Yea Forums humor thread

Yea Forums humor thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Attached: GEDDAN.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

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Where is your GODDAMN FAITH

Attached: Tusk_act_4.webm (640x480, 2.15M)

Attached: 1560117694065.jpg (1156x567, 137K)

I had a sensible chuckle

Based delta


Attached: afghanistan.png (893x875, 877K)


Attached: oo.jpg (650x800, 292K)

Unions need to be fucking gassed

This bothers me, smash bros doesn't even use boxes, it uses bubbles. They generally seem pretty accurate too.

Attached: 1554174340043.png (1984x3496, 974K)

i like this one but im pretty sure im missing the joke

Hail my corporate masters


Attached: 8EBE719D-DA75-4CE8-A2E2-35CBDF8DA112.png (599x548, 309K)

What do you think the joke is?

i dont know
i just like it as a nonsensical piece of humor
the joke could possibly be that afghanistan is the best battle royale


The joke is that Afghanistan is so war torn and dangerous, it might as well be considered a battle royale

Found the wagie

Attached: 1545281820771.png (550x803, 458K)

>I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!

Attached: TheGloriousTaleOfBayeux(2).png (900x675, 1.49M)

Attached: It's treason then.webm (720x404, 1.51M)

fucking based

This unironically

Attached: more kickboxes.jpg (4040x2400, 1.2M)

always funny to see people be anti-union align with corporate overlords like this

Attached: 1515739957529.jpg (604x1364, 204K)

>no leg invincibility or tie hitbox on the melee example
its shit

Attached: EtikaNiggasblike.png (955x629, 675K)

Attached: femsplain2.png (514x960, 489K)

dunno why people use Suit Guy with kicks like that

needs one for dark messiah

I think it should extend into the body more

Attached: 0KKaz.gif (320x230, 224K)

>explaining a joke
This is sacrilege

It feels reddit, but I like it.

Attached: second panel chest .png (500x500, 402K)

trips of truth has spoken. unions are nothing but parasites. at my job a lot of the union guys are fucking lazy. the manager cant tell them to do anything because the worker will cry to the union.


>that terrified stumble backwards
i kekd


Most unions are rackets in American, often times even more Jewish than corporate Jewishness

Thanks for ruining my day you shitlord

Attached: 1507438552152.png (996x1168, 1.59M)

Can also confirm that most unions are fucking leeches here in Canada.

Attached: 1516117567677.png (360x521, 263K)

Attached: 1525448238453.jpg (640x711, 91K)

Attached: 1563148420286.jpg (960x750, 400K)

>benjamin franklin
every fucking time

Attached: 1558839712308.jpg (883x835, 381K)

Ok but at least they stand for the common man instead of a handful of cynical assholes in suits who view me as nothing more than dirt to be walked on

>So this... is spiral power...

I don't get it

Attached: 1541122137566.gif (320x213, 1.28M)


Attached: over_encumbered.png (712x564, 693K)

The joke is that you're supposed to look at the game, but there are no video games to be seen. it's a meta joke

Can confirm too, they are cancer in Mexico


Attached: 20180924_214822.png (622x772, 281K)

Attached: article219827114D4C80D000005DC655_634x417.jpg (634x417, 49K)

Completely wrong

no you're retarded

when I worked for the state they had a union offered to all employees but I didn't join because I was young and didn't understand what the fuck they were really about and I didn't want to give them my money.
I still don't know what the fuck they are really about, I know they are meant to represent your interests if you pay dues but the whole concept is strange to me. Everyone seemed to think the union was a grand idea as well, and everyone encouraged me to join. What the fuck is the deal, why does everyone hate or love them

Attached: absolutely stressful darkest dungeon.png (600x450, 199K)

unions basically are a third party that ostensibly intervenes in your interest, companies usually have deals with unions that they have to pay union employees better wages, guarantee pay increases at certain increments, guarantee benefits and such, but since we live in a cyberpunk hellhole most unions are basically in bed with the companies and willingly take shittier deals in exchange for kickbacks for the union leaders, and organized crime will sometimes get involved in the larger unions. If your fellow employees are telling you to join the union and you have a choice then you probably should, but that doesn't mean they're going to help you that much.

>better job security unless you are a titanic fuckup
>ideally lobbies for your benefit
>lots of times forced into joining a union if you apply for a certain job so people understandably perceive it as a racket to take extra money from you
>may force you to go on strike with very small compensation for lost wages ergo the union dues
>a lot of shitty unions do scummy shit that may fuck over the people they are supposed to protect
It's a mixed bag.

n-no I don't want to continue I already now what will happen and I had such a good record please...


Unions fight your battles so you don't have to.
Basically, if you rightfully complain to your boss that you are underpaid, he can just say fuck you, and fire you on the spot to hire someone who won't complain about being exploited.
Unions will go to them with labor laws, and threaten THEIR jobs for not being fair employers, and you can't be touched because the bosses can't target individual employees to weed out the dissent.

Only really worth it if the pay raise can return you a profit on the dues. If not, don't even bother with them. Just organize on your own, and negotiate with the management directly. Ah, but this strategy only works in high-demand technical jobs without big-corporate backing, so don't try to strike your McDonalds.

back in 1920s-30s america shitty work conditions and pay were rampant, and a lot of the times the laborers couldn't do shit, so unions were created as a means to have some footing against employers and companies for each member so you had backup, and to have better working standards and conditions as well as better pay that isn't a penny for every 4 hours, at least from what I can remember at the top of my head. nowadays a lot of them if not all of them have devolved into a means of pocketing more money from unions dues (especially absurd ones) for the leaders while not really doing much shit for the other members. there's a lot more to it that i'm sure other anons have already explained but i've just given a quick rundown

unions had a role to play back when supply for labor far outstripped demand
nowadays they're mostly pointless
in particular the schoolteachers union is the biggest fucking farce and a plague on the us educational system

Our humor is total bullshit. Why even waste your time? That's no rhetorical. I really want to know what drives you to make an unbelievably shitty post like this.

Attached: 1514195133288.png (508x436, 187K)

>file name
the real joke is that you saved this 3 times.

Thanks for the info anons. Some of you talked about a union lobbying for better working conditions and standards. If they are doing that at my place of employment, won't that benefit me even if I don't join? I could just let all the other employees pay dues and sort that shit out.

I can’t believe Sonic is fucking dead

Depends on the clause they have on union-business agreements. I can't really say as most jobs I'm aware of that are Unionized you either join the Union or you don't get the job.

What. The top right corner just leads me back to the bottom left corner. Is the joke that I'm supposed to keep going back and forth forever?

unions only lobby for you if you're a member I think. like someone else in the thread said before, you could ask for a pay increase since you don't earn enough for the amount of work you do and your employer could just fire you on the spot to prevent anyone else from complaining so they can earn more money, and being in a union means you have some backup that will ruin your employer's day and potentially cost them their job if they don't shape up..

Also, there has been trouble in the past with unions legit working people over mafia style from bashin up your shit on the job to even fucking up your car and shit, and all of the union members that you work with would actively go out of their way to make your job hell because you haven't joined, but there's laws to keep them in check to stop future people from gettin uppity

Attached: Untitled.png (696x564, 28K)

you're dumb user. bottom left says filename
filename says second panel chest
second panel chest says THE GAME, WHICH YOU JUST LOST


Attached: 1458463390693.png (730x440, 49K)

>says while posting without particle effects
>says while posting a windbox
You could have posted an actual bad hitbox example, but you choose to be retarded instead

Attached: C1E6640235F44B6D9386621D891C36F9.png (645x773, 49K)

>god vs Egyptians

The melee leg hitbox doesn't have a hurtbox, dumbass.


What's going... FUCK YOU

Bro, it’s a really subtle knock knock joke, how can you be this dense?

What fucking year is this?

This is some fucking sooner instagram meme, disgusting. Also fuck Apex TF3 if it even I'd made is going to suck dick because of it

weak bayeux my dude

Attached: TheGloriousDoseOfBayeux.png (900x675, 1.31M)

you're a cheeky lil cunt

Attached: -_-.png (439x222, 137K)

Genius evil bastard


>not understanding sarcasm in the year of or lord 2019


Attached: Virtual Reality Taiko Drumming.webm (700x392, 2.78M)

You're almost guaranteed to be right and that's the depressing part.

Attached: Virtual Reality Rock Paper Scissors.webm (900x506, 2.93M)

he went FAST

Attached: Virtual Reality Feeding.webm (900x506, 2.95M)

Attached: 27032205137c0d971a3c81afb43aae11fcb1bfe9172b4669777688a8f8c1aee9.jpg (837x437, 42K)

Attached: Virtual Reality Exercising.webm (680x383, 2.05M)


Attached: 1552718392567.png (973x2383, 2.16M)

NEET anons don't know this isn't bait.
Never grasped just how stupid people can be until I had to work with them.

Attached: boing.webm (785x427, 2.03M)

>fucking runs away
love it when they do that

i cant tell if everyone actually doesnt get it, or the newfags are just baiting to try to get someone to spoonfeed them

Attached: 1566220110995s.jpg (125x125, 3K)

>bosses can't target individual employees to weed out the dissent
Funny you say that because walmart is notorious for shutting down entire departments just to fuck over their unions.

unions were formed because miners kept getting sent into life threatening situations, with no benefits, no real pay, and no way to get out of this scenario. unions today are just gangs.

what a terrible decision

Yes, that is indeed accurate to Finishing Touch's big cyclone of a windbox.

isn't the one of the left just a dude in a wig

Attached: 1562404242827.webm (476x422, 2.21M)

>still playing the game
>and i just lost it


>Text for each game appears below the guy
>Smash is above the guy
Oh you can bet that triggers the tism

No. It's his hair.

Attached: Kept you waiting, huh.jpg (640x399, 45K)

Attached: 1558392228502.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

Plesioth's hurtboxes are a lot more elaborate than that but I suppose it works for the hipcheck meme

There should be a stickied compilation of all these on /gif/.

Still haven't figured out if that's a guy or a girl

there is something wrong with this person , that is not how human beings are supposed to behave

it's a homosexual

Some are neccesary. if UPS wasn;t union it'd be hell on earth and they'd pay you nothing

t. UPS delivery driver


Unironically based, homos dont deserve human rights.

reminds me of this

>I don't get it

Attached: anon gets tricked tw(...).jpg (16x125, 1K)

Attached: [Glass him].jpg (512x384, 18K)

that filename lmao

This user is right. If it wasn’t union he’d be paid minimum

Attached: 1464600064661.png (500x560, 345K)

Gratitude, physician.

>clicks image
>reads filename
>"well I only clicked it once, what else does it-"

Attached: 1564171905929.jpg (603x837, 399K)

:( just kinda makes me sad

Thumbnail looked like some gory shit to me, probably would've been better that what's actually there

i like this

The only bad unions are the public sector scumbags who use strike action to get more money. The smaller ones are literally essential to ensuring employees arnt murdered at work for a quick buck.

carriers on the right took a quick shower before they came out?

They’re mostly accurate when they have a particle effect to work from, otherwise they’re real weird looking.

Although Wii Fit’s hitboxes from 4 were very similar to the OP, especially ftilt

Attached: 607A46F7-1CF4-4884-8F4A-CB14CE1B2195.png (840x640, 27K)

Wrong post about the ftilt

Attached: 39A4B3FF-E3F8-4B27-AAF1-0E669F291311.jpg (514x442, 29K)

Attached: 1388357650869.jpg (3375x3000, 1.17M)

This seems like some form of torture.


Attached: Ididntneedtoseethat.jpg (480x368, 84K)

Why do you have a png of neutral stance wii fit, user?

Attached: And This Is My Dad Sephiroth.png (1920x1200, 1M)

I see metro devs worked on this game too.

Attached: Metro_2033_Redux.webm (1280x720, 1.68M)

On mobile, didn’t save a gif properly for some reason, had to find a pic for it


Attached: the gr8 console race full.jpg (5000x4946, 3.03M)


Attached: 1560997092461.png (527x3702, 2.13M)

Attached: How he lost his license.webm (460x352, 67K)

why not just post the actual video instead

if that webm was any longer I would have filed for a mental disability

>his church doesn't have a water slide

Attached: reboot_bob_dot.jpg (500x375, 23K)

Arigato, Gyro

Attached: 10 out of 10 husband.jpg (700x1000, 173K)

You just didn't play '06 (nobody did, except exceptional retards that are Matt and Liam) to the very end.

Attached: HEY ITS JUST A THEORY.webm (1280x720, 2.64M)

hurr durr muh hitbox complexity

mad lad

Imagine of these are all on the same guy's pc

Attached: 1521713626843.jpg (697x1024, 79K)

Attached: 1526878843504.jpg (560x1500, 627K)

Yup, in Brazil unions get a cut of the taxpayer money

Attached: stop.png (405x136, 111K)

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Attached: 1449538188857.png (1360x768, 1.4M)

You can't outrun death

Attached: 1506927885172.jpg (318x1200, 61K)

before Hotwheels went insane

Attached: 1531746303606.jpg (543x1200, 207K)

>payday 2 lore in a nutshell

Attached: you don't need to read moon to understand.png (800x700, 602K)

Fuck the Union at UPS. Been there for 4 years now, and people who are just starting are getting paid just as much as me. Where the fuck is my raise?

nice read but what does this have to do with Yea Forumsideo games?

>saying itadakimasu AFTER eating

Attached: 1535048458498.jpg (1689x950, 110K)

go and ask you sperg

for some reason, when I want to go faster when I'm dreaming, I do that.
It looks worse in third person

Only real ones will remember this

Attached: 1560136695645s.jpg (250x250, 5K)

What kind of loser walks in dreams.
Just fly, faggot.

Lucid dreaming is boring compared to the weird shit my brain comes up with on its own.
I fly sometimes too.

Attached: 1519109934180.png (1118x1159, 294K)

You lost it

Ya got me. 1 year gone.

Is oolong still alive?

Attached: 1416693490342.png (2263x4551, 726K)

Attached: 1466103696337.png (955x796, 196K)

Fucking furries is taking it too far !

>small g
>capital E

this always gets me.
Yea Forums memes are the shit I don't give a fuck

Attached: 1455665908948.jpg (500x616, 77K)

Attached: 1276281772586.png (524x1531, 87K)

oh for fucks sake.

I miss mirror threads.

Attached: 1498627082119.png (912x512, 599K)

"Tales of..." franchise literally peaked (hit the absolute wall of quality) with Rebirth. After that, it ALL was only downhill (and bottomed out at Tempest). It's getting up again, little by little, but still nowhere even remotely close to be at the same highest glory days of Phantasia/Destiny/Eternia/Destiny 2. Not yet.

is this a actual game or something im missing here?

Rune factory and i meant to post this in another thread, sorry.

Its RF3

Attached: 1566173689949.jpg (333x493, 102K)

It's literally every "Tales of" after Rebirth, with exception of Xillia/Xillia 2 and Berseria.

Attached: 09y89698.png (648x405, 44K)

Jokes on you, dumbo. I'm single and live alone.

Attached: 1536705943193.jpg (468x345, 14K)

oh shit

Attached: 1549592179526.jpg (918x866, 116K)

Skullgirls is the best one here right?

Attached: 1446533516887.png (1034x925, 68K)

Attached: 1427238929302.png (1516x850, 95K)

If you look at the way their back is bent they're probably disabled and unable to stand up properly.

Attached: Geddan.gif (500x375, 425K)

Yea Forums is composed of neckbeards duh, haven't you seen their GAYMING drink of choice?

Not necessarily. Having tight hitbox is good, but having it TOO tight might be hurting balance.

Attached: 1558394046918.jpg (809x809, 100K)

Attached: TOOOODDDDD.png (555x555, 289K)

Fine, fuck.

Attached: 1514917304240.jpg (682x306, 118K)

whats wrong with water?

>1 KB
Nice try idiot

Attached: 1564762224609.png (1000x744, 1.23M)

Attached: 1364358736981.jpg (500x375, 142K)

That's a masquerade violation. Fucking anarchs...

fuck off todd.

Attached: 20190815_083228.jpg (1046x999, 355K)

This has nothing to do with World of Darkness, fren. That is merely a Chaser cosplay from PE II.

Based. If you want to see the damage that unchecked unions can do, just look at detroit. There's a reason that city died, and it's the fault of the unions that bankrupted it.

I chortled and felt dumb for it

Attached: 68A04E69-714F-45F0-A444-263A38DB4C6C.jpg (750x1334, 99K)

Attached: but it do.jpg (963x1280, 262K)

It depends on the union. If you're in a dangerous field (like the one I'm in) it's important. The only reason I don't get an arm ripped off is because I'm protected by my union reps. However, public sector unions and unions for cushy office jobs are insane and ruin whatever company they push themselves on.

Attached: dust2tattoo.jpg (1024x679, 124K)

You guys are fucking underage zoomers that don't even understand what and why a union is beneficial. Go read some books or something, retards.

Attached: mmAbNVCL_400x400.jpg (400x400, 20K)

Attached: e01.png (514x514, 332K)

Attached: 1555466753122.jpg (767x1024, 83K)

King of fighter did right, other just trash

I like these

Attached: 1555466665617.jpg (1080x1100, 427K)

That's not wow classic

Don't worry lads, I've got this.

Attached: imgbin-milhouse-van-houten-bart-simpson-homer-simpson-mr-burns-mayor-quimby-bart-simpson-0F5FccMuqss (728x665, 84K)

You fool, with a higher wage you can buy many video games.

Attached: 3cc.png (1076x1105, 2.66M)


Attached: 1562453807031.jpg (1260x727, 545K)

Attached: DMC3.png (597x894, 750K)


Attached: Screenshot 2019-08-15 at 10.55.59 PM.png (1365x767, 824K)

Attached: you are like a little baby watch this.webm (720x416, 1.48M)


Attached: 1563315379532.jpg (480x480, 55K)

thanks for watching


Attached: FakeCrash eats a Wompa.png (2700x2775, 436K)

Attached: elves.jpg (1468x504, 79K)

Attached: payne.jpg (422x422, 48K)

Source on the cheerleaders?

Attached: Metal_slug_donut.gif (588x394, 3.89M)

I have no memes. Will an ugly fox substitute?

Attached: foxie.jpg (770x329, 79K)

Attached: klonoa.png (540x296, 61K)

jokes on you, I never lose

Only if you provide source.

Attached: 1347224223306.jpg (1024x1194, 540K)

For the last fucking time Todd, I'm not buying your shitty game

these never fail to make me laugh. there from some japanese guy on twitter right? shit is hilarious.

Danke, Herr Doktor!

i fucking miss old LoL


that's not a meme though.

>eternal green-land
every fucking time

Attached: 1347222092158.png (1404x649, 192K)

my hero academia

jino - sweet fox

Attached: fox.jpg (812x516, 120K)

>flings glasses across the room
>they just reappear

Attached: laugh rayman.jpg (560x560, 375K)

see the problem is that japanese see elves as americans. Koreans see elves as koreans. Meanwhile americans see elves as chinese.

thanks doc


Attached: 3df.jpg (686x751, 54K)

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Attached: 1566052421602.jpg (640x480, 65K)


Attached: 1564895834225.jpg (531x532, 100K)

Life of the fucking party.

based bootlicker


Attached: Great Sage Equal of Heaven.jpg (2601x1922, 169K)

My thanks upon thee, apothecary.

Attached: 1504842694479.jpg (1239x922, 276K)

Attached: 1549347634537.png (393x428, 92K)

Fuck you, I'm posting an ancient meme no one will probably understand and there is no stopping me

Attached: 1428188802891.jpg (744x583, 124K)

I just lost THE GAME.

Attached: Persona_5_Switch.jpg (694x248, 16K)

Attached: 12358726387535.jpg (640x960, 86K)

fuck birds

Attached: 1550350410228.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

Attached: onelastpunishment.jpg (638x360, 28K)

Attached: ray_the_great.png (916x663, 1.56M)

Imagine fucking the imp haha

fucking amazing, thank you

Attached: TOOT.gif (581x542, 1.86M)

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Attached: kulve.gif (1100x800, 2.35M)

Attached: 1515174539534.webm (670x720, 996K)

Attached: howdy howdy lets get rowdy.gif (640x360, 1014K)

more paulie please

Attached: wallhaven-0qkg1q.jpg (3840x2160, 533K)

Attached: 1558469944198.png (1024x794, 770K)

Attached: 1492846232924.jpg (751x607, 78K)


Kek looks like fucking king of the hill

Attached: 1553433181557.jpg (813x1200, 138K)

pure horseshit maneuver fuck you

XD good one man
post more frogs they funny

Attached: anon tricks himse(...).png (3125x3125, 2.42M)

Attached: 0376DB05-3CAB-4FCD-8FC9-7AC9D2B0EB54.jpg (528x509, 30K)

it's truck mont

Attached: 1566009487278.jpg (1426x1945, 1.14M)

Attached: 1519943596416.jpg (600x600, 238K)

Attached: 1560278219388.jpg (600x600, 26K)


I also do something similar, but I think in my dreams when I have to run fast, the ground tilts and I start semi climbing it with my hands, and not this unholy abomination in the webm.

>using tomorrow theme
>click it anyways
>know the filename is fake but still check anyways
It's true


this is the most based 14 year old

if you do anything but 2 your redart

Attached: bigiron.png (720x555, 609K)

What an absolute legend.

Millhouse is a meme right?

Attached: ? (566x669, 13K)

Shit man fuck you

Attached: 0843B35A-4988-4EEE-B4B9-722D34E75281.jpg (640x725, 129K)

Attached: blank01.png (414x387, 203K)

fuck you got me,not like anyone will get it

Attached: I'M VERY HUNGRY.png (383x331, 34K)

>square hitboxes for smash


Live fast, die young.

what do you think invincibility means in fighting games

Attached: LrMo2.jpg (1284x2894, 422K)

Attached: dLF0X4DLUTxUfvUvHR5jyca3TUXGIf4b8beqrT-mF-M.png (1079x1825, 432K)

Attached: 1566151214976m.jpg (1024x1020, 112K)

Attached: 1562739117482s.jpg (10x10, 682)

Attached: up tilt.jpg (270x260, 20K)

"The game" is the single most reddit thing on this site.


fuck you for saving and spreading low quality images

Attached: 91E75D8B-0DE2-42EB-996F-BB4783C11C86.jpg (367x1024, 78K)

Attached: 1560605705564.png (2048x1152, 3.65M)

Eh, might as well

Attached: 902.jpg (600x453, 52K)

*munch* *munch* *munch* *gulp*

Attached: 2f7.jpg (1269x1525, 218K)

Attached: dang it.png (125x125, 12K)

what? it's - it's - we've been doing that since the fucking beginning of Yea Forums?
the game has existed since long before the internet?
what is wrong with you

I think that horse might have autism.


Attached: 1565996562596.png (600x177, 100K)

Attached: aid1050023-v4-728px-Keep-Coyotes-Away-from-Campsites-or-Homesteads-Step-3-Version-2.jpg (728x546, 66K)

Damnit bobby

A fine DDS meme user. Danke.

Attached: 7E96DE4D-6544-47A8-9B8C-9C1203490785.jpg (950x1024, 162K)

Have you not read the news since 2001?

>Yea Forums humor
>it’s all unfunny /pol/shit


Where is the humor you fags?

Attached: 1562690558228.webm (622x350, 2.97M)

Attached: sup.png (640x444, 586K)

how am i supposed to know or care about some desert country?

I did.

nice contribution fag

Attached: 1538049667198.webm (960x540, 2.68M)

Multumesc doctor.

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up your mum's cunt
that's why im getting in there so deep

Fuck you man

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I see. So that is what is wrong with that person in the image

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Up your ass

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>With Oblivion coming


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>he pulls out from cover with his fucking entire side perpendicular to the chi-nu
>he doesn't know how to angle
what a fucking scub

Go to hell

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The year that you lost the game apparently

>dad's union throws him under the bus after some secretary basically tells him that he's fired without any of the proper procedures being followed
>sister's union won't listen to her trying to expose massive nepotism and corruption where she works
>my union bald faced lied to all of us about a pay rise and then said we should have done more research before agreeing to the pay rise

Unions truly are cancer. I'd rather take my own chances than pay these parasites fucking 240 quid a year.

>The Game cannot be won, only lost

jokes on you i want tyrone and his boys to run a train on my wife

Why would you do this?

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I think the guy's name is hisabilly.

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Does this count?

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Paws inc, the guys behind gadfield are some of the biggest Jews in the industry.

Americans still reeling after finding out the rest of the world has it's own slang terms

Back in my day we used to call them...JOKES!

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>generic anime shit
>perma virgin starts drooling instantly
Pfff lmao

>reverse Shadman

damn you

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>The only reason I don't get an arm ripped off is because I'm protected by my union reps
imagine believing this. we have labor laws, the union does fuck all but negotiate wages, which will be competitive without them in any hands-on field. they are leeches

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Time to go masturbate to this cugly fox

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not that i'm for or against unions, but
> we have labor laws
is that why you can pay waiters 2 dollars an hour in the us? because of your great labor laws?

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What I'm thinking (and hoping) is that Respawn whipped up Apex to help fund the development of TF3

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>my final fantasy

gets me every time without fail

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Nice STALKER mod.

Now that takes me back.


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so much better than coffee instant type iii

i miss him bros

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>Meleenigger has to complain about something retarded that no one cares about
of course

Ah, I remember when this list took place at a k mart. Classic stuff.

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I own that shirt.

>desert country
well you're right that you know nothing about that country.

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y-you too

Shut up Bobby

Delta is fucking garbage, always overbooking and always cancelling flights. I'll stick purely to SW airlines.


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Have some confidence, you got the joke retard

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Are you trying to get us all KILLED?!

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How did the corporations and the government manage to completely brainwash american citizens i believe unions are bad?


holy fuck the mencia one got me

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God melee's animations are sick.

>wanting a union for anything that's not factory workers or miners
Disgusting. Fuck unions.

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Not an argument

desu the only ones that care about it are brainwashed mutts because their govt has been shoving it down their throats 24/7 since 9/11

Fuck you and this cheap ass attempt at farming a (You)

I'm giving it to you anyway though

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you swindled me

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>Dark Souls lore theories

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Such majestic creatures

this is exactly why SF5 (and SF4 by extension) feels so fucking horrible to play


Kiitän Tohtori


fucking jej

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Fuck you.

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Here's a hint: if your boss is desperately telling you not to do something, it's because that something will harm him.


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>they stand for the common man
In theory only.

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In low-skill jobs they're absolutely necessary, because if you try and quit a low-skill job in protest then guess what lol they can just hire ANYONE else. But if you all quit your low-skill jobs in protest then they're fucked.
Look at Qatar, or the state of itinerant labourers in China, or Victorian England, if you want to see what work would be like without unions.

The reason people don't like them is for a few reasons. Firstly, they do sometimes act retarded as fuck. The second reason applies to America mostly: their unions got broken up by the government a century ago, so all they've got left are the shitty remnants the corporations have decided they're okay with keeping around. These unions really do fuck you over.

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Anti-commie propaganda made everyone scared
They also made the unions turn into pure shitpiles so everyone had a reason to hate them
Americans being Americans they don't realise their little bubble isn't the entire world

salamat, doktor

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I didn't realise there were tards who actually argue against nationalised healthcare outside of America
I guess /pol/ will make a nigger out of anyone

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Fuck you

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eat shit nigger, I WILL make waves for you to drown in them

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Bismallah sahir

Transition any% Bad ending


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Dziękuje Panie Doktorze

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Ive played tekken for a long time and i have know fucking idea what this is supposed to mean

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I remember this, she fucked the surgery up, she wasn't sued for dancing, but for being shit at her job , which included dancing during surgery

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Imagine the smell

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does this count?

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the game beats all and you just lost faggot

Whats wrong with MILF?

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I may be banned from uploading images, but that won't stop me

i trusted you and went to the trouble of opening that link and you tricked me into believing it was a worthwhile endeavor but it was not

Oh god oh fuck

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Yes, but I still value your sacrifice user