Was he right?
Was he right about Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
who the hell is moot?
There's a reason Yea Forums uses Yea Forums as a derogatory
It was absolutely true at the time.
I feel like post quality is going up recently though.
Maybe my brain i just turning into boomer mush.
Yea Forums is total shit though. Hope you like moe anime and isekais
>it's a surprise how good Yea Forums is
Why don't we have a manga board?
>Yea Forums in 2012
>better than Yea Forums in 2012
Moot turned into a faggot by 2010. So no, he wasn't right.
so were those leaked nudes real or not?
that faggot moot got exposed for using ashley madison after getting cucked years later
It's funny cause he went and ruined Yea Forums and now look at where they are.
founder of 9gag faggot, check the banner
regardless of how stagnant Yea Forums has become I at least respect that they have zero tolerance for frogs/wojaks and actually stick to it
He didn't know shit, he didn't even lurked the site, remember "Yea Forums jimmies"? that just showed how out of touch he was with the site
I've always felt if we had a small barrier to entry similar to sadpanda, it'd increase the quality of the site. There's plenty of people who are incapable of following basic instructions, those same people are likely responsible for so much garbage here. They'd cry and give up then move somewhere else.
most of the faggots who came post 2010 don't even know how to ban evade but yeah I agree
doubt it'll happen because gook moot wants to make the entire site as dumbed down and sanitized as possible to make money
moot was a faggot. Remember the GG days where he gave the knee.
Yea Forums was fine until shounen generals ended up turning it into Yea Forumslite.
Its a night and day fucking difference if you go into one of those threads compared to others.
Yea Forums took a nosedive in 2013 when Moot allowed Naruto & others shonenshits, but also Kill la Kill brought the worst kind of people.
I started posting here more than 10 years ago.
What the fuck am I doing with my life?
Anime is for pedophiles.
Yea Forums RISE UP!
the mad ramblings of a cuck
It's a shitty, rundown home. But it's our home.
thats why /po/ is the best and confiest board in this shithole
2012 Yea Forums was mostly fine (outside of yuriniggers and fujoshi) but shonenfags quickly surpassed them in how cancerous they are, especially DBZ spics.
Yea Forums is impossible to browse because of spoilers. Only retards would browse it.
>dumbed down and sanitized as possible to make money
Crazy user hunts down and rapes Hiro when?
Not true. Hiroshima has posted on /q/ that he knows the site will never make money and he doesn't care that it won't.
>not already reading the source material of shit you want to discuss
I'm glad Yea Forums filters faggots like you the fuck out.
there are slow boards that are just as trash as fast boards and Yea Forums is no better than Yea Forums (just because it's a different brand of cancer doesn't mean it isn't also cancer) so not really
At least Yea Forums is not a total shithole filled with twitter screens, e-celeb literally whos, shilltubers.
Yea Forums even gets pissed if one post images of non-anime origin. We could get rid of shitsoms, spongebob memes and similar cancer from tv sources
>gave the knee
>by kicking screeching autists off the board
it was literally impossible to even shitpost about games, let alone discuss them
any luck finding a bf
>Yea Forums's still a good board you guys!
Yes. Too many people that don't even play games but their IQ is too low to talk about any other subject.
Low IQ
>Hiroshima has posted on /q/ that he knows the site will never make money
Except it does make some money given that the feds pay for servers to host Yea Forums so they can trace pedos and I'm betting they're trying to do the same with more boards after the recent IRL drama.
Also the numbers he posted about costs was debunked years ago, he's as shitty of a liar as he was during the 2channel days.
do you guys think Moot still posts on Yea Forums?
I like to think he does
sure he is anonymous now, but he's still with us
Seethe harder pussy
Yea Forums is a hiveboard of /pol/ and social media infected newfags so that's already a goddamn lie especially when Yea Forums is as xenophobic about newfags and outsiders as /pol/ are about the Jews.
Yea Forums has always been hardline, back in the day before the 2010s they used to permanently ban any trolls from all boards
Coming close to 12 years. Spent my first three lurking.
Pretty much everything has a population cap before it becomes shit. I dont know why that is but I've seen it happen in various things of different sizes.
From a small group of friends adding to many to the group to a multiplayer game becoming "too popular" to entire countries getting fucked. At some point, cohesion just breaks down and ruins the whole thing.
Been here since 2004/2005. My life hasnt changed at all.
Yea Forums is fucking awful
Usually a board is the perfect embodiment of the medium it is supposed to talk about.
Anime have never been gayer and in fact Yea Forums is Faggot Central.
Also, the whole is circular logic. It's more like
>gaming went to complete shit
>most people only had that as a hobby
>left dazed and confused
>walk around like empty husks trying to find ways to entertain themselves instead of moving on
If anything, social media shitposting exposed who you were funding with your hobby, and that made it worse.
The cap was also meant for gaming as a business. Once PS1 broke the 100m, it was over.
Yea Forums become Yea Forums with videogames
kind of like how Yea Forums started out as random "with anime"
this post reeks of underaged newfag naivety
moot became a normalfag over a decade ago
Imagine ruining anime for yourself just to discuss the source material instead with other autists. Very low IQ!
better than Yea Forums
Ret/a/rds have their own level of faggotry
>anime and manga ass to ass
>moot became a normalfag over a decade ago
well then he'd fit in pretty well here
I guess since this is a metathread, I have to ask. Is it absolutely necessary to be edgy on this site?
Are the only words I can say are NIGGERS FAGGOT TRANNIES R3DDIT?
cope Yea Forumsermin
where the fuck do you think you are?
go back there if you want your safe space so badly thinskinned newfag
It's true in all cases except for /i/.
Shit board and the slowest board on this god damn site. Absolutely irredeemable in it's current state, would only be better with more dedicated posters, honestly. Have been there for about 4 years now. I wish someone cared about it enough to save it.
To all reading this. Help save Oekaki. Visit /i/ and just draw something. Even if you don't like it. Any activity will help it.
Pretty sure moot started to hate this place by 2010. He was only 15 when he started this place now he's 30, can't imagine he'd visit for anything other than occasional curiosity if it's still running.
moot was too good for us.
Fuck hiro.
Buy a Yea Forums pass
He's not wrong, but sometimes size is irrelevant; /adv/ has always been tiny but almost irrefutably the shittiest board on Yea Forums. Even the tripfags are more obnoxious than usual
But this is true of just about anything; the more humans you add, the worse off things are
>Yea Forums
Opinion completely discredited.
A domestic terrorist, made a bunch of bomb threats and shit in the mid to late 00's
Yea Forums is the worst board on here; literally where all autists who can't conform to society seem to meet. Yea Forums has tons of everything, Yea Forums genuinely likes anime, Yea Forums is just autistic idiots attacking each other in every thread while not being aware at all of how pathetic they are
It's literally not the same, newfag
it would be more dead than /m/, I dont think board splits are the right call when you look at Yea Forums
Death Note / Haruhi / Code Geass / Gurren Lagann / FMAB / HxH 2011 Yea Forums was amazing. Get out off of my board, zoomzoom.
Clearly you haven't visited /r9k/ if you think Yea Forums is the autist board
>visit /i/
>a bunch of talentless faggots who are shit at art are always yelling and arguing over fucking nothing
fuck that, every board worth visiting has its own drawthread even cripplechan's loli board
like moe threads are any better?
that banner still gets me
I believe the worst board is always the one where one spends the most time
Also Yea Forums is unironically just a shitton of porn, like a shitton. not knocking it, but it is
I’ll be your bf.
this guy!
cry more hunter virgin
>that he knows the site will never make money
Absolute bullshit coming from the king of scams. He opened up a few new boards after that and makes bank from data mining and selling it off.
/soc/ is unironically the worst board
none of the faggots there even try to bother lurking, conforming or integrating themselves into the site's culture, they're all (failed) normalfaggots who came here within the past few years
Moot is the founder of Yea Forums. It was going pretty bad until he got a SJW girlfriend, and basically sold Yea Forums out for sub par pussy. Then he joined JEWGLE. BTW, a lot of people left due to this faggot.
Are you a trap/faggot/trans/fujo/obese/hideously ugly?
>ret/a/rds crawling out of their shitholes
You fucks don't even play video games, fuck off back to Yea Forums
>Imagine ruining anime for yourself just to discuss the source material instead with other autists.
Indeed, you are a brainlet for doing this to yourself. Good thing you're filtered out.
>allowing your name to be attached to Yea Forums
He was right then and even more so now, having your name attached to Yea Forums is basically professional suicide at this point. And then people come here and all they see is relentless porn and thirst on every single board, man
Moot wanted the fuck off Mr user's Wild Ride. A shame it coincided with the SJW bitch but maybe seeing how both sides of the fence were fucking mad with their own brand of justice he decided to get the fuck out.
As I recall he met Sarkeesian and dipped shortly thereafter, no?
Yea Forums's problems are the fact that 90% of it's threads belong on /c/ or /e/ and also that they're too scared to talk about any anime because one of their bestiary of boogeymen might like it
>it would be more dead than /m/
So? /n/, /trv/, and /out/ are all slower than /m/ and fine.
so what happened to fireden's Yea Forums archive?
No one on Yea Forums plays games, retard
Aren't we all just tired of being edgy?
Yea Forums is honestly the worst interest board, is even more obsessed with identity politics than Yea Forums, and somehow has worse taste. Also none of the recent memes are any good.
thanks for outting yourself as an underaged newfaggot
moot knew the site was getting worse and worse and couldn't be bothered to put in the effort to fix it.
hiro buying the site just cemented our death.
It's almost as if every medium that was pozzed by identity politics has been completely destroyed and left nothing but political talk behind.
No one barely watches or read manga on Yea Forums either. Unless you call posting the same waifus over and over again discussion
speak for yourself nigger tranny faggot
Unironically yes.
I'm not sure how the whole story went, but after he left in late 2014, a giant Exodus was started to leave Yea Forums for Infinitychan.
>Yea Forums has tons of everything
Everything that's porn, yes. Anything that isn't dies within 5 minutes and gets replaced with more porn
And mountains of shonen trash, which is your fault, Yea Forumsedditors.
Nice projection faggot
>Yea Forumstards dont play vidya
Way to out yourself newfag
BTW, *chan got censored. Not just "chan", but Infinitychan with the 8 got censored lol. Fucking jannys.
>how to spot newfag freddy for 10, alex
I think you guys are pretty cool.
No it's not, you fucking crossboarders are cancer.
I just cataloged Yea Forums and it looks like a porn site
Yea Forums is
>trap threads (full of unironic UWUing and complaining about transphobia)
>porn image dump threads
>z-tier erotica threads
>edgy boomers who heard about Yea Forums's reputation and go there to be part of the edgy club
did I miss anything
>crossboarders calling others crossboarders
Weeaboos belong on Yea Forums, not Yea Forums. Fuck off.
>But le /vee/ boggayamen!!
Yea Forumsfaggots are the fucking worse. Why couldn't they be turned into a red board and stay on Yea Forums?
Yes it is, shonenshit threads are Yea Forumseddit colonies.
>you fucking crossboarders are cancer
The ironing.
>which is your fault
Look everyone, the Yea Forumsspie is already resorting to his favorite scrap goat!
Yea Forums was always flooded with porn but for like the last 6 years its been like exclusively porn, /soc/ shit that might as well be porn and 3 /pol/ threads
yes, which is why we need to divide Yea Forums into separate boards for different platforms. half this fucking board is faggots smash posting
It's not a scapegoat when it's literally the truth, newfag. Where do you think all the Naruto and other shit threads were when they were "banned" from Yea Forums?
You're crossboarding on Yea Forums dumbfuck
>B-but Yea Forums!
Yea Forumsutists, everyone.
I ask myself the same thing more and more every time every day.
>Weeaboos don't play video games
More like Yea Forums considering they have toonami threads, but keep making shit up like the newfag you are.
unlike Yea Forums, Yea Forums actually bans people who try to force retarded Yea Forums memes. you can't even post wojack or a frog over there
Yea Forumsspie's belong on Yea Forums, faggot.
>all these triggered Yea Forumsermin
Can't even dispute it.
>Where do you think the Naruto and other shit were?
On fucking Yea Forums, retard.
you're welcome to fuck off
This is the kind of newfag that killed this site back in 2010, sad, Yea Forums is way too far gone into shit to ever recover, you guys can't even recognize basic bait, and constantly spoonfeed, that's why your board is used as an insult
and you arent?
They literally cannot handle bants.
This is why they've always been worse and dominated by trannoids and other manipulative freaks.
If Yea Forums cared about gatekeeping like Yea Forums this board could be much better.
It's like trying to dispute with a retard who doesn't believe Earth orbits the sun. Why bother?
If you don't like Yea Forums then go back to your neckbearded cesspool, faggot.
>he thinks they started with toonami threads
You're only hurting yourself, newfag.
>Yea Forums always attacks Yea Forums and has discussions about insecurity of being inferior for some reason
>people literally insecure about posting on one board over another
>when half the userbase is the same anyway
>while Yea Forums literally doesn't give a shit
autism and this
yep, Yea Forums sucks, anyone who is still here has stockholm syndrome
Has ever been a time when Yea Forums made a alliance with another board?
Yea Forumsedditors belong on reddit. Guess there's no difference.
Yea Forums has gatekeep'd over the years and it just made everything worse every time a new policy happened.
Remember /vg/?
>Has been on the website for 3 years now.
LOL. Before you say "YOU JOINED FOR THE ELECTION" no, I didn't. I actually didn't know what the fuck was going on until September.
Becuase mods actually do their job there, if they put half as much moderation on Yea Forums as Yea Forums then maybe there wouldn't be so much stale memes.
he isnt but i'm a cute boy.
Remember when you used to shit on harem and then we got literal faggot harem and gay women harem? Monkey paw, straight man's pandering ends up being better most given time.
The current state of anime is literally only redeemed by isekai, rest is an abortion.
you're the kind of normalfaggot tourist cancer that killed Yea Forums
Yea Forums is one of the worst boards here in terms of post quality, no question. the huge influx of traffic from kids and normalfags over the last few years in conjunction with the "old guard" leaving more and more each day has really shown its true colors. the majority of people here now are kids, normalfags, reddit tourists, and nintendoniggers who haven't learned anything about the board culture that was there before them and echo chamber off of each other, giving the impression that things were always like this. they think it's fine to shit on anime and "weeb culture" despite the fact that Yea Forums always has been, and will be, an anime website. they keep these godawful facebook tier memes alive that should have died out years ago because nobody stops them and the bad behavior is just enabled. they criticize original content as "cringe" or "reddit" and then have the fucking audacity to post pepe/wojak edit #83816 with their post. it's infuriating and depressing. Yea Forums is dying and this is the reason. it's a cesspool of stale unfunny garbage with no leeway for creativity or discussion that breaks the echo chamber just like every other website that Yea Forums was supposed to avoid becoming like.
Thanks to outing your new, subhuman.
then why are you still here
Be careful, because if you complain about jannys on this board, they might ban you!
>admits to being a newfag
>LOLs about it as if it isn't true while he just admitted it
>because mods
Are fucking fujoshis, retard. The wave of fujoshit made them come, and since anime already attracts wimps, they weren't strong enough to push them back and have them removed and rangebanned.
B-but I need threads to be 20 posts a minute because I have the attention span of a goldfish and use Yea Forums as a replacement for actual social interaction instead of just a place to discuss my hobbies!
Shut the fuck up, retard. No one likes Yea Forumsutists like you. Go back.
Look at the state of Yea Forums thanks to your "bants".
Because you lack the mental capacity to argue with embarrassing yourself. Keep saving face.
What the fuck are you talking about? Anime's been long gone on about half the boards for about 5 years now. Fuck off, Japanese shit belongs in Japan.
so what kind of anime does Yea Forums not hate?
In the old days, /u/.
Not really, Yea Forums is the WORST about properly gatekeeping.
To the point where faggots here will spoonfeed idiots to spite people, hence why this board is shit.
The irony of a reddit/newfag colony calling anything else a cesspool. No wonder Yea Forums is the most hated board.
>3 years spent on Yea Forums
Who the fuck isn't a newfag here then? Almost every last motherfucker including you is a newfag in your conditions, lol.
>Go to Yea Forums when new chapter of Yotsubato gets released
>Threads die barely getting 100 replies
Yea Forums is a pile of dog shit, just like Yea Forums
He may have been right about Yea Forums at the time, but now, no way. It's filled with ESLs, newfaggots, and teenagers who refuse to lurk or learn anything, just like Yea Forums.
>All these mad Yea Forumsspies here
If you don't like it here, then go the fuck back, retards.
>all these newfags taking baby's first troll seriously
I'm not sure what's sadder, you actually thinking this or it not being true. Probably both. If you've only been here for 3 years, you're a literal fucking newfag by the definitions created here and on Yea Forums
>you can't even post wojack or a frog over there
I wish.
Yes, it's the bantz, not the reason why there's bantz.
Want bantz gone? You're gonna unironically have to use counter-censorship.
Only non-partisan or completely apolitical games will be allowed.
Are you fine with the trade? Because it's the only way for "bantz" to go away.
>merely pretending
Try it fag and see what happens.
Yea Forums is literally, LITERALLY the most Reddit board on this damn site.
>Reddit Ball Z Super threads
>Reddit Piece
>Reddit flavor of the month waifu posting that belongs on /e/
You can't even greentext correctly.
I've honestly never thought of why the boards had these letters.
I feel dumb
Go back to Yea Forums where you belong, 35 year old retard.
Have you ever taken a step back and thought of why, despite searching for so long, you haven't found a bf?
>Only non-partisan or completely apolitical games will be allowed.
sounds good
>doesnt remember
name one good game that isn't "non-partisan or completely apolitical"
I've seen everyone do it like that, especially on /pol/. If I'm doing it wrong, explain what's wrong lol.
>thinking it's better to spend your 20s on here than your 30s
embarrassing zoomer who's throwing his youth away
>underaged newfag Yea Forumsermin who came post chanology using age as an insult
prime example of the tripfag underaged cancer that killed Yea Forums right here
You'd know the unspoken grammar of greentexting if you weren't a newfag who didn't bother to lurk before posting.
>Thinking I'm in my 20s
Well, you are wrong.
>>Has been on the website for 3 years now.
God, I hate all the newcunts on Yea Forums, they're the fucking worst.
I have more problems thinking of games I'd be missing with that blacklist. Chances are: none.
This post reeks of 2016+ faggot.
There is no "correct" way to greentext, faggot.
>There is no "correct" way
I just did
He's not wrong. Yea Forums went to shit when they banned sadpanda threads, because they're homophoNic and sexist. That tells you what kind of people rule that shithole.
this should have been /thread
So many Yea Forumsspies here. Here's a photo I took of Yea Forums sometime in January. It's probably the most degenerate thing I've seen on here, and the best part is, it was up for 2 whole fucking days!
>stupid nigger
Yes there is, and newfags / redditors who don't do it properly stand out.
It’s considered spam it seems.
Yea Forums and /pol/ are shit because they don't practice proper gatekeeping, which is ironic for boards that constantly talk shit about immigrants and Muslims.
/pol/ is to Yea Forums what refugees are to Europe, complete with a delusional defense force of retards.
This post reeks of 2018+ faggot.
And he bears responsibility for that. moot was best when hands-off and terrible when he tried to solve an issue.
Yep, its probably been like that since late 2014-early 2015. Thanks moot.
Fuck off, there is no correct way.
I never said they did dumbass, way to miss the point.
reads likes the typical post on this place 10 years ago
Christ, this site truly went to shit when it was flooded by pathetic underage boomer Christfag conservacuck LARPers like you.
Fucking kill yourself.
Lurk more. Your kind ruins imageboards.
>on here
Is that referring to Yea Forums or the entire site?
yes of course
>Yea Forumsspies claiming their mods and jannysare better when they had a sticky telling them to fuck off to /h/ to talk about sandpanda
You can spot a Yea Forumsermin easily on any other board by the habit of exporting its habits, like the need to generate console wars.
>He doesn't know about all the incest stories found found on Yea Forums
Fucking newfags
I've only seen someone post about having sex via incest and having it up for 3 whole days on Yea Forums, but it could apply to a couple other boards.
Except it's factually Yea Forums and /pol/ that have the most people that use reddit
Yea Forums's quality would rise 50% if they permabanned every single person in those Dragonball threads
they read like they're infested by actual 12 year olds
>L-lurk more
Shut the fuck up, newfaggot pretending to be an oldfaggot.
No, you're 16. Fuck off you stupid newfag.
Was he right bros?
Actually I left Yea Forums in 2012 after six years and came back only for the arson thread for the very same reason there were people unironically cheering for the happening. I didn't cheer but I can totally see why they did.
You're the one who's only been here for 3 years and still hasn't apparently lurked much at all.
>When they come to Yea Forums and start trying to post their OH NO NO NO NO/cope/seethe spam
>When they start whining like faggots when they get reported and subsequently banned
Don't reply to namefags
Shut it, newfag.
i'm good, board is more fun the way it is desu
don't care it it triggers boomer oldfags if i'm having fun
I was posting in a JoJo thread and made a meme post with Rankings and had a picture with Trump and I literally got banned for 3 days.
Actually kind of retarded how bad and trash that bored is.
>doesn't ban non vidya pictures
Yeah, he was right and he's also at fault.
>underage boomer Christfag conservacuck LARPers
>Implying that he is 30-40 years old, is an athiest, a democrat, and a retard.
Oh my god, just fucking filter him.
Or alternatively, stop fucking replying to yourself on your phone, nigger.
>newfag doesn't know about the gay stories on Yea Forums in the 2000s
>fakes a screencap of a thread not even in the archives
fuck off back to /pol/ already you faggot
imagine doing a job you hate /for free/
Yea Forums has a lot of flaws, but their hostility to newfags and the ban on pepe and wojack is why you can have actual discussions as opposed to Yea Forums where it's just shit flinging.
it's time to stop bro
you shouldn't be advertising your steam profile on Yea Forums everyday
>remembering back in 2008 when this place was treated like as much of a pariah as Yea Forums
>even trying to greentext or >implying on other boards got you several replies telling you to fuck off back to Yea Forums or Yea Forums
the good ol days
Wrong. Try again.
It’s sad when a fake Muslim nignog and a culture sucking Jew vampire are absolutely right.
>They got mad I came for their body pillows
The funniest part is he just attributes it to reddit
Yea Forums has always been shit and still is
Games are political now, you won't be allowed to have discussions about games until politics go away
>it's gonna get worse
I know.
You can spot an Yea Forumsspie easily on any other board by the habit of exporting its habits, like the need to have borderline image dump threads of their favorite waifu
For /pol/ sure, but where's the statistics for Yea Forums?
Fuck off back to /r/eddit already [insert epic 4channeler lingo here to seem like I fit in]
this is all me
>lives streams a couple times every week
>never once in english
>doesnt even acknowledge our existence
why doesnt Hiro love us?
It's a shame, but there are still a decent amount of anons who fight back against the Yea Forumsermin menace.
Keep Yea Forums in Yea Forums, if they travel outside of it be sure to report them on sight.
A-user that isn't the Yea Forums we got anymore ;_;
>Implying I don't know about those stories
Wrong, I've heard a lot of them.
ITT: namefag gets utterly BTFO
hostility to newfags is literally all it is
lurk more is a dead phrase
Anything to keep redditors out.
Imagine thinking a bunch of larping degenerates bragging about incest is what makes a quality board.
Wrong, you are not me. Fuck off.
>proper moderation now
>i-it's still shit!
cope shitposter, Yea Forums is better than ever
thread theme
Any person that doesn't use liberalism as a bait like baybayposting but as an unironical positive. Notice all the boards that fit that description like /news/, Yea Forums, /int/ are reddit and tumblr cesspits.
They eyeball test seems relevant here. I would say Yea Forums has more redditors than Yea Forums and /pol/ combined though.
Have you acted upon the things you discovered might need to change? Has doing so helped in your search? If not, then did you discover and change the right things about yourself?
Also what said. It's not healthy for you to act like this
All cancer and forced memes.
Yea Forums is garbage. They hardly talk about past kino anime.
Crossposters, not native posters that came here afterwards to stink up the joint.
You could tell this during GOT season.
>One of the rules is literally you getting banned if you argue or complain about how mods are
I wonder when this website became literally Germany...
You are me and I am you
>proper moderation
>when DBS threads still exist
>Proper moderation
>After that panda sticky
>Not deleting those shonen console war threads
>Not banning everyone in the DBspic threads
>Not deleting those /e/ waifu dumpthreads
The only reason why Yea Forums mods are better than Yea Forums mods is because they ban pepe and Wojak on sight.
This post gave me AIDS.
This entire thread brought/drew the cancer killing Yea Forums out just to prove my point
Check and mate.
Where do you see this etiquette enforced? Every thread is infested with illiterate ESLs, tourists, and plebs. I swear that fucking 3x3 image made everyone scared to have taste.
That implies they were into the medium back then, which is far from true. That's the one edge Yea Forums has, unless it's some obscure Amiga shit game, Yea Forums will always have someone that played old shit and can talk about it.
>Yea Forums
Oh I'm a having quite the sensible chuckle
this is amazing
What the fuck is baybayposting?
>Impersonating an user.
This is the saddest shit I've seen in a while.
>is Yea Forums bad?
I mean just look at this fucking thread.
Absolutely based. Fuck wojak redditors.
This is now a нαςkεямαη thread. Look at me I'm a stupid nigger.
Stop impersonating me
learn to greentext
>Yea Forums
Looks like the thread did just fine to me
>Ion Fury becomes Ion Tranny
>389 replies omitted
Not really, most of those people post on /vr/, which is a much better board.
Considering how Yea Forums is always the most smartest board on Yea Forums, he's completely wrong because we're better than every other board on this site just by not being stupid losers.
It's all one meme. Wojak is a blank slate to project anything on. That's why such a shit, low effort meme can survive.
Having Trump lose in 2020, would at leastl stunt /pol/'s growth and the general cancer since they are the gateway board and are to blame, along with /r9k/ for massive flood of redditors.
Deleting /pol/ would be better since it's not even a containment board, but Hiro's keeping it around since everyone who uses /pol/ are retarded phone posters who get infected with Hiro's maleware ads. So unless the Fed's decide to go after Hiro like they did with Watkins, don't expect a drastic change.
This place is filled with lonely incels devioid of any personality so they absorb the emes and culture of the echo chambers they browse and this thread is the result.
if all wojack, have sex, and frogposters were banned on sight we would be still far worse than 4 years ago but 300000% better than today.
Samefagging Yea Forumsspie.
Yea Forums was good before they gave into endless shounen generals.
Remember when Yea Forums used to ridicule reddit for still using ancient memes long past their prime
BTW, I also hope Hiro bans transphobic and racist posters
I remember how hard whatever discord group was forcing that blue sonic wojak with the Hershey bar. It was pathetic. They really shit gold with Honkler the next week though. Still, low energy.
God bless Yea Forums mods.
Notice how I actually use proper grammar, that's how you can tell.
There are literal 15-20 year old zoomers posting in this board. You can't do anything about that, the damage has already been done.
what was up with that stupid fucking chocolate sonic looking wojak that some retard tried to force? it was so pathetic.
>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>CRUNCH CRUNCH Insert pretentious opinion burp
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>What is the video game version of insert band or album
>Smacks lips
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from THIS?
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago
>Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
>Astolfo/Gerudo Link thread (YOU ARE HERE)
>I want X to sit on me
>What are some games that X
>Cute feet
>Buy my game
>E-celeb thread
>Eastern design vs. western design
>woah... deep...
>say word > money stolen
>this but unironically
>say something nice about her
God, I wish this would happen more often.
Fuck these annoying faggots, notice how pretty much all of them are also photoposters.
It's just the natural cycle of things. We were all obnoxious newfags once; if not to Yea Forums, then to the internet in general. Even Yea Forums itself used to be viewed with disdain by sites like SomethingAwful in a similar way and for similar reasons that Reddit is viewed by Yea Forums today. The community was viewed as a bunch of thieving, unfunny retards who ran jokes into the ground. A good amount of old Yea Forums content was stolen from SA or YTMND, not to mention all the stuff taken wholesale from Futaba. As an example, that old "FASTEST FAGGOT IN THE UNIVERSE" F-Zero GX copypasta that's been passed around as a classic Yea Forums screencap is from SA. This is how things go. A new generation shows up and ruins everything for the old generation, then repays that karmic debt in full when a newer generation shows up to ruin things in the exact same way. The eternal September started in 1993. We are all guilty.
Your tripname is father from the time.
God this thread went to shit. I want to fuck a cunny desu.
modcat predicted the future
The latter would be smart policy (And is in the rules, look at the report bar newfag) since racism on Yea Forums has almost always been tongue and cheek and not 'HURR I HATE NIGGAARS!' Which has been the case whenever fags take over a board for politics.
If the mods had brains they'd filter tranny because that's cancerous along with all the other forced phrases being spammed.
Stop impersonating me. I might be gay, but I still have standarts, I only take it up my ass.
Yea Forums was great in 2012. It was great right up until around 2014 when it started going downhill. The awful state it's in now is just saddening.
Modcat got fired.
Did you already forget that they bannned a word becuase you spergs wanted to keep posting porn without feeling guilty
This is levels of Chris chan autism.
I am a diaperfur
/pol/ getting modcat fired was one of the worst crimes and showed how terrible the moderation crew is today.
Such a versatile meme, truly a jack of all trades. A swiss army knife if you will
I can toast to a good wojak
>We were all obnoxious newfags once
Dude, even when I was a LITERAL 11 YEAR OLD lurking Yea Forums in 2007 I wasn't as annoying as most of the 16-20 year olds posting here nowadays.
The problem is that shit like Discord allows these retards to coordinate their shitposting more efficient than ever (I know, I've seen it personally) and fuck over places like Yea Forums harder than ever before.
As a very proud trans person I really hope Hiro and the moderation staff steps up on the bigotry destroying this site!
Which one is the real faggot?
Yea Forums‘s shounen generals are awful but they’re largely self-contained
Yea Forums‘s various cancers infect almost every thread, it’s almost as bad as Yea Forums
Fuck off Yea Forumsspies. I'm not homosexual, I'm hetero, you fucking demonic rats.
Yes. Yea Forums was much better even back around 2012 when half the board was nothing but dubs, George Costanza, and >implying. At the very least most threads were vaguely video game related, as opposed to a nexcuse to talk about politics or trannies or some reddit shit
>The /pol/ppet is butthurt that his garbage forced meme was filtered because he spammed it everywhere like the cancer he is.
based modcat
>Dude, even when I was a LITERAL 11 YEAR OLD lurking Yea Forums in 2007 I wasn't as annoying as most of the 16-20 year olds posting here nowadays.
The people around back then likely saw it very differently.
Alright, I'm just going to ignore you fucking impersonators.
Now does anyone have any trap footpics? That shit would really turn this thread around.
How the fuck did you forget
>Blocks your Path
>why yes, I do play X
>One copy of X
is real.
is real.
The rest are fake.
/pol/ got him fired?
Faggot croasboarders from /u/ doesn't mean Yea Forums itself ever liked them.
>Believing in demons
Why is that anybody that posts anything, as in anything with Freud, even a pic, is always 100% wrong?
Is it a self-aware freudian "slip"?
The board is shit because gaming is dead and they don't feel like talking about modern shit games made by mongs and they can't find any other hobby worth shit, that's it.
Let's say we follow the banning rules some retard is spouting as we speak, let's talk about games
>Death Stranding
>Some flavor of the week fighting game
>Kunio waifuposting and faggotposting
Fuck you.
>already banned basedboy (and ban people who avoid the filter because it hurts their rectum)
>now wants to ban tranny
Fucking kill yourself to death, queer.
A reminder, Yea Forums is shit because of what /r9k/ did in 2015 and if you use pepe or wojack, you're a redditor.
Yea Forums and Yea Forums are both legitimately godawful, even though I browse both occasionally
Yea Forums and Yea Forums are the only good boards I've been to, and even then they're shells of their former selves
I hate /pol/ but calling people gamer and seeing them sperg out was fun
People are unironically getting mad and triggered to a crude mspaint drawing of a bald man and a cartoon frog
Woah... so this is the power of the gatekeeper """oldfag"""......incredible
They wouldn't have known since I LURKED instead of posting every dumbfuck opinion that popped into my head.
Nowadays, these dumbfuck kids never had any old web 1.0 forum culture where you DIDN'T constantly post stupid shit and just browsed a thread and maybe occasionally posted.
Not to mention faggots like you refuse to tell them to lurk more.
Me again, what the fuck is with the arrow to another thread? Nevermind this post, the second and third are real, the rest are impersonation.
>Tasteful vidya clothing
>Do you have any Vidya Tattoos Yea Forums?
Yes, they were running raids out of /pol/, modcat tried to stop them. /pol/ complained and he was fired.
The Dubpocalypse
Yea Forums is unironically the worst fucking board on this entire website.
I like video games enough to stay but fuck every single one of you faggots.
>Dude, even when I was a LITERAL 11 YEAR OLD lurking Yea Forums in 2007 I wasn't as annoying as most of the 16-20 year olds posting here nowadays.
>The problem is that shit like Discord allows these retards to coordinate their shitposting more efficient than ever (I know, I've seen it personally) and fuck over places like Yea Forums harder than ever before.
you have no idea how right you are
/pol/ is a cesspool, so yeah, he was 100% right
Yeah, that's the reason
>see? The influx
Of people who are scared to use the word FAG
You may have lurked, but many didn't. You were part of a wave of cancer. We all were at one point.
I wouldn't brag about the state of Yea Forumsmblr.
>modcat btfo Yea Forums's stupid mentality in just three posts
too bad kino is a tranny faggot and babysits like the lonely faggot he is
None of them are real you dumb nigger.
Golden words.
Seeing your butthurt is worth having more filters.
What an awful thread
ah yes, in 2007 we were using mumble to coordinate our Yea Forums raids. Now faggots are using discord? What the fuck is a discord? Some nigger shit?
I bet you masturbate to netorare.
Yea Forums hardly discuses anime anymore, its just boobs now.
Fuck off, I'm getting rid of my name. REAL HACKERMAN GOING user.
>/tg/ is unironcally one of the best boards
>Slowly bad Yea Forums and bad Yea Forums shit is leaking in
Pls stop.
And don't forget, the ones who use normie are the ones who spam pepes.
If you use that term, you aren't really from Yea Forums.
Before it was the Discord boogeyman it was the IRC boogeyman. People shitposted about a supposed secret IRC cabal on Yea Forums for years and years, accusing them of organizing to shitpost in threads about whatever anime they didn't like among other things. This is nothing new.
>You may have lurked, but many didn't.
Because, again, faggots like you didn't tell them to or enforce the unspoken rule.