Is there something about CRTs that inherently triggers Yea Forums's 2011+ userbase?

Is there something about CRTs that inherently triggers Yea Forums's 2011+ userbase?

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The fact that all threads like these are designed to generate (you)s rather than actual discussion.
You don't actually care about anything you just posted, you just want attention.

How do you think this board works?

Zoomers have mental breakdowns when they realize their crappy retroarch shaders don't compare to the aesthetic of CRT scanlines.

Can someone recommend me a great Sony CRT? I need one for my PS1

they are too heavy for people with low T to lift.

What makes you think that moreso than, say, a sneed thread?
Is it because you feel like it's a joke that zoom zoom can't get in on?

Find a Sony Wega from the early 2000's, a 4:3 one with no hdmi. I found a 27" one for a friend with component, composite, s-video, front composite with a 2006 mfg date. Basically a perfect set in terms of health and manufacturing. It'll last him a long time.

I had this old sony tv I went from playing NES all the way to PS2 on I remember it has 13 channels as push buttons in a vertical line then a knob that had 14-70 channels. I think it was made in the 80s but I could be wrong. Been searching for that thing for years.

Those fuckers weight like a trillion tons.

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Not to me.
I can lift them easily.

>build a retropie
>get CRT for free by asking ultra boomer family at christmas if they had any just laying around
yep, good times

I don't have a wega but I have one with all the inputs.
>tfw its dying and I can't find a local replacement
The weight isn't the issue, its that like 80% of them don't have handles built into the top.
I swear someone had to have been sitting on the patent for them or something because it';s the stupidest fucking thing to not include.

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Yea Forums fears what it does not understand

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Repairing them is now the fun part of them.

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All the CRTfags are having a mid-life crisis.

Comfy 14" PVM desk setups are the best. I have an RGB JVC PVM next to my PC monitor

meh, they're ok but I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to get one

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later AG or earlier shadowmask? Both are good.


>buy a CRT
>have to shekel up for RGB cables or deal with shitty picture quality (inb4 get a PVMeme)
>sometimes this means modding your system
>sometimes RGB isn't an option because no SCART on US TVs
>buy flatscreen
>plug in HDMI
>just works
>highest picture quality

I think they're great really

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I remember playing Nocturne on a CRT not too long ago. Bought an adapter to plug the audio cables into some headphones because I didn't want to make much noise in the house
Comfiest memory I have

I really want to set something up to stream 480i/p video on to my CRT. I wonder if a Wii could be used for it. Wifi connect to my home media server or maybe use my xbox for it.

The expensive ones like your pic are really great screens, I won't debate that. But the fact is most people weren't using professional grade monitors with RGB connections back in the day, they were rocking the Magnavox Smart Value Series through composite connections.

I choose playing retro games on my 55 inch 4k through the Retrotink 2x over that any day.

People were wealthier back then and they usually had nice Panasonics, Toshibas, Mitsubishi's, Sony's were always more expensive but they were out there. Those really cheap magnavox sets using funai tubes or emersons were usually found in bedrooms, kids bedrooms.

>People were wealthier back then
Best joke I've heard all year

Oh they absolutely were.

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I've done it with my 360 on occasion. It's a fun novelty but not really efficient. Content in the correct aspect ratios can also be surprisingly difficult to find too depending on what it is.

>There are people on this board in this thread right now that play pixel/sprite based games on HDTVs

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It's a hard problem to think on. I wish there were an easy way to stream, PS3MS kinda sucked last I used it.

Woahh I love heavy ass old tvs running at 480i with screendoor effect on literally all pictures as well as an annoying humming sound. Looks... dare I say it... based and soulful?

I think you might be looking at your microwave.

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>buddy excited that he found his old n64
>hooks it up to his HDTV via RF
>fucking RF
>whats wrong bro?

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I can't get a CRT, what's the next best display option for PS2?

Why would you have the PS1 when you have a PS2 sitting right there? It can play PS1 games natively

a CRT projector, ps2 is a 480i system and CRTs are the only displays that really do 480i.

usa n64 only has composite which is almost just as cucked

PS2 uses emulation which varies in quality from game to game. Many are just fine, some are really bad, some just don't work. Plus you don't get the full sick PS1 boot. I play on a real PS1 because it's chipped and the PS2 doesn't do HDD loading for PS1 games well.

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>he didn't have an svideo cable


I'm autistic and prefer to play games on their native hardware whenever possible, even if the alternatives are just as good.

weird bait but ok

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>tfw playing vidya on crts made me hate them
I legit cant go back at them

fucking based

I've only ever used composite back when I had a SNES, PSOne and PS2, it never really came to mind that there may have been better cables so I just stuck with it for years. I even used composite cables on my PS3 until I started hearing people throw around terms like 1080p and HDMI and I looked into it and bought myself a HDMI cable.

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>dem scanlines
Stop. I just got done mastirbating.

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you might be thinking of scart duder

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> *unzip* *slurp* man I sure love showing everyone on Yea Forums how much I love sucking dick

forced meme cock suckers

Uhh... yeah?

May as well say; "Why do you have a PS1 when you uploaded this picture with your PC? It can play PS1 games easily"

Captcha cucked me and made me submit my post early.
I mean to say; "If all I wanted was to simply play X game I wouldn't bother owning a console that pre-dates the PS3/Xbox 360, I would just emulate everything on my PC.."

Oh hey, I have one of those. It cost a mint to ship it from Europe, but it was totally worth it.

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live and reloaded looks and sounds so good, what a tragedy they tainted it with extra censorship

4:3 LCD of some kind, i have a 1024x768 """HDTV""" i played PS2 games on for a while until i realized i had a component CRT

because it's not that you just want to talk about gaming on CRTs, its because you act like it makes you some kind of enlightening fucking master gamer, chosen by the gods themselves to see the truth of how to play old games

Stop making these threads, asshole.
I saved 2 pvm today. Shut the fuck up.

too soulful

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because i actually grew up on CRTs and i never want to use them ever again.

It feels really good too, the combat controls for the bat and guns are significantly better than N64. Aside from the different multiplayer L&R should be the definitive version, was there never a mod to remove the censorship or at least replace the sound files?

because there aren't equal quality uncensored sounds, mods haven't tried yet. someone recently started on uncensoring the subtitle text. i heard something like the echos across surround sound channels aren't censored and that might be a usable source.

>trinitron started making a high pitched sound
>can't get it to stop

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Slap the top of it a few times, that's what I do when a CRT starts acting up. It usually works too.