted The End fight to last 2 real weeks, he probably made the map really fucking huge because hes crazy like that

>Also, what if a group of players decides to make a huge cock shaped hill for shits and giggles?
Do you really think kojima wouldn't find that hilarious

You mean npcs waving stick at us without context and the Final Fantasy monster summons on a cut scene?

That`s walking with extra steps you nigger, where`s the 30 minutes demo gameplay, where`s the proof of concept? I still don`t fucking know what kind of game it is you shills

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>a 3 seconds clip from scripted gameplay
Kill yourself

This looks fucking stupid lmao

The textures are fire emblem three houses-tier

>game is actually the size of the US
>10 straight hours irl of traversing flat deserts

I'm unironically excited for it. It'll be kino; but I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't still pissed about the no fox engine thing

absolutely seething

you seem upset.

but hey user you can piss on the ground and make stairs to go up cliffs, aren`t you fucking enthralled by this game?

>That`s walking with extra steps you nigger
>ugh how come you have to move around in this game like ugh

trying too hard

Why the fuck was walking, peeing, babysitting and being a deliveryman all they showed for 6 mins instead of any of this??? smfh my fucking head you're supposed to be promoting the game kojima



enjoy your 60$ walking experience

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Why did they walk Reedus off the cliff? That was a weird thing to add to the gameplay trailer

So is this coming to PC or what?

Because he's going to show more in Tokyo you goofus, he literally said that

More interesting than anything else at the moment. This and Elden Ring.

sooooo what happened to Caramel?

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Cope, the thread

I will! You still seem upset.

>So what? If Kojima can create a world and story that is on par with his other works
V had the worst open world of all time and this doesnt look any better. Do you get paid to act like a retared faggot?

EPIC exclusive most likely

The cope is real. This game will be worse than Peace Walker. and you can bank that.

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There's been zero ingame footage of elden ring, only fmvs

As ZANY his whole angle is, he really is going the extra mile trying to honor expectations, and learn to reserve judgement, even over the course of 4-1/2 full length movies. it certainly isn't a stupid globo homo proliferation tier signaling, it's actually personal this time ever since he got fired for trying to reinvent a series he was tired with which was mgs

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Because Western audiences would be outraged if the gameplay is anything other than firefights on screen at all time

in my eyes

Since this is the spiritual successor to Postal 2, I'm excited to see what elements we'll see carried over besides peeing.
Maybe you could use the baby as a silencer just like how you would use a cat with the shotgun.

>map will be the size of the USA
More proof that you have to literally be mentally retarded to still be a kojidrone at this point

the animation when he fell off the cliff was terrible

other than that looks cool can't wait to see more

Girls don't actually care about height right??..

I don't mind chase sequences but this one looks hilariously bad
>enemies fall for a shitty juke
>enemies don't even try to hit you with their future weapons
>that one enemy just running into you and not even attempting to attack
looks like it's designed to look cool but is actually void of any substance

Peace Walker was fucking great, better gameplay than the rest of the series. Seethe.

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Wow that's literally homosexual it's almost one month from now
Thanks for telling me but im not happy to hear it so fuck you

No, fuck Kojima at this point. Every fucking trailer I give him the benefit of the doubt and now I just don’t care anymore. Whatever they showed today was a fucking joke. What’s the gameplay? What are we doing aside from walking and delivering? How do we interact with the world? What’s different and fun about this? We don’t know because fuck you, here’s your Hollywood game. The game is out in less than three months and I have no clue what I’ll be playing. That’s a red flag.

im expecting over 100+minute cutscene for this game

Anyone else think the graphics look like shit? I usually dont care about that stuff, but this game is touting itself as a real piece of
T E C H N O L O G Y, yet there are so many embarrassing animation errors. Like when the main character falls off that ledge, he takes a couple steps on thin air first. And when he is sliding down the hill, he is phasing around erratically. Also the lighting looks really off for distant rocks, like they have no shadows.

Two words

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but user PW was a great game

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Too bad nancy boy buck up


kojima 4channeler confirmed

This is no man's sky all over again.

Kojima is a legend

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Who's this little girl

>dude piss and tits goty
Death stranding is an absolute disaster

Oh yeah? Well I hope your entire family dies

I wanna drink Mama's milkies!

Thanks retard, I will.

Calm down bud

but i love peace walker

I'll rape your dog

Think we'll get sfm porn of her?

The story from what I've seen has potential to be good, the whole exploration of death and the after life seems interesting and stoic if done properly. Can't wait to piss on the secondary characters.

>being a literal cum dump
I like Kojima too, but c’mon man. You can’t seriously argue what we’ve seen is enticing enough.

>Yea Forums is excited for a literal movie game

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>showing gameplay for a game only 2 months before release
They must be ashamed of it and will try to carry the sales on Kojimbo name alone

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I hope not. Don't understand SFM porn, seems like most animators are 15 year olds who don't understand how anatomy works

you have a drinking problem.


>exploration of death and the after life seems interesting

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He already spoiled his own game with this new cutscene
Reedus will be the first porter that actually takes a liking on the baby and will try to save him or some shit, and that will enable some mumbo jumbo magic that will be the answer to deal with the apocalypse

and the drink is hateraid.

I don't put any poisons in my body that would weaken me. I smoke crack regularly to gain more power. I could kill you easily with my bare hands.

>"Sad... So sad... A host of sorrows... And you are one of them. I am The Sorrow. Like you, I, too, am filled with sadness. This world is one of sadness... Battle brings death. Death brings sorrow. The living... may not hear them. Their voices... may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake... the dead... are not silent. Now you will know the sorrow of those whose lives you have ended."

>Xcucks still seething over milkies game six hours later

Meanwhile Gears 5 is already forgotten lol

>Reminder that Kojima said that he wanted o wait until the Tokyo Game Show to really show gameplay so he only gave a hint of it last night.
I'm sorry but you seem to be purposefully blocking out the reality of the game's core design in order to cope with how crappy it is. Even if the melee/weapon combat is good, it doesn't detract from the fact that you're a fucking delivery boy. You're walking long distances, and in certain moments along the way there's going to be 'gameplay checkpoints' where you fight a bunch of enemies. Just like MGSV, the eternal hack Kojima is going to layer each mission like a fucking movie, with all the gradual escalation and dips in act that come with it. He said it himself this isn't the kind of game that's been done before (whatever the fuck that means), so I genuinely expect it to be retarded, boring trash. What's great is this time, kojimadrones won't be able to use the 'Y-YOURE SUPPOSE TO MAKE YOUR OWN FUN!' argument that they did with MGSV, because DS is all but guaranteed to have a notable lack of weapons and equipment in comparison.

angry is a liquid that does more damage in what it is stored than onto anything it is poured.

>game comes out
>literally the greatest game since sliced bread
>the heavens part and kojima ascends to heaven and retakes his role as god

>because DS is all but guaranteed to have a notable lack of weapons and equipment in comparison
That`s why DLC exist you dumb goyim

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>I'm sorry but you seem to be purposefully blocking out the reality of the game's core design in order to cope with how crappy it is. Even if the melee/weapon combat is good, it doesn't detract from the fact that you're a fucking delivery boy. You're walking long distances, and in certain moments along the way there's going to be 'gameplay checkpoints' where you fight a bunch of enemies. Just like MGSV, the eternal hack Kojima is going to layer each mission like a fucking movie, with all the gradual escalation and dips in act that come with it. He said it himself this isn't the kind of game that's been done before (whatever the fuck that means), so I genuinely expect it to be retarded, boring trash. What's great is this time, kojimadrones won't be able to use the 'Y-YOURE SUPPOSE TO MAKE YOUR OWN FUN!' argument that they did with MGSV, because DS is all but guaranteed to have a notable lack of weapons and equipment in comparison.

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you're mad

learn the ways of the Buddha

What's depressing is that this game is gonna win game of the year. It checks the boxes of big budget cutscenes, easy gameplay for game journalists who can't play games and being a (timed) Sony exclusive. Its hard to see how it doesnt get it.

>putting in a piss mechanic
Kojima the hack getting his ideas from the Postal series and Duke Nukem Forever

Who hurt you

Doesn`t work when all the guy is saying is common sense

I could rip your head off after a solid hit of crack, you obviously don't understand its potential you fucking mortal

I'm a fan of how they measure the precise amount of pee in your bladder. Very futuristic.


Better than nintendo 2d games

Travelling long distances is kino, have taste.

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>B-b-but Nintendo!

Shin yakuza should take notes and add pissing and shitting to complete the eating system

Perhaps, but the world is bigger than simply smoking crack and ripping heads off. Have you never considered your spiritual and financial well being? One should always be seeking internal peace with the greater power and a larger sum of money.

>dude walking around empty fields forn 50 hours lmao
We're getting MGSV Part 2 but with even less to do

I don`t even play bing bing yahoo you kike, tell your handlers the shilling it ain`t working

Based, empty games are relaxing

I'm sorry, but games are an interactive art and any games primary attribute is GAMEPLAY. If this attribute is not the main focus of the game, then the game will be shit.

Games are not top tier movies. Games will never be top tier movies. A game being a top tier movie is not a game. It is an animated film.

Every new game that comes out has a standard that was set by a good game in its genre before it that it has to match, or it's just going to be a mediocre snoozefest no one will play.

A good game has to meet that expectation, then innovate or reinvent gameplay normally experienced in that genre.

Look at what Morrowind did with the RPG genre. The ability to view and pick up 3d objects anywhere in the world was mindblowing.

>have sam literally take the piss out of the naysayers

unironically made me pre-order after a long time of skepticism

He is Japanese. And Gamescom isn't exactly E3. Most Jap devs would likely consider TGS more prominent. In all likelihood he probably only bothered to even show up cause Doritos Pope issued him a papal edict.

>Imagine SotC but without boss fights
not helping your argument there nigger

Nigga mgsv was barely an open world

>caramel's suicide was signified by a golden shower, not a whimper
my sides

Play offline

I understand why games like this are made, and why they're successful. It gets people to buy games who otherwise wouldn't because they're not invested in th hobby and it helps connect with something they do care about (movies) but it still depresses me. You expect games to only get better and better with time with improves technology and designers getting more experience and yet it feels like a large segment of the industry is actually devolving.

I am going to piss in a series of places that cause mushrooms to grow in a pattern that spells SUCK MY DICK

Literally looks like the amazing MGS V.
That's the game user, that's what we're going to get.

Who will Kojimadrones blame next? Sony? The Decima Engine? Guerrilla Games? Konami again. You can delude yourself into believing it will be good but it won't user, it won't.

I've enjoyed all of his games so I don't really need to be enticed. If the game's shit, thats on me I guess.

So much drama, am definitely avoiding Yea Forums at tgs

>games get better with time
nope, you see, as technology improves designers can replace compelling game-play mechanics with better graphics and superficial improvements and fluff to make the game appear better, but actually be worse, like the steady decline of the elder scrolls franchise.

You still don't understand. The bills are only useful for crack. They won't save you when your spinal cord is being ripped in half.

We've seen big spooky enemies though

Hello, Hideki.

Death Stranding has bosses, inform yourself before you speak so you don't get caught running your mouth like a mongoloid.

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It pains me that this masterpiece will never be topped again. It pains me that its director is now a celebrity-obsessed diva who seems more keen on showing off his interests than making an actually great game. The moment I saw Keighley's face in the game, is the moment I realized this game only exists for Kojima to brag about his friends and interests. What has Kojima shown that is actually interesting to us? Even the MGSV trailers were on point. And that game wasn't even finished.

And before anyone says
>b-but he's just not showing anything until release

Ok, then don't show anything? Why bother showing up at every conference if you're just going to further waste time showing us nothing? Don't show up.

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But Skyrim was leaps and bounds better than Oblivion.

The people who cry about the pee and baby shaking are the ones who's first MGS was V

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Bomb in the cooter (literally).

Don't hold your breath

Yakuza already has a vomit mechanic. So I guess so

but after ripping my spine apart, would you be able to escape the police who would hunt for you? in jail you would have a hard time getting crack. you see, this world is filled with many types of people, some who smoke crack, and some who do not, you must choose who you want to be among all these people. do you want to be the guy no one likes because he smokes crack and threatens to rip people apart, or do you want to be a spiritual guru with a fat bank account?

But the thing is we don`t know about how they fit the world you retards, as far as we know they are self contained MGS style bosses, some of the many things that didn`t fit the open world model.

>Shitting on V
The story was complete garbage but the gameplay was tight as fuck. If kojima just got the time that he needed we might have gotten a GOTYAY game out of that entire shitstorm. Sadly he pissed away the funds on hanging out with Hollywood ''stars'' instead which unsurprisingly pissed of Konami. But with Sonys huge fucking war coffers we might atually get a complete game this time.

I'm expecting DS to be as bad as MGSV. The gameplay looks boring and the cutscenes will no doubt be short and awkward.

it was literally the same except for graphics and dragons, actually it was worse because it further downgraded the leveling system and kept creatures leveling up alongside you.
shit game and boring after a few hours, it's appeal as an rpg is lost as it tried to turn itself into a slow as fuck adventure game and blew it's budget on voice actors.

The MGSV funds had nothing to do with meeting celebrities you absolute retard. They were crafting a current-gen multiplat engine which is a huge undertaking and rightfully took most of the resources and time they had.

>be Kojima
>leave your old job and a two decade year old franchise
>say fuck off, I'm making my own studio
>travel halfway around the world to hang out with hollywood actors
>spend years just broing with them, smoking cigs and eating burgers
>have hot models constantly calling trying to get into your game but can't be bothered
>get on stage to finally reveal the detail of your nearly completed magnum opus
>it shows off piss physics and milky tit NPC's
>the crowd goes wild

Make whatever shitposts you want, the man has already won. While western devs are crying about the latest social crime on twitter, Kojima has been fucking their women and casually making a cashcow out of fucking nothing. It doesn't matter if the game is good or not. He's already won. Accept it.

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Why did the jap launch reveal get more content than all the other ones? Who the fuck knows. kojima's a racist cunt.

>huge anticipation for DS
>fan theories rife
>Kojima introduced like a conquering hero
>let me show you some character portraits *raucous cheers*
>okay let me show you a little bit of gameplay
>open radial menu, select piss
>relieve yourself all over the fans' hopes and dreams

>If kojima just got the time that he needed we might have gotten a GOTYAY game out of that entire shitstorm.


You say this every time an exclusive IP comes about, then the game gets 10/10s and you continue, why? Why do you continue to yell into the void when the reality and future continues to prove you wrong and insignificant? Nobody cares about you, the overall sales of the game feel no impact from your whining. You are, in essence, a Phantom.

Except the bosses in Death Stranding look nothing like MGSV's bosses and it's not the first open world game to have bosses.

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ive honestly lost like 90% of my interest i had in this game from when it was initially revealed. i just wanted silent hills. WHY

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So this game is just so Kojima can play with all his friends like they are dolls? Fucking weird man.

>he didn't realise they were mocking how dumb players can often walk their characters off high places


some really superficial ones do. but its mostly attitude, no matter how shitty you look

It never was Silent Hill(s) or something even close similar from the beginning, you fucking retard.

>but wait there`s more
>extended section of main character walking towards a waypoint
>it`s so long and boring they jump cut out of it
>reaches a weird structure that talks to you
>confirms you are a UPS men, something we known for years
>some smug journalist laughs at you and make weird poses

Honestly should just have been a silent hill/mgs v ripoff. Would have been better than this boring deliveryman acid trip.

Right MGS V is like at most a 6/10 game. Gameplay for the say first half is fine. You can do some neat meme stuff but 3/4 of the way in the game goes to shit. It's empy, lifeless, boring and padded out with meaningless gameplay.

The cinematography in Death Stranding so far is very similar to MGS V, le meme silent protagonist only delivering some meme lines with shaky cam.

It's understandable I'd be a bit cautios man.

he's a delivery man and carries a baby around.
get it? gross.

I'm watching the first minutes of gameplay and I assure you this game is going to be good.

Call me shill, whatever you want but this actually looks something fresh, like Metal Gear Solid 1 fresh.

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Does Kojima let Norman piss on him?

I just say what I think faggot, you are the one with delusions

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Can i go and climb those mountains?

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mgsv would be 8/10 if they hadn't told the entire story through side tapes.

>Ok, then don't show anything? Why bother showing up at every conference if you're just going to further waste time showing us nothing?
To create hype, which will help selling the game on release. I know that wanting to get more sales and money from a commercial product sounds exceptionally retarded, but
oh no it makes sense

Only redeeming qualities of V is gameplay, that engine was tight and ran like butter on old rigs, too bad Kojimbo can never use it again

So Kojima definitely has a piss fetish huh. I figured since every mgs game had piss shit but it is now 100% confirmed.

>not reading the dozens of connections silent hills had with death stranding trailer
>not looking at the initial trailers for ds and the LITERAL CONNECTIONS between silent hills and death stranding
Actual fucking retard. Bet you’d try sucking the piss out of kojimas dick too wouldnt you?

you say that like it's a bad thing

>the gameplay was tight as fuck
Mechanics were.
Gameplay was
>grind resources
>grind same side ops
>grind main missions which don't differ much from side ops
>grind animals
>If kojima just got the time that he needed
Five fucking years.

>Imagine SotC but without boss fights, a cool horse and its beautiful soundtrack

I joked that Kojimafags would worship him as he pissed all over them
Turns out the joke was reality

>Collectors edition comes with a container of kojima's piss

I know everyone is focused on the piss. But the blood level bar being your life/health bar I found to be a neat way to do it.

Starting to think Konami was right.

Nigga movie games or not this has been the best gen we've had since the PS2:

>Yakuza 0, KW2 and 6
>MGSV (fuck you, best gameplay in the series)
>Witcher 3
>RDR2 (le meme game xDDDD fuck off)
>Gears 4
>Runescape is back to its roots and better than ever
>Warframe is incredible as of this gen
>Far Cry 5 best one since 2
>JEDI: Fallen Order
>Skyrim SE fixes much of its issues on PC
>Mario Odyssey
>BotW I guess but I didn't like it.
>Wolfenstein TNO
>GR Wildlands
and so much more.

Why the fuck Death Stranding's gameplay looks so clunky when MGSV gameplay was smooth and tight as fuck? Even Horizon Zero Dawn (made on the same engine) looks better than this.

MGS2 > MGS3 no matter how much you think 3 was somehow even better.

But we have seen boss fights in trailers.

And they spent atleast 3 of them developing their own AAA game engine.

Are you one of the retards that pretend riding a horse on a empty world doesn`t get old fast?


Those LITERAL connections are from your cocksucking gamer you faggot.

And i actually don't care about Kojima or this game. Just are amused about such closetfags like you with childish wishful retard delusioned thinking.

Au contraire, Sam reminds me more of the autistic mannerisms of Snake in MGS3. He repeats people's statements as questions and repeatedly talks to himself, it's like Big Boss 2.0 without the angst or PUNISHED meme.

Which game? Because it didn't get old in SotC.

>Far Cry 5 best one since 2
>since 2

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you're right, it's a running simulator! based user, based!

You never played SotC did you?

Nigger I think this game will bomb too but me insisting le movie games suck and it won't get 10/10s isn't going to change reality, all it changes is that I'm wasting my time.

based, piss and golden showers with a slutty girl into watersports and squirting is fucking hot to partake in.

I did, back at the ps2. The boss fights gave a nice break from running to point A to B, the travelling did not carried the game alone by a long shot

people will inevitably find a way to see norman pissong from the front
do you think he'll be a ken doll like raiden in mgs2?

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>reddit for not being a miserable sack of shit who actually enjoys this medium

alright bud

>The MGSV funds had nothing to do with meeting celebrities you absolute retard.
Kiefer Sutherland was a notorious drunkard jew that wanted way more money than he was worth. Infact, most of the voiceactors in the game wanted way more money than they were worth. Atleast if the rumors are true that re-using the same voiceactors from the older games would have been cheaper than using Kiefers voice alone.

>They were crafting a current-gen multiplat engine which is a huge undertaking and rightfully took most of the resources and time they had.
Yepp, but I don't think that is why konami were so angry at him, he obviously wasted a fair amount of money while working on the engine/game

Do you think they're going to be like the songbird in Bioshock Infinite? When has an enemy showoff in a Kojima game not shown up as an actual enemy

it will be self contained boss fights just like MGSV, kojima is too egocentric to not make the gameplay plot dependent, he insist of making interactive movies rather than fucking videogames

Kojima was fired because making videogames didnt make as much money as gacha shit, thats literally it. Its all there backed up with evidence

Enjoy your walking simulator. Bet you’ll spend more time trying to look at norman reedus’s dick in-game while you stroke your cock off to your kojima poster on the wall you micro dick mongoloid

He's right, though. Your list shows that you just like what you're told to like. You have to go back.

I will accept DMC, Witcher , RDR2, Bloodborne, Mario Odyssey and BotW. The rest I'm not agreeing on. Also including the switch is a little iffy since that's completely ignoring the 5 years we had the Wii u.

So now contained boss fights are bad? Holy shit

if that were the case wouldn't I like Until Dawn, Halo 5, GoW, Days Gone, InFAMOUS, Dark Souls 3, BotW, Fire Emblem, Division, Battlefront 2, oh look the list goes on because you're retarded.

Honestly user sometimes I forget the wii-u even happened. I'd list Bayo 2 but when it does come to mind, I just miss Bayo 1 more and that was from a gen prior.

>Your list shows that you just like what you're told to like.
Have you considered user likes games because he likes them? Try stop getting high off your own farts.

>We will pursue mobile games aggressively. Our main platform will be mobiles. Following the pay-as-you-play model of games like Power pro and Winning Eleven with additional content, our games must move from selling things like "items" to selling things like "features.
This is the guy who replaced Kojima at Konami

Attached: hayakawa.jpg (400x300, 20K)

Honestly the teaser sold me on the game.
The novelty is more interesting than whatever shooty shooty bang bang sequences the game might have.

Thanks user, I even specified including BotW despite not even liking it myself just by the merits of it being a unanimously loved video game. Aside from BotW I genuinely loved everything listed and I was a miserable bitter fuck last gen who outright considered quitting the hobby because I was so jaded and unimpressed.

Didn`t worked for MGSV, why do you think it will for this shit?

That's the most ridiculous exaggeration I've seen this week.

It's worked for literally every single MGS game you brainlet why would it not here


which means even if you retards hate death stranding, we're inevitably going to get more kojima games in the future and you'll still be alive then probably so it's fine

im nervous this game will be too depressing so im gonna hold off a while and see what happens. im just not in the mood yet.

Who fucking gives a shit you clown, boss fights are boss fights

>Spend 3-4 years developing your own game engine from scratch with ''next-gen'' in mind
>Have too scrap half of the engine features halfway through development becuase ''LOL, PS4/XB1 is not nearly as large of a jump in tech as you were promised. Sorry :^)''
>Konami notice that you can earn more money on selling metal balls to senile old people and retards.
>Tells Kojima to hurry the fuck up even though they were the guys that greenlit his engine and gave him all of that time/money
>Has to rush out MGSV in a 3-2 year timeframe while Konami is breathing down their necks
>Oh and BTW, make sure that the game run on last gen systems too :^)
It is a miracle that they managed to make the gameplay as thight as it is while being rushed to kick the game out of development. They even had to cut out GZ and sell it as its own game to earn some extra time. And if GZ was any indication (since kojima himself sold it as a ''vertical slice'') MGSV could have been MUCH better than it already is if Konami had just given him more time and ignored chasing old-mans-balls.

Death stranding is gonna be a huge success no matter what. I think we can all agree on that, the game has had too much marketing to fail, it's not possible. However I hope we can separate the quality of the game from the success of the game when we discuss it. A game can be successful and bad.

>time to show The Real Thing™ at gamescom

>"I want to wait for TGS to show gameplay"
>shows pissing on command
>you can make piss mushrooms together with other people
>Dorito Pope is in-game
>if the baby gets upset you have to rock it with motion control to stop it crying
>oh piss can be used as a weapon

But I agree with everything you said OP, all the ingredients are there he just refuses to fucking show it.

Attached: DIE-RUSEMAN.png (1400x933, 742K)

In for a rude awakening.

>you can make piss mushrooms together

heh nice try but Yea Forums showed me how to do that in 2011 when that one user posted his piss bottle stash and there were shrooms growing out the caps and onto his old keyboard.

anyone still have the cap of that or are you all underage ITT?

Gameplay is the least important part of MGS, nobody plays those games for the gameplay. They only play them for the story. Kojima is a hack because MGSV is a massive failure narrative-wise and one of the worst stories told in gaming.

>>"I want to wait for TGS to show gameplay"
He probably only showed up because Doritos Pope asked him nicely.
In hindsight I should have realized a Japanese dev would wait to have the main showcase at Tokyo Game Show.

MGSV's bosses weren't self contained at all you fucking amoeba they all took place in the open world, especially Sahelanthrophus which turned out to be one of the best fights in the series.

Daily reminder...

Konami had the most influence in MGS1. Redditors hate Konami but Konami guided Kojima not to be fucking retarded.

>open world

when the fuck is this meme gonna die?

I don't remember that. I recall the guy that would post his yearly cum bottle every new year though he turned out to be fake.

The truth of it is Konami used to be good and became shit long before MGSV got them bad publicity.

Okay, name a better story in games than MGSV.

At least mobile games have more gameplay than any of the garbage Kojima has pumped out over the past 2 decades. Konami did the right thing by firing the hack.

this game is either going to be great or absolute shit with no chance of anything in between

Pokemon Red/Blue for starters

Open world games have been around since the 80s, zoom zoom.

Attached: smokePepe.jpg (720x724, 29K)

Eat shit. MGS has A+ gameplay. What do you get out of acting like a faggot online? What's wrong with you zoomers?

>Makes MGS1 which revolutionized the stealth genre
>Makes MGS2 which was a massive improvement gameplay wise and had a lot of attention to detail, it biggest flaws were the ''ruse'' and being short as fuck
>Makes MGS3 and a updated version that starts doing ''open ended AI combat'' way before anyone else in the console space starts jumping on that meme (the closest comparison would have been something like Deus Ex)
>MGS 4 considerably upgraded the shoothing/combat mechanics but is bogged down by being more cut-scene than gameplay.

U FUKIN WUT MATE? The games have always been good, even if they didn't have that crazy ass story they would still have been remembered as good games.

I really hope you're joking user.

Attached: 1448402063746.jpg (1337x1289, 238K)

Is this bait? MGS has laughably shallow gameplay compared to Thief, Hitman, and Splinter Cell. Hell, even non-stealth games have more in depth stealth mechanics than MGS games.

Some autist on r9k was posting his piss cups and the ecosystem in 2016

Attached: 1456640028945.jpg (2048x1152, 569K)

>Thief, Hitman, and Splinter Cell
Literally all garbage compared to MGSV.

If it took a franchise 30 years to evolve past games from the 90s/early 00s, you're only proving my point. Not to mention that even then, MGSV doesn't have sound design as good as the first two Thief games or emergent gameplay as good as nu-Hitman.

all I remember was some guy cum mushrooms growing out of his crusty socks he discarded under his fridge

I surely will lol

Attached: 1562520057833.jpg (514x796, 158K)

In the Japanese release date trailer this boss is shown after Sam gets caught by the ghosts in the woods, and they drag him to this thing which they are apparently all attached to. At this point it looks like we're facing a similar kind of boss monster every time we get caught in the rain and grabbed by ghosts.

Attached: Beached Thing.webm (960x540, 1.85M)

Shut the fuck up nigger.

Death Stranding is a sequel to Metal Gear Survive. The Wormholes caused a connection between the living and the dead.

Who gives a shit if it took 30 years?
>emergent gameplay as good as nu-Hitman.
Likely because they're completely different types of game, mini mind.

Let's be honest, the game is most likely going to be pretty mediocre and the Kojima fanboys will still claim it's the greatest thing ever. All he's done is put his friends into the game. This is just another paycheck for him and his friends.

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Let's be honest, it'll be great and you'll keep on being a bitter seething faggot.

don't ever dare to post molymeme along with your tranny seething posts


why would I want to imagine anything with that overrated reddit game

Why do kids do this, I pissed in my lego tub once when I was a kid and I have no idea why


If this is a walking simulator at least it'll probably be the best walking simulator on the market. As someone who loves shitty slow games with mindless gameplay I'll probably play a lot of it. Put on some tunes, grab a snack, smoke some weed and drink on a nice comfy day.

I really hope it's not JUST walking around Iceland though, that environment looks boring as shit.

So this game is basically just Kojima's personal fapbait. He probably jerks off playing it every night.

It was never silent hills you simpleton, this is a reboot of metal gear solid.

Kojima is the Adam Sandler of vidya?

>smoke some weed

kek, how has the ammonia not killed him? isn't it illegal to dispose of piss ater it gets that badly, anyway.

you reek of reddit

Poor understanding of how toilets work I would guess. They see a toilet; they see a tub. Maybe they don't comprehend all the unseen aspects such as pipes which take the piss away.

it's for my gingivitis


I post what I want fag now step back before I defoo the shit out of you

Holy shit you're right.


Not quite yet. Kojima does at least try, even if he can't write his way out of a paper bag without the bag being revealed to be a triple agent that wants to be taken off the person's head so their master plan can be completed.


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-20 at 1.09.52 AM.png (1272x466, 87K)

It's speculation. He's just trying to seem smart and pass it off like he's figured it all out.

yeah I guess, but they're making a bigger deal about gamescom this year so it seemed possible.

Take your meds faggot

and you reek of gaia

It's not PS4 exclusive anymore because it's also going to be on PS5

Attached: 1528420512734.png (330x319, 178K)

Whatever, I'll buy it. I love games where you do mundane jobs.

seething schizo

Why are Kojimadrones so insufferable?

>amazon delivery simulator

might be less gameplay than MGS4.

i love reddit the fuck you gonna do about it faggot

are you german?

traversing land and doing little else is pretty fucking boring.

imagine Skyrim had no enemies, no dungeons, no towns, nothing to loot.

So where are we all gonna piss to get some good shit?

How'd you guess?

It's literally a walking simulator with occasional action adventure elements.

Nothing wrong with that, if the game is built from the ground up for it and doesn't just play itself like Rockstar's """""""""games"""""""""
Just fucking admit it and be done with this. It's not the second coming of Christ; it's the first self-aware movie game. Pretty good.
Can't wait for the plot.

>we have to make it an exclusive or else nobody will buy our console
Tell me why it isn't this

Attached: 1566170601721.png (144x150, 85K)

But there are enemies, towns, and loot. Do you even watch the fucking trailers?

>put fucking doritos pope IN THE GAME

>a guy who hosts a game award show

justify this, literally pay for publicity.

Zoom zoom.

Attached: RDR2 gunplay.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

I bet you're a real hoot at parties

dorito pope is fucking based you newfag

>literally pay for publicity.
Uh yeah, publicity is used exchanged for currency in the form of advertising and marketing.


so does anyone think walking for 2 hours and putting up ladders is going to be "fun"?

my concern is the core gameplay appears to be walking...a lot. and not like open world games with lots of stuff to see/do (say like, AC Odyssey), but most of the world seems empty.

this is lower tier than your average carnival shooting gallery, I don't know why it keeps getting posted

'sup schizo, u mad?
Wasted 60$ on a piece of shit that literally punishes you for not letting it play itself and now you feel the need to justify your purchase in your little fucked up mind.
>a console turd person shooter with aim-assist and bullet magnetism lmaoooooooooo
>dude shrinking horse balls lmaoooooooooooo

well fortnite is the most popular game ever and all you do is put up ladders and walls

I don't think you could've posted a more zoomer game webm if you tried. Maybe if it had QTEs in it too.

Do you not understand what the meaning of Dorito Pope was and why it wasn't a compliment you brain dead parrot?

Its a slow game for sure, but it looks like it has alot of action to offer aswell, its just not the best approach in most situations.

Attached: 1559336049011.webm (1280x712, 2.6M)

Looks like an absolute trash game. I'll probably watch a lets play so I can tell all the blind fanboys how shit their favorite game is

why are you such a fucking newfag?

it is a giant conflict of interest

the guy runs a game award show and HE IS IN THE GAME, DORITOS POPE.

now it will win all the awards because bias.

no it will win awards because doritos and mountain dew are fucking based

But it looks like an "art" game, not a game game.

ie: David Cage "games".


Sutherland took out less than the mega jew David Hayter though.

>Yepp, but I don't think that is why konami were so angry at him
Your opinion doesn't matter. The truth is that most of MGSV's budget went into making the engine which was intended for all Konami current-gen games.


Is this the first game where the player can pee without it being part of some lame Duke Nuke Em tier ""humor""? Even Sims or Digimon would make a joke out of it.
I think its awesome, like, think of all those Fallout characters, they must be so constipated.

Even if he wasn't in the game he would give Kojima all the rewards, he's been sucking Kojimas dick for years

You can easily see that it isn't by paying attention to the animations and tight control in just the movement over terrain, and especially in the brief brawl against those bandits and the monster whale death.

>pee on the ground
>a mushroom grows
>not humor

it's only based if we can shit as well

Kojimbo could make a diarrhea simulator and it'd still be superior to the abhorrent garbage Cage makes. Anything is better than what Cage makes.

You dumb nigger, you're literally a fucking poser misusing the term newfag.

Attached: reviewersprayer.jpg (1920x1080, 206K)

What did he mean by this?

Attached: 1554656342508.jpg (1120x1580, 1.24M)

Persona games let you use the bathroom.

pretty much this
co-op mode will be announced post launch

I 100% believe this is an artsy game

The core of the game is gonna be muh celebrities

why are you such a newfag?

>any game has wilderness that you have to traverse
>this is a bad thing and makes it an "empty" world and a "walking simulator"

How is the game supposed to be, then?
A tiny map with locations every 5 meters, a bustling city like Cyberpunk, and most transport should be fast travel and/or vehicles.
It does actually have derivable vehicles.

Attached: Marcille_05.png (405x797, 216K)

I'm really hoping this is good
For Keighley's sake if nothing else

Looks based to me you fucking retard.

read posts above, that shit happens lmao

Are you drunk?


It actually is, though




you try








>Fucking JUKED!!

based as fuck!!!

no, I'm not. The game isn't gonna make you wait six years like that autist on /r9k/ did for the mushroom to grow, but ammonia does grow out fungus retard.

death stranding beta tester here.

Attached: deathstranding2.jpg (780x508, 126K)

It's as "artsy" as Oceans Eleven in that regard. The sheer celebrity peddling shows a lack of tact or restraint. And sticking a literal games media shill in as a cameo completely rapes any facade of tastefulness coming from this game. This is a guy who gets all of his narrative ideas and aesthetic inspirations from 90's American action movies. Where do these absurd delusions of artfulness come from? Because he stuffed his action series about men in tight spandex blowing up nuclear robots with some sophomoric philosophy along the way?

Attached: 1541891265698.png (480x504, 395K)

what the fuck are you talking about retard

>Your problem is that you hype things up beyond any realistic measure of actual reality
I don't have any expectations and it looks like piss and shit.

It's literally because he lied about who was the protag in MGS2 and ever since he's crowned as an artsy ruseman who thinks in 4D.

>thinking kojima, a known closeted homosexual and cuckold, has ever had sex

>he hasn't even read the thread where people are literally talking about anons' pissbottles growing mushrooms out of them

fucking hell

Enlighten us then

And that has nothing to do with the post you originally quoted you absolute fucking moron.

Didn’t he also predict the future? Or was that Fukushima’s writing?

eat my poo and die :)

He’s saying it’s not humour because it’s something that does happen. The mushrooms aren’t there because mushrooms look funny for a “here’s a pee spot” but because ammonia does produce shrooms, not as fast but it will. That’s what I got at least.

thank you, pretty much what I was going for.

but it's a hologram not a real mushroom and it is funny

you fucking retards suck my peepee and die

>monster is an assfaced lion
modern art ladies and gentlemen

Attached: IMG_0311.png (1136x640, 589K)

Starting to think shitposters are causing us to fight each other.

>being proud of your country means you'r racist
Hellooooooo, Resetra

it's okay man i still love you


No, being proud of your country just means you're a retard because you don't owe a choc of land owned by your zionist overlords fuck all.

Sam! The homo demons from Edge Nut City have summoned an oily butthole lion and plan to steal Mama's milk! Stop pissing around and get her safely to President Jackshit!

>i-it's just a rock! everything is a s-social construct!
Fuck off retard.

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I find it fun. I hate modern open world games full of pointless, meaningless shit to collect. That's one of the reasons I also liked the open world of Kenshi; In a way walking and immersing yourself is part of the gameplay, and I'd rather have that than some mundane Ubisoft-tier world filled with trash

he's saving the scat shit for his japanese fans obviously since they love that shit

kojima has never made a bad game. Every single one has succeeded in being an entertaining experience.

>Yea Forums zoomers are mad it's not like fortnite

user do you know any far-left libs who hate zionists and are anti-patriotism? Can't strawman me to be one of those tranny lovers because I ain't, I want every one of those kid-raping crossdressers to stop being enabled by society, but that doesn't make me on the same side as those people who worship their plot of land as if every human being out there doesn't share equal capacity for good and evil regardless of where they are.

Uh oh! Not Mama's milkies! Good thing I have a fetus in a bottle and a my extendo-ladder. This ass-lion wont know what hit him!

I know there is more to the gameplay, we've seen lots of different things in the various trailers. It still doesn't sit right with me that Kojima hyped up a virtual piss. He must be laughing at us.

Found the SJW


Attached: 1566260031673.jpg (249x249, 61K)

Take this homo demons!
*holds L2 to unzip dick*

You're overdoing it, and yes - the left-wing do hate Jews. See Israel/Palestine you idiot.

Attached: 6dad45d227dd8a2a06717ec5ee78b9aa2b43b6061c56c207aaf14125637cfe06.jpg (632x1952, 106K)

>Kojima says to geoff the piss mechanic is important 'later'
>urinate on the HomoDemons with your penis, curing their homosexuality


Haven't seen this much seething since BotW.
God it's great.

Left wing love trannies and abortions, I want trannies dead and abortion to be a crime. The only thing I'd allow myself to be called is trans-exclusionary, I hate them with a burning passion. Plus, user, I'm keeping my opinions tame here: you're gonna have a field day if I told you I unironically believe our magnetite levels in our brain are causing us all to be intrinsically linked and during our hypnogogiac states of lucidity while dreaming the consciousness that is our reality creates other universes.

Isn't it part of the fun?

Um, sweety? Youre wrong.

unironically making me want to buy this meme machine now holy fuck thats funny

The 2nd half of the game better not end up like Chpter2 of MGSV.


Good job on saving Mama's milk, Sam. Now Die Hard Man has a new mission for you. The Doritos Pope needs you to deliver a very special package to the Moon Whale. You'll need to deploy a fully upgraded ladder to reach it.

There's gotta be some r34 of Sam fucking the ass-lion right?

Let's not take it that far

Attached: 85.jpg (1920x1080, 538K)

I don't know why I'd be even the least bit interested in this game. There's nothing about it that's particularly compelling from what I've seen so far. Just a confusing mess of obscure messages and curtained statements that mean fuck all. Typical of the dev and his shit is getting tired.

>apocalyptica path plays on loop for tens minutes as you climb a ladder to the moon

Oh boy! I can't wait to travel across a wasteland to deliver Mama's deluxe milk packages! Hopefully holographic Doritos Pope doesn't mind the urine stains...

Why wouldn't the posse or gang just light the fucking place on fire?

>literally just open world with dark souls online shit

wow revolutionary

This is great. I wish I could play it.

This post alone just made me pre-order, fuck.

Sleeping Pissing Deliveryman Action with special guest appearance Dorito Pope

Oh no! Mama's Milk got contaminated with Crack™, Better get Crack Bridge Baby some Cool Ranch™ Doritos® from Holographic™ Doritos Pope® before Ass Lion gets to him first.

that would actually be kino as fuck

>urine stains
Sure, user. "Urine"

I still want to know how he's carrying that refrigerator on his back without an exosuit or something. You're not climbing shit with that on no matter who your are. Is he a cyborg?

Say what you want, but for a new IP, Kojima isn't playing it safe even if it's pissing (lol) a lot of people off. I commend it and I'm eying this game very curiously.

This is from the trailer in spring. You've already been told how hype it will be.
This is like doubting Bitcoin in 2015.

>without an exosuit
He's got an exosuit. Webm is blurry and it's just hard to see cause it is built into the suit and same color.

30% chance it has the thing where you piss your pants if you fall asleep in warm water

>if it's pissing (lol) a lot of people off.

Oh no, the Crack Bridge Baby died from me rocking it too hard. Luckily I keep a spare baby in my throat! I'll just reach down there and grab it and they'll be none the wiser.

>tfw there's no cum or shit option

Attached: 4102272_3.jpg (630x630, 51K)

Look just sign this stupid petition, I've got stuff to do.

Better make sure the ass-lion doesn't come back and piss all over you! You'll get a golden shower mask and become a Homo Demon!

>Anyone else think the graphics look like shit?
Not at all. Go back to your Bloodstained threads.


the umbrella is too good i can never hate the game just because of the umbrella

zoomers actually


No wonder he was fired from Konami.

Good thing I preordered and got Golden Shower® Doritos™ and Golden Shower ® Mountain Dew™ DLC armor It gives you +15 Piss Stamina and optional Mentrual Shit Cum resistance

I really don't care for Fragile or Wagner's character, Qualley seems like the only one with depth so far and no, I'm not one of the MOMMA MILKERS fags, she just seems interesting.

Why are console games always so fucking blurry? Fuck I hope we get a pc version to fix this shit.


Quick Sam! Press the L2 button to whip out your dick. By holding R2 you can rain down a hail of piss on your enemy leaving a mushroom trail of death in your wake.
But keep an eye on your urine meter. You'll need to replenish it with a steady supply of Mountain Dew™.

>I really don't care for Fragile
She's my favorite so far. Maybe you just don't like Io's.

>to reach the moon you all need to piss in the same spot to make a massive ammonia towershroom to climb up

>the umbrella is too good

look at this faggot who doesn't even want to play pissing through the forest during your fedex break simulator 2019: wife's son edition
look at this faggot and laugh

Attached: 1554148204934.gif (230x306, 1.92M)

Through dick, unity

This is going to be the BEST walking simulator EVER. It's gonna have the trademark Kojimbo words words words and insanely convoluted storytelling, but it's a walking simulator with some fun to it. Who else would bother to inject a little fun into an otherwise would be plain gameplay? Sure, the piss mechanic is taking the piss on everyone, but do you see anyone else letting you do that? Fuck no, optional little things aren't something you get anymore.
But the beat part is, this is also a BABY CARING SIMULATOR

Fragile just seems like she's trying too hard to be memorable and mysterious, that umbrella is cool conceptually but practically it's retarded and that grub eating scene of hers was done to be like WOAH PRETTY GIRL EAT BUG :OOOO, Mama left more of an impression just by saying her kid is left on the other side so she's stuck in one place.

>the BEST walking simulator EVER.

Attached: 250px-OkamiNTSCcoverFinal.jpg (250x317, 35K)

The true HOMO DEMONS were the friends who crossed piss streams with us along the way.

lurk more
>Fragile just seems like she's trying too hard to be memorable and mysterious
Again, this is just your psychological bent projecting that behavior onto her.
>that umbrella is cool conceptually but practically it's retarded
I think you're too young to know what umbrellas are for.

in all seriousness, it's probably going to be a MGS-esque stealth game.

I quit shortly after reaching the dream world. This game was dull and Death Stranding fits my sensibilities more.

The true bridge baby was inside you all along.
>camera shoots down throat
>true bridge gives player a thumbs up

>futuristic amazon delivery man strapon baby network technician
how many piss mushrooms did he eat to come up with this?


Attached: I'll keep coming.jpg (1200x675, 124K)

Asylum for the feeling...

He didn't, he watched IO and Source Code in 2013 and 2017.

Those movies must be of the highest artistic kino cause I've never even heard of them.

Attached: 1559277227949.jpg (893x483, 136K)

That's bad because...?
... in your fascistic tranny world there's no fantasy allowed!

IO I can understand, but you really never saw Source Code? It's nearly a decade old now, Jake Gyllenhaal is in it, fantastic movie I heartily recommend if you get the chance; you can see how it influenced MGSV if you pay attention too.


Hideki? Kamiya?


>no cumeepeepeepoopoo option

Attached: 1522000372338.gif (200x153, 2.48M)

How the fuck is Okami a walking simulator?
What the heck is wrong with you casual fag.

asylums for the homodemons...
ran out of mama's milkies...i ran out of...



Attached: you.webm (720x404, 2.8M)


(what happened to poo?)

>this fucking whole thread

Attached: laugh.gif (480x205, 3.48M)


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Skyrim is kino.

>mgsv trailers were pure kino
>game sucked
>death stranding trailers are pure kino


Cuntjima is getting parred by cyberpunk2077 anyway. Death stranding is virtually irrelevant at this point. Will be forgotten within 3 days of it's release.

What the fuck does parred mean? More importantly, Cyberpunk comes out half a year after Death Stranding. They're not in competition.

Hideki Hiyakawa, the President of Konami who put the company on their mobile focus and ousted Kojima.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with MGSV gameplay, which is what was important. People like Hideo's wacky plot rides, which are another fun reason to play the game and unfortunately disappointed in MGSV, but he's always nailed gameplay first.

Retards on Yea Forums are constantly trying to stir up rivalry. They post the exact same thing in Cyberpunk threads but the other way around.

Ah ok now i know what you actually was talking about.

Also current Konami management = Yakuza. Most Japanese are pretty confident about it.

sure gameplay was good if you like killing the same copy paste outposts over and over everything else fucking sucked

i think you think he would find that hilarious

Moonbase alpha sequel looking good

fridges aren't that heavy
no idea what's inside that one though

Attached: A07uyXOr.jpg (1365x2048, 460K)

>>Makes MGS1 which revolutionized the stealth genre
you mean the movie game genre?

Kojima has always been an overrated autist more interested in waifus than actual games.

This sounds fucking awful
An always online single player game that requires fake multiplayer over years to just see the story?
I hope it's not true

>I hope it's not true
It's not. Kojima has gone on record that you can play the game offline just fine.

kojima has gone on the record saying that we have never fucked but that is also a lie

It looks like utterly boring and generic open world trash combined with unbearable kojimatard storytelling. Big no from me dog

>but there's combat and stuff
And like TPP, 80% of your time in the game will be spent traversing an empty world.

cant wait for some autist to spend houndreds of hours building a wall in the south of the map

>an empty world.
Nice bait.

No day 1 PC version no fuck given.

7 inch is considered huge?

>I just say what I think
Which is largely irrelevant.

She didn't say huge... I wouldn't say it's huge, but I guess that's not really the point.

I've played the dev build, the game is alright. Feels like MGSV except with less wacky stuff to do because enemies are less common and there's no vehicles and shit. The disconnected feeling of story vs side missions is even more apparent here, and the whole strand concept is pretty lame, it's basically just leaving messages and loot for people, I guess Kojimbo played N:A, saw the ending, and wanted to put something similar into his game without really understanding that the reason it has an emotional impact is because it's only a single point.

It's a tolerable experience, I think the story is going to be a bit better than V even though the writing is the same complete fucking mess. I think the English community is going to be a lot more confused about it all though, because Kojima's autistic need to look in on recording sessions and stuff have lead to the translated script becoming a bit of a mess. The studio itself feels like a bunch of lemmings running off a cliff, but the amount of ad money Sony is pumping into this will probably save them.

>there's no vehicles and shit.
there is a motorcycle, aleast watch the trailers before you make up shit

>Peace Walker
>better gameplay than the rest of the series


MHW is not open world dude.

2 was pretty great user. You were just a casual when you played it. Probably played on easy and used quicksaves often.

Pressing buttons isn't gameplay user.

Is 7 inches small?

>80% of TPP traversing empty world
the space between outposts took very little time to go through, you spend more time in the ACC customizing weapons and deciding what to spend points on next and sending ya boys out on missions

>Still trusting Kojima after his pure garbage streak

I just don't get it how you can be such a drone. I used to think of myself as a MGS fanboy but I'm glad to see that on the wider spectrum i actually was not.

Attached: 1565773000866.gif (400x282, 1.91M)

Wow, an enemy's pathfinding took them past a window repeatedly, and then they came through the door. Blindingly technological.

This looks so stupid in the open environments.

This sounds more interesting than all the walking, Kojima should have shown an example of this instead.

Kojima, give me +30 minute video where you show how all these gameplay elements come together, other developers do this too for their games.

>It gets people to buy games who otherwise wouldn't because they're not invested in th hobby and it helps connect with something they do care about (movies) but it still depresses me.

are you being serious? did the Yea Forums hivemind suck your brain out? people enjoy all sorts of games. I beat botw two months, bought bloodstained, played killing floor 2 with a friend and I'm
looking forward to astral chain while I'm really hyped about DS.
stop playing one genre only, stop listening to autists who don't even care about vidya

You're dumb if you think there aren't a lot more gameplay mechanics to show off