Sunset Overdrive 2 is now a playstation exlusive? What do you think?
Sony buys Insomniac Games
>Also in PC*at most in 2 years*
Not if they don't want to, but it would be cool if they did.
>Sunset Overdrive 2
ahahahahahahahaha! the first was one of the most boring games ive ever played and the humor was LITERALLY written by and for reddit users
the delusion is real
it's literally the only insomniac good game
I thought the gameplay was okay, but the game does have a reddit tone.
The gameplay was fun, the humor was insufferable.
It's been a long time since Insomniac put out something good.
But that's what Microsoft and Sony do to most of their "exclusives"
Is really that hard to think that next year Spiderman Definitive Edition can be a thing for PS5/PC?
SO was from that strange era of early Xbone when Microsoft got all these crazy exclusives then tried their very best to bury them forever.
SO2, D4 season 2, Quantum Break, they dropped support for those games almost as soon as they came out.
Sunset Overdrive fucking sucked
Spyro was pretty good
this wont happen because xbox is shit so they ported them to windows which they also own
sony has no reason to do so, they never did too
just a couple of outliers
Sony did release Quantic games on PC though.
Their last two releases have been excellent.
Imagine having an opinion this stupid and not killing yourself.
SO was average at best, so I could care less.
Like none of the guns were satisfying, and the movement was alright but got boring after a good while.
I haven't even played Sunset Overdrive..
No, QD games are self-published. Sony did published the Twisted Metal ports.
sony didn't
check who actually published these games on pc
and while you're at it read more about quantic dream partnering with netease
Don't worry about it. You're not missing much.
It's a tech demo that overstays its welcome.
Oh well then.
Every game Insomniac tried to make away from Sony failed
Makes sense for them to crawl back
So basically they're expanding with the new chinese investment, could it be they will finally try something new in terms of gameplay?
I enjoyed Sunset Overdrive. I just turned my brain off for a couple of hours and just rolled with it.
This is the dumbest post ever made
Do people find this big news? 90% of their classic library has been PS exclusive already so this doesn't feel like a huge change.
After how successful Spiderman was they're probably only going to be focusing on cinematic AAA shit like that. No fun games like Ratchet or SSO. What a waste of a studio.
I'll admit the humor was terrible but the gameplay was fun as fuck.
I don't want another Ratchet and Clank game after they admitted that they don't want to make games that run well anymore or have any charm whatsoever.
>coping this hard over children's entertainment
Unironically get a job kiddo.
I hope Sony buys Remedy next, I don't want a Quantum Break 2, Sony ca have them since movie shit is all they know how to make.
Who the fuck cares. This is like Nintendo acquiring HAL Laboratory.
Remedy next.
The last Ratchet game was poor compared to the PS2 classics.
Why is it always ESL shitters making those retarded posts?
It played better than any of them. The story and humor were trash but it's a video game so who cares.
Sonyfags from reddit need something to bitch about, I really don't care, SO didn't sell for a reason, it's about time Sony got that studio, they need to get the rest of the movie studios so Xbox can just get video games and not movies.
>Sunset Overdrive 2
It's never happening user
>Making a fun game like Sunset Overdrive 2
I'm surprised it took this long
Spider-Man was way, way more fun than Reddit Boringdrive
ratchet 2016 gameplay was fantastic, the story was just trash
hopefully they stop make oculusshit and make a new ratchet now
>The amount of butthurt ITT
I didn't know Xboners were still around
Your precious Phil Spencer started this acquisition war, now you'll have to lie in this bed you created
Since Sony own Insomniac now they can pretty much tell them to make SO2. Cope.
They make shit games man, SSO was reddit trash and I don't why this place and reddit praises it so much, it's so fucking slow unless you're grinding on something, no one wanted it because it wasn't interesting, to begin with, and Spider-Man is just another tired out SJW movie capeshit game. Sony can have the studio, Xbox players don't want that shit, why do you think QB sold like shit even though Microsoft "claimed" it sold well?
Because Microshit is shit? Only redeemable first party game they made was Sea of Thieves.
>haha rebbit!!1
You may not like the humour, but the idea that Spooderman is more fun mechanically than Overdrive is really fucking delusional. Even the movement in Overdrive is fantastic, let alone all the weapons you can play with, switching to any one of them you want on the fly.
Hopefully they don't just make everybody leave and replace them with inferior beings like most of these studio acquisitions have been in the industry, like look at Bioware pre and post EA purchase and how fucked up they got because of it. Naughty Dog also has barely anybody from their PS1/PS2 era either, which explains why UC4's Crash 1 minigame was really terrible and didn't even have the correct animations for running.
SSO was all Insomniacs, Microsoft just published that shit. I rather play Microsoft games over the shit Sony makes, Sony hasn't made anything worth playing since the PS2.
Sony already owns nearly every game they've made, so I'm surprised it took so long.
And what have Microsoft done in the last decade?
Quest is how long will the remaining top level staff stick around. Doesn't really matter anyway as they haven't made anything spectacular since the PS2.
Shit on Sony all last gen until the suits took hold in 2009.
>Sunset Overdrive 2 is now a playstation exlusive?
pffff.... nah. They won't even make it. The first one was something nobody wanted. It didn't even sell half million.
Insomniac will be put to work making Spiderman 2 instead. That was great and sold well.
Seething neckbeard
So nothing then? Lol
They had everything 2005-2008.
I agree, but they are nothing now. Sony needs competition.
This, they may not even make another Rachet game since all Sony seems to want are SJW movie shit but the fags from reddit and resetera who like to camp here will love it.
No offense but they all been shit this gen, Nintendo was shit from 2009-2016, Microsoft was shit from 2009-2016, Sony's been shit since 2006-present and still is making shit while Nintendo already recovered and Microsoft is now recovering.
MS owns Sunset, do they not? If anything that probably means it's cancelled.
They already confirmed that Ratchet is a vital franchise for the future you fucking retard. The 2016 game is literally the best selling game on the series, they won't making them now.
I disagree, and truly think yours is a fanboy opinion not based on facts.
I'm pretty it will be shit since their last Rachet game was shit. Had nothing that made the original game for the PS2 good.
Believe what you want, I used to love Sony but they just stop caring about making video games, The Last of Us ruined them.
I'm sorry user but Microsoft has not done shit in this gen son far, even if you hate Sony you must admit that at least they made some good games like Gravity Rush 2 and Bloodborne, while Microsoft continues to milk Halo and Gears (with the later being transformed on a SJW game now).
Agreed. Bought an xbone for that game for the jet set vibes but it was fucking mediocre garbage.
>waaah I want more ratchet
>waaaah i don't want it it'll be shit
change your diapers nintendie