Is the remake gonna keep this scene?

Is the remake gonna keep this scene?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, it was confirmed months ago along with all the other stuff at wall market

I'm sure the ethics department is happy to keep it.

he didn't HAVE to dress up as a girl


it's pointless to keep it because FF7R Cloud is built like a twunk, he ain't fooling nobody

crossdressing only looks hot when the dude becomes a full-blown trap


it's in but played positively, and cloud is really happy about it and especially the gay sex hot tub.

Yes he did

post good art instead of

>crossdressing only looks hot when the dude becomes a full-blown trap
That's where you are wrong

I'm just hyped for Tifa beat-em-up gameplay.

Attached: FF7R - Tifa Combat 02.webm (480x270, 1.73M)


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>l'homme de shad

>crossdressing only looks hot when the dude becomes a full-blown trap

Yeah. A beat em up.

>except i actually like the art


Hipefully they'll have an alternative ending where cloud stays as a concubine


reminder that shadman made a drawing of his mother masturbating and then gifted it to her for her birthday

Attached: 4.png (478x346, 146K)

>X X X X X X X X X X X
What do you think the original FF7 was?

why is shadman doing gay shit instead of loli
he used to be based

Are these posts showing up as censored for anyone else?

I can't fucking wait

Attached: Cloud.Strife.full.1891846.jpg (750x1000, 687K)

weren't you listening to Tifa? she tells you outright, it's the ONLY way

It's not that good.

In the original game he keeps the entire outfit in his inventory rather than throw it away. He likes it.

He's always done gay shit newfag

if Tifa a fujo who wanted to see cloud get raped by bald old mans?


Talk about lolis so the thread gets deleted!

would you? if you didnt know.

>be honest

Attached: cloudbasedtrap.png (459x596, 402K)

Aerith tells him that though it's a little dubious when she's clearly getting off on it and probably schlicking herself in the dressing room

Yeah. Plus positioning.
That's what beat em ups are.
Not sure what point you're trying to make.


Post it

reminder liking traps is straight because they look like girls and liking lolis is pedophilia because they look like children

Yes even if I did know

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Wholeheartedly yes

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what the fug

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I would either way

>This scene made me want to crossdress and get gangbanged

Who the fuck had O as their confirm button?
I bet you didn't have triangle as the menu button either - probably had it on square or some retarded shit.

I'm a fag though, do that probably doesn't count.

As a former trap, I hope they keep this as it'll give me courage to start dressing like a cute girl again.

the absolute shadman

as long as you don't go surgery and hormones I support you

>tfw he will never be your wife

Post cute pics.
Pretty please

A huge advantage to the shit graphics is that Miss Cloud was open to player interpretation. If the player thought it was funny that it was obviously a muscle bound dude in a dress, but Corneo liked it anyway, that's what it was. If the player pictured a super cute female version of Cloud, that was just as valid.

No matter how it's handled, Remake is going to ruin this scene, because it won't be what half the people want.

Instant marriage

t. casual

Hormones, yes, but surgery is haram.

Rent free

>As a former trap,

you're past your prime, not even hormones and surgery can help you now

hit the gym and go slay some pussy

I hope so. She is so sexy!


Attached: Screenshot_3.png (553x563, 682K)

>12Yr old me playing this section
>Haha gay guys are weird

Am I in the minority of people that just thought this shit was eccentric and funny instead of unlocking some deep seated childhood fetish for crossdressing and traps?

Why does Yea Forums keep shilling shadman's dogshit art?

That’s some shadanity

Yes, and yes. Yes.

I do hope you get the courage back too. Cute traps deserve love.

Sorry but I actually like his art it's very fappable


So they can get a buchh of replies and images going

Hormones kill all your little spermey wermeys user. You couldn't go back to normal if you decide constant gay sex isn't for you.

have you seen his current body?

hard pass

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wait can don pick someone besides tifa?
why does this game have so much different shit that can happen? I hate missing stuff and I hate replaying games

I found the gay guys at the gym funny. But Cloud in a dress became my second main fetish fuel after Tifa's breasts

>This scene
I think there's more to it than that.

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Yes he can pick cloud if you got all the items

I never developed any weird fetishes from games or cartoons and wound up having a normal life despite being on Yea Forums since late 05.

the regular straight male reaction is to find traps fuckable and crossdressers amusing

Cloud's low poly model was too blocky to be hot, so it was funny

I think OPs is pretty good. It's the eyeliner.

You're still a mutant for using that control scheme.
You still have no point.

Cloud is OBJECTIVELY the best girl

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Can he not pick Aeris then? Lmao Aeris is fucking ugly.

You missed out!

>muscle bound dude
Anyone who imagined Cloud as muscular used their imagination objectively incorrectly.

The other choice was burst in the front door and hope the doesn't take a hostage or let the girls go in alone and hope.

Even Thor did it in Norse mythology, and was equally funny too.

Obviously but this is one of the factors.

Yes he can pick her too switchlet

I honestly considered taking hormones because shaving can be a pain in the ass.
Used to have a lot! I haven't taken a picture in forever. My last cosplay was Enma Ai from Hell Girl.
I can probably pull it off still. It's just all around discouraging to do nowadays.


You will delete this right now.

Attached: Mad on the internet.png (638x239, 239K)

His arms are fucking huge

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what items

Sorry user, your smelly prostitute is ugly and deserved to die.

>I honestly considered taking hormones because shaving can be a pain in the ass.

That's not why you take them, and they also don't really do anything for hair growth you already have.

>tfw no gf (male) strong enough to carry you into the bedroom
Why live

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Retard. All traps are meant to have twink bodies and have distinctly masculine traits. It's hot because they're guys with male bodies.

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Really? I thought it would help reduce hair growth in the body.

>Growing up playing this game and watching ranma gave me gender bender/crossdressing fetish

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>shaving can be a pain in the ass
Is there another way?
I really don't like hair but shaving is tedious and scary to do in some areas.

Find a shrink you're mentally ill.

Most of the male models look like that though. He's not unique in that regard. His battle model reflects his slender figure.

Please tell me you're joking?

Common misconception.
It really has no effect on that.
If you want body hair gone you have to get it lasered off or do electrolysis.

Hormones literally just make you fat, bald and impotent. There is no benefit whatsoever. They don't change your face or bone structure. It's a meme and everyone who falls for it becomes extremely ugly.

answer my fucking question you stupid fuck

Dude, they knew Cloud was a dude in the original. They were into that kind.

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I know that feel. Sometimes I just don't feel like shaving.

I just hope it will have customizable outfits like the last batch of mainline FF games so I can take off those stocks, they just don't seem to belong.

Nope. Estrogen literally does three things to the male body. It makes you gain weight around your midsection, it increases your odds of going bald, and it makes your dick stop working. That's all. There's no actual reason to take hormones, especially if you want to be cute. If you want to be cute, avoid hrt like the plague it is.

Yeah, but improved

Attached: cloudytits.png (842x1359, 373K)

Fuck off sealguy

everyone who takes hormones is fucking disgusting. nothing ruins the trap aesthetic faster than that shit.

There's no reason for your dick to 'stop working' from estrogen. What are you reading?

Magic Shave Powder.

Sealguy draws better stuff, like Ash Crimson expys in chastity

>source my ass

It causes erectile dysfunction, user. Are you pretending to be silly? It's common knowledge.

Literally the worst thing ever double fuck off.

>Ywn be bimbofied

what if my testosterone is too high? Am I going to have constant boners?

Never heard of it, might check that out pretty soon.

Shit fetish, get the fuck out.

>play FF7 in the livingroom while my parents are away
>get to this part
>parents come in from shopping right when Cloud gets selected
>stall forever and act ignorant while my parents are watching
>stall so much that my mom actually goes "Well, [user], get on the bed!"
The wave of relief that washed over me from the following scenes and battle. I bet they thought I was playing some porn shit.

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if you want to fuck traps you are not even remotely straight. liking traps is full blown 100% hard gay.

Yes. Men with shit libidos are sometimes prescribed testosterone.

Your test can never be too high

Nice post faggot.

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gift is not a verb
"ree" Yes it is.

I feel ya, user. Maybe some day.

It's funny how most of the risque stuff in the game takes place in Midgar, the rest of the game is pretty tame in comparison. Golden Saucer date and Cloud/Tifa under the Highwind are the only that come to mind after disc 1.

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i want to fuck a trap in the ass so bad bros

not even gay

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you are gay if you like traps.


i'm not gay in the slightest

>Giant bulge
That's not how that works.

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and then you grew up to be a hooniposter. really makes me think.

what would you consider 50% gay?

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If I didn't know yes.
When I found out I'd ask him to marry me.

>he doesn't like his traps well endowed

>Giant bulge

Hung traps are the best bro.

>Giant bulge
Not even close.
And you wouldn't see it under actual clothes so it would work.

I like fictional traps but the irl discord tranny "bois" are the cringiest shit I've ever seen, for starters traps don't work in 3D but they don't seem to get that and they're everywhere. I made the awful decision to click on a Yea Forums trap thread recently and it had people uniroincally UWUing and complaining about transphobia, ON Yea Forums.

best traps have small penises, only tops women and bottoms for straight men

I don't they'll allow the huge tits, so here's your ethically approved Cloud.

Attached: Cloud2.png (1752x940, 529K)

the fact that illiterates are documented to have been periodically misusing a 950 year old word for 400 years does not mean that it is a correct usage, and no number of apologetic articles from Merriam Webster will change that fact. if you're going so far as to include the clause "for her birthday", which makes the context of the giving as explicit as possible, then you don't even have Merriam Webster's listed excuse to hide behind in the first place

Usage overrides rule faggot, you're not speaking a dead language.

>going to Yea Forums
Why does sealguy suck so much at smash?

Why the fuck does Astolfo have tits?

best traps have small penises, only tops women and are never have anything to do with men.

Why is Astolfo so perfect?

and the usage in question is not (yet) widespread enough to make it correct in standard English, despite ongoing efforts to change that, faggot.

astolfo is a reddit character

I think you made a typo. You obviously meant to say the best traps bottom for men and never have anything to do with women. Anything else is just wrong.

>full blown 100% hard gay
>wouldn't touch a non-trap male with a 10-foot pole
>wouldn't suck the trap penis, nor bottom

liking girls and traps is the straight man's default state

traps fucking men is cringe

Yes I do like to press buttons in an action game.

hormone issues

Wrong. You are not straight at all. Stop lying to yourself.

what's risque about the golden saucer date

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>>wouldn't suck the trap penis, nor bottom

what if you wake up the morning after and the trap is in boymode? would you be cruel to him, or let him snuggle?

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liking traps is gay.

he was talking about men fucking traps, though. not traps fucking men. there's a difference.

...goddamnit I hate humans and sexuality

You're also not straight in the slightest.

I feel sorry for you, if you think that is giant user. Don’t worry though, with the right techniques I’m sure you can please your gf that she won’t care how small you are.

>Cutie when not crossdressing
Every time.

If traps aren't gay then what do you do with your trap's dick?

Aerith is gonna deflower Cloud's feminine phimosis

>calling yourself "he"
both are cringe and not kino

You fool, because of overexposure to traps, I've only found trap Cloud impossibly hot.
>tfw no cute blond musclegirl gf (male)

If you stop taking the hormones, you'll just go back to normal though?

>inb4 accusation of photoshop

Attached: Screenshot_20190819-230426_Chrome.jpg (1440x513, 169K)

anons I just left the gold saucer in ff7 and I didn't do anything because I thought it was all minigame shit but apparently I missed out on a lot of character dialogue
can I go back and do it later
I don't want to replay the whole fucking game and I don't want to keep playing after missing a bunch of shit

Liking traps at all means you are not straight. Period.

posting "inb4" doesn't make inspect element any harder

Artist name?

Nope. Hormones permanently ruin your body and your brain chemistry. Never, ever fall for the estrogen meme. All it does is make you ugly and depressed.

Attached: Based Lincoln.jpg (1631x666, 183K)

Traps don't have a feminine form. They have twink bodies, and twinks bodies are inherently masculine because they belong to men. Liking traps is gay by definition.

Literally not true. Sorry you were allergic, or whatever.

Yes haha

Attached: Cloud.jpg (981x840, 388K)

this is true.

Attached: 6c2e2ace1eedcb731458d69a18d9371c-dauj9o4.jpg (1300x1086, 989K)

for the little hooni doodle? I have no idea. saved it from here.
unless you're asking for the source of the character, in which case the artist is parkgee and the character is usually referred to as hooni

i'm straight as an arrow

you mean dressed like a male? i would even lend some of my clothes to him, looking like a female is more important than the clothes, the hair needs to be long and natural though

nothing, his feminine dick exists so I can fuck the ass instead

it also exist so he can squirt his girly watery semen while i massage his prostate

it's completely true. there's no reason for you to lie. everyone knows that estrogen just makes you fat and ugly. the cute traps avoid estrogen like the plague, and only the ugliest most disgusting frankenstein monsters take estrogen.

arslan is not a twink

Attached: Becoming a trapfag.webm (1208x680, 682K)

He's right. Estrogen is a total body destroyer for a trap or a guy. It just makes people ugly as fuck and has no redeeming effects.

Traps are not the same as twinks. The entire point of a trap is to trick you into falling for it by having the appearance of a woman. Easily identifiable male features that break the illusion disqualify the twink from being a trap. Traps are not gay while twinks are gay as fuck.

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he literally is a twink.

Extremely based

Unbelievably wrong and stupid. All traps are twinks. Traps are male and they have male bodies. Traps are not girls with dicks, they're boys in skirts. The word trap is a bastardization of Otoko no ko, and otoko no ko are just crossdressing twinks.

>Making sure to pleasure your trap
I can at least respect that.

>you mean dressed like a male?
yes, presenting as a male. no hairdo, makeup, clothing or voice etc

btw imo short hair traps are amazing but that's another issue entirely

basically a girly shota. he doesnt have a twink build.

you're wrong. traps are the same as twinks. the only difference is the clothing. the entire point of a trap is that you're tricked into wanting to fuck a male. the moment those clothes come off, he has to have a male's body otherwise it's not a trap. girls with dicks are called futa, and traps are boys in drag.

Attached: 64681988_p0.png (1181x1730, 2.97M)

His body is the definition of a twink build. You're absolutely clueless.

Attached: 51160301_p0.png (750x1000, 614K)


that is NOT the body of a twink you dumb ass

you're an idiot. traps are twinks by definition.

based and redpilled.

Attached: 1555511107828.jpg (960x904, 109K)

Yes, but Cloud WILL be wearing a sports bra in accordance with Square's Ethics Department.

youre an idiot

yes it is. that's what twinks look like. are you struggling to learn english?

>he doesn't know about Japan

>You still have no point.
The only point is the one you tried to make out of total ignorance.

I’m getting my own place after years of living with my folks, in a month. I really wanna be a camslut on my spare time for some extra dough. I’m 1,000,000,000% serious. Pornhub would be ideal right? Don’t have to stream for hours, can edit my videos, and can cover my face.

>implying "twink" is a real word

You're actually retarded. That pic is exactly what a twink is.

this new bait is annoying

Attached: ANGER.jpg (698x534, 60K)

don't fall for the trap meme

Both of those posters are completely right, actually. You're misinformed and kind of stupid though.

no its not. and quit samefagging your shitty bait

i prefer when they present female, but having the appearance of a girl (including the long hair) and being hairless are the most important things

Gift is a legitimate verb.
(You) are retarded.

mentioned by the other reply to that post, silly

no one's baiting. you're just wrong and retarded.

they look like they bottom for straight guys


post a sample and Yea Forums will tell you whether or not to move forward with this idea.

They should let the player choose to storm the place without humoring Aerith crossdressing fetish, if the player so decides. There's no reason the 2 of them couldn't just barge right in and fight.

The real question is: will it be proper fapping material?

Correct. Traps are boys with boyish, twinky bodies. That's why they're sexy.

Attached: 64741198_p2.png (900x886, 553K)

don't do this, falling for the trap meme is always a mistake

Anyone who finds them attractive isn't straight at all. So, no. Only gay men like traps.

>I really wanna be a camslut on my spare time
don't do it faggot

Arslan is 100% a twink. Are you fucking dumb?

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There are a lot of cute asian crossdressers on xhamster, so that might be a good option too. But Pornhub seems fine.

>liking that waist-hip ratio
>not straight

gay men exist to become traps for straight men

in a better timeline instead of ugly as fuck bears and musclemen, all gay males are strict bottom traps


hes a twink your image yes. not in the series. i dont like this twink meme in this thread but i know youll spam it elsewhere to get more reactions, and thats depressing

mikleo a best
btw pic related is NOT gay

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You're not straight.

I’m not planning on being a trap, I’m gonna be a twunk. I’m gonna post a sample vid for feed back. Dress up in cute MALE outfits. Sexy Link, Sexy Joker, Atreus, etc. fuck traps. If you’re gonna be a fag, don’t half ass it. It’s really just gonna be dildos and toys. I’m straight btw

become a trap and become my girlfriend

this has nothing to do with being a trap (traps are the only attractive males), do NOT become a camwhore

you have to go back

Exactly correct. This user gets it.

Attached: 74475_p0.png (600x600, 27K)

>I’m straight btw
that's all the more reason to not do it

you're probably not straight. but if you are, you're not attractive and it would be a waste of your time. all straights are gross as fuck and cannot pull off the twink/trap look.

Memes aside, give me a good reason. Everyone says I’m cute and have a nice butt for a guy. Gonna keep it anonymous too. I’ll fuck my own ass in outfits for some extra cash. Not leaving my day job or anything.

>I’m gonna post a sample vid for feed back.
you mean, right here, right now, right?

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Ok, I'll be the faggot

Name of doujin?

Shucchou! Shimakaze-kun no Heya -Josou CabaClu Hen-


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I’m not gonna be a tink. If you don’t like twunks, I won’t be for you

Thanks m8. Love you. In a totally non gay way. Unless you're in to that. Whatever. Firm handshake or a kiss. Whichever you prefer.

Don Corneo will make sure.

Attached: cloud9.png (928x965, 1.45M)

reddit character

Based and true trappilled. All traps have a distinctly male twink frame.

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I can't wait for the sfm


I wasn’t gonna

Astolfo needs a top-only straight bf

why are girls with dicks so attractive just like girls with vaginas, but guys with vaginas are so fucking disgusting to look at?

Its a girl's job is to deflower phimosis virgin cock
As they mount it and it peels back inside their vagina, the potent virgin seed will explode into their uterus.

They better not fuck up this song.

Vaginas are gross

no fucking way


Vaginas are fucking disgusting.


literally how retarded can you even be jesus christ, it's dihydrotestosterone that makes men bald

>he doesn't like boyish crossdressers

Cute boys who don't quite pass for various reasons (Face too boyish, shoulders too broad, bit too much muscle, etc) are cute. I like full-on traps too, but I think there's some appeal to guys who are still clearly guys under the clothes.

the one thing I'm most worried about is the music. it defines FFVII for me. I've only ever seen music remakes go one of two ways: so good it's an improvement over the original, like the Kingdom Hearts HD remakes...

... or a downgrade that makes you wonder why they even bothered. like Mario and Luigi.

unfortunately the latter seems more common.

this is the ideal trap body

Attached: 1555110261990.jpg (643x1200, 77K)

>lie, actually distributes fat everywhere but midsection
>lie, prevents balding
>lie, unless you stop using it
What exactly is the deal with the anti-HRT astroturfers and their blatant disinformation these days?

Women are gross I'd rather play with my own penis

why are you faggots so fucking gay lol
I mean i get it, you want the scene to be there and i agree i want it too because its part of the original game and thats it, but im not "looking forward to it" like a thirsty homo
go choke on a dick, traplovers

Attached: 3c1.png (925x518, 490K)

They actually already talked about this scene and its inclusion in the remake.


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yes i can finally post this

Attached: traps.jpg (750x1000, 110K)

it's especially not gay since all of the other girls are terrible

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Naw I'd rather fuck a boi pucci

... and? what did they say?

too much hip for a male

left is a twink, right is a trap

both are otokonokos if they crossdress

I love this artist.

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>boi pucci
go back

also true

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I wouldn't worry too much. The original PC port had bouched music as well, people just modded in higher quality rips of the original. Well it wasn't bouched so much as it only played well on one specific Yamaha card and someone with that card thankfully dumped the rips. So anything people wouldn't like can be altered.

Honestly a hole is a hole. If they are cute and treat you well. Fuck it.

What was that?

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