Ranking Atlus 3ds Games

Atlus released a ton of games on the 3DS, mostly SMT spin-offs and Etrian Odyssey games. Now that the 3ds is geriatric and Atlus has moved onto not releasing games for the Switch, what were the best and worst games they made for the 3DS? What would they look like ranked?
Another way of thinking about it, which of the games are worth a buy, just emulated, or not bother with entirely?

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Radiant Historia 3DS what the fuck
I never knew that got a remake on the 3DS, how much better is it than the DS version?

Don't bother with either devil survivor game or radiant historia

But Yea Forums has told me a number of times that Radiant Historia is one of the JRPGs ever

Oh, and thoughts on the ones you played? I played the shit out of Radiant Historia Redux and it was pretty great, but I can't really speak for any of the other games from Atlus. I actually made this thread to get some recommendations from this library, so I apologize for not being more helpful.

One of the best*

I loved that game on DS and 3DS version is basically the same!

It changes the art style and adds some story, if I remember correctly.

>dont bother with the best Megaten spinoff servers or one of the top JRPGs on the DS

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It's overall a worse experience that the DS version. Worse art since they got a different artist (and if you want to use the old art instead you have to pay DLC), added unneeded exposition and "foreshadowing" scenes which spoils the twists of the game, it also has a new and worse translation, and they curve the money you earn during battle so that you earn less overall so that they force you to buy the money DLC. And let's not forget the Atlus remake gril they shove into the game to add unnecessary bloat that don't really add anything.

cant you just use the old portraits and opt out of the new content

Like he said, you have to purchase the DLC to unlock them. Or just pirate it.

You don't unlock them until 2-3 hours into the game, and again, you have to pay DLC for them.

Any thoughts on hard mode?

All of the Etrian Odyssey games, save perhaps Untold 1 and 4, are definitely worthy of a buy and all in general are worthy of emulation. If you like the turn based formula taken to its logical perfection you should definitely consider it, especially if simple "turn begins, select auto attack" is not your prefered playstyle.

Devil Survivor games are also extremely good games for people who don't mind getting their teeth kicked into their brain. First playthroughs are always learning experiences, and while you can power through a lot of missions with brute force, the boss stages will certainly grind poor strategies to starvation.

Strange Journey is an easy buy for the same reasons as Etrian Odyssey series albeit with a more story oriented and less team makeup oriented reason. The endgame of strange journey is a lot easier to predict than Etrian Odyssey, and there's very few problems that grinding won't eventually fix.

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Didn't try Hard mode. The original had a nice balanced and challenging curve. It only really gets too tough when you first enter the outlads area with the sand worms, or a couple of bosses here or there.

Thanks, will definitely pick up Strange Journey!

>turn begins, select auto attack
man, that's usually an easy way to get your party team wiped in EO unless you're seriously overleveled to absurdity. made me appreciate buffs, debuffs, status effects, and knowing the weaknesses of the enemies.

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Indeed, Etrian Odyssey is so far the only RPG I've played where debuffs and status ailments are actually effective and important against enemies and bosses making party balance and composition extremely vital for survival. That alone puts the whole series above so many other JRPG franchises coffcofffinalfantasycoffcoff.

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I did full status effect playthroughs of Untold 1, Untold 2, 4, 5, and Nexus. And they are, in my opinion, the truest way to play. Balancing control of the fight with timed attacks on the hardest difficulty is really fucking great.

You never feel like a god until you stunlock the abyssal princess for 15 turns.

Now why they made Ur Child and Ur Devil immune to Sleep, Chaos, Paralyze, and Head Bind is fucking beyond me. Fucking Bullshit game.


DQXI on hard monsters does that too. Shame it comes at the price of every other boss being a glorified roulette wheel