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He shows zero dex in that video. This is just STR VS lower STR. Shit thread, sage.
wheres the dex? I see low int vs low chr
>high test vs low test
>pulls handgun from under shirt while gorilla rough plays
>puts a single round in its stomach, immediately disengaging the threat
Int > str
fuck off retard
thats going to be my elden ring character, thicc and all STR
He had ample time to wrap his legs around the arm and neck he could have easily gotten the choke but this is speaking from someone with 3~ years of basic bjj training
That dude is a fucking wizard, cant you see you retard? The orc just rushed him because he had no allies to pull aggro. All he had was a useless support main.
Using ranged weapons is plus 10 cowardice.
Just be a man and use your hands.
More like big black magic vs weak lil white magic. You don’t need to heal when every enemy is dead
>Having to rely on weapons instead of your own strength
More like High Melanin vs. Low Melanin
based and BLACKED pilled
If that was Str Vs. Dex then the black dude would have been stabbed in the kidney from behind without realizing the other guy was there.
>your own strength
It's not yours, it's your ancestors. You didn't earn shit you just got lucky.
Cool gif, really honorable and skillful takedown. but not vidya related
Post more niggers getting rekt
>keep charging without any thought
literal npc behavior
>risking your well being for your ego
You go ahead and do that
Why are black people so violent?
Poor guy didn't even fight back because he was too scared to be nazi on a 24 hour news cycle.
It looks like a small child, not a fair fight at all. They never seem to pick fights with a worthy opponent
Fucking cope. Go to the gym, weakling.
How does one beat that or recover? Any fightfags have a take?
>believes genetics are the end all to strength
Unless you inherited a fucking disabled body your genes don't mean shit, hit the gym.
I hate these webms without any context because you don't know who is in the right or wrong, for all you know the one being beaten up and REKT LMAO may have been completely innocent and provoked and these videos just further add to the injustice and humilliation
You'd have to face her before attempting to get up, he didn't even see her going to push him down again so he was off balance
Yea Forumscels do you think you can win a fight against her?
Just stay down. No man hits a woman.
Honestly kind of impressive the guy got up a few times. Doesn't look like he'd have the constitution for that.
How does one beat fatfags besides a bullet? For research purposes of course?
Why don't you just go to /gif/ and brag about how weak and shitty at fighting black people are
unevolved ape brains
me in the back laughing
I get knocked down, but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down, but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down, but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down, but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
>p-p-please don't k-k-ill me
White men are so pathetic.
r/asianmasculinity ricecels please go
Why are "white" people so manipulative and cowardly? You forest dwelling european scum make me sick. Make sure not to call yourself Caucasian because I KNOW your genes aren't from anywhere near the mountains, fucking peasant
>This post
Oh Lord, here comes the Yea Forumsfaggot.
Fucking lmao.
>shoot attacker
>shoot cameraman
>shoot witnesses
>plant gun on attacker
int > str
kick to the chest
She fucks black guys
>People getting upset that some Black people wailed on some white guys when they'd be celebrating white guys wailing on black guys
incel's at it's finest
But why are black people so prone to violence?
>doesn't know what caucasian means
She is trying too hard also her ass is too big only niggers like that.
Even dogs hate these 'things.'
They do, but since it's niggers that record video they just delete it once their nigger friend get rekt
Or they jump the other guy with 20 other niggers and delete the video
More like run a lap around them and kick them deep in the ass
Wrong. Each human has a range that they cannot extend past. Even a few centimetres of height will fuck you over.
Why is it an american cultural thing to fight on McDonalds? Is it to protect territory?
She's just throwing her weight around, she actually isn't all that strong. Look how wide her feet are.If fella actually wanted to, she'd go down hard. Aim for the knees
Your genes are from the jungle, is that why we call you monkeys?
blacks always deserve it
Why are white people so prone to raping and killing everyone that isn't them?
that would be the time Id have to use my veteran freebie
Do you hate native americans and malaysians too?
its because black people deserve it 90% of the time
>white people have all the highest kill streaks and atrocities in history
You sure abt that? Maybe theyre just keeping you away from the darkness
>Using height as proof
Lmao, someone post the webm of the legless kid beating up the black kid.
Probably because they were all too stupid to defend themselves.
Because they evolved to the point were random violence is much less common and seeing someone result to it is incredibly disturbing and an indicator for lower intelligence therefore less rational decision making.
i'm not complaining, i'm tugging my little white dick to it.
You're thinking of black people.
has there ever been a more worthless stat?
this lmao, why is gif so out of touch?
You aren't from the alpine heights nor the gray slopes of the caucasus. You are a mountain dew slurping woodland eurotard. Go beg your auntie momma for forgiveness
Because they are intellectually superior and are able to organize in groups to defeat the savage apes around the world. Now answer the other question.