How does one get a refund on GOG for something they purchased but realised the devs are fucking stupid and don't...

How does one get a refund on GOG for something they purchased but realised the devs are fucking stupid and don't deserve your money anymore?

Attached: gog.jpg (1600x740, 218K)

>prioritizing politics over gameplay when the politics don't affect the gameplay at all
Election tourists please go and stay go.

go back to resetera fag, no one here gives a fuck.

they only give refunds for games that don't work.


Fucking Polack pieces of shit. If I have a fucking reason as to why I don't like a game like holy fuck I should be able to at least get SOME of the money back. One invasion wasn't enough.

>I should be allowed to extort game developers if they don't agree with my personal politics

Attached: ren53sf.gif (420x336, 25K)

Imagine unironically buying video games based off developers' political positions. /pol/ was a fucking mistake.

3D Realms always were SJWs.

Imagine giving money to people who want you and your family dead.

I didn't know we were on Resetera, they must have changed to layout to look like a Chinese cartoon image board. Goes to show what those hormone pills REALLY do to you.

>/pol/ hysterics and hyperbole
Business as usual.

Apparently you can claim you bought it accidentally and they have to issue a refund

Steam may be cancer, but even their draconian refund policy is better than GoG's. Learned that the hard way, after basically being forced to tear the support guy a new asshole via email after I discovered Aragami doesn't work at all with gamepad and is basically bugged as shit from the menu screen. They had the gall to initially deny a refund even though it was blatant false advertising on everyone's end.

They eventually caved in after I brought up small claims court. Basically, get games on GoG only if you know 100% you're going to enjoy them. Yeah, DRM free is good, but it's pointless when the refund policy makes Communist China look like a collective Mother Theresa.

Just contact support and say you're having issues getting the game to run on your system.
I shouldn't even be telling you this because you should be smart enough to figure this shit out yourself.

And that's why I don't buy games on GoG.

Have YOU ever done that and actually got a refund or are you just spitting bullshit at me

back to kotakuinaction

You posted this story 100 times already. Dilate.

So whats the drama this week? is this about Ion blast or whatever its called?

>Buying games on a platform whose refund policy you did not read up on
This is your fault and your fault alone.

What is the advantages between buying on GOG or steam?

fuck the refund just upload the offline installer to mega and send the link here.

Resetera was digging around looking for things to be offended about and found some vague "transphobia" in the Ion Fury dev's discord. This of course led to them CANCELING Ion Fury. Later, the Ion Fury devs apologized for it and donated to some tranny charity, so Yea Forums is now CANCELING Ion Fury.

You cannot get the refund BUT you can distrubute the installer via torrent to fuck up the dev profits

Attached: 1484203471846s.jpg (249x249, 5K)

i don't see that board here, maybe it's from another site that you should stay on.

You realize a good game is still good despite what the devs do. And the only thing that gets changed ingame is the "OGAY" soap bottles. If that little change irks you that bad then just kill yourself.

>dev's discord.
It seems to me that developers really need to stop making them, it only ever lead to problems

But is it a good game? This is LITERALLY the only question that matters.

>Implying someone who gets mad about irrelevant shit is smart enough to figure anything out

It's peak BUILD engine goodness. Honestly would rate it above OG Shadow Warrior and alongside Duke and Blood.

>Go to restaurant
>Eat the food
>Didnt like it
>Want money back
Nice logic commie

if you don't know how to get a refund there then you don't even deserve to be there, it's literally on the page of every game lol

>food analogy
Americans need to be gassed.

>getting 10k isn't good enough deal for trannies so they go to Yea Forums to continue ruining devs reputation
fuck off i don't care about your stupid fake drama

If it comes down to that I will.

Fuck Niggers, Free Tibet!