Why was it so comfy bros?
Why was it so comfy bros?
>don't play it for over 2 years
>feel like playing advance wars: dual strike
>still has battery life
how do they do it?
I used to hold my DS Lite with my feet while playing it, then I developed a foot fetish : D It really was so comfy looking back, haha
same with GBASP
Small enough to fit up my ass real comfy. Phat is too big though.
games where you hold it like a book > all
>comfy menus with no useless bloatware
>those menu sfx
>small enough to fit in your pocket
>18 hr battery life
>came in lots of neat soulful colors
>amazing library
>gimmicky games that utilized both screens and touchscreen were actually good
I could go on and on but those are the biggest points
>~N64 power allowed convincing 3D games while being suited to 2D games with elaborate effects like Mega Man ZX
>dual-screen design was a throwback to Game & Watch and allowed for inventive gameplay types at the same time, one of the biggest and best uses of the DS's hardware being TWEWY
>dual-screen could be completely ignored if the developer so chose
>surprisingly good audio quality despite the terrible built-in speakers, audio with headphones was great
>trace amounts of nintendium in all components except the stupid fucking hinge
Because you were young and happy
I still have mine from 2006. I let my little bro play all my games on his 3ds but he's too young to understand the intricacies of Henry Hatsworth's puzzling adventure.
they don't do telemetry
try it, disable wireless connectivity on your 3ds and turn it off. Battery life will be minus 5-10% after a year or so. It's bonkers.
>Pictochatting with my friends at lunch and on the bus
>Playing New Super Mario Bros on long car rides
>Dragon Quest 9
Take me back.
Post your top three DS games, bros.
>Elite Beat Agents
>Ghost Trick
>New Super Mario Bros
>Dragon Quest 9
>Pokemon Diamond
>Ace Attorney 3
>Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan
>Castlevania OoE
>Bowser’s Inside Story
>Radiant Historia
>Ghost Trick
>Hotel Dusk
>Elite Beat Agents
TWEWY has been sitting on my SD unplayed for a while now.
pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time
civilization revolution
whatever else
Give it a whirl, user. It’s an absolutely fantastic game.
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