I just beat Deus Ex for like the fifth time

I just beat Deus Ex for like the fifth time.
Is DX: Invisible War worth a shirt?
Does it have comfy questan?

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gmdx just got a new update with radial menu and better laser sights or whatever

anyway invisible war is worth playing because harvey smith wrote and directed it

I think the main storyline is better but the consolized levels really do a number on the game as a whole

It ain't even worth a sock

It's worth a playthrough- ONE playthrough and no more. Also Kuwabara voices male Alex.

I liked the future setting and the music, but the constant loading really kills it. The hud is atrocious too, look at it.

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it's better than the two new games

Better than what came next.

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This is a bad game but you might as well play it once to get the story if you're a fan of the world set up in the first game. You'll hate every minute of it but it at least has a handful of interesting elements.
t. played Deus Ex every year since it came out.

The way the environments are designed and the lack of all the awful loading makes HR way better

Is the next one after human rev even worth it?

It's just Deus Ex except dumbed down for normies
Worth at least one playthrough but that's about it

torrent it and try it out. if u liked HR u'd probably like MD

It's way better than HR in everything except the main plot is boring, unfinished, and barely goes anywhere, but the side quests kinda make up for it.

radial menus suck on pc games. they were literally made for controllers.

Yea it's worth playing. Definitely suffers hard from consolization as others are saying so keep your expectations in check.

I really liked the Egypt section, some decent branching quests throughout and I actually liked the more sci-fi heavy twist on the setting.

I agree with all the critiques on HR but disagree with all the compliments of IW. IW is REALLY braindead.
Give it a playthrough if you're interested in playing through the entire Deus Ex series. But there's no real point. Series may have well have ended after the first one.
At least IW is set more in the future and tries to expand on new points instead of writing the most clumsiest analogies of all time.

It's worth playing if you "just want more dx". Inventory system is worse, but the biggest issue is the small levels and long loading times. Any instance of backtracking is fucking excruciating. Other than that it's a good time.
I also suggest checking out overhaul Deus Ex mods. They're not spectacular, but they'll scratch the itch once you've finished your 10th playthrough.

It's worth trying it at least once. Maybe twice if you want to see the same quests but with a different narrator because that's mostly all that changes.
You're not gonna get weapons as good or fun as the first game, nor different types of ammo, but you do get some more grenades and mines.
Also no skills and hacking is locked behind an Aug.
The story is also fairly stupid when you get to the end.
But the augmentations are more varied and work a lot better than the first game, despite having less of them. The levels are smaller but they aren't that badly made and let you toy around with a lot of fun stuff. It's just not a large area to explore and understand anymore, it's just a few corridors and you pick where you come from.

You never played a game with radial menus or tried using one with a mouse? Sure as hell beats trying to select weapons from 1-9 when anything past 5 requires you to let go of WASD.

you think the sequels have any chance of being good? are yuo retarded?

It's a good game but a bad Deus Ex game.

everything is so much worse it isnt worth playing

In time you'll learn to appreciate what little deus ex it does offer, it's got some of the worst consolitis I've ever seen but it's also still deus ex at its core (but watered down).

Whoever wrote this is an idiot. Anyone that hasn't played either game will accept it at face value but anyone that tried IW will think you're trying to prop up HW instead.

Health and Energy don't Regenerate unless you have the literal "Regenerate" augment that gets cheap as fuck at lvl3 and you can get it like that right at the start.
Not to mention the absolute truck load of medkits, energy cell and food the game throws at you as well as all the bots to regenerate those too.
HR isn't much better at all, but you're omitting that you only regenerate up to 100 while many items can let you go past that limit while Energy only regenerates a single cell and takes almost a minute to do so unless you invest heavily into it's regeneration.

IW does not have "a variety of melee weapons", all of them work exactly the same with the same animation and attack speed. The only different is that some are non-lethal but that's it. Even the first game at least had "stealth knockdowns" that this one doesn't,
Again, HR was terrible in replacing that with cutscenes but the melee combat in IW only shined with the EMP augment to disable bots and tripwires, that was it.

The stealth between both games is also pretty much the same, based around line of sight. The light level barely mattered unless you were on the easiest difficulty.
The radar for HR also required that you invest in it to display enemies while IW gave you actual X-Ray vision instead.
Note that HR goes for a more action-oriented style with even it's stealth working towards it, which is why it seems different. Not saying it's better or worse, it's just a different aproach to it.

The player also does not "receive the same rewards no matter their playstyle". Depending on how you do your first official mission, you might get your hands in an actual MagRail right there or not, for instance. Chatting up with the Black Market Ayylmaos instead of killing them gives you plenty of Black Canisters too.

This is peak autism

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I don't know, I read it. Seems reasonable to expect that people who play Deus Ex will be capable of reading more than half a paragraph without their eyes glazing over.

still better than the newest titles

XP rewards were terrible in HR for overly rewarding the player for the simplest dumbest things you could do or putting an actual objective value on your morals.
But at least they bothered to keep XP in the game instead of having progression tied only to augmentations.

It's true that HR only has hacking. But "lockpicking" in IW is just waving your dildo at anything electronic until it consumes all the required charges to unlock it. It's boring and not even as good as in DX with different times making it faster and consuming less resources based on skill.
Hacking in IW is also tied to an augmentation and it's just seeing a bar go up while in HR is a fully fleshed out minigame that's far better than anything in the other games.
You're not being honest here at all.

It's also not true that "you die from a short drop", considering the many times you can jump from buildings, especially with the right augs. I'll give you that IW did movement the best out of all DX games, however.

Augmentations were also done a lot better but let's not romanticize them too much. Corpse Breaker can't "be used in a variety of creative ways" or many of the bots you can summon.
There's some good stuff there (remote control the spider bot you summon) and better than other DX games, but there's a passive augmentation in every slot as well.

The story is also trash in both games for different reasons, but it doesn't even make sense to say that HR contradicts the original when it's a prequel to it.
IW isn't an utopian society either and the only thing it explores is the absolute fan fiction the writes made out of picking every single ending from the first game.
It's mostly about secret societies controlling the world from the shadows (fighting an invisible war) but it does so in a very lukewarm way. One of these cases is the goddamn coffee companies and another is a virtual pop star, for fuck's sake.

I'll also point out that I don't recall any boss fight in IW. Most important and named NPCs aren't much better than random fodder either with the sole exception of the ending where you're fighting other nano-augmented individuals and it feels exactly like that: nano-augmented fodder.

HR went with boss fights for a more traditional experience, trying to ape MGS (consider that and a lot of the design will start to make sense) that ended up not being very interesting because DX isn't exactly suited for that kind of moments.
But then again, IW just dumps some dudes that turn invisible while keeping glowing effects that make them perfectly visible anyway and gives them extra armor and health that doesn't matter when they are also extra weak to EMP damage, of which you'll have tons (including the MagRail) by the time this happens.
Both "boss fights" were entirely unmemorable for different reasons but at least IW wasn't even trying to have any, I suppose.

I know what you mean, I never read the books and newspapers in these games even though I'm sure they connect to the plot really well.

it's a bad game but a good Deus Ex game.

>Sure as hell beats trying to select weapons from 1-9 when anything past 5 requires you to let go of WASD.
That's why I use mousewheel and the side buttons for 6-9


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Don't know if that cover art is really worthy of shirt status
OG Deux Ex cover art sure does though

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How thoughtful. I made you a shirt, too. Only without the r part. Get it, i made you a shirt? Come get it before it sinks


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i always thought this was saying de-litized and never knew wtf it meant. only recently learned it was deli-tized.

i'm glad i figured it out.