Aaaand they're dead. Say goodbye to Ratchet or Clank, or any fun games...

Aaaand they're dead. Say goodbye to Ratchet or Clank, or any fun games. They're going to be pumping Spiderman shit forever now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ratchet was never good. Spider-Man was meh but it can at least become good if they make the swinging and combat more technical entry after entry, but they'll probably just opt to throw in a bunch of gimmicks like they did for the entirety of Ratchet.

insomniac hasnt been good in a years.

Their new logo sucks. Why does everything have to look minimalistic?

old logo better
old games better
close all threads on Yea Forums and have it on lockdown for a week

what the fuck else would you want from another Ratchet game? The last good one was 3. The Future series and the movie game have been all dogshit.

Take that back you fucking ingrate

Because it scales well on mobile. No, thats really the answer

Sony owns the rights to Ratchet and Clank. How the fuck does Sony purchasing Insomniac mean no more Ratchet and Clank?

You really don't deserve this (You) but I'm feeling generous.

And it's easier for retards to read

literally soul vs soulless

Shawn Layden straight up said Ratchet is "essential for the future"

>implying implications

First post worst post

infinitely scaleable so you can use the same logo across every screen.
Welcome to the phone posting future, its shit.

Spider-Man was litterally the best game they've ever made.

Because they want nothing but that sweet sweet Spiderman money

I'm sorry Anons but Insomniac was always the weakest of the three, which is saying something.

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Only for you simple minded morons that cant handle a game that needs more than 3 buttons



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I think it's Insomniac (Ratchet and Clank), Sucker Punch (Sly series) and Naughty Dog (Jak and Daxter)

This guy gets it. Nu Insomniac is as garbage as Nu Naughty dog

Insomniac was definitely above naughty dog through the sixth gen. Uncharted is arguable but Insomniac definitely stopped making great games at that point, their target audience shifting from young teenagers to adults and children.

Shit designers. Industry is full of them now
Who cares, rebooted Ratchet is DreamWorks tier garbage


To be fair, all of Insomniac's best games have been Sony exclusives.

>Ratchet was never good
Lived long enough to see this opinion on this board. This sucks.

>"essential for the future"
So every game will now have Nefarious except he'll be a meme and no longer genuinely fucked in the head evil. They couldn't even let Drek get to keep his role as villain in the reboot of 1. Also all the humor will be safe enough to be in a Dreamworks movie.
Ratchet may still exist, but the spirit of the series will be a cold, dead husk compared to its former self.

>Ratchet was never good
kys retard

They are getting relatively worse.

To be fair Fuse was EA's fault.

What is Ratchet? It's a slow third person shooter with flacid platforming. Play Contra, play Max Payne, play Doom.

Kys tasteless sooner. Bet you never even played any ps2 ratchets

>trying this hard to fit in
Play russian roulette you fucking sheep.

Crack in Time was awesome

>t. someone who never learned how to use jet boots and all the different jump flips effectively
Future ruined it. Deadlocked/Gladiator is underrated.

>Microsoft buys up a shitload of quality indie studios known for multiplat games
>"This is a good thing, we'll get the same great games with more money behind them!"
>Sony buys a studio that's been making exclusives for them
>"This is terrible, we have to stop snoy, this is killing gaming and you're a fucking redditor faggot if you don't agree."

I've tried all four.

>Ratchet and Clank

It's been over since ACiT. If they come back it will be a sequel to the godawful movie reboot, there's no reason to have hope for it.

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Batman type combat

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>grossly oversimplified spherical worlds
>boring arenas
>a handful of super generic weapons and a handful of hyper-whacky weapons instead of the perfect balance in the middle from the PS2 games
>the worst plot
There were a number of decent things about ACiT but overall it was severely lacking and the people who think it the best R&C game are god damn philistines.

Why is anybody caring about Insomniac going first party when their only accomplishments being second party was having EA rape one of their only interesting titles to come from that Multi-platform Flexibility?

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>You don't like the game? WOW FUCKING TOOL, STOP TRYING TO FIT IN!

The irony is staggering.


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I would never call it the best, but it's definitely the best PS3 entry and I would argue it's better than the first game and Deadlocked as well.

Yep, there are a alot of platform loyalist here, but you seem to have forgotten the nintentards and snoyfags in your image.

>Ratchet was never good.
it physically hurts me to know that people actually hold this opinion

That's never been accurate but ok

spiderman was the only good game on PS4

Man, they sure came a long way, time flies. It's good to see they're still with Sony.

I'll believe it when I see it. Talk is cheap.

>Why is anybody caring about Insomniac going first party
Because after seeing what happened to Naughty Dog and Suckerpunch we know it's not a good ending. Sure they'll now make AAA multibillion dollar, multimillion seller titles advertised out the ass, but the gameplay will suffer and become clunky, the humor will be even more sanitized so only MCU tier one liners are allowed, the games will just stop being fun because all the stuff that gave it character will be removed for the sake of mass appeal.
I like old Insomniac's games, I like old Naughty Dog's games, I like old Suckerpunch's games but now the red flag that ruined those two as devs and stopped them from making fun, solid games is flying sky high for Insomniac.
They're next to become a stringed up corpse dancing like a puppet.

Sony has explicitly said they only want their first party studios to make massive budget AAA shit from now on. So either they'll make a massive budget AAA 3D platformer (hint: sony will never do this) or they're just going to make Spiderman sequels til the capeshit fad finally runs out of steam and then they'll shut insomniac down.

What's wrong with Sucker Punch? Both the Sly and Infamous series are fun as fuck, and we can't say anything about Ghost of Tsushima yet because they showed basically nothing of the game so far.

Are you literally retarded? Basically all of their projects have already been Sony exclusives, and you'd be naive to think that many of them weren't at least partially funded by Sony. That's how this shit works. You agree to make your game exclusive in exchange for them footing some of the development bill so you don't have to stress as much about if you have the budget to get a good product before you have to ship or firing half your company when one release does poorly. Acquiring studios that are already de facto 2nd party just means more financial stability.

>Say goodbye to Ratchet or Clank, or any fun games.
We haven't seen a new game in 3 years and the last one was a movie tie in that gutted content from the original game and the rest were short with muh story wank or gimmick spinoffs. I'm fine with it ending at this point.
I forget why people hated ToD again.

I have never heard anyone say anything positive about MS buying up studios.

So basically nothing changes since they made two forgettable games for the Xbox and everything else was Sony exclusive lol.

>Naughty Dog and Suckerpunch
How about fucking Psygnosis.

Spiderman was never good

Infamous is fucking awful.

See >Sony has explicitly said they only want their first party studios to make massive budget AAA shit from now on.
If that was true they weren't going to fund low budget titles like the Medievil remake or Concrete Genie or even support Media Molecule and JapanStudio.

The last few Ratchet and Clank games were trash anyway

Half the early weapons were fucking terrible or useless during endgame. It was like playing the first game all over again, but with even janker platforming.

I just found ToD tedious honestly, there was nothing interesting or special about it. Also the mandatory motion control shit was fucking awful, though I think they patched that out eventually.

Waste of money by Sony. They were already making playstation games most of the time anyway. That money could have been invested into another studio to secure exclusivity like IOI instead. Bad move imo.


>We haven't seen a new game in 3 years
You do know that in these3 years they were working on Spider-Man and a bunch of independent titles right?

>gutted content from the original game
I want to see posts about this, because I feel the whole plot rewrite kind of required changing how things went. The whole falling out between Clank and Ratchet was dumb anyway.

Sly and Infamous are fine, I have some reservations with Second Son but Tsushima is giving me some really bad vibes. The movement and combat they did show looks off putting and like it's more focused on trying to be cinematic which is ringing those same alarms that goes off when nu-ND show "gameplay". It looks pretty. That's it. Also that group assassination thing was really REALLY bad.
I mean look if they fix it then that's great and they haven't lost their spirit but I'm not exactly optimistic with it. The little bit of faith I do have will die the second they show stealth is just generic TPS stealth(knee high grass shit).
I hope in all honesty they use some of what made Sly's stealth so fun in the stealth for Tsushi but the way things looked, screamed it's going down the same route as ND.

What was the last good Ratchet game then?
They can't let another Quantic Dream situation happen.

>giving a shit about David Cage games
Really, fucking really?

>Say goodbye to Ratchet or Clank, or any fun games. They're going to be pumping Spiderman shit forever now. (And that's a good thing)
ftfy for you.

Not surprising, given they made like three games that weren't playstation exclusive anyway. Too bad though they're almost certainly going to focus on capeshit though, Sunset Overdrive could have been great it had more mission variety and removed all dialogue

Christ, them acquiring IOI would be the most depressing thing imaginable. The rumors about Remedy are really disheartening too.

>Implying Spider-Man 2 isnt their priority

They're gonna funnel Insomniac down so hard into making "AAA" games and not let them do anything fun. Then kill them



I've unfortunately never played one of their games. Even Wipeout. I just never really got around to it for some fucking reason.

my fucking sides

They consistently made good games, so Sony shut them down to fund some more David Cage shit.

I wonder if A Perfect Circle can sue them for stealing their shitty logo?


Weren't the IOI rumours saying that Microsoft were going to buy them?

>removed all dialogue
It just needed to not be so tryhard. The idea of a post apocalypse being this bright colorful ologopoly controlled nightmare and you get to play as some punk rebelling against the world is neat. They just put way too much forced humor and fourth wall breaking into the damn thing.
A full blown punk game would've been pretty fucking sick but people just can't resist slapping ten layers of irony onto everything because they fear being made fun of.
Just imagine Sunset Overdrive but without a single hint of irony. It's a punk rock paradise and the Tony Hawk/parkour game you wanted SO to truly be.

Oh... I see. I'm sorry, man.

No they are fucking not. Spiderman had issues, but was still overall a good game. ND is straight garbage now, and their new games aren't even worth buying.

Anyone buying IOI would be a pretty shit development, but Sony especially. I hope that IOI values their independence.

>All these mad R&C kiddies replying
Did I really miss out on that much? I liked Spyro as a kid then fell off of Insomniac's games. Is Ratchet and Clank as good as people say it is or is it just late 90s zoomers jerking off 6th gen again?

1-3 are good, 4 is okayish, more emphasis on shooting than platforming and the mission structure is a bit different.
PS3 games one can do without, remake game a shit

>acting like Spiderman wasn't fun
God do all you people just play 4Xs and retro shit? What's it like to live in such a dull world?

As much as flat design bores me, you've gotta admit what they did with the O is pretty clever

They had charm, a TPS/platforming blend that is uncommon, were accessible and yet often punishingly hard, and had an incredible soundtrack blending electronic synths and breakbeats with funky basslines and orchestral drama. They are revered for a reason.

I'm just gonna go out and say it. I enjoyed the PS4 Remake of the first game. The only part that pisses me off is the scripted nature of how hoverboarding placement goes.

>virgin Shawn Layden
>doesn't want studios
>only does third party timed exclusive deals
>supports censorship
>wants to make less games
>being pushed out like the fat slob that pushed INDIES INDIES
>chad Jim Ryan
>gets promoted
>immediately wants more games and more studios
>wants new Ape Escape
>wants VR Jumping Flash
>doesn't support censorship
>supports goat sacrifice

The fuck is that?

>supports goat sacrifice
Do you mean actual goat sacrifices or do you mean he wants to support Soul Sacrifice?

>I enjoyed the PS4 Remake of the first game.
Yea Forums did too until and e-celeb made a 20 minute video saying it was bad.

>VR Jumping Flash
I expect wonderful stories of throwing up constantly. It seems like an even worse idea than VR planes.

what a shit opinion

>Compares kid game to late teen plus games


2 and 3 are probably the best platformers on the PS2 (not that that's that high a bar really).

>actually enjoying boring ass capeshit

In terms of gameplay, it's the best in the series. IT has pretty bland level design and awful writing though. The fact it doesn't have anything like an Arena or the Galactic Rangers missions in 3 is really disappointing too.

Well of course they did.

>modern v is complacent with AAA licensed games from devs that used to make interesting fun IPs

Attached: toad dead.gif (294x227, 2.91M)

He's probably referring to the God of War 2 launch party, but I don't know who this Jim Ryan guy is, so I dunno.

Good, at least they will not make any more children games, same goes for naughty dog

>Saying Spiderman was good despite its issues means the poster doesn't want more imaginative games like the old R&C or Spyro games
How fucking stupid do you need to be to think this?

You deserve a painful death

Uh oh guys, Sony now owns the most important IP in Insomniac's library....

pic related xbros, we're doomed. I'm buying a PS5.

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I think the issue is they were forced to cut things so it wouldn't fuck up how they did the movie. Which is probably the more disappointing part of the whole thing really. And what's awful about the writing? It's not nearly as dated as some of the earlier ones, like Deadlocked.

There is no character development, the two mains are just best friends from the moment they meet. Ratchet doesn't overcome his assholish nature to forge a genuine connection with clank over the course of the game, he's just a doe-eyed innocent whose only "flaw" is trusting people too much.

It's also just not funny, and throwing nefarious in for no reason was a fucking terrible decision.

Strategy, named for the four victory conditions standard to the genre. Imagine not even knowing basic video game genres.

don't expect halo burgers to know about strategy games

>Say goodbye to Ratchet or Clank
Why? They always work on multiple projects at once and the only reason we stopped getting R&C games is because Insomniac wanted to make new IPs on PC and xbone. Now that none of their IPs became successful, it's only matter of time before we get another R&C.

I've never heard that term before. I only know them as Grand Strategy, Strategy or Grand Strat games. It's seriously the first time I've heard that abbreviation.
I've never even played Halo

Considering these guys made Spyro, Ratchet, Resistance AND Spider-Man this really feels more like a formality than an event. Sony basically owned these guys already for how longstanding their partnerships were.

>what they did with the O is pretty clever
I don't get it.

Microsoft could snatch them but they don't really fit xbox image do they

I think it's that it's comprised of two moons, implying night time which is clever because Insomniac.

It doesn't mean the games will stop being made. It means they'll lose all personality in favor of becoming sanitized and safe like a Dreamworks movie with all character development being killed off to make them all more mono-dimensional and blatant memes. The gameplay may or may not take a hit too but only time will tell on that one.

Sony offered to buy them back when they bought Naughty Dog but Ted Price (studio head) refused because muh independence. He's probably retiring soon so he might as well sell the studio and get some nice retirement package.

>weakest of the three
ND has made 1 (one) good game. SP has a trilogy. Insomniac has an entire tetralogy plus spiderman

Civ, GalCiv, Sins of a Solar Empire, etc are routinely referred to as 4x, moreso than just strategy in any community with even a remote interest in such games. Basically only filthy casuals and 'journalists' would call such games 'strategy' and grand strategy is an entirely different genre.

>Say goodbye to Ratchet or Clank
Ratchet and Clank has been over since a crack in time. Get over it user.

Do you guys honestly think R&C have any future after ps3 lifecycle?

>It means they'll lose all personality in favor of becoming sanitized
What makes you say that?

stop being cringe or commit sudoku

he's a fanboy

>capeshit fad
Capes hit has been going strong for 80 years
Comics fadded but capeshit in general will never die.

The Nefarious thing seems more like they didn't want him to be Qwark's greatest enemy that never got mentioned for 2 whole games and suddenly he's the biggest baddie of them all.
>not funny
That's personal preference since replaying the old games things I thought were funny aren't as much now.
>Ratchet doesn't overcome his assholish nature
You mean being as bad of a gloryhound as Qwark was because he wants to be a hero so bad. True, most of that seems to stem from them writing him from how he is in later games, but the asshole stuff got old before he got over it.

I'm sorry you are incapable of any form of critical analysis, user, but I suppose 'game good' and 'game bad' is enough for someone two standard deviations below mean IQ.

HEY GUYS remember that really fun epic shooter insomniac made for EA?Me neither.Remember that xbox exclusive that sold really well?Remember those VR/indie looking games that blew up?XD you're all fucking idiots c:

>the asshole stuff got old before he got over it.
That's room for improvement, not an excuse to excise his entire fucking character arc.

Shut up paul revered

Shut the fuck up. Almost all Western studios are left wing. Sony has nothing to do with it.

Capeshit is a blight on comics, it has repeatedly destroyed the entire medium.

>things I thought were funny aren't as much now
It was always the animation work that was funny. The writing was little more than double entendres.

>The movie existing and the reboot of 1 making Nefarious the main antagonist because he's now a figurehead antagonist.
They just had to force in Nefarious like he's fucking Poochie.
>The fact Ratchet and Clank are now super buddy best friends forever instead of initially at odds with each other which occasionally resurfaces in later games.
>Qwark becoming even dumber in the reboot and movie when he was actually pretty conniving in the first game.
Because it's already been happening for a while and just happening more and more as Ratchet loses all his edge.

Comics are bad and the movies are bad because of that


>sony buys the studio
>posts things the studio did before being bought
God I hate retards like you.

You realize people talked that way as recently as the sixties, right?

Sony hasn't published a single good game since Crack in Time.

Keep telling yourself that

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>Mighty No.9
You've lost any right to think you have a meaningful opinion.

How about you stop moving goalposts and fuck off back to your shithole?

Not at the end. They stopped making new entries to the wipeout series and only released remasters. It was too late for them to work on a new game that could compete. Still Sonys fault for not demanding a new game and being more lenient.

>ratchet is shit now
>resistance was always shit
>spider man was mediocre
Their only good game in the past decade or so is Sunset Overdrive and even that's a bit shit


He probably thought Ratchet would hit it big after the movie. Didn't work out for him

>InscDmniac Games

>There are still at least 2 non-retards on Yea Forums

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Wanna guess why Insomniac and Naughty Dog are right across the street from each other, shared engines throughout PS2, and shared tech through PS3-PS4?

Insomniac has always been dragging at ND's coattails. They are their kid brother, with Sony serving as their foster father.

At last, Insomniac gave up, and was granted the chance to sell their souls to Capeshit. They have done so, and now they and Crystal Dynamics are withering husks that will collapse in their own mediocrity within the decade.

Meanwhile, Naughty Dog is laughing at them with a crooked sense of superiority, having the right to make agenda-pushing movie games. Because, ironically, they still have the better deal in this festering shithole people still call a game industry.

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Retard, all the ratchet games on the ps2 were great and top kino on the ps2.
PS3/PS4 was indeed trash tho


Why is Yea Forumseddit pretending Spiderman is bad?

Does this mean Spiderman isn't coming to platforms outside of Playstation?

Wasn't that shit timed exclusive?


>Wasn't that shit timed exclusive?
What could possibly make you think that?