Why is this game so long? I swear to god I finally made it to what seems to be the final month...

Why is this game so long? I swear to god I finally made it to what seems to be the final month, and now I have to wait 30 days to face Nyx. Why? What is the point? Why is it so drawn out?

Are other Persona games like this? I've enjoyed Persona 3 for the most part, but god it has overstayed its welcome.

Attached: persona 3.png (752x1064, 619K)

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That's nothing, compare to later Persona games.

Attached: 1551810711207.jpg (738x302, 106K)

>112 results
Haha this faggot literally hasn't even played P5 and he seethes about it posting in every Persona thread every day

Persona 5 has much better pacing, look forward to that after P3 or P4 if you play that first.


The game is meant to simulate a year of gaining bonds with characters. The calendar is supposed to make it feel like "real-time". It all culminates in the final month.

At least it doesn’t have a shit ton of “fakeout endings” like with 4, and even more so with golden.

So the apocalyptic mood can sink in. Facing your own mortality is a central motif of the story. It's a whole month of people around you knowing they are probably doomed.

I agree it's too long tho.

What's the matter, Jayden? Not enough explosions to keep your ADHD from acting up?

Can P3fags not defend their own game?

First JRPG?
Yeah the japanese like to make their games worthwhile instead of making them short as shit.

games should only last 15 minutes
change my mind

Jaden Smith

I don't want to

P3bros... OP is right, our game is shit and I can't defend it anymore... I'm going home to Sumaru City.

Attached: p3 vs p2.png (762x238, 150K)

Probably my first real turn-based JRPG.

What's it like, 60 hours long? And then another 20 for The Answer if you give that much of a shit? That's not so bad.
It's from another era, where you only bought like 3 games a year and had to make those fuckers last. Unless you liked diving in the discount bin and getting 99% shit on a disc. Pre digital distribution age.

Probably just feels long because they run out of events pretty quickly and there's not much you can do to really pump your character/team for the final stretch. Just put on a podcast or rewatch the X-Files on another screen or something.

That image is damn based

Attached: Based.jpg (2408x1488, 902K)

This is the truth. Only people who want to waste time with useless fluff want games longer than that.

Seems so, I'm 63 hours in.

I mean I like it, this final month feels like a drag though.

Persona 4 is just as poorly paced and Persona 5 is like twice as long as either

games should only last an hour and a half.

change my mind.

>only have 2 (two) nighttime SLs the whole game
>absolutely nothing to do at night besides tartarus which you can go through an entire block in one day

dont group P1 chads with IS/EP faggots

>waste weeks on a sports competition cutscene, a school trip where you do nothing, cram school despite having maxed academics...
P3 is great on the first run but it's shit on replay.

What do you mean "wait"?
Have you completed every social link?
Have you maxed out all your stats?
Have you done every request?
Have you filled out your compendium?
Have you fused Messiah?
Have you made him not shit?
Have you reached an appropriate level for the Nyx fight?
Have you done the same for the team you want?
Have you done literally everything?
Why are you sitting on your ass doing nothing, OP?
Death and The End are approaching.
Make the most of your time.
It's a metaphor.

Attached: 1380641210469.png (793x736, 227K)

>Uses 50 HP healing item when the entire party is almost dead
Pfft... nothing personnel, Door-kun...

Attached: 1555121496056.png (600x768, 478K)

You're right, P1fags should be cast aside, they're dead weight in the true P5-P2 alliance.

Sorry, I should probably point out, I'm not autistic.

Is it bad that I've used the same 3 party members throughout the whole game?

Attached: 11568453.png (500x502, 61K)

Why does Yukari call you a faggot in an unused audio clip

>Unless you liked diving in the discount bin and getting 99% shit on a disc
Most PS2 games are awesome. Not 99% shit on a disc.

Because she's a femdom queen

Attached: __takeba_yukari_persona_and_persona_3_drawn_by_kuroonehalf__7901e1afe9e4a7fd3e92edda9073d560.jpg (946x901, 444K)

>"Why is there all this free time?"
>Because it lets you do X Y and Z
>"Lol I'm not autistic"
You're playing Persona.
We need a Dunning-Kruger-equivalent for Autism, the psychological field is really falling behind these days.

Attached: 1409045357022.jpg (600x620, 147K)


It was her response if you chose to hang out with someone else on Christmas

it's from a hentai


>Are other Persona games like this?
They sure are.