About to buy ion fury

>about to buy ion fury
>see this
Thank god I saw it in time, now I can save my fucking money on this.

Attached: IMG_20190819_194143.jpg (1079x959, 444K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>sensitivity training

Attached: disgust.jpg (500x320, 24K)

>reading a kotaku article

you can go back to resetera now fag.

We just keep winning y'all!

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pic related.

Attached: A-Clockwork-Orange-3.jpg (900x539, 96K)

>imagine your money going to trannies
oh ho it didn't happen

Imagine not buying a fucking video game because they took out two gay jokes, what the actual fuck is with you people?

eventually you're gonna run out of IP addresses to keep rehashing this shit here, and then I'm gonna rejoice

Yet another non-issue. I never even heard of this game until the /pol/ peanut gallery decided to kick up a fuss over it.

imagine buying a game that caters to tranny dilators. miss me with that gay shit.