Start game off with recaps of games thus far, with music from DMC3 and 4

>Start game off with recaps of games thus far, with music from DMC3 and 4
>Rest of the game has shit wubwub dubstep and grunge metal
>final vergil fights LITERALLY "FUCK YOU" dubstep
>not even little subtle references to Vergil's music in 3 in his final fights
holy fucking shit this game sucks

This is pure DMC kino that will never be topped apparently. Fuck the Duel and Silver Bullet, dumbass Skrillex remix shit

Compare that literally GODLIKE music to this shit

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So the game sucks because you dont like 3 tracks in it. Also you have to be a mouth breather to not find nero's explosive emotional fuck you cool as shit and thematically tight as fuck

You can literally listen to the song you posted (devils never cry) and Vergil battle theme 2 as the combat track for any character you idiot. Just switch to the songs you like.

I agree about the Vergil themes in 5 but Devil's Never Cry is definitely not one of Gerbils fight themes.

Vergil 4's theme is basically just a combination of all past themes in concept

Also I didn't like Vergil 4's theme either at first but in retrospect it works perfectly as a "Here we go again" style song.

DMC5 OST is legit good, its just too bloated to be as consistent as 3

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>cool as shit
Are you 12? Swearing is not 'cool as shit'. Perfectly understandable, but not cool.

>not even little subtle references to Vergil's music in 3 in his final fights

They're essentially the same songs

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>thinks Silver Bullet is dubstep
>thinks he has any authority on music
You can only choose one.

if someone mixes that better it could sound pretty gud

Devils Never Cry isn't one of Vergil's fight themes dumbass, the only reason they use the same tune is because it comes from Nelo Angelo's battle theme

Cheer up, crewcut.

3/4 music was fucking trash, get over it nostalgiafag.

i'm seeing some sweet karma going on now as a 1fag. ehehe

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I'm too stupid for this or this just isn't true because that is an awful conglomeration that proved nothing

the music is great in 5, though in the final fight I do like the violin track before silver bullet, kind of wish it played throughout the entire fight if you choose not to pull your devil trigger.

>game allows you to literally pull your devil trigger and become a silver bullet
it's literally beautiful and based

Well, that's true but you might be overlooking the overall issue.. DMC suffers from the same problem both 4 and DmC suffered from, and that's a lack of significant BGM.

The original trilogy, whatever you might think of it, had awesome music. You remembered it. It was creepy, it was rocking, it had personality, specially 1. 3 might've had less, it had more memorable songs than the other BGM, but there were still tracks you remembered.

DMC4, DmC and 5 only have memorable songs, if that. I can't remember any of the BGM in any of those games, aside from that violin rift in the 5 trailer, and just that rift. None of it is memorable and none of it has personality. It's all so safe and, pardon the meme, it's not meant as one, soulless. Outside of the songs there are no memorable melodies in any of the last 3 games.

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Seriously? It was cringy as fuck in DmC and it doesn't suddenly become the pinnacle of storytelling just because it was in 5.

The way people seem to love this I'd bet real money that if the 'fuck you, fuck you,fuck you' scene had happened in 5 people would call it comedy gold.

Context exists
DmC Dante was saying fuck you to someone he had just met, it was stupid and had no buildup
Nero is saying fuck you to the deadbeat father who abandoned him at birth before ripping his arm off years later - one is acceptable, and the other isn't

This kind of post just screams like an incel wrote it. Grow up and consume better content

I thought a lot of 5's background music was memorable

>being purposefully obtuse
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish.

Dramatically lifting your middle finger up in the air and screaming fuck you for your power up doesn't sound too clever to me, it sounds both silly and like a DmC reference. It's specially out of left field with all the dialogue they already had. Makes it all disjointed and it'd be better off with sticking with either one or the other but not both reactions.

It's very silly but Nero is a silly guy who punches the ground when he gets a little bit upset and seethes for over a month when he gets called dead weight
I never said it was clever, but it does fit Nero's character, with the rage he would be feeling at that point

>like a DmC reference
You mean when Nero showed his middle finger to Dante in 4?

>This is pure DMC kino that will never be topped
Im pretty sure Mundus topped Vergil quite a few times

Nero is such a fucking edgelord
he's literally the kid in school who sits alone in back of the class with his hoodie on drawing edgey shit in his notebook instead of taking notes

he's lucky he's hot otherwise he's just not a good character, personality wise

I like Nero more than Dante. He's not edgy, he literally runs an orphanage out of his house
He's volatile and hyper emotional, though - but that's just a part of his character