>about to buy ion fury
>see this
Thank god I saw it in time, now I can save my fucking money on this.
About to buy ion fury
Other urls found in this thread:
>sensitivity training
>reading a kotaku article
you can go back to resetera now fag.
We just keep winning y'all!
pic related.
>imagine your money going to trannies
oh ho it didn't happen
Imagine not buying a fucking video game because they took out two gay jokes, what the actual fuck is with you people?
eventually you're gonna run out of IP addresses to keep rehashing this shit here, and then I'm gonna rejoice
Yet another non-issue. I never even heard of this game until the /pol/ peanut gallery decided to kick up a fuss over it.
imagine buying a game that caters to tranny dilators. miss me with that gay shit.
You must be new here.
>external factors literally change the gameplay, guys!
Did you miss that they donated $10k to a tranny cult and threw their dev under the bus for expressing his perfectly sane and reasonable opinion that no one should be deciding their pre-speech infants are trans?
Imagine getting upset at a video game because it has gay jokes
>its okay to not buy a game cause it has gay jokes
>its not okay to not support devs censoring and bending over to retarded people
What the fuck is wrong with you, dumb redditor? My money my choice.
I'm 100% sure it's one autistic faggot that keeps doing the same thread over and over since the mods have been deleting threads like this all day long.
You need to wait a year before buying games today. Both to see if microtransactions are introduced and if the developers turn into a weird cuck creep.
Glad I pirated it.
Why are the mods deleting a thread about video games?
imagine coming here from his trannie discrod
How are you 100% certain then? Go on, I'll wait.
What-the-fuck-ever. They could be donating the money to brain-eating Illuminati lizards from Jupiter, for all I care. Is the game itself any good?
>White people
he is transexual and blackmailed by his peers if he doesn't delete
>if you knew how bad things really are in the trannie fields
Imagine buying videogames in 2001+18
What the Actual FUCK is WRONG with you PEOPLE???
Because I've been reporting them. This one will be deleted soon.
Im OP and this is first time I made this thread and I literally saw this news 10 minutes ago. Keep spinning your lies though, starting to think you're on 3DRealm's payroll
should've kept it to himself and not gone to retardera
Exactly, and there's a GoG release too, so it takes 0 effort to pirate
For discussing games?
>announcing reports
Uh oh...
>the actions of the devs outside of the game, after the game has already been released, somehow magically change the gameplay of the game for the worse
Sure. It's one of the best boomershooters and they made wonders with the engine. In fact I'd go as far as to say it's the most fun I had with a game in the past few months, but fuck these sjw loving cucks, right bro?
It's ok. The level design is top tier, but thats about all it has going for it. It's short as fuck, and to pad out the length they made the secrets incredibly hard to find, and try to get you to spend more time looking for them by implying you're not a REAL HARDCORE GAMER if you don't find them all. The music is serviceable, but ultimately nothing but forgettable background noise. Shelly is not nearly as good of character as Duke or Wang, and her one-liners are terrible.
It's worth a pirate.
>implying I give a shit
Nobody went to retardera. Nobody in the industry fucking goes there anymore for obvious reasons involving delusional trannies
Yep. Ignore this shit and play. It's a little too fast for my tastes but the level design is pretty good.
Forgot to mention that the weapon arsenal is pretty boring as well, and the guns have no punch to them.
Also Counter-Strike recoil
Imagine giving money to trannies.
>devs literally saying they're patching the game to appease but hurt faggots
>devs taking my money and giving it to a cult that pumps kids with hormones and cuts their duck off
Keep damage controlling, still a no from me dawg
Despite all the rage you're still just a rat in a cage
>enter thread about game
>bitch and moan about the people discussing it
>cry that they dont agree with you
>say you are reporting them all like a hall monitor
>"I dont care!"
>this somehow changes the actual gameplay
fuck off phoneposter
Is the game even that good? I was genuinely considering getting it until now.
I don't think the gamble worked out, bros.
Nah lol
part of the nostalgia of build era games was crude humor like this no matter how much you want to pretend otherwise
I dont buy games that apologize to trannies and faggots
nobody will ever know now...
No the gun selection is pretty bland and boring which hurts FPS games where all you are doing is shooting
>literally funding social regressivism
>not a problem
Hes a zoomer, you really think he played a game from before 2005?
>should've kept it to himself and not gone to retardera
It was an user from here that went to resetera and caused this
/pol/fags are just another breed of sjws.
>this magically makes the keyboard and mouse controls, the combat, the level design different
T. Resetera
Not the case for the best one.
Use the Dark Reader extension user
>part of the nostalgia of build era games was crude humor like this no matter how much you want to pretend otherwise
Guess it's not a good game then
It's excellent.
>build engine nostalgia was just about the keyboard and mouse controls, the combat, the level design
Name the last time a dev patched in "fuck niggers" then donated $10,000 to the KKK. You cant cause every time a sjw cries it's for absolutely nothing
Reminder that the 2 hour limit for refunding isn't concrete.
There was crude humor in this one too
Oh well I guess. Not worth supporting idiots for.
>these are the only aspects of a game
I will not put my money into the pockets of people who will give their employees "mandatory sensitivity training" like it is some Owell dystopia
Lol you sound triggered. Need a safe space? Looks like you are the real SJW now.
Are you joking? You havent played Blood, clearly
Why are you zoomers making all these incorrect statements about Build Engine games in this thread?
>no u
You're being very insensitive to that user. Do you need training?
There was crude humor of the violent/horror-themed variety but I don't recall anything that would be construed as offensive even if it were released today, i.e. they type of crude humor to be sort being patched in IF. It's not like all crude humor is wiped from IF (for instance the "this man has no dick" bit remains).
Fucking weak chickenshits.
never let them live it down Yea Forums.
If they patch this out because it's offensive I will refund it and then pirate it.
The fact that you support any form of jokes or personality being patched out of a game says a lot about you, specifically your age and the fact that you havent played or kept up with boomer shooters. Fuck off.
Everyone is allowed to protest support of a video game company based on their actions.
If people think it is alright to harrass and strong arm a developer to remove offensive jokes from their video game by boycott threats, then people are allowed to boycott a videogame for unjust workplace environments like forcing employees to undergo sensitivity training
Holy shit, how can you be so insensitive?
said that crude humor 'like this' (referring to the two gay references being patched out of IF - although only one of them is actually a joke) is part of the nostalgia for Build engine games and I am simply saying that's not true for all of them. It's still retarded to patch them out but it's also an inconsequential change.
>There was crude humor of the violent/horror-themed variety but I don't recall anything that would be construed as offensive
We said there was crude humor user. You are now moving the goal posts adding the word "offensive" in there because you are a dishonest piece of shit.
This is bullshit though Crude humor is in blood you dishonest zoomer tranny
See and >part of the nostalgia of build era games was crude humor like this
"This" referring to the patched items in IF mentioned earlier in the post chain.
Reread those posts ESL.
How is "Ogay" offensive exactly?
Ask the people who were offended.
Sometimes I feel like two thirds of Yea Forums needs to be euthanized. What a congregation of scum retards you all are. I want you electionfags gone.
It would be a better place.
Why does this read like we live in the world with that movie that brainwashed bad people?
This. I got a refund as an americunt as well.
Yes crude jokes were patched out and crude jokes were in Blood.
Why do you fags need to buy a game as soon as it's released?
Except that wasn't enough, they still want the individual devs fucking fired and thrown into the gutter, all because of their opinions, which weren't even that bad to be honest.
Where did he say the first part bitch? Both options are retarded
>everyone on Yea Forums who hates fragile pussies is an electionfag
Your faggotry literally does not cease. I'd say you need to be euthanized but you're already doing it to yourself.
Ogay is probably fine, I don't think it's using the term in a derogatory fashion. I'm surprised a developer thought they could get away with 'fag' though; let alone using 'fag' in a developer message so you can't even play it off as a villain being evil.
>Have to be outraged at everything, including the name of a brand of lotion in a literally-who video game
holy shit based
now, now, there's only a 40% chance of that happening
Stop moving the goalposts, the original poster clearly a specific type of crude humor. If there was anything in Blood like that (gay jokes, ''''misogynistic''' jokes, anything that would make reesetera spaz out) feel free to remind.
his heart was in the right place
Euthanized, castrated. Either way, thank god he won't breed.
So its subjective and you're arguing in bad faith and theres no reason to patch anything out. Got it
>i'm nootral
The problem is he should have used his brain instead.
There is no goalpost moving other than the user who added the word "offensive" in there that was never said in the original argument. What was said that there were crude jokes in Build engine games and Blood also had crude jokes. Being offended by the crude jokes is a subjective thing which is irrelevant because they are all crude jokes.
It’s the best game of the year by far. Shame the devs are cucked faggots.
I don't think there was any good reason to patch it out, I'm against the revisionism that the appeal of these games hinged on LE WACKKY JOEKS XXFDDD
Imagine not buying a video game when the one of the devs states that he doesnt think parents should decide their childrens gender.
Unironically commit suicide.
Well, another game to cross off my list. I don't reward weakness with money, and I don't reward those who kowtow to thought police and whiners.
Fuck em.
If this is true, this retard deserves to be beaten.
>i'm a tribalist
Fucking based. The devs got what they deserved even if the game is really fucking good.
But he’s right.
Reminder that accelerationism is the answer
Unnacceptable mocking and belittling people who have REAL EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS.
Looks like you're in need sensitivity training, user :^)
I can't even tell who's the most retarded out of all the groups involved in this.
Which just further cements my belief that, in this fallen world, we all deserve to suffer. It's the absence of the suffering we all so justly deserve that is our greatest sin.
Says the pedo who deserves to have a bullet in your skull
You have to send a message that companies who back down to outrage culture will not be successful and that there is no upside to appealing to a single video game board.
Make sure Ion Fury gets bad press and make sure you refund your purchase. If you want to play it, there's a mega link for the pirated copy. But under no circumstances have your money line the pockets of devs who cave to this shit.
The gaming industry is fucked but be the change you want to see in the world. With enough effort, things can change for the good in the future
Literally you.
OP didn't say he's not gonna play it
he said he's not gonna pay for it
>ResetEra is wrong for getting pissed that a dev has political views which aren't even extreme views.
>Yea Forums niggers are wrong for getting so up in arms about this that they needed to destroy every potential thread to the point that the jannies needed to delete them just for existing.
>The Devs are wrong for acknowledging the controversy instead of just ignoring it when the majority of fans didnt give a shit.(steam score was completely unchanged)
Everyone was in the wrong here. This is a textbook example of why post-2014, post GG vidya is dead.
>there is no upside to appealing to a single video game board
>but they should appeal to OUR video game board instead
Mayocels are just insane and fragile
>tfw radical centrist
>get to laugh at both sides and enjoy shelly's game
Suck my dick, niggers.
Its genuinely a good game, especially if you like Boomer FPS'
Hinged no. Are they a big part of the games personality? Absolutely.
>only Yea Forums likes crude jokes and doesn't equate them to murder
this is your brain on leftism
They should appeal to people who actually like video games you fucking retard.
Feels good, man
>"wanting video games to appeal to your tastes is wrong, you should buy games that you don't like"
>"I'm laughing at the people who call me a cuck therefore I am not a cuck"
We're always winning, bros.
How do you sit up to play the game without a spine?
they won
>but they should appeal to OUR video game board instead
This is not even implied anywhere. The company doing nothing when Resetera calls for censorship or threatens boycott is not appealing to anyone but themselves.
Nothing. It's not acceptable to remove anything from the game post-lunch unless it's a bug. Devs should learn to not play baint and switch with their clients.
imagine starting your useless posts with meme buzzwords. go back or kys