What's the best FPS out right now?
What's the best FPS out right now?
Fps is fuckkng garbage
Team Fortress 2
That’s a really dumb question.
I'm not sure what FPS is good at the moment, but Borderlands 3, Doom Eternal and the new Modern Warfare look promising, so maybe look out for those.
no one actually plays this
sadly still this, it hasn't had any competition in over a decade.
Can't wait for people to start seething over this.
>FEAR 2 in A
>FEAR in C
No, you're just garbage at them.
both games called TF2
Quake Live
It's still Blood.
F.E.A.R. easily
destiny 2
multiplayer: reflex arena
singleplayer: ion fury
>arena shooter signalling
That's not the shooting rockets down webm.
no one plays reflex anymore outside of race mode
Shittiest taste.
Not very good, is it?
>t. silver IV
Fallout 3
Have sex nerd
Brutal DOOM
All my favorite games in S or higher.
Dead game that no one plays anymore. Overwatch killed it long ago
Titanfall 2 is right