Tfw too retarded for puzzle games so i have to play fighties and shooties instead

>tfw too retarded for puzzle games so i have to play fighties and shooties instead

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Other urls found in this thread:


what about RTS games?
can you multitask or are you disabled there too?
>tfw no retard bf

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fighting games require more brain power than puzzle games

I tried to ask you last time but the thread got deleted but are you the same "tfw no bf" from /r9k/?


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Try jrpgs.

un-fucking-believable. that's some serious dedication.

Call me when you can defeat Wumbo or any Jap that's good at Tetris/PdP/Puyo

yeah ok retard
will you watch me jack off on cam and call me a retard if i be your bf?

>too squeamish for horror games, so I got to watch Let's Play instead


suffer through the pain of learning and become better for it

thats rough buddy, is it less scary from the other side?


stupid gayfag weeb retard

If your life is suffering and you're not accomplishing anything, it's better to die quickly. That way your family won't lose so much money supporting you.

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I added you. And we spoke.
You never bothered with me after a week.
Why was this the case?

because he preys on his bf and once he's had his fun he gets another. on /r9k/ he wants a new type of bf every single day.
>tfw no firefighter bf
>tfw no drug dealing bf
>tfw no kidney stone passing pisslet bf

It's hard to talk to people so unless they keep starting conversation I don't bother.
Usually I'm busy being a loser anyways.

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>tfw too unskillful for fighties and shooties so i have to play puzzle games instead

thats rough buddy

I've never been good at fighties but really good at shooties, racies and RTS'ies.

What compels people to use female anime based characters as a means to present their personality or feelings to support their written point? It adds nothing of value to your statement. So why do you do it instead of using any other reaction based image that isn't a 'sissy cute anime girl'?

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graphics and visual context are an important way of conveying a tone in an otherwise comedyless feelingless textual medium

Same except I can't even play those either

what do you play??

These faggots want companionship, but their personalities are terrible burdens. All they have is their bodies.
It's very difficult to be attractive when you're sad all the time, since being sad is not attractive.
So they obviously pick a character that represents them - a character that's attractive even with a shit personality, which anime helps represent.

>action game has puzzle section
>if i dont figure it out right away existential dread kicks in
>have to quit and come back later

And what exercises have you done to make yourself emotionally stronger and better able to handle your existential dread?

Huh, that makes sense.
People have to project the very thing they want to be seen as when in reality they are the polar opposite. No wonder a good number of anons ridicule and laugh at avatarfags and sissy posters. They're literally projecting. How pitiful, though i'm curious how anyone gets to that stage even on this board.

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fighting games are basically puzzle games anyway.

Gacha and decade old KMMOs.

>A fucking picture of your monitor for a reaction image
Satania posters always crack me up, I saw this and chuckled for a good minute.

I just look up the answer to the puzzles lol get fucked

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Companionship is a normal thing most people want.
They're slutty and sissy because they mistakenly believe sexual attention is the same thing as friendship.
It's not, obviously, but these people haven't got a single fucking clue what friendship is and they guess wrong.
As for why they're so fucking desperate that they'd do that faggy stuff here instead of on entire websites specifically dedicated to it, they literally cannot help themselves.
Their brains are completely enslaved by their feelz. If they feel lonely, they HAVE to scream about it, they are incapable of shutting the fuck up.
They have literally 0 emotional hygiene. I've talked to them; they idea of practicing and exercising your emotions has literally never occurred to them.
A person who doesn't exercise their legs isn't gonna run fast, a person who doesn't learn their input timings can't git gud, and a person who never practices being happy is obviously gonna suck arse at being happy.

I think that, when they were young and growing up, they never had anyone practicing emotions as a role model. Not in their family, not in school. So they never learned.
So, much like a person who literally never washes their body eventually catches disease, a person who never cleans their personality catches the sissygay.

Doesn't matter when there's no money involved

Puzzles games aren't supposed to be difficult. They're supposed to trick the player into thinking about things a certain way and manipulate their mindset to fuck with them until you realize you were the witch all along!

This so much.
You might also realise why so many people at least on Yea Forums have a very conformed viewpoint on certain vidya. Sometimes it's for shitposting but a majority of the time people have been so heavily influenced by this board and lack of any real sense of personal opinion or at least believe the only way to feel accepted and appreciated is by agreeing with a hivemind based mentality that they should just play along with. This is extremely obvious when you join a Yea Forums discord group where people spout and talk as if they were on Yea Forums because they have literally no personality and lack of any sense of personal opinion either due to their own insecurities of confrontation or any genuine personality and personal train of thought.

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imagine being this retarded and up your own ass lmao

This is the exact response i expected.

Its all in how you present it. I'm a full tard brainlet with a double digit IQ (tested) but I've 1cc'd a ton of arcade games. People think its cool I can repair PCBs, and people gather when I go to the arcade. I've found my place as a "gamer" even if I am not very skilled.


As a sissy feminine crossdresser, I'm incredibly happy in life and keep my issues to myself. I just like to post the cute anime girls because I like how they look.

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> the only way to feel accepted and appreciated is by agreeing with a hivemind based mentality that they should just play along with
True for some people, but not for most. The hivemind hates shills and betas.
You can pretend to be confident with your own tastes that just happen to align with Yea Forums's, but spend enough time pretending to be confident and you learn to be confident.
>This is extremely obvious when you join a Yea Forums discord group
Yea Forums discord groups are not Yea Forums, they are circlejerking faggots more interested in each-others' personality and popularity than on gitting gud.
>due to their own insecurities
Exactly. The hivemind hates those, though.

It's true though. It's not everyone, but there are a number of people that are primarily socialized here.
They're basically your typical societally-conforming-ass normie except a lot more sad and niche, being adapted to an anonymous imageboard.
I might be one of them.

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"haha yes ofcourse, i knew that would be your response you uneducated browser of Yea Forums. for you see, i, an intelectual do not like when Yea Forums shits on my favorite game and therefore am an independent thinker! you on the otherhand said i was retarded which is obviously not true because i took 2 psychology classes in community college while you took, hmm, probably the same amount as braincells in your head haha, get it? its zero btw, not someone so entrenched as you would be able to discern that joke."
pic related is u btw

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You just described Japanese society. Man, anime really is for losers.

Well, I suppose I have to respect you for that. But if you're capable of keeping issues to yourself, are you sure you're feminine?

Don't Japanese people practice really hard at having a strong work ethic? I thought having a strong work ethic was drilled into them over there.
That'd count as practicing your personality.

A strict upbringing hardly matters in developing emotionally. That's why they're called insects and produce works of intense emotional exaggeration.

Fucking Cringe
kys avatarfag

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>brain runs on some seemingly alien "logic"
>completely shit at any kind of puzzles that aren't visual or pure math

stupid frogposter

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Femininity is more than spewing your emotions. In fact, in many ways I would say it's the antithesis to actual traditional femininity and society as a whole has stepped away from the more traditional concept of feminity to turn it into something new. The old concept of feminity, women were reserved and strong outbursts of emotion were saved for particularly striking moments or in private with those they cared for and trusted. But in line with that, as language is always evolving, I suppose the word feminine has evolved along with general society's concept of the idea of what is considered feminine.
This is only my second post in the thread user, please calm yourself.

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let's be honest you aren't playing any games you braindead anime queer

If you're this person then you're just as bad as this person and prove their point also.

You're right.

If you normally think in pictures, you can practice thinking in words.
If you normally think in words, you can practice thinking in pictures.
If you don't normally think in terms of musical notes or touch sensations or 3d sculptures, you can practice thinking that way too, but it's harder to get started.
Do you enjoy Spacechem, or does Spacechem defeat you?

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stupid nonimage poster

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>strong outbursts of emotion were saved for ... moments or in private with those they cared for and trusted.
True. So I guess the slutty ones aren't feminine. Wonder what you'd call them then?

>They're basically your typical societally-conforming-ass normie except a lot more sad and niche, being adapted to an anonymous imageboard
It's even funnier because all of these neo-normalfags try to pride themselves on being nonconformist when they're such template, cookie-cutter human beings that they're basically indistinguishable from one another.

Fair enough. You still sound pretentious but i guess all Satania posters are. Rather fitting.

I ain't readin' all that.
Immature, I suppose. The two aren't necessarily related, but I do feel the two have a strong correlation. You can see this in other places on the internet amongst crossdressers and self proclaimed "cute boys", who can't help but act like catty bitches and throw a fit when no one wants to put up with it.

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so i sound pretentious but faggy mc 2 semesters of psychology fag faces arent? ok user

I don't think in anything user
roughly how it goes
>information goes into my brain
>I FEEL the information processing in my brain
>information comes out of my brain
I've been actively trying to understand what the actual fuck is happening inside my head but it's made it even worse or better, depending on how you look at it
>Do you enjoy Spacechem, or does Spacechem defeat you?
never played spacechem

Neither of you ever (you) me again or else you'll get a massive cock in your little slutty loli mouth. Let this be a warning.

If you're aware of how you're adapting then you aren't a normalfag, because normalfags aren't aware at all. They "just be themself lol"

Do you think they're the ones that all the social media influencers are trying to market to?

>Avatarfagging with generic anime girls

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if i show you my feet will (you) show me your cock?

That is a VERY fast way of information processing but sucks arse for memory formation or objective fact-checking.
Try imagining a notepad in your brain, and write your logic or thoughts down onto it, then read that notepad to understand what you're thinking.

Bugs Bunny reaction images are always top tier.

I'm not an anime girl or a loli. Also very pure.

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Yeah, that makes sense. If you've got low emotional growth then you'll also end up with low emotional control.
Why do they call themselves cute when they act in such non-cute ways?

On the condition that you let me suck and play with them first
No, you're a whore. Don't deny it, you know i'm right.

sorry breh but that sounds pretty gay and im only into straight stuff

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Why am I only one who gets banned?

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My guess is that they want something subjective they can feel good about themselves for. Cute is subjective person to person and if they occasionally have one or two people call them cute, they can pretend their lack of ambition, personality, or achievements can be overlooked.
I am no whore, you will either cease or post dick.

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You don't notice the other people getting banned because you are utterly unable to realise there are other perspectives in the world beside your own.

what the fuck is this thread.

its amazing.

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That's why I'm so happy.

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no you're not

I told you both to stop sending me (yous).
I know you're both little sluts and crave cock but this is neither the time or the thread. Cease and desist before i get angry.

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>sucks arse for memory formation
can confirm this part somewhat
>write your logic or thoughts down onto it
I don't understand user, write what down?
there's nothing there that can be written
I also can't imagine shit unless I spend several days re-arranging my brain and then the result is out-of-focus blurry images

>Cute is subjective person to person
No it fucking isn't. It means someone with long-term potential to be a loyal partner and who will return your effort spend on them over a very long timescale.
Wait, you answered my question anyway - they believe in subjectivity. They're the type of person who thinks "I believe this is kawaii" makes something actually kawaii, and doesn't realise that personal tastes can be wrong and/or shit.
That makes sense. If you're into subjectivity you tend to be really fucking bad at improving yourself, because you never notice what you're doing wrong.
These are some good answers.

Why do people talk like this like

>there's nothing there that can be written
There is. You're writing to communicate to me. Do more of that, but in your head.
>I also can't imagine shit unless I spend several days re-arranging my brain
Yes, that is the problem. You must do that.

If you don't think in either images or words then you are mentally stunted to such a severe degree that it might be classed as special needs. You will improve when you practice, but you must practice.

Emulates the way children or cute characters are depicted speaking in anime / television shows.
These people are mentally children and wish they were cute, so they act in this way.
It's a flimsy disguise, of course. They aren't cute or worth protecting. But they try anyway.

That's a rather bold claim to make, user. What cute is to you isn't what cute is to everyone. Being narrow minded isn't the path to improving as a person, question other's viewpoints but don't simply reject them. Back to the previous topic however, I meant that most of these "I'm so cute" types are simply looking for something that isn't easily quantifiable. As long as they "feel" they're cute and reject outside viewpoints and opinions, they cannot have that taken from them. It's not something you can give a number to like an IQ, a wage, a height, a weight, whatever.
Either do it or don't. Don't be a wimp.

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It's childish, and anime is inherently a children's medium. That's why internet culture is rooted in anime, it makes people feel happy while interacting with others in such an impersonal matter.

>people like shitposting and making cringey jokes
>how can i psychoanalyze this to make my boring ass look better than them

my writing is the result of the processed information pushed back out of my brain, I don't know what I am writing, in actual words, before I write them, however, I *know* what I am writing

>tfw too much of a brainlet to be good at online multiplayer games
>pick whatever's overpowered, wait until it gets nerfed, and repeat

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i beat japs all the time in tetris, high level tetris is much more twitchy than puzzly. wumbo goes for crazy setups a lot because his opponents aren't good enough to pressure him. not saying i'm at his level but i could beat him 1 out of 10 games where i get good rng

>That's a rather bold claim to make, user.
It's equally bold to imagine that your own personal opinions and feelings are correct when you have no way of checking them. Subjectivity is bullshit.
If the only thing backing a viewpoint is personal preference, then nothing is backing that viewpoint and it can be safely rejected.
And you absolutely can give a number to cuteness. Get a random selection of 1,000 people and ask them to rate on a 1-10 scale how cute something is. It'll end up more consistent than IQ measurements.
Something being hard to measure doesn't mean the something is fictional.

I understand what you mean, that their feelings are not synched up to any objective source, and if your feelings are not synched to reality you can do all sorts of crazy bullshit.

>I don't know what I am writing, in actual words, before I write them
That means you are not sentient. You must practice being aware of what you will write before you write it.

Does that still happen when you're trying to think really critically about something? I get what you mean by thinking being on "autopilot" all the time, but I start thinking in words and images when I have to stop to focus on tying a lot of concepts and information together.

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That you use "boring" as an insult tells me you are insecure about how little attention you get.
Have a (You).

Incredibly redpilled post.

Chances are, you're not really that dumb. Most fans of fighters are just impatient as fuck. They get bored if they aren't constantly pressing, or if there isn't constant flashing graphics.

If anything, you just need to get good at patience.

Imagining a concept like it's a point on a map, and drawing lines between them like subway routes can help if you want to see how ideas lead to other ideas.

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>me being boring must mean that he wants attention
try not to pull a muscle with all the stretching ur doing

You're still acting like being boring is bad.
You are wrong. No (You) for you this time.

but I am aware, I specifically stated that
but I'm aware of the untranslated information before it is processed into words, not the translated content i.e. the words themselves

>Does that still happen when you're trying to think really critically about something?
>I get what you mean by thinking being on "autopilot" all the time
never said I was on autopilot, not sure how you got that
all of it is a conscious stream of actions

I'm not saying I'm right or wrong, I simply ask you to open your mind to differing points of view. I believe if you were to try a test like you suggest, results would be all over, my reasoning is that no one person is alike. You have the types that will find bears cute, the type that like buff dudes, the types that will like twinks, etc. That doesn't even scratch the surface into personally, I believe the measure that you would get would be more along the lines of physical attractiveness, which should not be mistaken for how cute someone is. You have preferred personality traits, that I agree are desirable in a partner, however many would take a look at a person and say they're cute without ever getting to know them on more than a skin deep level and their opinion may do a 180 if they were to get to know said "cute" individual.

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>I simply ask you to open your mind to differing points of view.
I understand your point of view, but I do not agree with it.
> no one person is alike
Every human being is a unique combination of different common stereotypes.
All you would need is for there to be 70 different stereotypes in the world, each with 50% chance of either meeting them or not, and no two human beings would be alike based on that alone.

I understand your point that there is more than one thing being measured by "cute", and those things are not completely in sync.
That would make "cute" more like ethnicity, where race is made up of a lot of different factors that are hard to untangle.
The grey areas don't prevent there being well defined races though, and personal preferences do not prevent there being well-defined cuteness.
The cuteness of puppies and well-behaved children is damn near universal.

As long as you understand where I'm coming from, I believe there is nothing else to discuss, we can agree to disagree. It was fun talking with you user!

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Thank you for the discussion. I understand a little more now.

*B support unlocked*

Thank you as well. It was a fun distraction in between sets. I must go shower now and make my boyfriend dinner, have a pleasant night.

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Heh, get on my level. :V)

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I know your pain
>can't figure out SH2 elevator puzzle
>don't want to look it up cuz it would be cheating
>all I know it's a 4 number password

Reminder that these are the people who go on anonymous image boards and call themselves "feminine sissy cross dressers"
also tranny orbiters kys

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>states they like animals
>states they like [generic food]
>states they are sexual
>claims to be a professional of [creative field, journalism or game development]
I wish I had saved that one fucking bingo card for these kind of people

>anime poster is stupid
what else is new

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