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Give me a Fire style/soul, and No flinching, then im all set
I miss MMBN. They're such good games. I think their flaw is that change came too late in the series, but they were exceptionally good for a risky new direction using a well known IP. Hell, they're still just great games with great music
Koki's stuff is gold.
>people paid for this trash
hub style
They fucked the over-world style at 4 and made it and the characters look too kiddy.
>implying the characters didn't already look kiddy
which is to say that nothing changed. they look the same.
Styles were better than crosses and souls. Why’d I wanna play as Down syndrome proto soul when I could play Protoman.
you mean the overworld sprites?
Proto Man was a lame faggot yes-man. Souls were lame but Crosses were better than Souls or Styles.
>bomberman whores out for sales
what will megaman/rockman do?
make a new game to spite them
Crosses >= Styles > Noise Forms >>> Souls
>Lan: "I am a generic idiot shonen protagonist who says and does generic idiot shonen things!"
>Mega Man: "I am the generic straight man who never says anything worth remembering!"
>Chaud: "I am an ineffectual loner who keeps acting like I'm better than everyone even though I keep getting my shit kicked in every single game!"
>Proto Man: "I am a yes-man who just does whatever Chaud says with no will or personality of my own!"
>Mayl: "I am the generic, shallow love interest whose only worth is in her cute design!"
>Roll: "I'm basically Mayl but more generic and shallow!"
>Dex: "I am the only good character in these games!"
>t. fat ugly loser
>>Chaud: "I am an ineffectual loner who keeps acting like I'm better than everyone even though I keep getting my shit kicked in every single game!"
For the most part this was true.
>Roll: "I'm basically Mayl but more generic and shallow!"
You forgot 1000x more cute.
Rip Xebec.
I'd kill for another BN game but since lan grew up what could they even do. Maybe give us a super customizable navi and just make it like custom robo arena
SciLab in MMBN3 was so fucking comfy.
Is there a better example of a mediocre game with an awesome OST?
battle pressure
Yes, that's another great one. It also has my favorite Undernet theme.
Why can't more games come out like this that mix deckbuilding, rpg, and action
yeah dude
great soundtrack
Yes, but no one's proud of it.
deck building and action gameplay.. Your right most games go for a strategy vibe if they have deckbuilding. Maybe thats why mmbn feels so good.
Good thing that Starforce had a better story. Shame about the gameplay, though.
There's Patch and Megaman Jr.
I thought it made great clown music
Custom > *Hub > Shield > Bug > Team > Guts > Ground >>>>> Shadow
Fight me
Wow, I never realized that about MMBN. It reminds me of creating custom playbooks in Madden and running+refining that gameplan against real opponents.
There's something about
>Long slow strategic phase
>Fast-paced chaotic action phase
that just works so well.
TCG games are boring because they are always stuck in slow motion. And non-stop no pause action games make me nervous because I don't have time to think and strategize ("just mash and hope you make it lol").
>Fight me
Nah, pvp is completely and utterly broken in Battle Network.
Protoman a best
Not really.
Playing as Protoman in MMBN5 was top kino.
are they really dead?
Not really, but considering your use of words like 'kino' it's easy to understand how dumb you are.
You mean like in every other game with PvP?
BN3's PvP still holds up today.
BN2/6 are pretty much either boring or solved.
All the others do suck though, yes.
Don't worry! Spiritual sequels of Battle Network are showing up like wildfires these days!
This is a textbook example of too much happening on the screen at once. By which I mean it distracts and hinders the core gameplay, not that it's too hard to play. Just adding that because I know at least one faggot's going to go "gitgud"
At least post one that's not a chaotic frenzy.
4.5 translation when?
Too busy.
Honestly, still too busy. Drop the HP, the names (or whatever "Crush" is) and the bar, include only the numbers in a not godawful font.
They almost done, i think.
I imagine they probably intend for you to basically tune out all of the visual noise and focus on the flashing panels beneath you. I can see why they went for such a busy look through, it makes the game incredibly easy to sell through short gifs which is very valuable in the indie market where you have to be able to hook people at a glance. Super flashy short clips help.
>got a GBA as my first game device as a dumb middle schooler
>occasionally catch the BN anime on TV and think its cool
>decide to go buy BN3 at gamestop with my savings
>guy at counter tells me to wait a month instead because BN4 is coming out and will be better in every single way
>play it and never touch the series again for a decade
fucking gamestop
The thing about EXE gameplay clones is that they're all focused on a ramped up turbo version of the base gameplay with some roguelike elements so they don't have to design proper levels and it makes me instantly realise how important the actual RPG part matters to me.
what an unplayable mess
Well, the developers aren't going to change their minds.
That looks cool, but is definitely not how I'd introduce people to it. Way too busy to attract people. Save it for endgame though.
To be fair, the RPG parts were the worst.
Fuck that
Roguelike/roguelite is just another word for I don't want to design a game world.
really it just needs some small changes. Making the ice spikes rise out of the floor and the electric balls only shoot one that spreads to a cross when it lands would solve most of the issues. The enemy side would still have the blue lasers and explosions but it's not nearly as important as having the player side look clean.
I absolutely would not mind a Rougelite Endless dungeon area in an MMBN style, where you have to put aside your current folder, and can only build your folder with chips you receive from enemies as you slowly make your way down into "SUBNET Area 1-5" or something like that.
As a main gameplay concept it's fucking awful, but as an area akin to the Undernet I think it'd be awesome.
what game
Hopefully never
That game is shit
While I wasn't quite meaning one continuous battle, I do think that would also make for an interesting game mode too.
Just, it would be good extra content, such as in a Tournament Arc or an Obstacle Course Arc, or as the "Secret Web" area, not as the main game.
oh no
why did every battle network game disappoint after 3?
Yeah, I really want to Navi Custom and Deck Build. I'm mainly a card game player so making decks/loadouts is really fun to me.
Six was great. 4 and 5 were downers for sure though.
Go play Android Netrunner
>Dex: "I am the only good character in these games
t.fat ass
You were honestly fine up until that point
He's not wrong though, 3 was the high-point with it's insane post-game.
6 was decent enough, and 5 had some neat concepts but just kinda failed on it.
4 was fucking balls.
What was disappointing about 6?
The eng-game music bug and the cut content sucked but I wouldn't say those things make 6 as bad as 4.
2nd'ing Netrunner. If you like making loadouts and playing with them, then it's fantastic. Honestly, it's probably the most similar card game to MMBN there is. MTG and YGO are more about just building your deck and letting it play itself (much like MMBN4/5 and somewhat 6), while Netrunner is more like playing MMBN3, but you start building your NavCust in the middle of battle as well.
I still haven't beaten 3's post game to this day, could never beat the last Bass.Exe cause of his fucking dark barrier
>you play as teen Lan and Megaman
>Lan can create/combine programs
>Megaman can enter independent mode while Lan does his job
>instead of jacking in, you can transfer to various locations using routers
Post game was minimal, the overall game's narrative felt more episodic than an actual story like 3, NavCust just hasn't had the... well, the customization that it does in 3, the actual chips take a backseat to crosses (instead of styles supporting chips), and it's missing lots of little touches throughout the games such as the Pun program.
It's good and I like it, but 3's just so much better.
4 is fucking Superman 64 tier though, 6 is no where close to it - It's just a bit of a disappointment if you're coming off 3.
The Humor program is a thing in 6, too.
>tfw i'll never understand the MMBN communities obsession with 3
When I played it all I remember it being is a game with a boring story.boring areas and the gimmick(Styles) being some minmax bullshit.
It’s weird
I wanna another Lan generic bro oddly enough but I also want a full player creator
I played Netrunner for about 3 months on Jinteki right before it got epsteined. It was super fun and was some of the most fun I've ever had.
I really hate Sega didn’t let Sonic 06 get more dev time
I really really wanted it to be good for fucks sakes
>Lan and Mayl confirmed married
idk why I always get so excited when characters in kids game get married later.
Be honest, are any of the ones in 6 as good as 3's?
Hold up, I got this
Only autists play BN for the story and dungeons.
>They went data way
MMBN was fucking MADE to be a full custom pokemon go-esque game.
Capitalism should be jumping all over MMBN. Imagine jacking in at McDonalds and fighting players or a boss to get that special Big Mac chip.
Microtransactions for cosmetics or even heals would make bank.
Special AI voice assistants for your phone.
Where is it... ;_;
>Was a hardcore mega man fag and didn’t even know it
>Literally has every GBA mega man game
>Turns out my dad could only remember “The Blue Omega mans”
Took me years to figure that out.
But hey I was happy
Ah, fair enough.
I started with 3, so playing every other game and then 6 made me like 6 a bunch.
I could never finish this game because my save file kept getting corrupted
Just helped a friend move the other day and he gave me his copy of Battle Network 3. Gonna fire that baby up for some sweet nostalgia. Its Blue version - any exclusive chips or stuff to keep an eye out for outside of Punk?
I see your point but please no.
Don’t rape my favorite game anymore user I’m begging you
pretty sure blue has folderbak
BN3 White version. So more rewarding to 7 star that game without the aid of the most powerful chip in the series, folderback. Everytime I see a battlenetwork thread, I always am reminded and tell the story of me borrowing timebomb chips from my friend for the weekend and returning them back on monday.
I swear I clocked like 300+ hours. Why they never brought back the time trial fights with the shitty in-game folders you had to use is beyond me but I guess they kind of make up for it in the later games by having to re-fight navis if you like their Megachip and trying to score fast times on them to increase the damage on the SP chips.
>Lan and Geo keep pictures of their moms
That's cute.
>never had any friends with BN growing up, much less anyone with BN3 White
>never got to do anything beyond the Serenade time trials
>never got 7 stars
It's not fair bros...
>No folderbak
Seriously though, Foldrbak was fucking fantastic, but I don't think it should have acted as a FullCust as well.
OR, what they should have done, is after cycling through 30 chips, press the ADD button, and then the folder gets reset. That way it doesn't punish anyone who's terrible at the game and needs to cycle through, and it won't reward combo players too much by giving them their entire combo all over again.
"eng-game music bug"?
What penalties would independent mode have?
Yeah my friend from school got me hooked on the series. Him and his step brother had a copy of blue and white, my birthday rolled around and I scooped a white version and was so fucking hooked.
The kid was also kind of a try-hard in all videogames at the time so he was like a good rival and good skill level for like playing any videogame at the time. Good competition. So it was always satisfying just mastering battle network and crushing him every time.
Enjoy this while it plays over literally the ENTIRE OVERWORLD during post game.
>no full synchro
>no folder editing
No NavCust.
There's no way to make it decent by restricting folder/chips which would just annoy people, and any penalty to health/damage are ineffective as chips just do so much. Imposing a battle limit would just be infurating.
MAYBE you could lock the folder so that it can't be changed until you get back to Lan?
No Folder/NavCust changes.
To clarify, Capcom fucked up the coding during localization. Normally, when the game saved after beating the final boss, it would trip a switch that told the incident music to fuck off while you played post-game content. In the localized versions, you get lovely incident music forever.
Wait, that is a bug? I always hated having to listen to this thing for the entire post game
Here I thought it was just bad gamedesign this whole time, huh.
I'm surprised no game has copied it's playstyle. Sure there's some indie games but nothing like Undertale from Earthbound
Nope, just a case of code butchering.
Isn't it a bit depressing that hub actually died in MMBN3? Sure they bring him back but it's just a copy of him. I'm surprised Lan and the others didn't really care.
>custom programs
How would it actually be implemented, though?
How to spot someone who wasn't paying attention.
Would be cool.
>that soulless smartphone PET
Hey user. You think we can stop being passive aggressive for one night?
Actually, it's a bit less depressing and more bittersweet...
The Data that Dr. Hikari found was Hub's actual data, and they rebuilt him from that. It'd be like if someone went to sleep for a long time instead of a clone....
... but Hub was always a copy. And he knows that, but he won't let it get in the way of supporting Lan.
Ah I see. I know Hub was always a copy but I always assumed when I played it all the memories from alpha onwards were deleted. I just thought it feels like a weird dissonance between the two's memories that makes it a bit sad.
Come on bro. This is a comfy Battle Network thread. Take your shitposting somewhere else.
Reddit called, they miss you.
Make sure the door cracks your skull on your way out.
Could be worse. Like a smartwatch.
Would the series have made more sense if Hub was Protoman's operator and Chaud was Bass's?
>unable to recognize sarcasm
Yep, it's autism.
Why is remilia such a prick
Can anyone name a comfier town?
that looks actually pretty cool
She's rich.
Rich people are pricks.
But Dex is great
The fucking 15th anniversary arrangements are amazing.
Well, I guess their hairstyles would match a little more. Other than that, I don't see how doing so would improve anything.
You're posting off-topic.
Post your favourite MMBN song as tax.
Navi Customizer is always so fucking chill
My favorite BN is 4 and I have 99:99 hours on it!
Pic slightly related.
>tfw you will never netbattle your class mates in recess ever again ;_;
MMBN 6 should've split into two games like a MMBN6-2 imo.
It sets up new things and just quickly finishes it up. I wouldn't mind fucking around central town even more.
MMBN is shit.
I don't like the game, but I recognize it has some good tunes.
Care to explain why?
Oh fuck, are we cheating and using the anime soundtrack now?
Yikes this is /vg/ tier level of faggotry.
I legitimately love that track and hold it dear in my heart
Shame that Chrono X isn't using a similar design.
>Chrono X
hearty chuckle
I want Chrono X to be good, but it seems so incohesive.
>instead of jacking in, you can transfer to various locations using routers
Sounds ripe for a "falling out" kind of scenario, with "independent mode" being a thing as well.
Posting for MEGA posterity!
>Most, if not all of the Megaman games and fangames (plus Boktai and Gunvolt), Comics, artbooks and in-game OSTs
>BN cia file versions
>Star Force .nds
>Rockman.EXE 15th Anniversary Sound Arrange Best Tracks
>Gregar patched
>Every official Megaman animation
>Shanghai.EXE V.0502e13 /jp/ Translation
>Shanghai.EXE GoogleDoc (Maps, item locations, etc)
>Mayl canonically wears no panties
>every art of her makes me hard because of this, even fully clothed official art
Thanks Capcom
It makes more sense when you realize that Lan would be hitting puberty.
It's pretty good.
I also love Shanghai's Home theme, too. It really does nail the BN feel.
I wish more people would appreciate it's OST even if they don't like the 2hu aspect. The ost has almost no 2hu influence.
Having a falling out between the best twins in all of gaming sounds like a terrible and completely forced idea.
Fuck off.
That kinda happened in BN2, dude.
Who would be the villain, though?
No, user! You forgot Shanghai's!
Who is the best Navi, and why is it roll?
They had a misunderstanding, not an entire falling out.
It was also the worst part of the game.
I didn't forget, I didn't post it on purpose. There are some anons who get unreasonably upset when Shanghai stuff starts getting posted. I'd rather not give them an opportunity to derail the thread with their whining. But if you insist.
Dr. Albert.
Lan is growing up while Hub is stuck as Megaman. Differences are bound to stack up.
Pic related.
She deserves to be bullied
Fuck them. It's the best BN-clone or fangame to come out since BN ended. All the fags who hate it just haven't given it the time of day.
Hello, I'm an user who is interested but I don't want to play it until /jp/ finishes it. How far along is that going?
There, see? That's exactly what I was talking about.
>finishes it
>how far along is it
The level editor is on it's way to being complete, but honestly there isn't many people lining up to complete it. two specific navis - Druidman and Missleman - do not have sprites that exist and would need to be made from scratch. The entire ending scenario also doesn't exist and would need to be written and scripted. I'd say the odds of it being finished are very low, but the tools to do it will at least exist.
About 90%. Honestly if you're interested in it, just play it now.
>Mr. X as a character independent from Wily
Might as well put in Quake Woman, too.
Whats the best battle network game to start with?
I thought /jp/ was working on it. I heard that in a number of threads now. Was it a lie?
If you can't stand horrendous back tracking and some form of puzzles then skip 2 and got to 3. But honestly give 2 a try. Then play 5 and 6. Skip 1 and 4. 1 is old and suffers from first installment syndrome and 4 is bad.
It's been at 85% for ~7 years now.
It's at 90% now.
It'll get done maybe this century.
1-2-3-6. 4 has nothing to do with anything, and 5 only has a few callbacks in 6, and doesn't progress any overarching plot. 1-3 each have their own plots, but are tied together by WWW, Bass, and Hub.
2/3/6. If you only play one game, play 3.
2 is great but has massive balance issues and backtracking can be grating. 6 focuses more on crosses and building around whatever style you choose rather than having the cross support your folder and Nav cust.
3 is fantastic with the best Chip codes in the series and the longest and most content involved post-game. There's a bit of backtracking a little early on, and after that you're pretty much rewarded anytime you need to backtrack, which is rare.
1 is VERY old and hard to play, 5 feels like a downgrade from 3 with a half-baked liberation mode, and 4 is legitimately a bad game.
>isn't even posting zerker, just basic leo form
come on nigga
Based and thank you-pilled.
Navi's are literally programs, so why do they always look the same? There should be some alt-costumes to use as throwbacks.
>Gregar patched
Is there a Falzar version? I originally played Gregar on the gba so I've been wanting to emulate a patched Falzar
Falzar should be in the first link.
That's not the patched version.
Nope, there's no Falzar patched.
>not playable in a mainline title
Not even the best female navi.
If this game were to come back, I would want them to go back to Styles. While I loved Crosses, They're too specific. Too tied into the story to a point where I lose immersion. If I get to pick an element and style, I feel as if I have more control and the transformation doesn't rob me of options in the same way.
is that just a megaman.exe figure or is it a joke based on megaman heads being extra lives
Most are different enough from their classic counterparts that they would require radical redesigns or their throwback designs would still be significant redesigns to the point that you may as well not bother.
>Wanna see my impersonation of a PET's grandfather?
>OK, sure!
This one is fucking gold
>That's not the patched version.
Are you blind, or just stupid?
>Nope, there's no Falzar patched.
Ah, okay. You're just stupid.
Respect man. I love MMBN4 as well.
Give us another navicust window that exclusively deals with styles.
No you don't
Yes, I fucking do. It gave me my favorite NetNavi of all time VideoMan
This. /jp/ shit needs to stay in their containment board. I want to talk about MMBN, MMSF, and ONLY MMBN and MMSF. No wonder Yea Forums is fucking cancer.
Hey, do you have a link to everything translated and finished with Shanghai.EXE so far?
Found a Japanese Falzar rom and added a mod that translated the text to the English version, changing SpoutMan's name back to AquaMan and adding the Boktai/Postgame stuff.
New to emulating so hopefully this stuff works out well.