UnderRail thread "No one actually likes the game everyone just pretends to like it!!"
I do like the game, but the music gets very repetitive, especially if any hub area you spend a significant amount of time in. I really am starting to loathe the SGS music.
Yes my 300 hours in-game are all me pretending to enjoy something I don't. This is absolutely true.
I think it should be clear I am being sarcastic, user. People who try the game and get rekt usually have that sort of reaction, instead of just admitting the game isn't for them.
Yes, take a look at the negative steam reviews and you will find tons of salty, filtered shitters.
The negative reviews for this game are hilarious.
Isn't there a rift in the oculus? For some reason I can't teleport to it.
>Wyrm goes to shores to a random inland puddle
Oh big mistake buddies
There you go user.
Yes there is one, but you need to attune yourself to it first
Do enemies respawn in this game?
Critters, yes
People and robots, no
In certain places
Im gonna make a crit firearm build in dominating
>there was a fucking hacking tool right here all this time
tried running through this base with no gear like 3 times before checking this desk
What do sword users use for survivablity? They don't go tin can do they?
>going to DC in Expedition gears
huehuehue out of my way you silly scrubs
Best jet ski?
Thonking on selling CAU suit here
Expert Trapper feels like a waste of a feat, but damn do I need it for sanity's sake.
You're not alone in that room.
yeah the first time I went in that room the automation attacked me so I avoided the room the next few tries and its the only hacking tool in the entire dungeon it seems
The suit's a real treasure, pair it with biohazard boots and aegis trooper helmet and become immune to black sea serpents.
I'm feeling the craving
Of doing another playthrough with another build
But I really want to see what's next for my hammer wizard
But running out of coins and incendiary nades is a pain in the ass
silly cockroaches think they can kill me
huehue so fahnny
I ain't even gonna spend action points with these sillies
>Trying a zero crafting all mercantile and persuasion build
>Have to rely on trader stock
>I'm playing on hard
Lmao what a great decision. this fucking sucks.
Pretty well into the game, at the junkyard, holy fuck why is this game so good Bethesda couldn't dream of making a game like this, fuck em!
So i can only work for one of the three companies in Core city?
Which do i pick?
whichever is more in line with your build
I'm on dominating tho
I already gave up and i'm leveling crafting.
This is the best RPG of this decade and was mostly done by a single person. How?
I'm in too deep (Not really i'm just at depot A) but i'm already so invested i'll never be able to catch up in time to get decent stuff early-mid game and just gimp myself. Having zero control over what you can and can't use/having zero luck in an already rng ridden game is terrible but i like the extra money early game
I'm doing it
I'm doing a HOPLITE build, no psi
Potato vodka and autism.
redpill me on each factions gear
Because the Jews didn't get their little hands on it like all the aaa microtransaction loot crate filth out there
What's your current build and gear?
>Trained soldiers, veteran raiders, mutants and creatures from your nightmares
>Defeated by some gasoline and a rag
I too enjoy Grim Dawn.
Why is survival instincts 9 Con... I just wanna crit...
Is psi op? I went psi on the 1st fame think I'm going to make a sniper or something in the expedition game
Psi is definitely OP, yeah.
underrail is a psi op game
is there a way through the fetish marsh for agilitylets such as myself? the jetski cannot go beyond the first area and I cannot perform a fucking 12 agility jump
which is the funniest build and why it is crossbow trapper, Yea Forumsros
Probably a war crimes chemical pistol type build.
I'm a heavy armor hammer guy, featuring psiā¢
>about to enter DC, doing a checklist to make sure I'm all set
>realise I'm missing almost all of abram's questline
>still on the vent bug step, no vent bug in inv or storage, abram isn't at junkyard anymore
In quality levels:
Free Drones: definitely clothes, 150+. Bows I guess, some electroncis, sometimes vests, and rarely electronics.
Protectorate: tons of guns and vests in the 150+ area.
Oculus: electronics in the 150+ or even 160+, sometimes guns in the 150+.
Tchortists: really quality guns, vests, and electronics. I'm talking 160+ submachine gun parts and sturdy vests.
Its actually crossbow with chem pistols, traps are not fun
Never done a sword build but I'd imagine an overcoat with soft foam padding and lots of dodge.
Tin can here
I saw most of swordfellas running either riot gear with shields or leather armor, sometimes tac vests
Mobility is good for swords
It's definitely not too late for you to level crafting.
>Destroy the cameras in the tutorial
>Vencel gets pissed
That's a nice touch
What happens if you become hostile to SGS before TNT?
>80% chance to hit
>miss, miss, miss, miss
>tackle on me
>75% chance to hit
Fuck this i'm throwing a grenade
>80% chance to land where i throw it
>Drops at me feet killing me
Well i'm done for tonight, goodnight anons. Wish bulborg a goodnight too, he's always watching.
You dead
Yeah, but I feel I would be dying constantly. Wonder if I can squeeze 10 con into a sword build and still make it work. Tac vests+energy shield should make most non sniper shots into nonissues I suppose. I guess I can carry around some riot armor in case I run into some scary melee enemies?
Leather seems like the choice for people that rely on dodge and evasion, and I've never actually had the guys to build based around them. Not sure where I would even get the stats.
I feel like the % has to be wrong. My 95% chance to hit punches regularly have 3-4 punches miss per turn.
good on you, user
mobility, debuffs, control, and stealth if necessary
just get speedhack, user
just go to the right first, then down
JKK, coretech and protectorate are the three mutually exclusive, main quest required core city factions user, you can have access to all the others too
You just need lots of MP and dodge/evasion, then you will be fine, most of the tines
Coretech has god tier electronics. What do the other oligarchs provide?
I'm having a lot of success on hard with starting at
>7 STR
>6 DEX
>10 CON
>3 WIS
>3 INT
give or take, and taking
>Thick skull
I just blasted through the prologue no problem in less than 2 hours or so just using a tac vest. I'm going sword and board later on of a merchant is kind enough to sell me one (Going no crafting this run). Just use throwing items user they make any build work. Just know what you're signing up for, sword is an rng lotto. Sometimes you're a butcher god who kills everything super quickly in a few turns and some times you just sit there dying over and over to easy % hits and think about what you're doing with your life.
But I need 3 int to be the katana master.
No joke, i was missing 95% chance hits on my spear build so often i rage quit and restarted on a new build, i'll go back to it some day but holy hell it's infuriating.
the only "can still complete main quest if you fuck up big time" a la backdoor wraithguard part in the game is being able to take the elevator down with eidein's key if you aggro the institute, but only after getting inside anyway.
>Spent 10 minutes killing Cave Hooper for it's random oddity drop
Worth it
protec is heavy armor, guns
jkk is stealth stuff
Any good melee gear on any of the factions? I'd settle for just good riot gear honestly.
JKK is stealthy stuff like cloth, electronics, sniper/crossbow parts this kind of thing
Praetorian is for cans
You can go int if you want to fold your katana 100000 times. But i'd go unga bunga me bushwhack niggers because it's fun
Praetorian has sledgehammers
JKK has knifes
Dunno about knifes and spears
Fuck it i'm going with the scientologist fuckers just to see what they offer, nothing really compliments my build from what i'm hearing.
>Tac vests+energy shield
you know, you could aim for a medium or even low energy shield with this combo, now that I think about it
The shield blocks most of the damage from bullets, the tacvest absorbs the rest. Shield doesn't run out as fast.
What's your build
you need 6 int
Tchortist? Those are not an actual faction, they are just missionaries
When in doubt, go for Core Tech, they have electronic stuffs, which you can craft a nice shield emitter
Everyone and every builds benefit from a shield emitter, also they have the easiest missions
I actually spent like 5 minutes killing them before thinking that they didn't have one. Now I feel foolish and should go and kill them.
I live by the sword
On the other hand they're a good source of infinite leather for making advanced repair kits.
I just did Depot and unlocked the train. I am playing an Unarmed character, what is some gear that I can try to pick up now to improve my build? I can go to The Foundry and Core City, and have some TNT if I need to blow shit up.
I crafted myself a shield emitter, but I could only use one emitter because my electricity is not high enough yet.
Man spears are fun so far
i'm running a sword n board build on dominating, and pic related is my current stats, you can substitute all forms of dodging with caltrops, gas grenades/molotovs and bear traps.
I'm tired of crafting and all that shit. How viable is a naked run on dominating?
Look all free oddities on Foundry and Core City
Camp hathor sells good leather, head east to SGS, past the blocking rocks
What the fuck are ingredients for gas grenades, what is "filler"?
unarmed as in, fists, or true unarmed?
if fists go to the hecate outpost for the power glove asap, and core city sewers for the claw
if true unarmed shit nigger you should know exactly what the fuck you're doing or you'll get filtered hard later
Dominating seems anti fun with the amount of cheese and preparation you have to do before fights. Nice mini-game loser, the real cool kids are playing on hard. Abusing molotovs and bear traps is for fags.
This is a tentative idea. Honestly can't figure out how to work stealth into it. I want all the sword related feats, and I need stat minimums like these to hit them. I don't think I will need over 150 in any crafting, anything 150 or below should be game breaking enough. I could give up dodge and evasion, especially since I can't really figure where to get their feats in here, and maybe get stealth then? But how do I live once I get into combat? 7 con is a bit low.
Strength instead of dex huh? It worth having the less crit chance?
tabi boots in case you don't already have a pair. Also, tasers are really good and cheap to craft
Or this, based more around stealth and traps for surviving.
I am planning on using pure fists later on, however right now I have nothing restricting me from using fist weapons and I have a pneumatic fist off hand for shit with high DR.
Where is the Hecate outpost? A Power fist sounds better than a pig glove with some metal taped to it.
Thank you user
Toxic Sludge
Tin grenade case
Starter mixture
I have tabi boots but I am currently using some spiked boots I found because the damage they give is insane. I can attack 10 times a round right now, Tabis do let me attack 12 but the math works out to 10 attacks with spiked boots is way more damage for me right now.
Where can I acquire toxic sludge? Do I have to go to a nuclear power plant? Also thank you.
East of Foundry entrance then full north
The strength is mostly for min-maxing as one of the shield feats needs 8 str to get, so little point to invest in both str and dex i feel, the added melee skill from str helps in dominating
Okay, I am gonna head there after I finish digging around in garbage to find random oddities. Is it a tough place?
Core city sewers
Underpassages, next to SGS
Some sellers in Junkyard sell it sometimes
Do you like electricity?
I like computers and light bulbs
Hmm very intresting place indeed, you will find Shocking revelations there
Also a Powerfist
fair enough. It really depends on your playstyle. I like the tabis because they let me get off more Cheap shots and Combos plus the high mobility to kite and play with line of sight
I don't have combo yet, I might use Tabis then but right now I basically just have Expose Weakness + Punch them in the face until they die. Combo is like 65 melee skill and I can't get that yet.
Even the dev himself on his forums said that he might have to make fake difficulties, aka normal is actually easy, hard is actually normie and so on
>All these rathound leather
>No Leather armor blueprint
God fucking damm it Styg
Pretty sure the recipe is guaranteed to be in like the first area, user. I always seem to have it in my inventory after the first quest.
There is a guy who sells it in the SGS Station.
Good. Going for a naked run with a unarmed pure PSI guy.
It's guaranteed in the one of the outposts that you have to turn on for the first quest.
I'm playing dominating difficulty, and after completing junkyard i can't actually make progress anywhere, where do i even go.
Go to Foundry and do some quests. Barring the Beast, all of them can be done non violently. You can also go to Core City and grab some oddities. Tons of them throughout the city, they provide good xp whether you're on oddity or classic.
getting through this game feels like a slog. should i just play on easy? im really enjoying it so far, but this game is kicking my ass
fucking hell how do you convince todd's physicist to let todd open the door? all the choices i take result in "you make very good points but fuck you, i ain't allowing todd near it"
your ancestors smile upon you, particularly for not using gay psi
Go nuts, you do you.
You have to choose answers in a specific order that I don't remember. If you have enough will, it will highlight which one to choose.
c'mon Yea Forums one of you autists has to have the ability to make a respec mod or a good CheatEngine table, don't leave us hanging
Do whatcha gotta do have fun m8. No one is gonna put a gun to your head and force you to crawl through DOMINATING or something. Just play on a lower difficulty if struggling isn't fun for you.
There already is a good CE engine table.
do you know of one that lets you remove feats? last i knew you could add feats but not remove them. i just want to test some different builds without having to play four different characters for 20 hours.
>Called Bear Traps
>There are no bears
Uhh UnderRailtards?
Should i just immediately buy something if it's better than what i'm wearing?
Will money ever be an issue?
Nope. Why not just play one character twenty hours to one place, make a hard save, and then test your builds?
>get cheese grater
>use it to grate something not cheese
It's because when you get caught you know some dudes are gonna come bearing down on you
because i can't remove feats, duh.
Goddammit, a bug is in the way of my pure fister build
What difficulty, user? You want to suffer, yes?
the sentry bot ""puzzle"" quest for harold
camp hathor is genuinely still the easiest even with burrower warriors and extra ancient rathounds and shit considered, just get some bear traps and a hopefully an energy shield for the regular burrowers
How do we know there aren't murder bears or something in west underrail?
Create a character, reduce available feat points to 0 to be able to create with no feats, edit your weapon skill of choice to a million to increase accuracy and damage to a million, don't level up, get to where you want to test, save, edit your stats and skills to normal level, level up and give yourself two extra feat points, test.
What is it?
You forgot the sewer goop poured into a tin can.
You know we have a board for generals in case you need to always have a thread for a certain game up
Are the void creatures weak to any particular damage type?
So what do I do about the ghost in the boneyard?
Four-five screens north of SGS there should be a corpse surrounded by rathounds that has a 3XP oddity. You need to get through two walls of stone to get there.
If you go south from SGS train there are warthogs and pigs that have multiple oddities. You can try the Siphoners west of Junkyard gate for their oddities.
Zoners and such in Dropzone have a ladle oddity you can try and genocide for.
There's a 3XP oddity near Free Drones/Rail Crossing: Go South from the area between Rail Crossing and the train, the topmost exit. Enter the interior, then go North and find the pipes behind the chainlink doors for the oddity.
just look at normal
"provides a lot of challenge to the average hardcore gamer"
say that out loud without laughing
look at the blueprint
while i appreciate you trying to help that would still take me a stupid amount of time, i wabt to test builds with mid to lategame items/uniques/etc. if only our community was a little bigger/i was less of an indecisive fuck.
How do you destroy the shadowlith?
hitting it with a hammer doesn't work
blowing it up with tnt doesn't work
the documents say something about a disc capable of cutting it but i am not finding it in the station
Low con Tranquility pure psi turns this game into a puzzle rpg. There's no more fun build than this.
Can I atleast partly satisfy my need for a new Shadowrun game with Underrail? They seem thematically and combat mechanic-vice quite similar.
Torch it.
Yeah, it'll partly satisfy it. There's no cyber or riggers though. It's 99% solo, and you'll hate your allies because they're dumb as shit. Probably why it is a solo game. Allies, stacking in a choke point so you all have to wait a dumb amount of turns as you go through one by one. You can throw a molotov to block enemies from going through, but if your allies run through, they'll aggro you. You throw a grenade and pray to RNGeus that it doesn't hit your allies, but it does and they aggro you. They hit you, it's fine though.
wooooow how was i supposed to know i needed an item from the boneyard to kill that thing
Which EXP system should I use? I've been leaning toward Classic like other RPGs, but I just want to level super fast and muder-ball if Stealth fails.
Classic is less stressful and meta-gaming as XP is plentiful and infinite, with oddity you'll be craving for each exp point.
Oddity is the intended XP mode. Classic is more XP and faster.
Classic. It's about the same until after Depot A, basically the tutorial. I did every quest possible on oddity and finished at level 10, and on classic I ended at level 11. Classic will give you far more levels after the game world opens up. For the long game, I finished the game pre dlc at 24 on oddity, but reached the max, 25, a fair bit before the final dungeon on classic.
This is the only reason psi is OP, most spells always hit.
>Persuasion 15
>Yo that ain't my gun mine is X
>Sell gun
>Rich at the start of the game
>Buy Spear
How else can you break early game Yea Forums?
Closing doors. Buying grenades.
You can grab some oddities outside of SSG and under the lower passages without fighting. They give hefty chunk of xp whether you're on classic or oddity. Once you've got a couple of levels under your belt, you can explore the weaker areas of the lower passages to find an early, weak riot vest. Good for those damn robots in GMS.
Instead buy passage to junkyard
Buy metal armor
How do I deal with these retarded electrical spiders in the Hecate Research Outpost?
>The tribal who lights himself on fire and runs at people with a sword
I wonder if you can actually make that build work. Seems like you'd be spread too thin.
Die. Reload. Enter combat before they round the corner, and kill them. Then run away.
it took me 2 hours, but i full cleared Depot A fuck muties
armor with high electric resistance
something for stun immunity
you can also snipe the greater spiders quickly to use your energy shields
>First time Depot A
>Can deal with muties alright
>Can deal with machines
>Can't deal with barfing doggos fuck
>mfw sneaked around and made a massive minefield
>mfw zoning between entrances while juggling molotovs better than a Tekken player at EVO
>one mutie vomits on me and i lose 1/4th of my health
that entire section was hairy as fuck
Always get mutie dog leather before depo a.
>always get mutie dog leather before depo a
it's too late now, but who sells that?
try looting the toxic barrels that spawn gas
So what do I do with the pirates in the black sea? Should I just war crimes them all?
>joining aegis cucks instead of pirate bros
All criminal scum must be destroyed.
you do realize the protectorate and co were founded by literal gangsters, right?
How big of a long term problem is it to give the pirates half of some of your stuff to get them to give the professor back?
Everyone in Underrail is a slightly different flavour of mobster, so don't play the holier than thou card.
Pretty sure I got one off the gun vendor in junkyard.
50 kills to genocide. Unless you got the social skills to make a treaty that isn't complete suicide then you know what to do.
Best music track of the Black Sea?
Except for The Institute of Tchort. Tchort is Evolution!
>tfw no Amelia gf
>tfw no Octavia gf
Welcome to my office
Would you like a blueprint?
How about 20?
Shields with the feats are kinda interesting. Far from strong but definitely interesting.
Die, millenial, DIE!
how do i get good
Die until you learn how to not die
>oh Xit right in the Xingleberries
just b urself
Throw gas grenades everywhere, and put up bear traps and caltrops before every fight.
Do I use laser and chem pistols or should I just focus on one?
kill your enemies
don't perish
How is the knife intimidate build? Anybody tried it?
Laugh in Tesla Armor
Say goodbye to your teeth, North Boy~
Wrap yourself in tungsten
I enjoy this game, but I think one of my main issues is that there isn't really a lot of alternative ways to resolve quests.
Like to get the oligarch's attention, you HAVE to do the arena. Or when dealing with that serial killer, if you go to her home first and get evidence that she's been murderering dudes, if you want the extra oddity XP/classic XP, you have to let yourself get drugged by her and kill her or run away.
insert rathound claws into anus
Nikolai does not respect any man who lets his sister be a whore.
You've gone too far now
Sounds legit as the average "hardcore gamer" is a complete shitter who barely plays vidya at all.
Be pragmatic in the game, use traps, grenades, caltrops, etc. Make sure not to stretch out your build too wide, you will get some leeway later on to pick up skills you haven't invested in too much, but early on, focus on your core skills for your build.
Stop being bad.
Sounds to Nikolai you too let your sister be a whore.
Your food was subpar.
Where is this?
go both + plasma/electro pistol
Brainlets itt
I think it's in the Lemurian facility underneath Port Crag. The door to the office is defended by two Nagger Protectors but you can reprogram turrets in the room to help you a little bit with that.
Port Crag?
You mean port Ceto or what?
Do I have to kill todd if I cant match the strength or intimidation checks?
You do both, chem / laser works well for me
I don't rate Plasma as much because of its damage type split
- Chem is powerful, close, high AP cost, good chemical damages
- Laser is weaker, long range, low AP cost, all energy damage
Get the Chem pistol feats sorted first, then energy pistol feats
Chem is strong throughout the whole game, even with less than ideal parts
I strongly recommend mercantile skill for this build!
The laser pistol in particular only really shines when you have good electronics skills, good parts, and the feats than enhance crit damage bonus and push it from the base of 150% up towards 400% or more even
This can essentially turn the laser pistol into a one hitter quitter when it crits
You can complete all the the speech options of the various personalities to conince him to open the door himselfe it also opens some extra options for you later
I gave them half my shit and never heard of them after that. You have some quests where you have to go to their waters to search for Lemurian shit but you never interact with them since you can avoid them alltogether via just not being detected by their guns or using Fetid Marshes backdoor. I feel like I missed some content since the main quest just ends.
cool thanks
>not having 809% Crit damage on Plas pistols
do you even craft?
>he's still below 1000%
Port Crag is to the east, it's a smaller port not connected to Port Ceto.
Named character Razor is there, he's probably the toughest pirate to fight due to his shotgun and cloaking.
You get into the facility by going up in one of the buildings, walking along an elevated walkway, then down into a tower. If you're strong I think you can just tear through a boarded up doorway.
>kill all pirates
>get a jet ski worth 200k charons
Thank you jesus.
I feel like Styg almost wants you to join the pirates.
How? Devastator with the best parts installed?
How high can you push the crit rate?
Look at the parts in the aegis patroller you get. Total value is over 200k.
The trickiest one is Stig, you have to give five good reasons to let Todd help you, just pay attention to his response at the end each time and refine your answers further
is nimble a noob trap?
sure then I'll check it out in my Pirate playthrough then
What no just kill them all what are you doing KILL THEM get your toxic gas nades and bear traps and KILL THEM
its dodge and evasion bonus is nice but its ok if you just need movement points
If you're going stealth, the Ambush feat and a bit of luck with lighting gives you a positively nutty crit-rate
It's a solid feat for a lot of builds.
Im gonna warcrime Aegis then the fuckin cocksuckers
I just wanna be bro with the Pirates
As long as you don't kill the Muties
lol, they dead too
naa man I have a heart
Can I get by with just metathermics or should I have a secondary method of attack
how do I find yngwar?
By going to his cave?
If you are pure psi you should level all 4 schools, maybe just keep Time Manipulation at 70
If you are a hybrid of sorts, level up Time Manipulation for the action points buff and Psychokinesis for Force Punch and Force Field
Is the reef glider any good? Worth using over the aegis?
>not using the light from incendiary grenades to force proc ambush at the beginning of every encounter
i guess you could use flares if you don't like warcrimes, too
Worth turning in and getting a fuckin' fortune in turn.
>keep time manipulation at 70
>not pumping it to max for distortion one shot goodness
Depends on how much you care about aesthetics
I've been merely pretending for 250 hours and the lie will probably continue.
>4 hours into the game
>realize I didn't invest points in mechanic
Proxy+Implosion+Punch is much better for killing stuff. Distorsions are good for robots
What build? Many builds don't need a particularly high mechanics skill
Distortion is so much more fun though.
bros are there any othrer good games like underrail? im bored and dont really feel like rerolling
For example, just effortlessly killed multiple naga protectors with a single distortion spam.
That doesn't sound like a lot of fun.
It was extremely fun.
jet ski fuck at core city pays out the ass if you have a high enough mercantile skill
>Leveling up all four schools
That leaves me with four other places to put points into, and basically requires me to of those in biology, mechanics, tinkering, and electronics. Is that actually viable? Are there soft caps where I can start working on other skills?
Temporal Manipulation caps out at 70
That's still quite awhile of just, no lockpicking, hacking, dodging/evasion, throwing/traps. Seems rough, user.
Psi is so op I basically started leveling them past 70 at level 18 or 19. Most time I was leveling the crafting skills, persuasion, mercantile and hacking
How do you get it there and then get back to your personal jet ski?
Focusing on one allows you to take multiple quality of life feats and retain essentially same combat effectiveness on dominating.
Then put points into them whenever you feel like it. You aren't gonna implode because some crafting skill or one of the psi-schools is lagging behind.
Why does the artwork for this game look so much cooler than the actual gameplay?
where the fuck is the implant encoder in medical level of nexus of technology
Teleport, leave a spare ski by the portals
How do I lockpick and ignition? I dont see any ability to use lockpicks on it or anything.
You need a hotwiring kit afaik
The problem is, there's only like 3 chem pistol feats. All really good, but after that, you may as well develop something else and your stats are almost perfect for laser pistols too so why not both.
what headgear does knife/dodge/evasion builds even wear
psi gets psibands
ranged gets googles
tincans gets metal helmets
knifes ninjas gets balaclavas?
they fucking suck dick, some cold resist and maybe 2 dmg thresholds when you opt for kevlar one, meanwhile ranged gets 15 crit chance or 40% increase on special attack, if smart module on weapon wasnt enough, not mentioning amounts on customization guns gets with rapid reloaders and whats not, and all you can do with knife is get some electricity dmg
>every time I ask sniper girl where ferryman is, she says in savage territoy
>every fucking time
Where the fuck is he.
Death's Grin?
switch zones
...Ugh, that was one hell of a fight.
Nikolai will take nap now...forever.
Like leave the black sea completely? Because I check every time I come back to base camp after exploring and she says the same thing.
>heavy punch
>he doesn't know
Get a jet ski that can tow
Which ones tow? Do I have to buy one?
Question: where i can find grey army spec ops helmet? I checked out whole base i can't find it.
nono just the square you are in
he travels further in real time but when you wait for example next to his spot on the mutie island asking yahota where the fuck he is and don't switch zones she'll tell you he is at the pirates or w/e for hours if you switch zone then he is probably already in savage territories
so if you actually wait for him switch zones to see where he is going
Trigger the alarms for a visit from some friends.
Where do you get the engineer suit? I want those sweet bonuses.
There is an alarm switch. Press it. And then enjoy.
Look at his weapon. Look at his weapon and despair you will never have that much balls.
I took 2 grenade perks + 2 temp manips to boost combat effectiveness. After that I started taking stuff like paranoia, trigger happy and yes, pack rathound. It's just more relaxing when you always get first turn so every cunt with a knife can't f9 your ass in every start. Also reduced inventory hassle is great. I've not had any problems with this build on dominating.
Nikolai had dream, that dream will not be reality.
Cyka bre, a handy tip, siphoner leather is also acid resistant as fuck and easy to get early game, go to the south entrance gate to Junkyard and head to the left towards the siphoner caves, kill one or two and with decent tailoring you can make yourself some frog boots and leather armor with 0 chemistry requirements, almost 0 rng fuckery involved and it also is fairly good at aiding vs dogs since extra dodge and shit.
>plays on normal
>uses heavy punch
Checks out.
t.baby-fisted clank listener
Stay bad normalbabby.
stay gimped, hard jobber
What's that place?
What is the overall stat focus for energy and acid pistol users?
I can't really figure out if its supposed to be INT or perception or what?
Also, is ambush reliable enough to actually make high stealth important, or should I just use it more for utility?
Core Ring during one of the pirate raid missions. With enough persuasion, you can convince the captain to send you alone to raid the ships for a better pay. If you've cleared both vessels on your lonesome, he won't question your desire to go break down the Rig all on your own.
get some dex to reduce the ap cost you can go with a catalyzing belt and like 1-2 dex to shoot three times a turn
get 10 int you want easy crafting and 40% more energy weapon dmg with the feat dump the rest into Perception
How the heck do I open this door?
okay thanks
okay lads, I have finally arrived at Rail Crossing again and I have forgotten. For the Rep with Faceless, does the EMP give me negatives AND do I need to let them kill Buzzer?
EMP? Just stealth through, kill burrowers and have persuasion 60.
and which pistol did you focus on?
The EMP doesn't kill the faceless so it's fine.
Too late.
Is it worth it to try and make a chem and energy hybrid build? I've always wanted to give them a try but never got around to it, but given the redundancy and low feat requirements for both builds, I think hybridizing them is pretty doable.
Does this build make sense?
>When you find out a new tactical approach you never used before
Feels good
>persuasion 60
>He doesn't know
TIL you can forcefield in a melee leaving one diagonal open, and attack them through the diagonal while they're helpless to respond. Kek.
Is that how the pirates got to the Aegis camp?
Pretty sure the EMP is fine and if you do the foundry faceless quest ahead of time they will let buzzer go without penalty.
but muh quest
I am more concerned with the KILL BUZZER thing
I know the other things
>he doesn't know how to communicate clearly
You don't need to know that. Yes it was.
are spears fun?
alright thanks. Was going to get a house either way so I can store all my Al Fabet stuff there
Spear throwing is the most fun you can have with melee weapons
>doing Foundry before Rail Crossing
That seems... weird.
I tried spears out. I found their lowish damage a bit annoying. I imagine once you get the right feats and everything, them being virtually invincible in melee will start to be fun, but early on, spear throw is super unreliable, their defense are meh, and their damage doesn't hold a candle to most other options.
I just made a spear guy and I'm having lots of fun, it's surprinsingly engaging
Not really
Tin cans will rush Foundry, even before Core City
if you walk from SGS and get lost, getting to foundry is actually pretty viable
>mfw Impale
ok this is epic
just Let him slap his robo dick in your face
I do enjoy talking chars no worries
>Impale + Net + Opportunist = Absolute Murder
Don't forget cheap shots
>two Nagger Protectors
>reprogram turrets in the room to help you a little bit
Easy mode, kid? There are 4 Naga Protectors in front of that door, and turrets can't even pierce their DT/Res. It's better to not activate the turrets so that Nagas don't spread out.
Ok i'm going to try a chem pistol build. Can any home boy hook me up with a build real quick?
Theres nothing hybrid about it, both are pistols and only need 2 feats to be a chemical god of destruction on any gun build
>trying to make a gun build with survival instinct
God pls give me more stat points
try building it yourself first, then share so we can make adjustments
Any advice for a new player trying to go guns?
.44 uses 32ap and the dmg range can really fuck me
5mm allows 3 shots but the dmg is pissweak
7.62 isn't that much better
Im trying to use my .44 for aim shot, then a combo of .44 and 5mm. Is this about right. Feels really uncomfy compared to spears
Not a gunfag
But people here says ballistic guns suck, and the .44 hammerer still pales comparison to sciencie guns
Fucking hell making laser pistols is expensive, should I start dumping points into mercantile?
user did you make a build that relies heavily on crafting and didnt take mercantile?
You did not do that, right?
Very extremely yes. You practically need the mercantile only merchant stocks to make the best energy gear.
tough but not tough enough
my fists shred super steel
You need WAY more DEX
DEX is the key to making light weapons functional
>8/5/3/3/10/3/7 tin can shotgun build with a little psi
>intense urge to make it 8/5/3/3/8+1/7+3/6 (pluses from level ups) just to cram LoC in
>I don't even need Will for any other purpose
Do you guys just reload when enemies snipe you with a CC and surround you for a gangbang?
Fuck, how much do I need?
>falling for the low health meme
>my fists shred super steel
Daily reminder this pleb plays on normal.
Sounds fun desu but fuck dumping all these points in Con, Im always playing 3 Con builds
ballstic guns dont suck but ballistic pistols do
Probably 90 to unlock the Coretech vendor's stash.
pretty much this, if you want to go pistol go Chem or Energy.
if you want to go ballistic its all the other big boy weapons
Shamefur dispray to be frank unless you're literally a first timer.
Taunt; pleb:
You're a pleb, pleb.
Is a full Chemical/Laser Pistols build viable?
The plan was to snipe and go stealth, maybe some throwing. Im looking for tips to get through the miserable pistol stage. Should I just go smg until i can get a real gun? Or just rely on throwing nades/molov until i can buy a gun
I'm slightly disappointed
t. hammer wizard
>clearing burrower mines in camp hathor
>as i go back to the first zone, burrowers have respawned
You know what, i might finally actually be done with this game
Get good
Are you playing with x5 speed or something?
Very. Chem pistols smgs alone is very good since acid can entangle (doesnt proc secone wind), can freeze people (also doesnt) and can put a lot or them feared with fire, the first and third with great DOT and the second straight up doesnt allow people to move user. High ap costs but almost nobody resists their damage type, a fire pistol trivializes Depot A, acid blaster trivializes everyone else, cryo is kino vs serpents, high int makes chem ezpz for napalm nades and frags/HE's V. Pump dex like a madman as a softy tank and you can do shit like 10 ap per shot on chemmies and shits radical, especialy if you spec into cooked shot.
Seriously, it trivializes the game. 70% entangle chances? 240% damage over time when you can make ebemies take 50% extra damage? Almost nobody resisting it? 20 str chads have issues with crabs but you can straight up cheese most enemies straight up.
Yes, obviously, why would i walk around at normal speed.
x5 speed affects enemy respawns and trader restock.
I see. I was thinking strictly Lasers and Chem since I don't want to spec into mechanics for once. Any Perception ceiling I should watch out for?
>they respawned
how long did you diddle around in the caves.
I was paying with x5 too and they didnt for me
the Acid pistol entanglement is literally the holocaust in goo form
But acid pistols are real.
I'm not even halfway done.
Takes a milliong hours to kill burrower warriors.
Unless Im severely misremembering youl need mechanics for chem pistols alongside chemistry regardless of what you do so abandon that idea if thats what you wanna do. Id leave per at around 9-10, its good enough your accuracy wont be shit, and with cooked shot and entanglement, itl be even easier.
Pure laser is a bit of a meme if Im to be honest. Youl just be going the good old electronics high int 3 con memery, with crafted pistols being the only half decent ones. Ignore plasma unless you want to kill 1 guy in particular hard, stack crit like a motherfucker, use a amped las pistol and a polarised lightning one amd just crits your way to victory. Get the 40-50 bio for focus stim, pop one every time and just steamroll with 900%+ critical lasers.
Ill be real with you. Chems with a sidearm smg, since youl be dex pumping for low as fuck ap costs, is much more fun. Get a good smg, your portable war crime pistol and go to town.
This happened to me too, now i'm paranoid as fuck about milling around looking for shit.
Did you play with 5x speed?
Flurry and its animation reminds me of diablo 2 zealotry paladins.
*sip* just like the good ole days yes sir.
yeah, on normal speed it's not a problem. 5x speed is a blessing and a curse, you get to run around lightning fast and can just leave the game running at 5x speed for 5-10 minutes to reset trader stock. But enemies respawn insanely quick, if you don't like it play at 2x or 3x speed and take your time.
Isn't a jackhammer supposed to be used to clear rocks?
It doesn't work.
Bre that shit needs bateries. You cant just smash rocks with it like a unga bunga, put some volts into that shit.
Already have. Doesn't work.
Have you tried using it on the rocks?
Davai, use it in rocks then. Right click the jackhammer icon, left click the rocky, smashie smashie, rock crumbly. This is not hard.
The rocks in the Hathor mines need TNT.
How come my siphoner tabis aren't giving me any dodge/evasion? Still says 0 in the skills tab, do I need a hard point in it?
Right click it, it goes blue, hover over rocks, nothing shows, click them, nothing happens.
Look at your character sheet not your skill points
Try hitting C and looking in the character info under defense tab.
post pic cant help you more than this user
Some rocks are TNT only
underrail was my favorite rpg of recent years and I put 100 hours into it. I haven't even bought the new expansion yet
Buy it bre, it's really nice
>Point Shot
The hell? It works with Chem Pistols?
thats new to me
which ones are they user? the early sgs ones?
>no TM or psychokinesis
>no persuasion
>70 throwing
>160 stealth
>55 traps
energy pistols too
>using psi
what are you a fag?
>3 CON
Living life on the edge, is this even viable? I can see this being good mid-late game but absolute hell early game.
>playing the game around the "psi is for faggots" meme
>not maxing persuasion in any RPG you play
U r gay
it's a normal build for a reason user, cant pull this off on dominating
Hammer magic is best magic
Other way around. Early is easy, when ranged niggers come online it gets tricky.
Playing it on dominating right now its fine, just employ everything at your disposal
Well i like it and i'm gonna try it on hard any tweaks i should make?
This is on the camp hathor mine
You need to blow those with TNT
Persuasion is garbage if you know what youre doing and know lore already, If I was to take psi would I just put 75 into temporal for Contraction and Increment?
So i need to walk all the way back to SGS. Nice.
Fucking burrowers will have respawned a second time by then.
If you don't want to kill everything there's another way that involves explosives and a little exploring.
Take the boat you dumbfuck.
Unless you get derailed on the way for a couple of hours, that's not gonna happen. Just take the fucking boat.
He meant through the mines.
Maybe even 70 TC for LoC if you want more shenanigans
55 for increment and contraction. 70 for stasis.
time to go down that psi pill
Where the fuck is the Stasis trainer.
I found one on the SGS doctor after clearing all the Core City main quests.
I'm doing a HOPLITE build on Hard and im enjoying myself in doing so
Did you bother with 6 Agi?
I'm going sword and board on hard the shield isn't helping at all
how dare you insult shield-sama
It's *Undertale
So the only people who regularly sell leather are:
>Quinton at SGS
>One of the Freds at Camp Hathot
>Eustace from mutie isle
Also native supermarket
There's a vendor in Junkyard as well.
Am I a brainlet?
How do i use tel proxy? It just spawns a thing and it just sits in one tile for a few turns
You are. Use other PK spells near it.
Ah, haven't visited the natives yet.
Who? I don't think I've seen anyoje regularly sell leather there. You'd think the guy who sells bolts/traps/etc. would but he basically never has it, if at all.
Cast it again on another spot, it will move to that spot. Anything that passes through will be affected.
Never leave home without Sprint
He does have some, he even has mutated dog leather
>place proxy so enemies are within it's radius
>use single target attacks (force punch, force emission) on enemies in radius
>use proxy again to move it elsewhere
Whoops, think I was wrong. I sold him some leathers and probably though he sold them when I checked later and he didn't reset his inventory.
When you cast it, it shows the Tele Proxy's range. After summoning it, if you cast a single-target telekinesis spell on enemy that's inside your Tele Proxy's range, it will use the same move you used on the same enemy. Basically it doubles your damage output, f.ex. if you use Telekinetic Punch on an enemy the Proxy will also use Telekinetic Punch on the same enemy, provided it's close enough.
Weird, he's hasn't had any on my 10+ leather runs.
I think he only stocks it after you do depot A, not sure
Leather vendors never sell the good shit, not even close. I bought a q90 bison leather from Ferryman when he was selling like 7 of them, and then found two q150+ when looting native villages.
chem pistols are good even with unoptimized dex, nothing can resist your 3 elements. You also get access to corrosive acid and rusting in DLC, nothing can stop you.
Your accuracy's shit though.
You forget that you need massive INT and DEX investment to make it work, and have about hug-distance range.
By the way, a boat trip WAS enough for the burrowers to respawn.
Play at 5x speed, die at 5x speed.
No, i disabled it.
and yet smash threads, e-celeb threads, streamer threads are up 24/7 without you spamming uuhhhh go to vg
really makes me think
>have to spend all my cash on tnt and grenade cases to rescue Newton on dominating
Fuck bugs
>mandatory 7 INT for chemist feat
>mandatory high DEX so you can shoot thrice a turn with advanced belt
>mandatory high PER so you don't whiff 70% shots all the time
>no range (true)
You're the god of chokepoints but you're a sitting duck without hard cover.
Also you're a STRlet and chemical ammo is heavy as fuck.
Why is this game not more popular than it is? It's Yea Forums famous which isn't saying much, this is the only corner of the internet that cares. I've never read, seen or heard anything about it despite it being crpg of the decade. Even on youtube there are like no review for it and even less lets plays, not that i watch lets plays but its just something i noticed. Once sseth reviews it idiots will swarm in droves but still, maybe it's a blessing it's so niche.
no waifus no /vg/
It's too pure
where the heck is this thing in the nexus?
In the same room as the cipher, in one of the desks
y/n for shotgun/throw/trap and crafting starter?
I want Biology and Chemistry for caltrops and grenades later. energy for shields.
obviously I am going to skill trap later, but there is no need on level 1
Your main stat is Dex so nothing special to pump it, 10 Per is enough for precision and feats, thats nothing crazy, and you get high tier grenades with chemistry as a bonus
>had the game since forever
>jumped into it when the exp came out
>build isnt good for wrecking natives and seacrap
>never finished a game
>burned out already
*electronics for shields. me dum
Its actually a hard game that doesnt hold your hand, and that will mercilessly filter you if you genuinally dont git gud, which is why lots of scrubs dont get past Depot A. Just read the game reviews of you dont believe me
Also CRPGs were never popular to begin with
thanks breh, im fucking retarded and was about to go insane
What's the best sledgehammer i can craft?
>try to genocide natives
Magnesium grenades, gas grenades, caltrops, bear traps, tele proxy, force field
>Sea shit
Either just dont fight them or get another way to kill them
t. Hammer wizard
You really want 5 AGI for sure step as well. Caltrops are too good for you to pass up and and they're hell if you don't pick sure step.
Not wrong, but you're underplaying just how powerful chem pistols are atm. I did for Fort Apogee frontal assault yesterday on dominating and it was much easier than with my AR char post smart lens/goggles nerf or sniper char.
Chem pistols have built in cc and nearly nothing in the game resists acid damage but when it does, just use fire pistols.
A hammer that makes Thor's hammer pale in comparison
>git gud
Boy i sure do love gittin gud by not missing every 80% chance to hit and blowing myself up constantly, yeah i really love investing completely in dodge and evasion and still having my ass reamed by rng. Real skill based game it really jingles my pringles. I love this game kill me
Ah yeah Sure step is really nice to have with acid pistol, I really missed it on my croosbow/chem run, had to remember to equip biohazard boots or mutant dog tabi all the time
>invest in RNG skills
>get fucked by RNG
What a surprise
>mental breakdown
>game over
>mental breakdown
>game over
>mental breakdown
>game over
12 dex is good threshold if you play improved contraction + adrenaline often. You get 5 normal shots + point shot in a single round with those buffs. It has saved me dozens of times when you just NEED to get that target tangled.
Stop relying on RNG
Get 10 CON
Get 10 STR
Get a hammer
Become a Tin Can
Learn Psychokinesis
Lower Will to 3 and get 7 STR for Full-Auto. I'd also lower Agi to 6 and get more PER or INT.
tichrome so you can attack 3 times every round
tungsten for the highest damage numbers with crit power + heavyweight + cheap shots
Pro tip: Bullhead
Frag Grenade Mk IV does the trick in my experience, not more pesky mindrapers
b-but muh dick ass thief builds
Why the fuck can't you EMP laser cats?
Oh wait you don't need to point shot if unless you use cooked shot. So it's 6 normals or 4 normals + cooked + point.
Live like a dick
Die like a pussy
>stone age tech>futuristic big brain gear
oooohh thats cool
Also what rustles me jimmies is that biolocation is supposed to be a cool unique skill you learn in a special event yet every street shitter who managed to learn psi powers also have one
I fixed your trashy image.
>eyes are still visible
It's wrong, but I made it after my own liking because I am a fucking god do you understand me? I am a fucking god and I design the world to fit my preferences and you'll like it you little bitch.
Skip Dodge/Evasion on your dick ass thief builds unless you need them for a feat. The points are better spent in skills that help you kill things before they even touch you.
>mental breakdown
For a sword build, is it even worth going with riot armor with a shield? I haven't invested any perks into blocking and such yet i still need to decide, at 40% armor weight it seems so bad when you need to be as mobile as you can. On hard i've been having more luck with vests and regular riot armor all around 15-20% or so. I'm not too taken with the shield honestly it seems like the blocking can be replaced with parry and since it doesn't block projectiles the extra weight just gimps your evasion.
>being wrong
You're an abortion of science... you need to die...
just use psi beetle for now then
I think weapons should degrade 50 to 100 percent slower and have the ability to hit 100 percent accuracy
Styg just hates gun builds apparently
ok this is epic
Guns having 95% is totally fine.
hold up, neural overload kills doppelgangers what the fuck
>incapacitated/stunned enemy
>dodge/evasion dropped to 0
>cut throat
What? Are you having a stroke or something?
accuracy with all weapons need a buff, the fact that an ar goes from 100 quality to 0 quality in like 5 bursts is retarded, your weapons break in the middle of combat every fucking time, it's just shit design to throw 50 enemies at someone and have there gun break halfway through
unless the intention was to make the plater repair their weapon after every fight
it's just tedious bullshit, increase the weight increase the mechanics skill required to craft them increase the value so they actually mean something
user, really? I guess this was also part of Styg's great plan to spread the psi AIDS. Now that everyone and their mother takes tempo manipulation there is really no reason not to get the free neural overload as well. Even at 0 it's better than nothing.
>he doesn't get shaky sometimes when he goes to murder someone
What the hell? I often forget weapon durability is even a thing. Your crafted shit starts having crazy durability by Junkyward.
when you use burst ars you notice it pretty much every second fight your weapon is fucked
Are you just surprised as a non-psi user, or did you actually go through the whole game getting fucked in the ass by doppelgangers as a psionic? I figured this out back at Silent Isle.
Does dynamite 1 shot locust hives?
Does skill in traps give you a bonus in perceiving enemy traps?
Learn to read.
what is there that you did not understand? you were worried about the armor penalty, psi beetle only has 7% armor penalty and yes a shield can very much be worth it later in the build with the appropriate feats
just like this
throw a grenade at one, throw a gas grenade outside the door, close the door, open and close the door every round to keep them aggro'd, win
I'm using a hybrid ar build, I rarely if ever use neural overload when I can set up electrokinesis stuns early game, and psychotemporal when I got that
have an energy shield
>he's playing on easy mode
All spiders in HRO are greater coil spiders with EMP burst.
if you dont care about stealth, wear a blast balaclava
you mean normal mode, the solution is get the tesla armor or make a galvanic piece of armor, or kite, which works on every enemy in the game
Am lvl 12 in the middle of Core city questlines. Where to get better quality psi beetle carapaces? Fuck this 17-40 quality shit drops
From the goliathus north of Rail Crossing. I think the highest you can get is under 90 though
you gotta fuck with the goliath ones go into the cave above rail crossing max quality is 100
think more, brainlet
You jelly?
lol I got +140 super steel my first 3 times, must suck to dump luck
those ubga bungas spears got me thinking
Is spear-psi build viable?
I love these threads someone make another
What's in it for me?
Yeah, I just reroll until it's 140 or higher. It's just time
most likely, people do all kinds of psi builds, the fact that spears have some of the best buffs in the game for psi should be a good reason to consider it
You get 1(one) vidya anime picture, spend it wisely friend.
It's got jpg artifacts all over it, I don't want it.
Gotta try them next time I hit the camp. They're so heavy that I don't carry them around unless for specific purpose.
I'm looking at str for damage, dex for throw, will for psi shittery, agi and int cant go low either. How would this work?
You dont need will if you're a meleefag, the psi spear is just a stat stick for psi cheaters