Best DS games that flew under the radar

Best DS games that flew under the radar

Attached: Contact.jpg (336x296, 16K)

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Contact was great
here's another great game that flew under the radar

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why couldn't they be assed to make a better cover for it then?

Attached: 1544120914577.jpg (300x269, 35K)

>one of the few games I cant easily emulate on my phone
>it doesnt work on twilight menu

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Read the compatibility list you idiot. The euro version works.

Is "under the radar" another way of saying "bad game that got tons of praise"?

Developed by Eidos lol? Imagine being signed on to make a Hitman or Deus Ex game and ended up making Soul Bubbles.
Obligitory Hotel Dusk.

Attached: Hotel Dusk.jpg (333x299, 21K)

published by Edios

Looks like a Gorillaz album cover