Why do lesbians and bisexual women in games anger straight waifufags but the other 99% of us can appreciate that...

Why do lesbians and bisexual women in games anger straight waifufags but the other 99% of us can appreciate that lesbians are hot and we're in control?
Is it just inherent to being a waifufag?
Do they think they're in competition with the rest of us and that even more competition means they're even less successful?
You're not an obsessed waifufag who seethes whenever someone is attracted to someone that doesn't exist, are you?
or worse
a f*juoshitter

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i didn't read what you said
im thinking of marrying lysithea 'cuz she's cute and funny

All dykes belong on a pike.

are dyke waifufags like this too?

Your first mistake was thinking waifufags are rational.
Case in point.

all waifufags are pathetic either way, romance in games should not exist.

> Multiple hot and interesting lesbian options
> Gay options: Old men and that villain from Shrek 1


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>romance in games should not exist.

this homoshit ruined eltregard's epilogue lmao

So it's legit just all waifufags then?
Then this bifag shows up and shows appreciation for the fact girl on girl is hot and doesn't seethe over them
But then seethes over Lord Fuckwad
Aren't you the ferdicuck dude?

>Aren't you the ferdicuck dude?
I have no idea what you're talking about, I haven't even played that garbage ass empire route, but I know playersexual faggotry always ruins endings.

it is, he's shitposting about cucks in the dragon quest xi thread too

jeez, those graphics look hideous

Not allow.

kek this guy is the exact type of dude i'm talking about
he acts like he's actually marrying these characters and is desperate to impregnate them

So you are more angry about hot lesbians than a gay lord farquaad?

Be honest

jesus are female byleth's tits THAT big?

because by adding lesbian shit it hurts the hetero scenes and endings, the hetero ones talk about them having kids but lesbian/straight characters don't have that

did you reply to the right guy, user?
my post is talking about how confusing it is to see people seethe about waifus like they're competing with each other, more so when they're bi or lesbian

Trannies only seem to love it

At least you have a chance with bisexuals

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which is weird because any game with magic in it has the perfect excuse to always include having kids

oh okay my bad

not an excuse but im a bit tipsy

I hate fence sitters.

That's not how it works

no worries bro enjoy yourself and don't drive
wouldn't want you getting hurt or anything

What do you mean?

you got it!

sounds like an excuse to complain about nothing

Why do you care?

Bescause lesbians can't have sex, it's boring.

only cause you replied to me. still, doesn't change my point

why do some screenshots of this game have the guy/girl on the left with a lighter shade of green for their hair

you can if you are creative

plot reasons
super saiyan basically

People who can't make simple choices are not waifu material in my book.

No, sex requires a penis to penetrate an orifice and cum. If that doesn't happen it's not sex.

>I can't stop thinking about trannies therefore everyone is a tranny
Literally obsessed. Seek help.

Kurahana Chinatsu's art style kills the yuri potential for me.

sounds like you are incapable of being creative

ah okay, I guess you do you user

Because nowadays these things cannot exist independently of a ridiculous political pandering behind it all

That's something you made up. The world doesn't cater to your delusions.

Explain the seething in this thread then

What seething?

>not wanting Farquaad
You disappoint me.

oh ok you're baiting nevermind

For the record, I'm not him.

shit like the literal second post then

Fair enough. But he only complains about lesbians.

op is complaining about how people seethe like they're threatened by lesbians when it involves their waifu

Define sex more logically and consistently than that

i'm just glad none of the girls are smelly niggers

Who let you out of Mercedes' rape dungeon, Ingrid?

The lesbian options in 3H would have been better if they had been unique instead of being the same regardless of gender.

The only people I saw throwing a hissy fit about the new Fire Emblem game were gays, so I don't know what you're talking about.

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Yea Forums and /feg/ have been seething for weeks over some of the girls being not straight.

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I don't even think Edelgard is bi, just sensei-sexual. She doesn't have any other actual gay pairings and she has very good reason to be in love with Byleth, regardless of gender.

Nigger please it would've been a simple matter for them to just pen a different Edelgard ending for each Byleth, if they actually wanted to do that.
It's not like their hands were tied and they were "forced" in any way to only give her one ending. It would have taken them like five minutes.
Fact is, the ending she got is the only one they wanted to give her. There reason there is no ending where you get to pump her full of babies isn't because of the lesbians, it's because the devs simply did not want to write such an ending for her at all.

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There's literally nothing wrong with being monosexual.

must be projection. I've been frequenting both v and feg and no one cares about the sensuality in the game, it's just yurifags and people who act like tumblr users.

I dunno, femleth is pretty hot and dresses sexy. I can't imagine Edelgard not wanting to fuck her good.

Gay fag here:
Lesbians are just a strategic copout to be as little inclusive as possible without upsetting any demographic enough to warrant mass complaints or boycotts.
You literally can't prove me wrong.

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Pretty much. My favorite is when they claim Nintendo promised them a bunch of gay romance options and then get pissy when Claude is straight. So many shattered head cannons of shit heads.

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It's clear that she doesn't have anything against the idea of being with a woman, but I think it's still fair to say that Byleth is the only one who could possibly get Edelgard hot and bothered, even when she's in full Emperor mode.

>strategic copout
I remember when they were just hot and it wasn't any more complicated than that.

Wow, you cracked the code from 30 years ago. Amazing.

But dude they totally queerbaited us! We were promised the opportunity to hook up with this already married dude but he only hooked us up with some basic bitch villager girl. Boycot nintendo!

These people are just ridiculous, give them an inch and they want a mile. They can never be satisfied, even if the game went full tumblr and gave each character made up pronouns, they'd still find something else to moan about

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it's all this talk about "diversity" and "representation" but at the end of the day, it's really just about everyone wanting to nut.

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>the other 99% of us

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Who cares. Hopefully romance is removed from the next FE along with the school stuff.

No one should have expect to be able to marry the married man, but it is pretty bullshit that he marries you off to some chick.

They probably did it because they would be contributing to the low birthrates in Japan if the game had hot guys.

Why do faggots always try to complicate this incredibly simple concept?

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no, i need romance in games because i dont have it IRL

keep seething

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Do you have a video or pictures of the support. I’ve heard this but I’ve never seen it.

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>Gays revealing it has nothing to with love, just their fetish


Nah, I'm just going off what I've heard too. Which is probably a mistake, since Yea Forums has been proven wrong about other supports/epilogues.

The fantasy of lesbian porn is fucking them both. You're reading in some really weird shit that no one actually thinks.

The biggest fag is someone who actually takes the time to create such an retarded .png

You would hate lesbians too if your waifu was made a lesbian out of fucking nowhere like mine was.

If they also fuck men then they're not lesbians, though.

He's right though. When it comes to lesbian shit just watch/read pron about it, maturate and move on. No fucking need to take this shit anymore serious in any kinda of anime, tv, movie or games and role play this shit.


Thats precisely why it works.
A large portion of straightfags enjoy lesbian sex. An even larger portion are vehemently against seeing two men together though.
Video games are still very much a male dominated form of media, discounting phoneshit and facebookshit.
If you aren't inclusive and your game has room in its design and narrative structure to allow inclusiveness, you'll be slammed for it on social media forever.
This is just the easiest way of appealing to both. Its like fence sitting at the ballpark while you double fist fish tacos.

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lesbians are gay

College lesbians arent real, only butch lesbians exist.

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twincest when?

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Or perhaps they didn't want to be accused of some faggot shit if one ending was better than the other. Or perhaps they were just lazy.

This same thing happened with Dragon Age 2 and their garbage romances.

Are you aware lesbians have a higher teen pregnancy rate than straight women? Female sexuality doesn't work the same way male sexuality does. Anyway fucking two lesbians has to be a top 3 most common fetish, along with incest and anal.

The word you are looking for is bisexual. "Lesbian" refers to a homosexual. It has nothing to do with their sexuality "working differently", it is just a simple descriptor.
A woman who is interested in men and women is simply not a lesbian. Wanting to fuck two bisexual chicks is fine but don't muddy the language up.

Not him.
>Are you aware lesbians have a higher teen pregnancy rate than straight women?
The study doesn't makes the distinction between bisexual women and lesbians.
>Overall, about 13 percent of heterosexual females and about 14 percent of females who only had male sexual partners had been pregnant, compared to about 23 percent of lesbian or bisexual females and about 20 percent of girls who had male and female sexual partners.

This is arguing semantics but most people wouldn't call a woman who is 90% attracted to women and 10% attracted to women bisexual. When most people think of bisexual theyre assuming its pretty 50/50.

>He believes lesbians are real

LMFAO, even my fat lesbian friend was asking for my dick. "I'm not like other guys", haha fuck off op.

Why are you friends with a fat women

Now big think here for you:

why do you think this study didn't bother to separate the "bisexuals" from the "lesbians?"

In fact, why bother including "lesbians" in a study about teen pregnancy at all?

Just proves how homosexuals are shallow and superficial. It's not about looks but about the person's heart.

Most people are motivated to respond to things they like, thus responses and polls are biased in favor of the positive. Yea Forums isn't like that, you'll only get responses from the people who hate whatever you're discussing, it's as simple as that.

>After adjusting for sociodemographics and sexual victimization, bisexual women had significantly higher odds than heterosexual peers of teen pregnancy (OR=1.70; 95% CI=1.05, 2.75); this association was marginally significant after adjusting for sexual risk behaviors. Bisexuals were also more likely to have an early (before age 18) teen pregnancy (OR=2.04; 95% CI=1.17, 3.56). In contrast, [lesbian women were significantly less likely to have a teen pregnancy than heterosexual (OR=0.47; 95% CI=0.23, 0.97), mostly heterosexual (OR=0.46; 95% CI=0.21, 0.99), and bisexual (OR=0.29; 95% CI=0.12, 0.71) women in final models.]

>This is arguing semantics
Right, but when they are relevant to the discussion then it's important to get shit right.
>most people
>they're assuming
Looks like you're the one assuming things there, not "most people".

I hate the lesbians in Three Houses because they're all fucking shit girls and tied to the worst houses, Church and BE. If Hilda was a carpet muncher I would have more reason to ever do a femByleth playthrough, but as it is now the chad professor remains the supreme gentlemen.

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I hate yurishitters because they obsess over a fucking fetish like it's somehow special beyond masturbation purposes.

(Game you like) shouldn't exist.

Gays need death, it's simple as that.

But there's no gay people in that game, just straight and bisexual.

Its poorly handled almost every single time.