So did intern devs make those in-game jokes?
Why else would they do a complete 180?
So did intern devs make those in-game jokes?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why else would they do a complete 180?
Publishers told them to.
>Why else would they do a complete 180?
Bad Pr and the publisher. What else?
i predict itt 14 year olds will try and wrap their heads around business and politics instead of talking about video games.
Is Shadow Warrior 2 Build Engine too? I apparently own it
>before caving: very little backlash, only from trannies on resetera
>after caving: massive hate, refunds, backlash in all
trannies all deserve the death sentence.
too bad this piece of shit will only be remembered for being cringe
Ok. What are those jokes?
What were the jokes?
no the reboots were on a modern engine, 2 is basically borderlands x shadow warrior. was pretty meh imo, original is better.
Listen here you small dick /pol/ fucks. Times are changing. People are changing. Just because you don't like what people do to their bodies makes you right. Hurry up and die out you old dinosaurs, nothing y'all say or does matters in the long run.
It's funny so many of them don't care about the game.
>Fair apology -- no interest in the game given my apathy towards shooters, but great to see they're taking proper steps moving forward.
But anyway how do you all think this game will sell in the end? Will it be enough for more content like they said?
Resetera hurt fee fees strike again
An outside-the map message including the word “fagbag” and some bottles labeled “OGAY”.
Lol what a bunch of pussies. How can anyone treat tranny scum seriously when they can't handle an insult? How is anyone supposed to take devs who kowtow at the merest whine? Everyone is weak.
have sex
those kind of jokes desu
Just because you don't like what people do in their games, it doesn't make you right.
Look man. An adult choosing to be a transgender is one thing but many are pushing kids to do it too. That shit is wrong.
why do you come here to post this dude
at the end of the day
it's a man crying to sleep :^)
Boy am I glad I pirated it and didn't give them a single cent :^)
Is there anywhere I can buy Duke Nukem that doesn't let 3d get my money?
inb4 pirate
I don't give much of a shit what someone does to their body. I find it retarded, disgusting and funny but go ahead, mutilate yourself if you want to. But don't try to force me to play along with your make belief bs.
buy used from ebay
some people have new copies too
forever is easiest to find for 360 and PS3
then PS, N64, PC games used
90% of the people who look at the game on steam won't even know about the "controversy"
What bad PR?
Before this the only ones complaining was Resetera and one gameinformer article. That was it.
Trying to forcefully push your bullshit agenda isn't going to work out the way you degenerates think it will. For as hard as you overplay your hand like this there will always be a strong response. People are getting fed up of all this stupid bullshit & we're not going to be silenced, no matter how hard you fuckers try. Keep this bullshit up and there will be severe consequences.
that's even less harmless than what I assume it's making fun of
There is only one Truth though, habibi and it doesn't change.
Lel these controversies always make for easy baiting
They consider that bad pr.
Yeah you're probably right. Discussion for that game is permanently tainted though. It will always be brought up.
reminder that the neogaf rejects created resetera and even neogaf can't stand them
resetera is full of pedophiles
this guy gave me hope
wow I really hope this pleases all the people who were never going to buy the game anyway!
trannies are all pedophiles secretly pushing pedo agenda
and here i was making a duke nukem mod for the game...
I refuse to believe fucking 3DREALMS the guys behind Duke Nukem and robohitler somehow cucked out on this.
Too busy playing SR2 to care about this.
Refuse all you want but it happened. Times change. People change.
>Thinking about supporting them because of the Iron Maiden Lawsuit
>They cave in to the social justice terrorists
I just saved 20 bucks
come on
I don't know what to do. I just booted up the game again and it's still fun. Somehow the game isn't any worse. I'm confused. I think the sun might come up tomorrow too. Is the world not ending? Fucking snowflakes.
>thinking anyone involved in Duke 3D is still working for 3D Realms
>tfw I pirated it so i'll have the unpatched version of it forever.
yikes looks like they fell for the oldest left wing trick in the book
will avoid buying voidpoint and 3dr shit from now on
Nice try tranny, but we all see through your faggotry. Censorship is still censorship, regardless how minor.
Fuck off Flippy
They were never going to buy the game to begin with.
wow, youre so cool.
for fucks sake
never should bend the knee to trannies, they never even play the games whey whine about
lmao never change faggotera pedos
just gentlemen of the row and reshade
>until we see the devs literally strung up and ready to be hung...
What offensive jokes? Thought it was a chat log that got them in hot water as hot as luke warm is anyway.
3DRealms of today is in name only. They got bought out by the same investors who owned Interceptor, responsible for the awful ROTT reboot. They're standard EU progressive tranny loving scum now.
Never said I was. I'll probably make backups of it since it will most likely have some value in the future.
justice served
>Lose sales
>Trannies continue to be worthless scum anyway.
What did they expect they would earn from this?
>Now both groups hate you
Good job, cuck devs.
>implying any of those faggots would have bought the game anyway
>mfw I just refunded my copy of Ion Fury.
Every fucking time, it never gets old.
Literally nobody gives a shit about this game, and your manufactured outrage isn't going to sell any copies.
Stop making threads about it.
>Hurry up and die out you old dinosaurs
Transgender suicide rate is nearly 50x that of the general population even after gender reassignment surgery.
I want an economy colapse so hard. this way we will be at war and we will be able to kill your faggy kind for good.
who cares about your manufactured opinion.
>Proceeds to reply to the thread
Clearly you care that we care the trannies are ruining yet another thing. Fuck off and hide the thread if you hate it so much faggot.
>Tfw the one thing that will bring every single race and religion together will be our hate of LGBT freaks.
eat shit gay
this desu
The only reason your kind exist is because there are laws that make it illegal to kill you.
Keep pushing.
Which build is patched?
Still listed as v1.0 on gog - assuming the build number is the indicator that I need to look at.
Why are liberals so entitled to consideration?
>mfw pirated the unpatched version
>In other, easily-accessible rooms are bottles with the homophobic slur "ogay" written on them.
Yes, the classic slur, ogay.
>The recent developments cast a troubling shadow over Ion Fury, which is otherwise a brilliant shooter. As for Voidpoint, its reputation will be seriously damaged.
not for reasons you think, cuckgamer.
>Make an inoffensive gay joke
>faggots hate you now
>cave in to faggots and apologize
>your buyers hate you now
>faggots STILL hate you
Way to go, now everybody hates you.
Galaxy brain move
All of tranny identity is predicated on 'acceptance' as in the general public needs to accept them as women and not men and when this doesn't happen they need to be reeducated.
Someone spam this on the forums and steam discussion board
why they can ostracize people while for anyone else is a crime
>genius tries to defend declaring babies as trans at birth
literal peodphile
Learn how to xpost
VR has you covered guys.
yeah yeah, I've literally never had to do it before in like 13 years.
Good to see you actually figured it out. 80% of the retards here would have folded.
>blaming american brand mental illness on europe
Trannies and incels equate to the same thing societally, both are incapable of interacting "properly" with the opposite sex, imho both are mentally I'll but trannies literally reject their reality through drug regimens and surgery while incels use media to escape a society that says there is no place for them. Why is it then that society has found it necessary to champion the rights of one of these groups even though there is statistical evidence claiming trannies have a 40% suicide rate even after nearly a decade of social engineering and forced acceptance taking place, what is the end goal of uplifting people that are clearly mentally I'll into an aristocratic caste? And what mentally Ill subculture will we be legally bound to accept next? Imagine if scat became societally enforced? If you were sitting down for your lunch break and your co-worker just opens a Tupperware full of shit and begins eating it and smearing it on his face. Why is our culture okay with people who's baseline personality is centered around degenerate sexual fetishes?
all this retardation started with identitarian politics of the US being pushed on everybody
The mod of the steam discussions page just posted a sticky stating that mentioning retardera is a bannable offense.
Explains why the knee bent so fast, doesn't it.
people should be encouraged to make fun of mental illness. maybe trannies can actually get the therapy they need to be normal
Based Saint
Holy shit.
ResetEra has them right where they want em.
Guess the only people it appeals now is people who actually plays videogames... rare thing nowadays.
Really fucked up most games encourage pirating by releasing shitty updates no one wants, ruining the game for people who actually play games to appeal to fuckers who don't. Clownworld is too damn real
What a fucking joke.
>nooooo, don't mention our Tranny Overlords!
>Patch out shit that people will just mod pack into the game because it's just eduke32
still gonna pirate it since they crumbled under the SJW pressure.
Same europe that had a heart attack over sadpanda yep.
just a reddit meme floating in the void, not even as a reply to anything
Centrists are too indecisive to pick a game to play, user.
They will now because some shitty "journalist" out there had to write an article trying to make it into a bigger deal than it actually is, thrusting this non-issue into the spotlight for the game. If these people just didn't say anything and let the devs patch it out then nobody would actually have noticed a total of two words being changed.
Also you're wrong, this article is gonna appear on its Recent News feed on steam both in the itself so now they'll all fucking know it was a thing.
I find it weird that Era hates centrist even more than alt right shitlords. Question is why?
>a couple people got sick on gas it's no big deal
Hey look I can marginalize the Holocaust too
>It's a "Game developer/publisher bend backwards trying to chase after people who were never interested in their game nor have any desire of actually paying for it in the first place regardless of how much it appeals to them" episode
Except eurogamer's shitty article about it is literally linked to in the recent news tab.
Because Era are
[ˈīdēəˌlôɡ, ˈidēəˌlôɡ]
an adherent of an ideology, especially one who is uncompromising and dogmatic
>Donates part of their release earnings to try and atone
>Buries their head in the sand because they're too cowardly to confront critics
>Thinking about supporting them because of the Iron Maiden Lawsuit
sounds like you supported the game for a retarded reason and then stopped supporting it for a retarded reason
Game has got a lot of SOUL but i pirated it anyway.
>Too busy playing SR2 to care about this.
This nigga knows what's important.
Still. Shouldn't they play nice to convince a centrist into switching over? Instead of hating them to such a level?
I hope Saints Row 5 is a reboot.
They honestly think they're gods who need no mortals.
gamers are rising up in the steam reviews
Can we stop acting like the LGBs are the problem?
It's the Ts, it's always been the T's.
Because centrists aren't screeching demagogues but try to be rational. They hate rationality more than anything else.
How do trannies have so much power on the internet while barely existing in real life?
>make patch
>any questions about said patch is immediately locked
its bait man, don't take this shit seriously, kill any adult trying to pull this shit in real life, its just as bad as pedo's
I love how these faggots can't be pleased enough and want the developers fired now.
All of them are afronts to the natural order.
Actually its the L and T, women and pretender women are fucked in the head.
this is a post made by someone advocating feeding children hormones and mutilating their genitals
>how do men, who fake having the most oppression points, win so much?
Nobody would give a shit about what trannies want if it weren't for gays and white women backing them up.
Reminder this was all because of you, Yea Forums
because of reddit, tumblr, and twitter
>comparing the holocaust to text editing and a donation
is there a mod to make it run smoothly on PC?
Your link doesn't go to any specific comment.
Because "If you aren't with me than you're against me." There is no middle ground for them.
Thanks america
what are you even fucking ON about?
Individually, trannies have virtually no influence. It's the guilt-ridden people who lack true convictions of their own riding to aid them that spur unnecessary change.
You can justify anything through marginalization.
Social media. Keeping your image is worth more to some than actual sales or customer happiness.
How long before they get on the bad side of everyone on the planet?
same way jews do. they spend all their time installing their members into important positions and latching onto peoples minds at a young age to make up for their lack of numbers.
>Just because you don't like what people do to their bodies makes you right
Thanks, I thought so as well.
I know this is a troll post but the saddest thing isn't the replies, it's all the retards that can't into reading well enough to catch this.
Hell no. It's a bad port, and the best way to run it is with Gentlemen of the Row mod and in windowed mode. Full screen you suffer with random crashes. At least with windowed mode, it only happens very, very rarely.
They are cry bullies.
well, fuck. I'll have to take what I can get in this case, then
yea, and also, it's better played with a controller. Keyboard and mouse feels too awkward because of the alternating frame rates.
social media makes them look bigger than they really are. also they can't survive another 4 years of a republican in power
so it was that greenskull autist doing this
What if a third party wins?
This user is a hero.
I remember playing through the entire game in it's cracked-out hyper speed form and still loved every minute of it. Good times.
If this is true then wow. I do wonder if that'd really work though cause this seems to have instead made them full on bend over for the sjws.
what card were you using? I'm running this game on a 660ti and it runs at 40-90 fps
And they say Yea Forums has no influence.
It's like 11% post op, user. 4% is general pop. If it were ever 50x, it'd be 200%.
transwomen are fucking scary
the moment you say anything they may find offensive they jump at you like a monkey with rabies, they instantly assume it was a direct attack towards them
some people thought the whole "npc" autism meant that they were trying to kill them
most of them spend their entire day on twitter doing nothing but discussing how offended they are and starting rumours and drama over shit 24/7 to the point you dont feel bad for them anymore
ive never seen a group filled with such miserable people. maybe its just twitter, but the ones ive seen can be described with that exact word, miserable.
When scientist's figure out a way for tranny's to reproduced it will the end of the world.
>People who plays videogames without caring about political agenda circus surrounding them
Same goes for incels.
I wonder if theoretically Scientists find the root cause of transgenders and are able to full on get rid of it forever. I wonder how they'd react. On one hand nobody will go through what they did again. No dysphoria nothing. On the other no more tranny allies for them.
How did trannies find their way into this hobby? Were they expelled from every place else?
This thread has been unusually civil. Guess ResetEra is too busy fucking over 3D Realms to post here tonight.
Videogames were always liberal.
According to Steam the last time I played it was in 2009. I'm not sure what card I had in my PC back then, it was probably one of the GeForce 9 series cards.
I'm pretty sure there's some money from certain people behind this tranny uprising.
>third party
They've been here under the guise of anime posters.
everybody hates neutral faggots
Literally this. Our generation was raised around the time of indoctrination that racism and discrimination were the WORST THING you could do. Now they use these implanted morals to literally bully people into submission.
>Dev shares opinion on public forum
>Tranny lovers say "fuck them, they should change their minds or burn"
>Devs issue apology for speaking their mind and 1000% bend their knee
>Their punishment was not great enough. Bury them!
and I'm supposed to feel compassion for these people? My town is kinda small. I don't personally know any trannies. I've met some when I was getting around, and they were kind of obnoxious personality-wise. The online representatives of the LGBT have done all in their power to demonize themselves. They could try to turn it on me and say "well the right has bullied and.." okay, but I haven't bullied anyone. It just confirmed that both sides have shit heads, and they are no better or more lacking in the hate department than what they oppose.
I like to think that, no matter how deluded they are, most of them are still good at heart, and would happily accept that eventuality.
You mean vidya or games like Ion Fury?
As a trans person, I'd gladly say pull the plug. Nobody should have to live this life.
>responsible for the awful ROTT reboot
I enjoyed that ROTT reboot, especially Vomitorium.
4D chess
Hate is gods gift to humanity.
We cannot make anything better if we don't hate the ones who make things worse.
>when Big Daddy P start askin' fo' 90% instead o' 80%
>Hated both by fanatical reactionary alt-right incels and delusional snowflake trannies
>a bad thing somehow.
why are there still people talking about trannies in my sr2 thread
because they are mentally ill people taken advantage of. they fell for the identitarian bs and want their make believe to be true. their whole life is surrounded being gay. the moment you call the shit the LGBT does wrong they go ape shit
>being disappointed with someone who submits to the will of easily offended pissants is the same as being an easily offended pissant
You have autism.
>this is stupid
Yeah, you are.
Once again, fuck off Flippy
>falling for the bait
>transwomen are fucking scary
You're right mentally unstable people who aren't afraid to mutilate their own dicks are terrifying, you never know what they are liable to do at any given moment.
This thread is bait.
The people being slammed looked pretty suspect, but they all deserve a good hammering
Yeah that's fucked up, kids should always choose their own gender.
looked like an axe to me, no way a hammer can cause somebody to bleed out like that.
That's a fucking axe, my dude.
Based accelerationist user.
they don't even have to cut their dicks. there this retard in canada forcing women to shave his balls and if they refuses he will sue them into bankruptcy and doxxing them to the LGBT do same OPSEC shit we see here. the faggot also stalks children and wants to make parties of naked children where he is the only allowed adult. the worst of all is that cops can do fuck all about it because being an tranny in canada means being unstoppable
Imagine being this scared of twinks with tits in make up.
>Yea Forums did it, here's a random screencap of a random shitposter making claims
I could see it either way, a sledge can easily cause bleeding
What video games do resettrannies play so I can go grief them?
Why do incels and trannies care about this irrelevent shit so much
Someone go post this on RE. If they think every virtue signalman is a alt-nazi manipulating them, they are going to implode from all the ensuing paranoia and witch hunting.
>tranny gets mad that you refused to date her
>proceeds to axe you and your gf on broad daily
kill yourself
>What video games do resettrannies play
That asshole got arrested.
Another game on my not buying list. If they want to censor offensive content it should be an optional patch not forced.
Their real problem was that their social programming caused them to suppress any feeling of being alarmed of a person walking in armed with an axe.
Because reacting to that at all might be transphobic.
Most vast majority of them don't actually play games. The ones that do probably play MMOS, MOBA, indie shit, and whatever the flavor of the month is.
Seriously what were the jokes?
It cant be that's not sexist and transphobic
I was thinking FF14 but playing it myself would be griefing myself.
They play a phone game called 'Twitter' where you collect (You)s from other people.
Those were the jokes.
Nobody here will do that.
fuck off tranny, forget about "passing", you're gonna kill yourself for not being in your "natural" body anyway
man if they got mad at someone being called a fagbag imagine how pissed they will be when they
see my game with a hard faggot on the dialogue
You'd be correct.
thats actualy pretty funny
That's the ingame stuff, the rest were out of game, mild discord comments which weren't even that unreasonable.Pic related.
I took that as pretty literal. It was a man who had his dick forcibly removed because w.e the plot was.
Wait, sorry, what exactly would you have done in their situation? I imagine they did think it was unusual, but they had placed to do and shit to be.
Keep the decline going my man. Cant have gamers rising up, possibly restricting centuries old rights, and cause Civil War 2 Electric Boogaloo without you.
Kill em all
great Metallica album btw
I don't know what I would do but I hope it wouldn't just be being apathetic towards someone wielding an axe.
>say this
>reeeeera uses it as evidence to try and get you fired
what the fuck are you talking about you retard? the tranny with the axe was the dude refused her and decided to use an axe on him and his girfriend. fucking retard. learn to read
kek. I wonder what the guy actually thinks of all this. He's clearly cucked right now but is it publisher mandated?
She was holding it by the handle near the head, not wielding it.
God it feels good to be on the winning side of history. Didn't play this yet so I'll wait for the patch.
it is always publisher mandated. publishers are full of retards
>Person advocating for an end to the family structure and wasting womens' lives on corporate wageslavery talks about dying out
I want to fuck that clown
>all western media and art for the next decade at least will be simplistic right wing or left wing virtue signalling with no depth or complexity to their message
Where do I get my media from now? Japan? The past? I'm honestly so sick of this shit.
Trannies aren't twink they are fucking butch and ugly abominations in drag don't even compare the two.
Why must we speak of sided amico?