Death Stranding

The mystique and intrigue is dead. He teased us for years and we all waited in hopes for a payoff, but there is none. The game is what's been shown and it's literally every terrible game design decision blended together to make a giant piece of shit.

>Open-world, but it's empty.
>High quality graphics, but bland world and ugly people.
>A literally crying baby you have to escort
>A focus on a convoluted and pretentious plot instead of gameplay

It's "AAA" walking simulator. Konami were right to pull the plug on MGS V.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't see the problem with a walking simutalor where there are actual traversal mechanics.

The problem with most "walking simulators" is that you're just holding up/W, there's zero mechanics to it.

and on top of this he is sexist. a female character named mama lol

>let me shit on this game based on nothing but my own biased assumptions I hold out of pure hatred and jealousy

this game is already turning out to be a huge pleb filter and it's not even out yet

>based on nothing

Watch the trailers and "gameplay" you Kojicuck.

>YFW the people saying Kojima is a hack were right.

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This fucking shit game is completely devoid of any meaningful gameplay mechanics. none of the mechanics are good for the player at all.
>Slow wonky walking. shitty terrain meme physics slow you down even further.
>Taking a piss and slowly climbing ladders. "gameplay mechanics"
>having to calm down your faggot baby you have to carry around. so you can jump too far or sprint too long in the big walking simulator world with fuck all in it.
this trash looks so boring & badly designed it's insufferable.
movie games.

dont make yourself sadder then you already will be when this masterpiece drops

yeah it filters the people who like game design and gamplay leaving only the plebs who want shitty movies.

I'm fairly sure there also will be some NobyNobyBoy-tier online where all players will connect to the main server and wait for the true ending event.

I prefer to call it a hiking simulator. Looks boring.

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I watched every single one. Your assumptions are retarded.

Of what? Not him, but I have PS4 (although it will come out on PC later), I loved MGSV, but this shit looks boring.

We see this with Apple products too, there's a massive market of people out there frothing at the mouth to buy shitty products, because at this point they are literally brainwashed into thinking "X company good, Y company bad" and cannot form unique opinions anymore

The wild assumptions this guy makes about a game is not even out yet. It's obvious he wants to hate on it so I also throw my own wild assumptions out there.

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>loved MGSV
opinion discarded

sorry brojima
i already gave my yearly game money for CDPR

Go rewatch trailers and cry, then.

cutting edge gameplay

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Who cares? Babies are fucking stupid idiots who cry and shit themselves and don't have jobs.

I was hoping for a more weird time-jumpy, parallel-dimensiony, mind-fucky kinda game along the lines of that first reveal trailer (with the people in teh air at the end).
From what I've seen, there's too much stability in the game compared to what I was expecting.

>being this delusional.
i mean.. if you think shit like last of us is a masterpiece.

So are NEETS, the main market for any Kojima game


she tweeted this at the abortion clinic

>That jump cut to skip all the walking.

Jesus christ.

this looks horrendous

>not concerned about the fact there's no gameplay.
what a fake hack. is this the tranny? or the crazy bitch who's just into stupid tranny shit?

So this is the future of gaming...

>Game is literally an Ireland walking simulator


literally just pic related but with less interesting conflict.

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>it's not gameplay because I say so
Just admit you hate anything that's not shooty shooty bang bang.

>The mystique and intrigue is dead. He teased us for years and we all waited in hopes for a payoff, but there is none. The game is what's been shown
doesn't make sense. you could've said that about the last trailer also. you're retarded and he made it clear that the real gameplay, probably more action footage, will be shown at tgs

I mean I'd be fine with a walking simulator.....

don't forget not to try to take shortcuts & get there faster or you'll have to do the baby soothing mini game again.
cant wait to stop to piss, sleep and eat aswell coz that's fun game design.

So I'm at the point I don't really watch gameplay trailers anymore and just buy games that seem interesting.

Was the stuff they showed really that god awful, or Yea Forums just over reacting as usual?

but this game has that too

There's a shooty bang bang in the game, by the way. But it doesn't make walking from A to B fun in my book.

>Seething Xcuck repeating the same boring damage control points

So sorry about your no games, bro.

Apart from new cutscenes, he showed only walking. Again.

But I hate that is not only shooty shooty bang bang

It was pretty bad ngl

He showed more than that but you just are hellbent on your hatred

>Theyll show more later

We've been hearing that for years.

where are all the roads? Is this game the future libertarians want?

fuck of kojima fag. it's not gameplay for the same reason doing your landry isn't. infact doing the Landry is more engaging than
>hold forward to walk slowly
>press the piss button to piss
>rock the controller to rock baby.


I don't have any hatred towards it. I'm just surprised that it looks so fucking boring.


MAMA is hot, not ugly

Don't buy it then. If I learned anything about gaming is that trailers are not indicative of gameplay.

I'm not going to. But I'm sure as fuck not going to stop talking about it on a videogame imageboard.

Your right the actual game will be even worse.

Pure hatred. Where did Kojima touched you user?

Love the integrated sci-fi HUD, just like Dead Space.

>most hyped game of 2019 gameplay footage finally drops
>walking up a hill
>using a ladder
>delivery boy mission complete
>side mission UI
>calming the baby
>walking down aforementioned hill
>crowd cheers
The absolute state of the industry

>ad hominem

Throw in some MAGApedes and that's every steam vs epic thread.

>acts like a whiny brat

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I can't fucking wait till november. The entirety of /v will be crying and screaming about this game, i just can't wait, it will be glorious

No you didn't

This is the kind of high quality satirical post that is what Yea Forums posts are supposed to be.

Nothing, literally nothing, is more pathetic than the burger corporate worship americucks try to push on everyone post drumpf getting elected.

It's a "pleb filter" the same way Inception is a pleb filter.

>can't even defend the game he loves so much
>tries to offend his opponent instead
Kojima defense force really got weak, like his games.

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90+ metacritic score and several millions sold copies in the first couple of months

You know that just from a trailers? Damn, it's kind of scary that people like you, people that assume a fuckton of things based on little information, exist. I can just wonder how your personal life is.
I don't like kojima's games, but you're acting like a girl that's jealous that her boyfriend goes out with his friends.


What else was showed?

>tries to offend is opponent
Lmfao... how can anyone be this autistic.

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you talks as if you've played it


See, ? He can't even defend this snoozefest anymore, because it's impossible to defend.

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there's nothing there to 'play'

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Why would anyone "defend" a trailer? I'm just here to laugh at you being pathetically mad over that same trailer.

>>A focus on a convoluted and pretentious plot instead of gameplay
I don't think pretentious is even the word for what the fuck is this plot supposed to be.
Like, even a pretentious plot would be better than this. Fucking Evangelion was the most pretentious plot ever conceived and yet still managed to be a masterpiece (ignoring Rebuild crap).

This last winter I played the survival horror The Forest. That was fun survival: hunting, eating and drinking enough, exploring, and fighting never felt like a chore or boring. Death Stranding looks like MGSV with all the fun sucked out of it

>gameplay footage finally drops

Were you brainlets in a coma when the previous trailer that showed the stealth mechanics, combat and boss fights was released?

I just want to know if you can game over by shaking the baby hard.

Im just a dumb worn out boomer but this absolutely looks like something i would love to play

You felt discomfort over a fictional work? OH MY GAWWWWWD

( ) Rock The BayBee

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I thought people calling this a walking simulator were kidding. I thought Kojima was going to prank us and reveal some shit like mechs or some space ship shit or anything fucking different but no. This is just a walking simulator for some trailer trash B-list actor that can't run, climb, fight, or carry equipment for shit added with the typical bullshit slow-mo from MGSV and radar detector. New genre my ass. This is just journey mixed with Yoshi's island and postal but with no fucking combat and a story that doesn't make any sense to anyone, including his own team and actors he's enlisted.

But hey, if it means burning Sony's cash; let him do whatever the fuck he wants

>imagine typing all that just to show how idiotic and ignorant you are

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MGS was only good because of the co-writers like Tomokazu Fukushima and Shuyo Murata basically making Kojima's ideas into an interesting concept rather than an incoherent mess.

Kojima on his own doesn't work and isn't interesting, it's the George Lucas effect.

Calling it- the story will be just as disjointed and unfinished as MGSV. All the cutscene moments from the trailers will happen without weight or meaning.

Imagine being this stupid.

But Inception was great.

you get a powered up baby.
just kidding that would be approaching an actual interesting game mechanic

(I lost the picture I had of marina holding a baby and looking at the camera)

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I adore every mgs game, walking Simulator or not, ill buy day one for sure

You have lower than amoeba IQ if you think what we've seen is literally all.

Like a minute of infodump cutscenes. Nothing. Just walking. Again. He was right.

No new gameplay, it was walking and him opening the ladder up again...and attempting to take a piss. Falling face first off a cliff on purpose and then having to rock the baby. That's all fucking nothing. That isn't a game, it's NOTHING


He hasn't done a fully reveal of the gameplay yet you raging brainlet pipe down.

I wish I had that backpack when I was at school

Who would have thought Norman Reedus pissing would send Yea Forums into a complete meltdown?

the movement sucks and the combat is slow and clunky now there's stupid shit like pissing, sleeping, stumbling and baby rocking in the way. there's no way to make a decent game out of this train wreck.

I wonder how the mongs like here are going to react when they show raping camps with hysterical sci-fi weapons and doing backflips with a monster truck.

yeah it's going to be comfy, scary, confusing and fun all at once.

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what the fuck are you on about? under age.

It's due out in 80 days.

That means there's only 20 days or so left for them to work on the launch copy. The game's done essentially, and yet we've seen NO gameplay...this doesn't bode well. Remember Hideo is himself notoriously bad at gameplay and has admitted openly and spoken about it in length before when he canceled his own Metal Gear Rising and called up platinum to do it for them as they didn't know what they were doing by their own admission.

It's gonna be a fucking movie with weak 3rd person shooting elements.

The movement and combat is exactly like any other third person shooter.
>pissing, sleeping, stumbling and baby rocking in the way.
Survival elements you brainlet, literally nothing wrong with it.

Some dipshits here like you are calling it a walking simulator and thinking that's all there is to it, completely forgetting who's making this game.
and the game has confirmed vehicles so if you think that the monster truck in the trailer can't be accessed, faggot you're wrong.

Its not a walking simulator though as walking is actually good.

boring repetitive mundane tasks that require lots of waiting and present no challenge or engagement are not "survival elements". it's just shit modern game design.

>The movement and combat is exactly like any other third person shooter.

More to the point they look almost the same as MGS5, which was excellent at both

>Truly we've reached a new era in gaming. No longer are games about intense action and button mashing frenzy, we have now entered a calm thoughtful era where you need not even touch your controller for minutes to potentially an hour at a time. Instead you are pulled into a movie that continues at the pace YOU set. It's truly revolutionary.

And all the casuals will hail this as a masterpiece...

i think it's actually pretty interesting how accurately they've replicated the fox engine after konami took it away

it was garbage.

It's a pissing simulator

It literally had the best movement of any third person shooter, you just have extremely shit taste.

If you can piss can you shit? If not why ? Thats retarded if you cant drop poopie nuggets all over the world even pissing on your shitty logs or pooping on your piss puddles Its a huge missed gameplay mechanic

No one complained about the movement or gunplay in MGS5 you shitter. That was actually the stuff that was praised.

Scatman please calm down.

Peak try hard contrarianism

I personally can't wait for the game to come out and Kojima is exposed for the fraud he is.

Reminder that Kojima has never made a bad game

You forget what era you're living in, people like these movies that disguise themselves as games these days. Casuals are gonna eat this up, it's gonna sell really well despite being a movie on playstation/pc

wrong it's not vanquish. more importantly the melee is ass.

Can you piss into your backpack and drown the baby? If not what a hack.

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>Makes MGS4, the movie with occasional gameplay attached
>Gamers complain
>He listens follows this up with three games that are 85% gameplay 15% story
>Gamers complain

>Shows absolutely fucking everything about MGS5 extensively in trailers
>Gamers complain
>He listens and shows almost nothing about DS in trailers, keeping both it's story and gameplay more mysterious
>Gamers complain

There is literally nothing that will make you drooling morons happy.

m8, you are exactly like a casual, they will shit on Death Stranding for being a weird walking simulator and play Fortnite instead. They have no interest in Kojima.

You can piss into the baby. Once you've drowned the baby, the FBI kick down Norman Reedus and shove a tactical baton up his ass.

There's no real winning. You can make an open world game and people like will still call it a movie like it's Until Dawn.

For all the "walking simulator" shit posting it looks like it has built in fast travel when no hostiles are in range anyway.

Look at the bit where he's walking to the Geoff NPC, there's a UI option of marking your destination and jumping directly to it.

>the entire game is just walking and cutscenes
>we'll even let you skip the walking
Literally a fucking movie

How braindead are you?

>Top 5% and 1% in multiple games
End yourself, kiddo.
Walking from point A to B with shitty watered down 3rd person combat that a fucking AI could have generated by itself so you can get to a new cutscene doesn't make it a game, you care so much about it being OPEN WORLD ECKSDEE111 you don't even care if it does anything with it.

>He doesn't even know that being allowed to skip the open world part makes it even more of a movie
Not as braindead as you, clearly

lol fuckin retarded casuals like you love this shit just the same as the marvel movies. its all brainless movies for you to enjoy with big splosion cutscenes to feed that weak little brain of yours

>>Top 5% and 1% in multiple games

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I don't get what you're saying. I don't get what the rest of DS' critiques are saying, either.
It's like any other video game, so I'll enjoy it, as I always do with every video game I play.

When you've spent millions in pointless shit like actors and realize you have no idea what the fuck you are supposed to do for a game.

I loved the MGS games (not 5) but man, this looks like if Kojima is so deep into a mistake he just can't go back and is making some weird shit up on the fly just to make something out if it.

>>Top 5% and 1% in multiple games
Name them.

>Being mad someone is better than you in video games
I also own 2 houses and 2 boats. Rage for me, child.

Heh, based.

You sound like you get no joy from anything, off yourself already.

Post wall kike roastie detected.

>2 houses and 2 boats
>Has to receive validation from 20 year olds on a Mongolian basketweaving forum

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>Phantom Pain was boring garbage because it was one fetch quest after another
>In Death Stranding you play as a courier doing fetch quests
Maybe Wojimbo learned to play to his strengths

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Everytime a tranny commits suicide the world becomes a better place. Based mental disorder is based.

rent free

imagine thinking people would be impressed by you being a boomer

I kindof want to see it fail because the cult of personality Kojima has around himself makes people blind to criticism, and it would be interesting to see all these celebrities and money result in a massive slap in the face that says "Kojima stopping being good around MGS4 and noone accepted it". He could make a 1 hour long game about walking in a straight line at this point and people will apply and decipher meaning from it that isnt there, giving it value it doesnt have.

And because it would mean that Sony wasted millions of dollars on a stupid vanity project
maybe thats kojimas ultimate ruse

i'm buying it idgaf

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>it's literally a game

Yea Forums retarded as usual


>A playstation exclusive